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Assignment on Omantel Telecommunications company

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1700

 Omantel Telecommunications company

This report provides an analysis by Oman Tel and chronologically illustrates the picture of new offerings that will support Omanis' current and future efforts and serve as a useful tool for both the private and public sectors, as well as for governments and organizations. There are significant and dynamic changes in the labor market in terms of motivation, ideal careers, goals, and approaches to employment.

With the maturity, exposure, affordability, and excellence of broadband Internet, the worldwide telecommunications setting has changed beyond acknowledgment in the earlier period of the last decade. The traditional description of telecommunications is developing fast and is affecting away from usual right to be heard and SMS, messenger and telephone call in the direction of "data connection". In 2017, the worldwide telecommunications marketplace sustained its fast change from the supply of "consistent plans or persons" that help to consistent lifestyle, society, community, and economy of the worldwide.

In an ideal world, this huge and enormous growth or enlargement in the Internet and information use should also have given operators significant returns growth. "However, the realism is entirely different, because the expansion in data practice does not lead to a corresponding growth in sales. In adding up, revenues from voice and sell messaging are life form offset by the rising and developing track of effective infrastructure, which are mostly supported by free Oman Tel (OT) Company (Al-Raisi, 2017).

To theorize about innovation and creativity

The theory always links with a phenomenon, here in this report the theory that link with motivation and creativity in employees. We know that there are differences in creativity in different cultures. It has an important force on organizational practices. It also has influenced global deal and financial development. In this report theorizing and investigate in this observe has lagged at the back on realistic needs. This large gap between examining and practice has led to the recurrent call to disburse more become aware of tradition, cultural and traditional differences and creativeness.

Particularly, Morris & Leung stated that the similarities and dissimilarities in creativity developed between north, east, south, and west. In terms of personal creativity, imagination, create with innovation and theory focused on enlightening differences different societies, e.g. how tasks and community contexts restrained the relationship between the cultural values ​​of the individual (for example, individualism/collectivism, the removal of power and the evading of hesitation) and creativity.

Challenges and opportunities in promoting organizational creativity and innovation

In every organization, different factors influence the organization, here when we analyze the Oman Tel, various external factors affect the organization such as rigid intervention, and macroeconomic, etc. These factors exert constant force and create a sense of stress on operators' incomes and productivity inside the framework of Oman Tel

(a) The liberalization of the predetermined broadband action

(b) Add to in taxes and charges.

(c) The hold up in business expenditure in response to the current economic slowdown.

Innovation is very important in the workplace but creativity has connected the term with innovation. The organization has developed more and more important determinants that have a sense of creativity. Innovations that increase the organizational performance in the market and the output organization get the achievement and long-term continued existence. When companies try to employ the data or facts and suggestions of their workers, it goes without saying that the procedure of generating and implementing ideas has to turn into a source of clear spirited benefit (Anderson, & Nijstad, 2004).

Despite the challenging environment, Oman Tel maintains its position in the global market leader in the predetermined and itinerant segment. We carry on to a focal point on increasing and improvement of our system to meet rising system treatment and excellence, and to provide an improved check to clients (Maguire, Ojiako, & Said, 2010).

Also, Oman Tel focuses further on building customer faithfulness and this company optimizing convenient expenses to uphold productivity. Throughout the years 2016-2017, we managed to attain investments through a variety of expenditure optimization methods, resulting from (a) well-organized use of capital (b) reengineering of process, (c) a restructured supplier management and Network result. Modernization is the part of the system, etc. Oman Tel will carry on optimizing its costs in 2018 due to several identified initiatives.

Barriers to creativity and innovation in organizations

In the mind creativity and innovation are multifaceted, we can say as these are consisting of multi-stage. Now a day, Oman Tel has focused on emerging phenomena that increase and extend over instance and need knowledge management to make the best use of the profit of enhanced and better conduct of functioning. Over the past 30 to 40 years, considerable research has been built on four detailed methods to levels of investigation – e.g., the person, the employment team, managerial and multi-level methods - in quite a few disciplines inside the sciences of the management. The purpose of this overview is to internationally put together these results via the company Oman Tel (Prakash, and Mathew,  2014).

Critical Analysis of Oman Tel

In Oman Tel, economic growth in the Sultanate remained under stress in 2017 due to the sustained decline in oil prices, lower expenditure and weak public expenditure. In these circumstances, this macroeconomic state of affairs, insist on telecommunications forces continued to be below pressure. Furthermore, the increase in pressure of government license cost from 7% to 12% while rising profits duty had an important impact on our profitability in 2017.

To increase the value of Oman Tel for shareholders from side to side non-organic enlargement, Oman Tel has long-drawn-out its functioning presence thanks to the successful international attainment of planned actions in the Zain group. In the mid of 2017, Oman Tel finalized the attainment of 21 % of Zain's stake for a whole of 845 million (2.2 billion dollars). Consequently, the Oman Tel Group is Zain's is a competitor in the second shareholder with the organizing of the get all control of directors (Stalinska, et al., 2018).

This gaining will allow Oman Tel to establish itself as the development of a new digital power plant in the area, which will add to the success of our digitization plan. It is expected that this transaction is to bring long-term financial profit to Oman Tel shareholders. It also expected that the government as our outlook for intra-group in the sell and comprehensive segments start to become visible. As a result of this attainment, Oman Tel has become the third main telecommunications group in the Oman region; it also serves 10 markets and has more than 51 million clients (Rajasekar, and Al Raee, 2013).

The attainment is financed by a mixture of long-standing loans and link loans. Oman Tel is looking for a means to put back the ease of transition with long-term capital market instruments.

The Oman Tel company has pursued an antagonistic force that used wholesale plans over the years to take benefit of the worldwide phenomenon of the huge growth in communication and connectivity. In recent years, Oman Tel has to turn into a competition in the world market as a wholesale telecommunications company in the Arab region. In the world, Oman Tel is known as the leader and also are considered a leader in marine wire network and attract leading worldwide comfortable providers by creating and hosting their regional and local hubs.

Conclusion of Omantel Telecommunications company

After the critical analysis of Oman Tel, it is concluded that Oman Tel has a contribution in quite a lot of global submarine cable systems that are complemented by several direct worldly relations in our collection. Oman Tel has more than 12 worldwide underwater cable landings. Furthermore, Oman Tel has the right to use to 20 marine cable systems approximately in the world that attaches all continents in the world. Due to this reason, the Sultanate of Oman become one of the most connected and associated places in the state; furthermore, it has an attractive and gorgeous global hub as the entry to the Gulf.

Inside controls are carried out regularly. Oman Tel has a connection that integrated network communications that provides complete reporting and exposure across Oman and internationally. The 3G service and 4G service / LTE cellular system covers 98% and 91% of the people, in that order. Oman Tel business is known as they have been tested verified and improved the quality of LTE.

Recommendations of Omantel Telecommunications company

Based on critical analysis researcher make recommendations which would improve this feasibility of Oman Tel. Analysis of Oman Tel data shows that there are several emerging trends in the Omani telecommunications sector which are driving some changes in Oman Tel. Oman Tel has a lot to offer to respond to these new trends. Employees have only limited knowledge and knowledge of total quality management and that there is a substantial need to implement total quality management in Oman Tel. However, certain driving forces could facilitate this implementation. Oman Tel will maintain its position in the world market leader and turnover growth that was 2.6% in 2019, it going to exceed 618 million in 2017. Oman Tel should focus on the more attractive innovation in telecommunication, promote more excellence cost optimization and effective network planning.

References of Omantel Telecommunications company:

Al-Raisi, A.M., 2017. The feasibility of introducing total quality management in Oman     Telecommunication Company (OMAN TEL) (Doctoral dissertation, Sheffield Hallam     University,).

Maguire, S., Ojiako, U. and Said, A., 2010. ERP implementation in Omantel: a case          study. Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Rajasekar, J. and Al Raee, M., 2013. An analysis of the telecommunication industry in the            Sultanate of Oman using Michael Porter's competitive strategy model. Competitiveness             Review: An International Business Journal.

Prakash, A. and Mathew, R., 2014. A study on the financial evaluation of the performance of the telecommunication sector concerning Omantel and Nawras. Asian Journal of         Multidimensional Research (AJMR)3(8), pp.1-14.

Stalinska, A., Al Hooti, I., Al Wahaibi, M., Al Hamrashdi, A. and Al Maashri, L., 2018.   Application of different tools of analysis of the external and internal business         environment    and identification of business strategy.

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