has been observed that role of internet, social networks and big data in modern
world is increasing with the passage of time. So, modern cities are adopting these
technologies to achieve various purposes. A research study was conducted in
2018 to use social media analytics as a tool for event detection as well as
sentiment analysis of three UAE cities. These smart cities do use various kinds
of sensors as well as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, so that city life can
be improved in health, transportation, energy and many other sectors. The use
of social media networks as well as these technologies comes up with large
amount of big data, which needs to be managed properly so that it can be used
effectively. This study specifically used social media analytics so that big
data of three UAE cities is analyzed, which would help to identify events
happening in these cities as well as citizens concerns about these events such
as concerns about traffic. The analytics revealed that citizen of these cities
were frustrated about the traffic situation, so authorities need to use this
big data to improve flow of traffic (Nuaimi,
Shamsi, Shamsi, & Badidi)
It is mentioned earlier that social
media can be used for real time information. But the other great thing about
use of these social networks such as Twitter is that sentiment analysis of the
citizens can be done. The governments around the world are trying their best to
connect more with their citizens so that objective of smart cities can be
achieved. One of the research studies was conducted to make sentiment analysis
through Twitter, so a methodological framework was used to not only collect,
but analyze as well as map the sentiments of citizen to know about their
certain moods. The governments can use this kind of analysis to keep a close
eye on the moods of its citizen, and adjust accordingly with better governance.
It was found out in the study that if Twitter analysis if used properly by the
government, it can really keep an eye on the moods of its citizens all the
time. It was also found that use of emoji can be extremely helpful to know
about people through Twitter’s sentiment analysis (Li, Ch’ng, Chong, & See, 2016)
It is also important to analyze the
fact that how information coming in Twitter can be recorded as well as
visualized in real time so that it can be analyzed. One of the papers published
from UMAP Workshops has described this process. This system was used to help
government entities so that they can easily as well as more quickly can
understand the trends of citizens’ behavior, and how they think about the
services provided in the smart city. So, a real time semantic analysis for
Twitter was done on Twitter to get information and opinions from citizens. It
was found out that if process is adequately used with right set of methods,
then it is easy for public authorities to know that which services are
troubling the citizens, and how those services can be improved with regards to
smart cities (Villena-Román, Luna-Cobos, & González-Cristóbal, 2014)
References of Literature Review of
social media
Li, M., Ch’ng, E., Chong, A., & See, S. (2016).
International Conference on Audio, Language, and Image Processing, ICALIP.
Nuaimi, A. A.,
Shamsi, A. A., Shamsi, A. A., & Badidi, E. (n.d.). SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS
Villena-Román, J.,
Luna-Cobos, A., & González-Cristóbal, J. C. (2014). TweetAlert:
Semantic analytics in social networks for citizen opinion mining in the city
of the future. Retrieved June 4, 2019, from