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Report on Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals

Category: Biomedical Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2150


Abstract 3

Introduction. 4

Where all of the greenhouse gases come from?. 5

Body. 6

Conclusion. 7


Abstract of Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals

Global warming is making our whole planet or globe warm, temperature is increasing day after day and results are disastrous. This Global warming is not just heating up the land but it is also heating up the entire oceans in the whole world as well. This rise of temperature or heat is termed as the Global warming. The effects of this Global warming on the life of the planet including life living in the water are much dangerous and due to which half of the animals are extinct and many are about to because they can’t survive in such hot temperature. This is not just about animals or sea life, but humans are also getting effected greatly by this Global warming and they are having multiple diseases and they vary from area to area and person to person. We are going to study in detail about Global warming and how are they effecting our lives including the animal lives as well.


What is global warming?

What is History of global warming?

How green house effects and comes into gases form?

Impacts of global warming

Consequences of global warming

Air pollution and its impacts

Loss of Ozone


Introduction of Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals

Global warming, this word is not new at all. As we see and feel that the temperature of our globe is increasing year after year, but still there are many among us who have not thought about it that why the temperature is increasing so rapidly. Our planet Earth is heating up so rapidly. Not only the earth is heating up but the oceans are also warmer now as compared to when the record started to begin. The record was measured in 1880 and from that time, temperature of the planet Earth is continuously ticking upward. This whole rise or increase in heat is termed as the Global warming in a complete nutshell.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), between the years of 1880 to 1980 the global annual temperature increased at a huge rate and it is 0.13 degrees of the Fahrenheit that makes almost 0.07 degree Celsius on each of the decade on the average scale. Since the year 1981, rate of increasing the temperature of Earth has sped up to almost 0.32 degrees and in F it makes 0.18 degrees C on the average scale of per decade. In the conclusion after studying number of different temperatures each year, it has been found out that 2019 was the second hottest year on the record. (Huang, 2017)

This rise in the heat or temperature is only because of the human beings. Burning of different kind of fossil fuels released different kind of the greenhouse gases in to the atmosphere, all of this trap or capture the warmth from the sun and as a result drive up the surface along with the air temperatures as well. (Weller, 2016)

Where all of the greenhouse gases come from?

Since the start of this whole industrial revolution, humans are the ones that are being increasingly changing all of the balance of different gases that are present in the atmosphere. Burning up the different kind of fossil fuels that include coal along with some of the oil releases different kind of water vapor as well like, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Ozone and the Nitrous oxide along with some of the primary greenhouse gases as well. Among all of the gases, Carbon Dioxide is one of the most common greenhouse gas. If we look back at year 2016, CO2 is the gas that accounted almost 81.6% of the overall US greenhouse emission of gases. It has been observed that there is a drastic increase of C02 gas in the environment. All of us knows this fact that C02 is the gas that absorbs large scale of the heat as compared to the other gases that are the part of greenhouse gases. As a result of all this, global mean temperature of the earth is increasing.

Carbon Dioxide is the gas that makes it way easily into the atmosphere by number of different routes. Burning of the different kind of fossil fuels supports the release of Carbon Dioxide and through evidences it has also been found out that that it is one of the biggest contribution in all of the different emissions that are responsible for warming up the whole globe. (Szulejko, 2017)

Deforestation is also known to be one of the biggest and largest contributor for the excess release of CO2 in the atmosphere. In actual, deforestation is known to be the second biggest man-made source of the CO2. As the tress die or they are being cut down, they release out the carbon that is being stored in them during the process of photosynthesis. According to the research that was being published in 2010 by Global Forest Resource Assessment, deforestation round about releases almost billion tons of the carbon gas in the environment each year. (Kweku, 2017)

After CO2, methane is known to be the second most common greenhouse gas but here this is the gas that is way more efficient for the trapping of heat. EPA reports that methane is the gas that is almost 25 times considered to be more efficient for trapping up the heat as compared to Carbon Dioxide. As CO2 is being produced by combustion, methane can come from any of the natural resource but in actual human beings are the one that cause the large portion for the emission of methane gas by the process of mining, using natural gas, use of landfills along with raising up the livestock as well. Animals are the source that produce almost 26% in total of the total methane emission. (Matthews, 2017)

Body of Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals

Global warming have number of different effects on the human life along with the animal life as well. Global warming is one of the most serious issue and this is the term which means that planet Earth is now experiencing some of the gradual warming of the temperatures because of the increase release of gases and pollutants in the environment as we have talked in detail about them in the upper part. All these gasses and pollutants are causing that is also called as the greenhouse effect. This global warming is causing an impact on almost every living creature on this planet earth that includes human beings, animals living on land, animals of sea and the plants as well. This is not just it but melting of the ice caps, increase of the sea level and then extinction of different species of plants and animals from this planet and all this is happening only because of the global warming and it is increasing day after day instead of getting reduced. People here are not aware what is happening at all. They need to take it serious to have better life in the coming years and to avoid other coming diseases as well. Results can be disastrous. (Habeeb, 2018)

As all of us know this that ecosystem of plant is extremely sensitive as well as complex too. Each and everything is being connected to one another along with the small lapse in this whole ecosystem which can be really disasters. Each and every year it is being noticed all such gradual changes are the reasons to get worried. Birds are laying their eggs each year earlier, all of the flowers are blooming earlier and all of the animals who do hibernate are also waking up earlier. When the level of sea would increase up to even 50cm, sea turtles will definitely lose all of their nesting grounds and ultimately it means the extinction of sea turtles. This is truer for all of the migratory wildlife along with the plants that includes coral, mangroves and seagrass as well.

Already there is reduction in the fish population. Weather changes are really severe that includes storms, flooding, droughts and even much more. Here it is not just about the animal life, don’t even forget about our own health. This air pollution is the cause of different kind of major health problems like skin issues and breathing problems as well. This rise in temperature means an increase in the cardiovascular diseases along with the kidney diseases as well. All the water sources are also being threatened. (Thornes, 2016)

We need to think about all these situations clearly, no one is going to come up and save our world from getting polluted. This global warming is not just causing an impact on the human and animal life but here the weather change is one of the major issue and this issue needs to be solved out because in the coming years things will be more complicated. (Mary, 2017)

Conclusion of Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals

Global warming is not a new word now, we have studied a lot about it and in this assignment we have briefly discussed that what in actual is the global warming and what are the reasons that are making this global warming to get increased so rapidly. Lots and lots of people are unaware of the effects or symptoms it is giving us. Human life, animal life, sea life and plant life even the smallest living creature on this planet earth is getting effected by this global warming and this needs to be stopped here because extinction of animals are taking place on a high scale. This is not just the end of conversation here, we see there are different kind of infections in the human beings that are being seen these days like skin diseases, respiratory diseases and many other. All these are only and only because of Global warming and you won’t believe this at all that how drastically this global warming is increasing and effecting our planet earth through heating it up directly. Ozone layer that surrounds our planet earth from the different rays that cause a disastrous effect on everyone is depleting with every passing year and this layer is you can think that how essential it is and why God has created it but unfortunately human beings are the ones that are becoming the main reason for the depletion of this ozone layer and due to this global warming is increasing so rapidly.

This whole world may put the whole blame for the rise of global warming on large industries that are releasing the smoke and other pollutants that are no doubt much dangerous for our planet earth but here we all can do our best to save our planet. Individuals and the smaller groups can be even much helpful and can give their best part in the conservation of this planet and can easily reverse out the effects of global warming. There are just few steps that even a single person can do at their home to reverse the carbon footprint, including the recycling process, stop using the plastic bags on daily basis on such a large scale (try to always bring your own paper bad while going for grocery), try using the refillable water bottle instead of the water bottles or even stop using the plastic cups and try even installing the solar panels at your home. These are just the few steps that can reverse the effect of global warming and we all can save our planet.

References of Global warming and its effect on Human beings and Animals:

Habeeb, A. A.-T. (2018). Negative effects of heat stress on growth and milk production of farm animals. Journal of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, 2(1), 1-12.

Huang, J. Y. (2017). Drylands face potential threat under 2 C global warming target. Nature Climate Change. 7(6), 417-422.

Kweku, D. W.-M. (2017). Greenhouse Effect: Greenhouse Gases and Their Impact on Global Warming. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,, 1-9.

Mary, S. Q. (2017). Impact of Global Warming on Health. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 5(4), 370-376.

Matthews, T. K. (2017). Communicating the deadly consequences of global warming for human heat stress. 114(15), 3861-3866.

Szulejko, J. E. (2017). Global warming projections to 2100 using simple CO2 greenhouse gas modeling and comments on CO2 climate sensitivity factor. Atmospheric Pollution Research,, 8(1), 136-140.

Thornes, T. (2016). Animals and climate change. The Journal of Animal Ethics, 6(1), 81-88.

Weller, S. J. (2016). Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential of traditional and diversified tropical rice rotation systems. Global Change Biology, 22(1), 432-448.

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