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Report on Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 4450

Abstract of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

            Several organizations always focus to manage their resources to grow their business by reducing their time on the production, minimizing their cost on every product as well as increasing the cost-effective production. It can be difficult task for many companies because the manual systems are not very effective to management all types of resources of the company as well as the manual system to manage the resources of the company can make the growth of the company challenging. To overcome from such types of challenges, the inventory management software application is proposed for organizations that has the ability to manage the resources of the company in very effective manners. The inventory management has three types which are discussed further in the document below. The inventory management software can effectively analyze expenses, sales as well as all kinds of the financial reports. By the use of such inventory software applications also have the ability to make the business of the company grow as well as effective to increase the profitability of company by generating high customer satisfaction.

Introduction of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

            Every company in the world is now focusing to manage their inventory as well as the data of company for the better management. It is because the inventory management is very important as well as very effective to provide help companies and their business development teams to grow the business by managing and using their resources in the effective way. The document is providing the brief information about the inventory management system as well as how the inventory management system can be helpful to increase productivity including profitability of the organization.

            The inventory in the organization refers to the raw materials, the working performance and progress under the stages as well as the finished products. In this document, all of the important information of the inventory management system is provided including the classification. The inventory management system is very important for every organization and some of the important things are also included in this study. In the importance of inventory management system, the system is used into the organizations to improve the accuracy of production process, to keep the inventory products organized with the improved strategies, as well as to save the monetary resources of the organization and better management of time.

            There are three types of inventory management provided in this document which are: Bar-code inventory management, periodic inventory management as well as continuous inventory management. Some significant inventory management as well as inventory control system are also discussed. The inventory management system has some key challenges which are provided in this document. The proposed solution to manage the inventory items of the company is to introduce the inventory management software that has the ability to manage the resources, analyze the finance of the company including profits and consumptions of the company. The system has also the ability to maintain the supply as well as to estimate the risks.

Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

1.      What is Inventory?

The contribution of any product is required to be measured in social welfare, although it is important at the same time it is a difficult process to be carried out. Production is a process of fabrication of any physical object such as equipment, material, solids and liquids. Inventory define an accounting term that refers to the products that undergo through the multistage for the final product to be ready for sales. Inventory is a number of products that are stored by the production sector with the intention of resale, raw materials and other components (Katanamrp. com, 2020).

The inventory contains items at different stages such as finished goods (to be sold), work in progress (under the stages) and raw material (to be used for the goods). In the production and economy system, inventories are considered as major components of consideration such as management, planning, and control for the achievement. The basic aim of keeping inventories is to minimize the cost of the product up to the acceptable investment levels and to provide desired levels of customer services. Keeping well managed and maintained inventory helps in decoupling the demand and supply by developing a buffer stock and build up the anticipation stocks that meet expected and planned demands. For instance, the computer manufacturing company keep motherboard in the warehouse to be used in the next assembling process (Meredith & Shafer, 2009).  

2.      Classification of Inventory of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Inventory is mainly the sum of all items that can be used in the business. Inventory consists of material that is directly related to the manufacturing process and it includes items that are most likely to be sold and the items that are intended to sell in the future. On the basis of conditions and types, inventory can be classified into two main types including merchandise inventory and manufacturing inventory. Merchandise industry consists of trading goods that are held by the trader (Waller & Esper, 2014).

On the other hand, the manufacturing inventory is further sub-categorized in five main types including raw material, work in progress, finished goods, packing materials, and manufacturing inventory. The further classification includes different bases that are goods in transit, decoupling inventory, buffer stock, anticipatory stock, and cycle inventory (Waller & Esper, 2014; Meredith & Shafer, 2009). Raw materials are the components that are used to produce the final item. Work in progress consider items that are in the process and becoming products. Finished goods are products that are finalized after all process and completed to be sold. In order to explain the concept of inventory, let's have a look at the candle making process. In this example, raw material would be colours, wicks and wax. The work in progress can be defined as shaping and colouring process of wax. The final product here is the fully formed candle with a wick on its top side. Here, different types of wax and colours are used to provide different candles (E-financemanagement. com, 2020).

Most of the raw material is kept in defined places for the later use. Some other types of inventories are goods in transit, buffer inventory, anticipatory inventory, decoupling stock, and cycle inventory (E-financemanagement. com, 2020; Waller & Esper, 2014). The flow chart provided below in figure 1 define all the types of inventories and standard classification of inventories in different categories.

Figure 1: flowchart defining types of inventories (E-financemanagement. com, 2020)

3.      Inventory Management

Inventory control and management is a process of keeping accurate and proper records of all the items in the warehouse. Inventory control is related to consider where the inventory is and how to travel to the exact location for timely manufacturing of the finished products. Proper inventory management fits all considerations in the bigger picture. This considers the cost of carrying and purchasing the rate material and cost of inventory processing. Inventory control is basically logistic and organization of the inventory that is operational (Narayan & Subramanian, 2009). Inventory control ensures that the product is effective enough to be profitable. The aims of inventory management are listed below,

1.      To improve the accuracy of the production process and to fulfil the cycle.

2.      To keep the items organized in the space with a maximum effective strategy.

3.      To cut down the waste by considering the transportation time to bring items and carrying costs.

4.      To save money as well as time and it helps in improving the production process and lower the time required for production.

Inventory management aligns the types of inventories and combines them in an effective and creative way to finish the products and deliver to customers with increasing customer satisfaction. The other benefits of inventory management are saving money, resources, and time by lowering the stress levels. The positive outcomes ensure 100% customer satisfaction by providing services in the estimated time (Katanamrp. com, 2020). The benefits of inventory management are listed below,

1.      Proper inventory management can improve feasibility for the organization and improve through efficient and effective management of the resources.

2.      Inventory management control system provides adequate use of the materials at the optimum level of material investment.

3.      Management ensures that any action taken from the procumbent of the resources is accurate and prevent from stock running out.

4.      Inventory management minimizes loss and maximizes wealth. While the maximization of the wealth can be obtained from the fulfilment of stockholder interest.

5.      Effective inventory controls are essentials to maintain the cost of products and to help in increasing the return rate on the investment (Meredith & Shafer, 2009).

4.      Types of Inventory Management

The approach of inventory management is to keep track of the flow of inventory. Initially, it considers the procurement of products, warehouse, and continues to keep the records of inflow and outflow of the raw material to reach the requirements of manufacturing units. The process can be completed in different ways such as automated methods and manual system (Mercado, 2007). After the raw material is reached, the management is supposed to ensure counting, receiving, sorting, storage, arrangement, and keeping items on the defined places. The implementation of inventory management requires different processes and considerations such as cost, utility, budget and accessibility.

The inventory management considers different forms of inventory along with the critical selection of optimized storage practices. However, the simple classification of inventory management is illustrated in figure 2. According to this classification, inventory management can be categorized into three types of inventory management including continuous inventory management, periodic inventory management, and bar code inventory management (Bose, 2006). Some other types of inventory management system are perpetual management method and an RFID tagging system. Here we will discuss three main and commonly used types of inventory management.

Figure 2:Types of inventory management

1.      Continuous inventory management

In the case of continuous inventory management, it provides a link between radiofrequency and barcode identification. The identification of items by radiofrequency and barcode system helps in keeping digital records. The other types of information stored by this system are the point of sales, accounting inventory system, traces of the path, tracking inventory movement, and inventory received. This type of management is highly beneficial for the digital accounting process. Such kind of inventory management is perpetual inventory management (Waller & Esper, 2014).

2.      Periodic inventory management     

In the periodic inventory management, the process is used to determine the closing value of the inventory. This process use ledger at the end of each financial year. Such kind of inventory management depends on the need for organization and analyzed quarterly. The process is, however, time consuming because each item in the inventory is counted physically (Meredith & Shafer, 2009).

3.      Bar code inventory management

The bar code inventory management system is the simplified and digital version of keeping records of the items. This system provides information about the recent number of items and stock remaining in the inventory through a single click on the computer device. The computer based software is used in the process that is enabled by the scanning of barcodes and maintain the track of all the flow of inventory, purchasing, and sales (Narayan & Subramanian, 2009).

4.      Key Objectives of Inventory Management

Inventory management is an essential process and system in the manufacturing companies to keep the inventory handling cost under the control of an organization as well as to ensure availability of inventory at the desired level which does not increase inventory handling cost for the organization. In this section, key objectives of inventory management system in the manufacturing organization are stated. While working on inventory management system, inventory managers consider the following objectives in their mind.

i)                   To keep control on the continuous supply of raw material and finished goods inventory in the organization (or outside the organization) to keep production system unaffected from the irregular or excessive inventory demand or supply at any stage.

ii)                 To ensure the elimination of duplication in replenishing stocks or ordering stocks. Inventory management team work on it by taking the help of centralizing purchases.

iii)               To keep balance in the stock-level while avoiding the situations of under-stocking of inventory and over-stocking of inventory.

iv)               To maintain the funds invented in the inventories at the optimal level as required by the activities done in operational departments and sales department of a manufacturing organization.

5.      Example of Inventory Management

In this section, ant example is shared for the inventory management systems in the manufacturing organization. Inventory management system is highly important in an organization however when it comes to the manufacturing sector its importance automatically increases. In manufacturing organization, profit margin and company’s reputation directly depend upon the efficiency and effectiveness of inventory management employed in the organization. For instance, if a football manufacturing company “ABC Football” fails to management optimal inventory level in the organization then they will have to face financial issues.

Take the example of under-stocking. In case of insufficient inventory available in the warehouses ABC Football Company would not be able to meet a new order quickly. They would have to manufacture required level of inventory to meet the market order. Moreover, it is also possible that while fulfilling the order of a new client they face disruptions to meet the regular orders because of shortage of inventory available to sell in the market.

However, in case of overstocking, company would be able to meet such new orders immediately which will benefit in monetary terms. But in the main time, excessive inventory handling will cost more inventory handling cost then it was required. Moreover, inventory damages and other uncertainties are also associated with such inventory handling practices. Consequently, it can be said that ABC Football Company does not afford to keep understock of inventory or overstock of inventory. Although, company need proper inventory management system that keep an optimal inventory level in the organization while considering the probability of uncertainties and new orders from the market.

6.      Inventory Management and Inventory Control System

Inventory management and inventory control systems are two different terms with almost similar activities. Inventory and stock both are similar to each other. Inventory management and inventory control both terms can be used interchangeably. However, unlike with inventory and stock, equating inventory management and control is inaccurate. The term inventory control is mainly used to represent one part for the broader inventory management discipline. In other words, inventory control is an activity to be done in the inventory management systems. Inventory control is mainly about getting knowledge of where the whole or partial inventory is place and ensure the inventory traveling to the right place in the organization or outside the organization. In inventory control systems, employees working on this duty find a suitable place to store inventory and keep records of timely manufactured finished goods inventory in the manufacturing organizations.

Somehow, the term inventory management is a representation of big picture about inventory handling, keeping, and transportation. Inventory management also consider cost of inventory management and handling. For instance, how much a manufacturing company will cost for the shipment and freight of inventory. Moreover, inventory management also consider the overhead processing cost for inventory and finished goods in an organization after the manufacturing process is complete. Furthermore, inventory management is also concerned with the production efficiency rather than focusing on logistics only. It makes sure that inventory level and inventory handling systems all fits in the business plan and align with success metrics.

 Consequently, inventory management system in an manufacturing organization include activities such as order fulfillment cycle, improving accuracy of manufacturing cycles, inventory organization, inventory space management, cutting down cost on waste concerned with inventory (e.g. carrying costs, and transport time), and improving production time for the finalization of finished goods in the inventory of a manufacturing organization. Therefore, relating inventory management to inventory control system we can say that inventory control system is a step or level in inventory management if we develop a hierarchy of to be done activities in the inventory management process.

7.      Inventory Management in manufacturing sector vs Retailing and Ecommerce

Inventory management in manufacturing sector is more crucial and difficult as compared to inventory management practices in ecommerce and retailing sector. In the manufacturing organization, inventory is not limited to finished goods inventory or ready to sell inventory goods only. The raw material and in-process goods are also included in the inventory management system of manufacturing organizations. While on the other hand, in retailing and e-commerce sectors, organizations are only concerned with the availability of required ready-to sell inventory or product stock in general terms. For instance, an organization of manufacturing Footballs will have to manage inventory of raw materials (e.g. fabric, dying colors, stitching treads), in-process inventory (e.g. football which are partially completed and require more work to be shifted in the ready to sell inventory warehouse), and finished goods inventory (e.g. football packed and labelled). However, a retail or ecommerce website selling that same footballs will have to manage inventory of ready to sell footballs only (Shenvi, 2019).

Retailer and e-commerce websites are required to just keep the records of available inventory and ensure availability of required inventory level in their stock and warehouses. Furthermore, inventory management team in the manufacturing sector also liable to keep calculating of cost associated with inventory at each stage of supply chain. Somehow, in e-commerce and retailing sector, inventory management team (also known as stock handling team) will keep records of purchase order and warehouse cost to calculate inventory management cost. Additionally, retailers or e-commerce website no longer take interest in the inventory level of a manufacturing company. While on the other hand, manufacturing companies take interest in the available inventory levels and inventory sold records of e-commerce websites and retailer for their selected products to understand demand trends in the market and to keep running their production system in accordance with the forecast of required inventory in future by the retailers and e-commerce websites.

8.      Inventory Management Challenges

Inventory management process in manufacturing sector is full of challenges. Uncertainties and forecasting errors draw huge impact on the financial outcomes of the manufacturing organization. Although, challenges are also linked with carrying the optimal level of inventory in the warehouses. Inventory management challenges section of this report is consist of several important challenges associated with the inventory management practices in the manufacturing organizations. See the following list of key challenges linked with the inventory management process which are required to be considered by the inventory management or handling team for keeping inventory cost at minimum possible level and avoid disruptions (Daniel, 2020).

1)      Maintaining Optimal Inventory Levels

Managing optimal inventory levels in the manufacturing companies is very difficult as it also depends upon other external environmental factors as well. For instance, supplier of raw materials also influence the situation of raw material inventory in an organization. In order to keep optimal level of raw materials in the manufacturing company, inventory management team is required to collect raw material within tine. However, sometimes supplier’s delay the delivery of their orders as result of which they cause challenging situation for the inventory management team in a manufacturing organization as production process directly depends upon the availability of required raw material. The unavailability of raw materials because of a delay by supplier may cause a huge loss to a manufacturing organization or they may have to take material from another supplier at relatively higher prices because of immediate need.

2)Misplaced Inventory Items

          A common problem with an inventory system design is a failure to include methods for cross-referencing the locations of inventory items. Misplaced inventory items also generate challenging situations for the inventory management team. Inventory management team is not only required to control cost and ensure proper warehouse inventory control but they also required to ensure the arrangement of inventory in the warehouses of a company. For instance, a poor arrangement of available raw material or finished goods inventory will create disruptions in meeting the requirement of the manufacturing company. As a proper arrangement of inventory reduce wastes of time and energy to secure a higher profit margin similar to this misplaced inventory reduces profit margin for the overall business operations because of increase in the inventory management cost. Thus, misplaced inventory items is a key challenge for the manufacturing organization.

3)      Inaccurate Needs Analysis

Inventory management team decide optimal inventory level based on the forecasted requirement for inventory in future. Sometimes wrong estimation and inaccurate forecasting can cause challenging situations in the inventory management. For instance, underestimated requirement or demand of inventory will create difficulties for the inventory management team to fulfill the internal (inter departmental orders for raw materials and in-process inventory or external orders (market demand for ready-to sell products).

4)      Market Uncertainties

Market uncertainties such as artificial and natural disasters also influence the inventory management process in the manufacturing organizations. For instance, delay in the delivery of raw material because of road deranges caused by flood or earth quack.

9.      Proposed Solutions and Software for Inventory Management

The above stated challenges are critically linked with the financial outcomes and profitability of the manufacturing organization. Appropriate inventory management system result in the increase of probability for higher profit margin. While similarly disruption and failed inventory management system are critical for the profitability and reputation of the company. This section is consist of some suggested solutions for the above identified challenges and other common challenges in the inventory management system. Moreover, some software are recommended for the manufacturing companies to keep inventory management system appropriate and successful.

                   I.            Accounting Records of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Manufacturing organizations should keep up-dating their accounting records of inventory account that can support them in improving inventory management and control system in organization. Further, authentic and audited inventory cost calculations can support them in identifying the processes and stages at which inventory handling cost is required to be controlled.

                II.            Physical Count of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Manufacturing organizations sometimes ignore the importance of physical count while over relaying on the use of inventory management software for record keeping. However, an organization should ensure physical count as well for a clear idea about actual inventory available in warehouses. Physical count will reduce misunderstanding because of system error in inventory tracking.

             III.            Inventory Level of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

The primary objective of inventory management control is to determine and maintain an optimal level of inventory, which helps free some investment capital and reduce inventory holding and handling costs. Manufacturing organizations should keep optimal level of inventory in the organization for production and to be supplied in the market.

             IV.            Inventory Quality of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Inventory quality should be also taken into consideration while keeping stock or inventory in the warehouses. Products which can get damages should be kept at the safe place in warehouses to avoid damages which can increase inventory handling cost. For instance, a furniture making company should not keep glass materials with wood and steel materials to ensure breakage and damages at minimum levels.

                V.            Continuous Supply of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

To avoid challenges related to delay in supplies of raw materials inventory management team should ensure a continuous supply for the company. Suppliers should be sent advance orders with flexibility of delay in delivery. Optimal inventory management system can support in avoiding such hand to mouth condition in manufacturing organizations.

             VI.            Risk Estimation of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Uncertainties and risk factors should be considered while planning for the inventory supplies and purchases. Weather conditions draw huge impact therefore management team should keep into consideration about weather forecasts.

          VII.            Inventory Tracking and Monitoring System

Although, use of software can also make tracking and monitoring system easy for the inventory management team. A suggested software for inventory management is Optel. Optel software keep records in the cloud that can be easily accessed in different areas of an organization while keeping records and viewing inventory requirements in different departments for future use. Another suggested software for inventory management are Ordoro and Fishbowl.

Conclusion of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

            The whole discussion concludes that the most and critical process in any company or corporation is its inventory management. Inventory in the manufacturing organization is consist of three different types including raw materials, work-in process, and finished goods inventory. The managers of warehouses have to bear a lot of difficulties to get the best benefits from inventory. It may involve the functions from decreasing the cost of goods carried out and to make sure that the goods are enough to perform the job on its specific time. If the inventory managers are performing their jobs effectively it means for sure the company will succeed.  Effective inventory management is a key term to produce huge profit. The benefits of the inventory management system are to improve the accuracy of the production process and to fulfil the cycle, to keep the items organized in the space with a maximum effective strategy, to cut down the waste by considering the transportation time to bring items and carrying costs as well as to save money as well as time and it helps in improving the production process and lower the time required for production. In the importance of inventory management system, the system is used into the organizations to improve the accuracy of production process, to keep the inventory products organized with the improved strategies, as well as to save the monetary resources of the organization and better management of time. It is also concluded that by the use of such inventory software applications also have the ability to make the business of the company grow as well as effective to increase the profitability of company by generating high customer satisfaction. 

References of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Organizations

Bose, D. C. (2006). INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. PHI Learning Pvt.


E-financemanagement. com. (2020). Types of Inventory / Stock. Retrieved from efinancemanagement.com: https://efinancemanagement.com/costing-terms/types-of-inventory-stock

Katanamrp. com. (2020). Inventory Management: The Ultimate Guide for Modern Manufacturers. Retrieved from katanamrp.com: https://katanamrp.com/inventory-management-guide

Mercado, E. C. (2007). Hands-On Inventory Management. CRC press .

Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2009). Operations Management For Mbas. Wiley India Pvt. Limited.

Narayan, P., & Subramanian, J. (2009). Inventory Management-principles and Practices. Excel books .

Shenvi, K. (2019). Essential Inventory Management Techniques for Manufacturers. Retrieved from www.manufacturing.net: https://www.manufacturing.net/software/blog/13251056/essential-inventory-management-techniques-for-manufacturers

Waller, M. A., & Esper, T. L. (2014). The Definitive Guide to Inventory Management: Principles and Strategies for the Efficient Flow of Inventory Across the Supply Chain. Pearson Education.

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