The approach of 5S is to order, organize, standardize,
clean as well as continuous improve their work. It is just about the
housekeeping but it is also efficiently working by the tools of lean manufacturing.
A program obtained its name from different five activities where it started
from “S” letter and it is derived from the Japanese words. The words are Sort,
Set in Order, Shining, Standardize and Sustain and their Japanese’s translation
is Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. Now the Sort helps to cleared all
the unnecessary items which are required to stays. And set establishes the quantities
and locations which is required for efficient operation. By the inspection
shine represented the cleaning and at last the standardize implements the
visual controls and displays. Sustain also helps to keep the company effort in
the place by training as well as total employee measures and methodology of the
performance involvement (Agrahari,et al , 2015).
Figure : 5S cycle
By changing business it is very significant
to win the customer hearts by the cost as well as quality of the services and
product. It is also needed to have the production of the product by the
continuous improvement which is also presented in the need of the organization
and it delivers the quality product by the continuous improvements. The requirement
of 5S is fulfilled and emerged the techniques for better production in the
various industries. The technique of 5S is the program which is also obtained
the complete organization as well as the standardization of workplace for the
better productivity. The advantage of the 5S techniques is also improved the productivity,
health, quality along with the safety (Houa et al , 2018).
Review of 5S philosophy
According to Author Shaikh et al (2018), it is conducted that studied the critical
problems facing by small scale industries while selling their product. Small
Scale Enterprise (SSE) does not usually have large financial backup and thus
they usually depend on the revenue the get by selling their products. The product
sales are inversely proportional to the cost of the products as decreasing the
cost would increase the sales. Authors studied about the importance of medium
to small industries in the Indian context as they play an important role
towards Indian economy. The find the productivity of these industries to be
quite in comparison to other countries although they contribute immensely to
the development of the country. Authors also looked at the benefits and
performance of small-scale industries. These industries constitute roughly 40
percent of total output of the private and they are also a key source in the
employment generation in small scale sector. Author described in details the
important of implementing 5S in any organization. Author also describes the strategy
in detail for improving the manufacturing at Auto Car Exhaust. The
implementation of 5S had important and immediate effects on the sequence of
work post and in the analyzed company it also heavily influenced the
performance of the process. Authors also worked on implementing 5S in plastic
molding industry. They also present a way to the calculation of each S in the
5S system (Shaikh et al , 2018).
According to Author Gupta et al (2019), it is
conducted that These 5S are keys to the proper order in a workplace; seiri
(sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize) and
shitsuke (sustain). The origin of 5S is Japanese. These keys play an important
and pivotal role optimizing the performance and productivity while at the same
time also reducing waste and increasing cleanliness. The elimination of
unnecessary inventories is catered in “Sort”. After sorting the “Set in Order”
comes into play and it deals with storing and placing the inventories
effectively. The main idea behind “Set in Order” is to make the process of
identifying the inventories easy and accessible for workers the use of labels.
Then “Shine” deals with the cleanliness at workplace. The “Standardize” comes
and play and the main idea behind is the standardization of the best and most
effective task by considering the previous 3S. The last step “Sustain” which is
also considered to be most difficult S among 5S is to make sure that the
practices that are being followed must be kept on followed in future as well.
5S was originally used as 3S in Japans during 1950s and later developed into
the current 5S philosophy. 5S is considered a philosophy in Japan and a
technique in United Kingdom and United States. 5S affects the whole process and
by using 5S the standardized procedures are used while at the same time
increasing efficiency and cleanliness and also reducing the cost of the final
product. As things are evolving a 6th S is also coming into play which is
“Safety”. It insures that in addition to following the 5S, the workplace is
also safe for everyone (Gupta et al , 2019).
Problem Statement
of 5S philosophy
A company which is under the survey is the leading
of scientific equipment’s for the manufacturing company of the autoclaves,
suction units , Aerosol Disinfector , High pressure along with the various
surgical scientific and laboratory equipment’s. The area which is identified by
the student is shop floor and severely plagued through the poor working of the environment
which result the low organizational efficiency. A disorganized workplace which
is results like the high dissatisfaction of worker and thus also increased the
space and cost which is used for searching time. Mishaps occurrences along with
the time taken which is completed by work and it additionally very high work and
likewise the reason of misfortune benefits. The contextual analysis which also
been led for the assembling plant and concentrating for help to critical
upgrades of work environment along with the housekeeping.
Strategy for implementation
For the successful business it is important
the performance of organization is also improved constantly. A most efficient
and effective simple approach for doing this Pan, Do, Check and Act (P-D-C-A). The
cycle of P-D-C-A also helps and implementing the 5S activities, where every phase
is also analyzed as well as addressed by this cycle for the effective implementations.
Figure: P-D-C-A cycle
Starting by the viable program which is
actualize 5S needs and watchful arranging , executions and plan for the
variations of business which is accomplish and the ideal enhancement of objectives.
Usage should be not to start except where the administration is supporting the
exertion by the understanding of different business forms and must be changed.
Expected Results of 5S philosophy
According to the identified research problem it
is needed for investment through a specialist which discover o all parts in
light and fact is there is no appropriate checking as appeared in the below
Figure: Conditions before implementing 5S
The lines on the floors by help of paint
could also be distinguished in walking area. Where the system could also
followed regularly through a worker which is also maximum along with optimum used
be done of a stock plus there is no parts are lost and damage which is shown in
the below figure;
Figure: Conditions
after implementing 5S
By the implementation of the 5S the company
also saw the increased productivity as well as the minimal wastage in the
workplace. Remove the unnecessary items as well as efficient workplace which
has the main two factors and it also leads to increase the productivity.
Conclusions of 5S philosophy
Summing up all the discussion it is concluded
that the 5S techniques are the very unique techniques for the differed
organization due to its facilities a realization of motivation for the
self-working. This technique is very useful and efficient for the high
developing world that is also needs the quality improvement. 5S also effective because
it mange the tools along with the material which could also improve the
housekeeping safety.
References of 5S philosophy
Agrahari,et al , R.
(2015). Implementation Of 5S Methodology In The Small Scale Industry: A Case
Gupta et al , S.
(2019). Implementation of 5S in Scientific Equipment Company. International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering .
Houa et al , S. C.
(2018). Implementation of 5S in Manufacturing Industry: A Case of Foreign
Workers in Melaka. MATEC Web of Conferences.
Shaikh et al , P. S.
(2018). Implementation of 5S Practices in a Small Scale Organization: A Case
Study. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research,