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Assignment on Human Sexuality Influence

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1000

How does human sexuality influence Greek orthodox religion, media, and the peers around you, and also how does your own personal sexual experience affect your life growing up

There is a great concern of the people that is related to the exposure based on the sexual on the contents and the other data which is showed by the TV channels to the young generation. The electronic media is performing a major role in the potential effects on the adolescence and sexual behaviors of the new generation. According to the studies, it could be demonstrated that the most data is transferred to the new generation through the help of media and TV channels. The researches focus to learn about the connections of the media channels that how these are influencing the religious factor in the Greek Orthodox.  The researchers are reasonably explained that the effects of the exposure should be according to the beliefs and behaviors of the religion relevant to the traditions (Regnerus, Mark, & Regnerus, 2007).

Media and sexuality are connected with each other that could be affect any group of age and considered as valuable. Teenagers might be presented to sexual substance in the media during a formative period when sex actions are being performed, sexual mentalities, and sexual practices are being shaped in the scenes that are made according to the planning to capture the mind of adult. This gathering might be especially in danger when it used to target the young generation and on the grounds that the psychological aptitudes that permit them to fundamentally break down messages from the media and to settle on choices dependent on possible future results are not completely developed.

All things considered in the study about relationship of media and sexuality, adult watchers see 143 episodes of sexual conduct on specific channel TV at prime time each week, with description of three to four folds the number of sexual exercises happening between unmarried accomplices as between spouses. As considered to the ratio of adult videos based on the 80% of all motion pictures appeared on system or satellite TV channels have sexual content (Greenberg, Bruess, & Oswalt, 2014). An investigation of music recordings demonstrates that about 60% represent sexual emotions and driving forces in the people of any group age, and a significant minority show stimulating dress and clearly exciting body movements. Analyses of media content show that sexual messages on TV based all around introduced in a positive light that is based on the sexual movements with little conversation of the potential dangers of unprotected sex and hardly any description of antagonistic results in the movements.

The potential effects based on the religion fact as it is considered on the materiality of the factors working with the cable programming and available in the cassette. The sexuality of the human person plays an important role in the spiritual instructions by God. Other things are perverted to become glorify the image of the God (Berntson, Hoffman, & Luff, 2014).

The body is not meant for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. . . Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two shall become one.” But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him. Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body (1 Cor 6.13–20).

The above teachings are related to the instructions of God that explain about his likeness, his image and his will. The teaching is considered about drinking and eating and other bodily functions. Some researchers take it in wrong faith and misrepresents in the instruments of the sin and death.

As concerned with the consequences of the media and sexuality relationship as far with the adolescence as well as with my own experience, it demonstrate that the media plays an important role to the life of the new generation. It become the reason of increasing the hormone level in the human body and could create different kinds of difficulties for the adults. I have experienced that the teenager learns more from its surroundings and there are more chances to learn from the media. The child who are more concern with the TV and media channels are more involve in the material of the intellectual thinking. The more children get into porn videos they are most likely to get the signs of adolescents. The stage of different ages could be related to the media watching on the TV.  All these based on the researches that used focus to learn about the connections of the media channels that how these are influencing the religious factor in the Greek Orthodox. It is developed in the new generation like that is given to them (Freitas, 2015).

 References of Human Sexuality Influence

Berntson, M. A., Hoffman, K. L., & Luff, T. L. (2014). College as context: Influences on interpersonal sexual scripts. Sexuality & Culture , 18 (1), 149-165.

Freitas, D. (2015). Sex and the Soul, Updated Edition: Juggling Sexuality, Spirituality, Romance, and Religion on America's College Campuses. Oxford University Press.

Greenberg, J. S., Bruess, C. E., & Oswalt, S. B. (2014). Exploring the dimensions of human sexuality. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Regnerus, M. D., Mark, D., & Regnerus, M. (2007). Forbidden fruit: Sex & religion in the lives of American teenagers. OUP USA.

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