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Assignment on Psychology and Psychiatry (Comparing /Contrasting)

Category: Psychology Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 750

Psychology has been defined as the study of human behavior scientifically. As well as it can also be described as the study of behavior and mind along with the relation of specific field of knowledge or activity. The word psychology had been obtained from a Greek word psyche which mean soul and logia which means reason or speech. As well as there are numbers of fields has been presented in psychology which mainly deals with various changes in behavior which might be occurred in the life of a person. (Geoffrey & Bernstein, 2019) Despite from this it can also be said that psychology has been widely divided into two parts: In the form of practitioners and the other one is enhancing science of mind. clinical psychologist based on the evaluation and the usage of psychotherapy to discharge psychological distress.

Psychiatry: Psychiatry has been defined as the branch of medical which holds the specialization of mental health and related illnesses.as well as psychiatrist are the one who were qualified to evaluate both physical and mental characteristics along with psychological issues. In this regard it can also be said that individual seek psychiatric help for various reasons including physical and mental issues mainly. (John & Andreasen, 2020)Psychiatrists usually spend shorter periods of interaction time with patients, along with the principal method of treatment which is psychopharmacology. Whereas Psychiatrist has been taken as a Medical Doctor or M.B.B.S along with the specialization in both the study of the physical brain and psychology and ways of interaction to develop the human personality.

Compare and Contrast: As it has been mentioned above that psychology provides the scientific information which involves thinking pattern and behavior. Whereas psychiatry has been related with the branch of medicine which deals with illness.

There might be some of the comparison has been presented which is practicing field in the field of psychologist the practitioner has been known as psychologist, as well as on the other side in the field of medical the practitioner has been called psychiatrist.

Moreover, the nature of practitioner is also similar with different name for psychologist it is clinician and for psychiatrist it is physician. (Andreas, Habermeyer, & Küchenhoff, 2018)The purpose of study is also similar in which psychiatrist gives the treatment of mental illness, on the other side psychologist explore thought process and behavior. Despite form this psychologist mainly studied the filed of clinical psychology whereas psychiatrist studied psychiatric medication.

Despite from this some of the differences has also been observed here is that there is difference of working nature in both fields. Psychologist mainly classified for the number of fields and the most common was clinical psychologist which gives the mental health care. On the other hand, psychiatrist only gives medication or have some physical examination to recommend medication. As well as there is difference in conception the both were studied. In the field of psychiatry just adopts the medical aspect to take into consideration through physiologically, biologically and psychologically for the treatment through medication for efficient treatment. Moreover, the psychologist studied the concept as thoughts, emotions, perception behavior and personality, and these attempts has been done to understand the role of human behavior integrating physical and neural procedures with in the beginnings of mental functioning.

Furthermore, there is difference in license in the field of psychology and psychiatry. For clinical psychologist based on the evaluation and the usage of psychotherapy to discharge psychological distress. Whereas, the psychiatrist has to obtain the degree of doctorate along with the degree of specialization in this filed. Psychiatrists usually spend shorter periods of interaction time with patients, along with the principal method of treatment which is psychopharmacology.

The general difference among a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist might be said that the nature of their training. Psychologists has been trained in universities under the Psychology programs which mainly emphasis the association between the brain and behavior as well as some of the research techniques moreover, methods of treating behavioral problems. Whereas Psychiatrist has been taken as a Medical Doctor or M.B.B.S along with the specialization in both the study of the physical brain and psychology and ways of interaction to develop the human personality.  

References of Psychology and Psychiatry

Andreas, M., Habermeyer, E., & Küchenhoff, H. (2018). The uncertainty of psychological and psychiatric diagnoses. Psychological assessment , 556.

Geoffrey , K., & Bernstein, D. A. (2019). Introduction to clinical psychology. Cambridge University Press.

John , G., & Andreasen, N. (2020). New Oxford textbook of psychiatr. Oxford University Press.

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