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Assignment on Psychological Test

Category: Psychology Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 900

Locus of Control Scale of Psychological Test

The Instrument of Psychological Test

            It is important to know that I have used the instrument named “locus of control scale”, which is one of the famous scales associated with the research of personality. In 1966, Julian Rotter is the man, who developed this scale, which was introduced with 13 total questions. The basic purpose of this scale is to do the measurement of generalized expectancies, which are related to internal vs. external reinforcement control. So, when a person feels that he/she is getting some rewards because of his/her own efforts, then he/she is having internal locus, whereas the person with an external locus believes that he/she is getting rewards due to outside factors, and his/her behavior or attitude is not doing anything in this regard (Wang & Lv, 2017)

My Score

I was very excited and consumed 30 minutes in completing the test. I did not hesitate or showed any problem in understanding the instructions. I must admit the fact that I was very curious to attempt the test. I was interested in the statements and keenly completed the test. My score for this test was 9 out of 24. This score is on the lower side, which is showing that I fall under the category of internal locus of control.

Interpretation of Psychological Test

The internal and external locus of control scale which has been designed by Rotter in 1966, the test involves 29 items which include six items which mainly used for the purpose to measure locus of control with in a person. As it has been mentioned that the test has been designed by Rotter, and the test has been based on the concept of enduring expectancy or believe about specific environment. It has been defined as in the form of internal and external locus of control. This test has been for the assessment of perception which will cause the academic failure and success of students in institutions. This test expresses the participant perception about his owns self, and this is what I was able to see.

Changing my Locus of Control

            The test has clearly revealed that I have an internal locus of control, which is dominating my thoughts that I am the one, who is getting rewards or anything else due to my own personality. But if we look at the facts, it is not the case always. There are people who play a part in our lives, and make an impact in so many ways. So, I would like to change my behavior to tilt towards the external locus of control so that I can remain in a balanced state.
The "Big Five" Personality Test
The Instrument of Psychological Test

            This personality test covering the five factors of personality was developed by Paul Costa along with the help of Robert McCrae. Earlier, 16 dimensions of the personality were developed by Raymond Cattell in the 1940s. But this five-factor model was more comprehensive so it received more attention. There are five major traits associated with everyone’s personality, and this test allows getting relevant score for every individual for his/her five personality traits. The five personality traits given in this model are Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, as well as, Open-Mindedness (Psychologist World, 2020)

My Score

            Same as the previous test related to locus of control, I was again very excited to give the test and know about my personality traits which I hold as an individual. In the beginning, I was relaxed and filled the entire test with interest and happy mood, as I was feeling very happy and comfortable. It took 25 minutes for me to finish the test. For open-mindedness, my score was 81%, which clearly shows that I am having a personality, which is based on curiosity and creativity. My score for conscientiousness was 65%, which means that I am quite an organized person. My score for extraversion was 79%, which again revealed that my personality is very social in nature. The score for agreeableness was 54%, which means that I am somewhere in the middle for this trait. The score for my neuroticism was 69%, which is indicating that I do get anxious, as well as, nervous at some times.

Interpretation of Psychological Test

I must say that scores from this test have been very identical to my personality. The score for each personality trait was 90% accurate showing the essence of my personality without a doubt. I am an open-minded person looking to be creative and open in my life. I always like to interact and socialize with others to get more exposure and experience. I also get nervous at times, but curiosity is also part of my nature.

Changing my Personality Type

            Looking at my current scores and my overall personality, I don’t think that there is anything particular to be changed in my personality. The scores are very much satisfactory for me as per my own views, and I would like to work on the positive and bright aspects associated with my personality.

References of Psychological Test

Psychologist World. (2020). Five-Factor Model of Personality. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://www.psychologistworld.com/personality/five-factor-model-big-five-personality

Wang, L., & Lv, M. (2017). Internal-External Locus of Control. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 1-4.

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