Introduction of Muscat Bank
Bank Must is a well-known financial institution in the Sultanate of
Oman. The bank is providing conventional and Islamic commercial banking
services to its clients. The bank is providing the loans, deposits and credit
cards to their customers. Bank Muscat is providing the corporate banking
services, retail banking services and treasury services to their clients. The
bank is serving its clients by providing private banking and asset management
services. In 2018, Bank Muscat had a worth of $31.9 billion. Bank has the
largest set up in Oman for covering a large number of people by more than 150
branches. The bank has international operational with various representative
offices in multiple countries. The bank has remained as “Best Bank in Oman” for
more than seven years. In 2009, the bank was announced as “Best Bank in Middle
East” for employers (Bank Muscat, 2020).
CEO Sheikh
Waleed Khamis Al Hashar
Revenue $1.5 billion (2018)
Net Income $469 million (2018)
Net Employees 3, 779
Bank Muscat was founded in 1982, and now bank is providing direct
and indirect services to their clients or customers in market. The bank has a
presence in six states of Gulf, and its focus is on handling the financial
institutions and trading business activities in market. The Bank Muscat is
controlling their commercial operations in Dubai, Singapore, India, Pakistan
and Saudi Arabia. In 2007, Bank Muscat leadership applied the “Equator
Principles” for regulating their banking tracks and chase projects in markets. Bank
Muscat has large number of shareholders inside and outside of Oman as Oman
Sultanate has 23.6% shares. Bank with larger operations has a complex structure
for decision making or policy implementation (Bank Muscat, 2020).
Problem Statement or Framed Problem of
Muscat Bank
In recent time, Bank Muscat is managing or handling large set up in
various regions or countries of world. Bank Muscat is managing the operations
of corporate banking, retail banking services, investment banking, treasury
operations, private banking and asset management services. Bank Muscat is
managing these operations with 3, 779 employees and with more than 150 branches
in Oman (Bank Muscat, 2020). The bank management
is also managing more than six countries operations with their offices like as,
Bank Muscat Branch in Riyadh, Saudi
Bank Muscat Branch in Kuwait
Bank Muscat representative branch
office in Dubai
Bank Muscat representative branch
office in UAE
Bank Muscat representative branch
office in Singapore
Bank Muscat representative branch
office in India
Bank Muscat representative branch
office in Pakistan (11.8% shares in Silk bank, Pakistan)
Bank Muscat management is dealing with various or diverse working
activities in banking sector. Bank management determined that bank employee’s loss
in their efficiency. Management assessed that workers are not meeting with
working expectations. It founded that employee efficiency resulted in shape of
an inability to meet with the advance customer demands. Customers want
efficient services or advance services or have fast working expectations. But
employees are not working efficiently and has slow progress on working. In a
result, customers or clients are disappointing due to slow process in handling
operations (Bank Muscat, 2020).
This poses a major risk on various banking operations because slow
process or inability to meet customer demand has negative impacts. Bank Muscat
employees are not quickly resolving the issues of customers. It has negative
impacts on customer satisfaction and also has loss of customer satisfaction. Due
to this issue, Bank Muscat other operations are also effecting as clients'
needs or demands are not focusing on management (Forbes, 2020).
Identifying an Issue in Our Organization of
Muscat Bank
Bank Muscat is providing banking services to its customers in Oman
and other countries. Bank management engages the clients or customers for
earning more and more profitability. Management is focusing on their
operational activities and management of various functions. Management is
managing the following segments like as,
Corporate banking
Consumer banking
Wholesale banking
Investment banking
Asset management
Private banking
International and Islamic banking
Bank Muscat management is focusing on corporate segments, and it
has major responsibility for providing financial solutions to their clients or
customers. Management is dealing with corporate affairs, projects, and it
provides structural support for finance. The purpose of corporate services is
to provide card and ex-pat services to clients. Management provides services to
accounts, deposits, loans, mortgages and money transfer to clients. The bank
has revenue $1.5 Billion, assets of $31.9 billion and has to profit of $469
million (Abuzid, 2017).
Bank Muscat management has responsivity for managing the various
operations and make decisions for solving the problems. In handling multiple
issues, management is covering corporate and consumer banking. Management
assists their clients in making wholesale and investment in various sectors.
While managing large setup, some weak points have effects on influence on
business operations. One major issue in organization is that employee is not
meeting the efficiency standards. The employees are losing their efficiency due
to diverse functions in market. It has long-lasting impacts on company managing
affairs and handling issues. Employee efficiency has impacts on all other
departments or functions in organizations as it lowering down the employee or
organization performance (Ahmad Habib, 2010).
Problem Connection with Organizational
Operations or Process Management
Muscat Bank management has determined a loss in efficiency as
employees are not meeting the work expectations due to diverse functions. “It
has resulted in the inability of Muscat Bank to meet customer demands”. This
problem or issue has impacts on various organizational functions. It has bad
impacts on customer satisfaction and has a bad reputation of our organization.
The problem or issue of loss in efficiency has a strong connection with other
organizational operations or process of management (Ahmad, 2002). These
organizational operations are like as,
Problems Impacts on People of Muscat Bank
People are most important for an organization as these are skilful
or professional for handling banking operations. People are organized and
managed by department like "human resource" in an organization. Human
resource department is responsible for hiring the best brains for organization
for increasing productivity or profitability of an organization. The people in
an organization has a mark of "asset". People that are professional
or skilled employees are more responsible for managing affairs or solving
issues (Alam, 2013).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The loss in efficiency of employees has negative impacts on people
working inside organization and people that are organizational customers. The
problem “loss in efficiency of employees” has impacts on operational process. All
the working process revolve around the people. People have dynamic role in
growth and development of an organization.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution has strong positive impacts on people for increasing
the efficiency of people. People have loosed their efficiency for various
reasons but after solving their issue. The solution to the problem has strong
impacts on training people for improving their professional skills.
Problems Impacts on Team & Company
In an organization, people work as a team, especially in a banking
organization. In the banking sector, people are connecting with each other by
technology and for working. In banking, the client needs to perform various
functions for making transactions for receiving or delivering money. People
needed to perform various steps for completing the process in a cycle. From
lower-level managers to moving upward, senior managers have duty for signing,
countersigning and verification for completing transactions. Therefore, in a
banking organization, people connected with each other for performing the same
task. The loss in efficiency of employees has strong impacts on other team
members in the company (Atreyi Kankanhalli, 2006).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The management of Bank Muscat determined that the loss in
efficiency has strong negative impacts on team working. The problem has various
other issues that are associated with a team. The loss in efficiency also slow
down the efficiency of other employees in team, and it also slows down the
banking process. It also becomes cause of losing the organizational performance
in financial sector.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution has positive impacts on organizational performance and
on customer satisfaction. It's mean more satisfied clients and more
profitability. The solution to the problem has positive impacts on increasing
financial services. It is contributing to making effective team working.
Problems/Solution Impacts on Performance of
Muscat Bank
The loss in efficiency of employees in Bank Muscat has impacts on
performance of organization. People in organization are connecting for
performing in the private and corporate banking sector. Performance is a key to
change the organizational growth and development. Performance is key strategies
and to handle the process of networking. The overall organizational performance
has impacts on increasing or expanding corporate operations (ISLAMIC
BANKING, 2015).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The major problem is with employees as management has determined
that employees are losing their efficiency in working and did not meet with
expected organizational performance. It has generated various risks, especially
the loss in employee's performance and organizational performance. Its mean
loss in profitability or loss in business.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution has positive impacts on employee performance and
organizational performance. Organizational performance is observed form its
revenue generations or productivity in a year. Employee performance is
monitored and evaluated as it has positive impacts on organizational
profitability. It helps in improving employee efficiency in working or dealing
with clients in a limited time.
Problems/Solution Impacts on Leadership of
Muscat Bank
Leadership in an organization has the most important and effective
role in managing affairs. Banking organizations have a leading role in the
financial sector for supporting the industry. Leadership set goals and
objectives for an organization and set the direction for growth or development.
Therefore, leadership has a substantial role in analyzing the market and
business development. The loss in efficiency of employees also has impacts or
influence on organizational leadership (Wright Thomas A. & Russell
Cropanzano, 2000).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The problems have negative impacts on the leadership of an
organization. It has bad impacts on the goals and objectives of an organization
developed by leadership. It has negative impacts as leadership efforts are
becoming invalid and losing their influence in market.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution to the problem has positive impacts on leadership
efforts for organizational growth and development. The major positive impacts
or influence is on leadership business development efforts as employee’s
efficiency supports it.
Problems/Solution Impacts on Managing Creativity/
The loss in employee efficiency has an influence on other team
members as one slower person has impacts on system. One lazy employee work
disturbs the organizational reputation and influences organizational customers.
Customer satisfaction is key for repeating the business or services. One
innovative or creative mind in organization has impacts on all operations in
banking sector. The creativity or innovation in work or ideas for solving
organizational problems hits the other minds for making efficient. In banking
sector, each person has a strong educational background as educational support
for making creative ideas for increasing the efficiency of employees. Creativity
and innovation do not depend on education or age (Woodworth,
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The problem is with employees as management determined that
employees are losing their efficiency in working. It has negative impacts on
creativity and innovation in an organization. Leadership and management make
their decision for removing problem on a traditional basis and neglecting the
creative or innovative ideas. It has terrible impacts on human psychology and
stops the best brains for joining the organization (Schleicher
Deidra J., 2004).
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution to
the problem has positive impacts on employees and encourage the best brains to
join the organization. It has positive effects on profitability and branding.
Problems/Solution Impacts on Financial Aspects
The loss in efficiency of employees in Bank Muscat has impacts on
financial issues as the customers want a fast delivery system. In the banking
sector, most of the concern is related to cash delivery and receiving. The customers wish to care and fast delivery
of services for managing tasks and in the procedure. The lazy process or
inefficient employees have impacts on customer satisfaction. It has also
impacted on bank revenue generation and their asset management (Sackett,
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The problem has negative impacts on customer minds, and the
dissatisfied customer never repeats business or use services. The unhappy
customer looks for alternative or better services in the same filed. Its mean
loss in financial aspects.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution improves the impacts positively on the financial
aspects of the company. The efficient employee has a proactive role in solving
the issues or problems of clients. It has positive impacts on revenue
Problems/Solution Impacts on Marketing
The marketing department is one of the most important department in
the banking sector for customer dealing. Marketing department presents their
efficient services to their private and corporate customers. Its mean marketing
plan is based on various steps for customer acquisition. The potential customer
from the corporate sector has various banking transactions daily. Marketing
department or sale person sale the unique or efficient services of their banking
organization to their clients (Rothwell William J., 2012).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The loss in employee efficiency and loss in meeting work
expectations have negative impacts on selling services. In the banking sector,
marketing or sale person just sale their services. The lazy staff flops the
efforts for attracting the customers.
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution of the problem has positive impacts on the marketing
dimensions. It influences people and increases the number of customers (Robescu,
Problems/Solution Impacts on Business Strategy
The loss in efficiency in working has impacts on business
strategies and strategic plans. The leadership of an organization develop
business strategies for customer attraction and acquisition. But the loss in
efficiency or lazy staff handling has negative impacts on organizational
performance. The inefficiency and inadequacy of staff have influence or impacts
on business strategy (Olson, 2016).
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The loss in
employee’s efficiency has negative impacts on implementing the business
strategy. It stops the efforts for business development and opportunities.
These are the following points that are important for handling issue like as,
Locating problem
Macro Environment Impacts
Business Models and Strategies
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Problems/Solution Impacts on Operational
The loss in efficiency has strong impacts on operational management
as operational area has major productive works. In Bank Muscat, operational
management has a strong role in motivating the employees for making the best
efforts and monitor the employee attitude for working. Operational managers are
responsible for handling the efficient and fast or smart working for customers (Nyaribo,
Problem Impacts of Muscat Bank
The loss in employee's efficiency has strong and major impacts on
operational services. The operational area is the serving area or it deal
directly with clients. Operational staff is the face of organization. The lazy
or incapable or inefficient employees have negative impacts on production and
on customer satisfaction. The lazy or slow working attitude has negative
impacts on customer satisfaction and on business operations (Nisar Ahmed
Pahore & Faiz. M. Shaikh, 2012). The loss in employee’s
efficiency has impacts or influence on following areas in operational
management like as,
Supply Chain
Operational Management Issues
Solution Impacts of Muscat Bank
The solution
has positive impacts on supply chain, procurement and operational management
issues. It increases the ratio of satisfied customers and business repeating
Varied Approaches for Resolution or Managing
Changes in Organization
There are large number of possible methods or alternative solutions
for handling the issue of loss of employee efficiency. Business management
scholars have solved the inefficiency problems or changes in an organization. The
purpose of using approaches for resolution of problem or managing change in
organization is to increase employee efficiency for working (Jason James
Eberwein, 2019).
These approaches are like as,
Punishing or Penalizing
Motivation of Muscat
Motivation is one important approach in world adopted by
organizational leadership for increasing employee efficiency. Motivation has
psychological impacts and it recharge employees for achieving organizational
Training of Muscat Bank
Training is another approach that is using by organizational
leadership to meet the customer demands. With the advancement in information
and communication technology, e-banking or online banking is also in high
demand. Therefore, training is very important for increasing employee’s
Punishing or Penalizing
The last option is punishing the employees those have poor
efficiency or lazy working. There are various kinds of punishments like as
stopping increments, promotion, demotion in scale or charge, fine and various
other penalties (Kazimoto, 2016).
Theories, Tools and Techniques Applied
The loss in
employee’s efficiency has serious impacts or influence on business operation,
revenue generation, profitability and on customer satisfaction. Therefore,
there are various theories, tools and techniques applied for increasing
employee efficiency.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Fishbone Diagram
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Muscat Bank

Figure 1 RCA
These are the two techniques are applying in this report for
increasing the employee’s efficiency and for covering the issues. These are
simple techniques for applying and no need other or additional resources for

Figure 2 RCA
Fishbone Diagram of Muscat Bank

Figure 3 Fishbone

Figure 4 Fishbone
Appropriate Solutions of Muscat Bank
After the analysis of business organization, Bank Muscat has
performed various functions for resolving issues and improving the efficiency.
There is single solution for improving the efficiency is employees like as
motivational and training techniques (Abuzid, 2017).
Conclusion of Muscat Bank
Form the analysis of data, it concluded that the loss in employee
efficiency has impacts or influences on operational activities. The Bank Muscat
has strong management and market analysis team for business development. It
concluded that loss in efficiency of employees due to various reasons observed.
It observed that Bank Muscat is expanding their business operations in more
than six countries. The bank has 3, 779 employees for managing corporate
banking, retail banking, asset management and private banking. Bank provide
investment advisory for their clients on mergers and acquisitions. Bank Muscat
assigned duties to their employees for management of funds, wealth and
portfolio management. Bank provides guidance to their clients for investments
in private equity and in various sectors. Management is just focusing on
managing their operations and have less attraction in customer demands. Another
impact is that Bank Muscat has a bad reputation as a financial organization.
However, this issue is not more prominent as it cannot be controlled or
managed. There is a need a collective effort and effective plan for knowing the
causes for identifying the root causes of problem for eliminating it.
Recommendations of Muscat Bank
These are the
following recommendation for improving the loss in employee’s efficiency like
Need to motivate employees
Must arrange training sessions for
Must improve selection process for
hiring best brains
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