the article published in Seeking Alpha prof. Aswath Domadoran has provided
detailed information to the public market investors regarding the IPO (initial
public offering). According to Aswath Domadoran, it is essential to know how
venture capitalists price organizations and how they pressurize the
organization so that they can scale up rapidly.
The article professor has stated that there are two types of games one
is a value game and the other is a pricing game. For both games, different
tools and skills are required. The determinates of pricing games are demand
& supply whereas the determinants of value game are cash flows and risk (Smith, Smith, & Bliss, 2011).
players in the pricing game are traders who play through shifts in the momentum
whereas in the value game the players are investors who play through estimating
the value and betting on prices. The skills that are required in pricing games
are related to detecting the shifts that occur in the momentum whereas in value
game the skills regarding assessing the risk are important. In value games, the
tools that are used for analysis include forensic accounting, discounted cash
flow models. However, these tools are not affected by the pricing game. In
pricing game tools like technical indicators, peer group pricing and charts can
be more helpful (Chandra, 2011).
has said that the IPO process has key role in setting the prices. According to
Domadoran the IPO market is not for the investors. The IPO market is usually
for traders. The IPO market plays a pricing game instead of a value game it is
recommended to the investors to use the skills and techniques which are
required in the pricing game so that investors can perform well in the IPO
market. If the investors are not going to focus on the above-mentioned
techniques than they can suffer from financial loss (Smith, Smith, & Bliss, 2011).
7 provides detail information regarding the financial forecasting and how the
revenues of the venture can be forecasted. In the chapter different techniques
of forecasting have been discussed such as exponential smoothing. For
performing the forecasting significant amount of data is required. The
forecasting is usually done on the basis of historical data. In the chapter, it
has been discussed that the IPO prospectus provides detailed information about
the organization and on the basis of that data forecasting can be done. According
to Domadoran, the historical data of IPO can be utilized for estimating the
pricing (Smith, Smith, & Bliss, 2011).
means that forecasting plays an important role whether it is value game or
pricing game in the IPO market. If the forecasting is done accurately than the
investors can perform exceptionally well in the IPO market. Their techniques
such as scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis should be utilized for
estimating the price of the assets (Smith, Smith, & Bliss, 2011). As mentioned by
Domadoran the technical indicators can help in understanding the dynamics of
the market. The forecasting techniques will help the investors to evaluate
which companies will make a profit in the future and on the basis of
forecasting investment should be made. The forecasting provides a quick
overview of the future performance of the organizations in which investment has
been made (Damodaran, 2019).
1. Now, look at the BEYOND MEAT
spreadsheet that you downloaded. Go to the sheet (tab) called STORIES TO
NUMBERS. Relate this in some way of your choice to Chapter 8-Financial
organization’s story allows the organization to focus on its activities and
deliver value to cash flow, risk, and growth. The financial modeling helps the
organization to estimate its liquidity, profitability, asset management, and
financial leverage. The organizations use financial modeling techniques such as
financial ratio analysis to know how the organization is performing financially
(Smith, Smith, & Bliss, 2011).
story of the organization and financial modeling has a strong connection. The
story of the organization tells what the organization wants to achieve and what
targets it has set. The financial modeling techniques like financial ratios
indicate whether the organization has achieved the set target or not. The
financial modeling techniques provide a quick overview of the financial
performance of the organization. These techniques are used not only for
assessing financial performance but also for attracting the investors in the
organization. The investors use financial modeling information to assess the
financial outlook of the businesses (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011).
financial modeling techniques such as ratio analysis provides brief overview to
the organizations about the financial performance of the organization. Through
ratio analysis the organization can evaluate the liquidity, profitability,
financial leverage and efficiency of the organization. The financial ratios
provide quick overview of the organization and that is why many investors
analyze the financial ratios before making investment decision. The main aim of
investors is to invest in such organization from where they can earn
significant amount of profit. if the investors are not going to evaluate the
profitability of the corporation than the chances exists that the investors
might unable to get significant amount of return.
financial ratios alone does not provide information in detail. It is
recommended that the ratios of the organizations should be compared with the
financial ratios of other organization or industry avenge to get brief
information regarding the performance of the organization. The financial
modeling allow the organization to understand how the organization will perform
in near future and what things should be done for improving the performance of
the corporation. The organizations implement various strategies so that its
profitability and revenue can increase. The tools such as ratio analysis and
sensitivity analysis help the organization to understand whether its
implemented strategies has proven successful or not.
If all the above discussion is summarized than it is
evident that the story of the organization and financial modeling has a strong
connection. The story of the organization tells what the organization wants to
achieve and what targets it has set (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). The financial
modeling techniques like financial ratios indicate whether the organization has
achieved the set target or not. The financial modeling techniques provide a
quick overview of the financial performance of the organization.
financial ratios alone does not provide information in detail. It is
recommended that the ratios of the organizations should be compared with the
financial ratios of other organization or industry avenge to get brief
information regarding the performance of the organization. The financial
modeling allow the organization to understand how the organization will perform
in near future and what things should be done for improving the performance of
the corporation (Chandra, 2011).
Entrepreneurial Finance
Chandra, P. (2011). Financial Management. Tata
McGraw-Hill Education.
Damodaran, A. (2019). IPO Lessons For Public Market
Investors. Retrieved from
Fridson, M. S., & Alvarez, F. (2011). Financial
Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Smith, J. K., Smith, R. L., & Bliss, R. T. (2011). Entrepreneurial
Finance: Strategy, Valuation, and Deal Structure. Stanford University