the ideal states diode and MOSFET will act as switches with zero losses;
2. Draw the bode plot of
G(s) using MATLAB. The system parameters are given below:
• Circuit parameters: L = 2 mH, C = 20 uF, R.
= 5 •
MTALAB code :
close all
clear all
num=[5];% enter the value of numerator
den= [0.0000002 0.002 5];% enter the value of
denominator in SI units
G=tf(num,den);% transfer function
bode(G)% bode plot of transfer function
grid on
For the lossless buck converter in the following figure,
derive the state space model with state variable vector X as {ių, vc}, input
variable vector U as {Vi, 1.}, output variable vector Y as {v,}. Hint: Need to
derive the matrix coefficients in the model below. Note that duty cycle d
should be considered and included.
State space model of buck converter