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Report on Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

Category: Biomedical Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 8100


            Faran Ayub

                                                                                            (first name, family name)


Research Advisor

Sergey Tsoller


                                                                                          (name, title, position)

Moscow 2020

Ø Introduction of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

I would like to start my paper with these words from Meghan Keaney Anderson, VP Marketing, Hubspot, Inc. “Don’t push people to where you want to be; meet them where they are.”

This is now an admitted fact that the present era of communication is a transformation from conventional means to the digitalized; which has unleashed a tech-savvy culture around the globe. This transition can be attributed to the contemporary communication needs of the world in general, and businesses in particular, who aim to present and promote their messages to the consumers in an organized and highly effective manner. Yet, before we can jump to any conclusion, there is a need to dive deep into the subject and explore the specifics which spurred this transition and understand the dynamics, rationales, efficacy and obstacles of this mode of communication.

In writing this paper, the main goal is to explore various digital communication strategies/channels employed in global smartphone industry and weigh them against traditional marketing channels in various regions of the Asian Market. (By the examples of Sony and Huawei). The object of the paper would include the scope of digital (and social) communication strategies in comparison to traditional mass-reach marketing approach; whereas, the subject would cover the benefits and threats of both the digital means of communication as well as the mass-marketing approach.

Being a strong believer of digitalization, this subject has always intrigued my mind; yet, my most recent read of the book “Positioning the Battle of your Mind” by Al Ries and Jack Trout further captivated my interest and motivation into this subject. The concise rather comprehensive book starts with the notion of “failure to communicate” and profoundly claims that today we have become an over communicated society, as there is a plethora of marketing information to consume, which a person cannot even remember. While combating the irregularity and ineffectiveness of such kind of marketing tactics, the authors posit and emphasize “positioning” - a new approach to communication which essentially means positioning your product in the mind of the consumers. As being creative is becoming more and more difficult these days, “positioning” does not require us to create something new or radically different, but to manipulate what’s already there in the mind of the consumer – the reason how it has transformed the role of advertising today. Those who practice positioning are aware of the phrase “less is more” which means that you do not need a junk of information to penetrate into the consumer’s mind; instead it is crucial to sharpen the message, make it concise and simple to be able to have a long-lasting impact on the consumer’s mind which is already busted with information.

Even though positioning has reshaped the world of communication with its unorthodox yet convincing principles, my goal in this paper is not to proclaim its benefits but also to investigate the threats and difficulties involved in this mode of communication. Therefore, later in this paper, I would look to analyze the functional, technical and other obstacles in order to determine its pragmatic implementation and feasibility.

Ø Tasks of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

         A brief summary of the key tasks that I look to perform are mentioned below:

·        To analyze the dynamics of global smartphone industry (including demographics, consumer preferences, factors affecting growth/decline in the industry) and to investigate its relevance with various regions of the Asian Market.

·        To broaden the research to the European and the United States Smartphone Industry to in order to congregate similar and different characteristic behavior of consumers.

·        To highlight the key benefits of digital communication strategies and investigate into the obstacles which prevent the effective implementation of such strategies in various regions of global smartphone industry.

·        To examine the effectiveness of traditional mass-marketing approach in this era by highlighting both the primary benefits and risks associated with this marketing strategy.

·        To determine the contribution of digital communication strategies towards the growth of the industry in general and brand development in particular.

·        To estimate the existence of a correlation between digital marketing strategies and brand development (taking into account various statistical data, market shares and brand performance highlights) considering the examples of Sony and Huawei.

·        To draw conclusions based on statistical and empirical evidence, highlight the limitations of the research and suggest ways to improve the system.

Ø Methodology of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)


In order to present, support and analyze the literature in my research paper, I would be using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. While using qualitative methods, my goal would be explore and summarize various scientific journals, articles and previous researches that follow the subject and logic of my topic, via established electronic resources. Moreover, I would also include questionnaires/surveys/focus groups as part of my paper in order to strengthen the validity of the arguments presented. In the second chapter, I aim to specifically apply quantitative methods with the goal to present numerical statistics concerning various parameters of global smartphone industry in general and the chosen international companies in particular.

Finally, based on the literature review and statistical analysis, I would aim to find conclusive evidence to accept or decline the idea that the effective implementation of digital communication strategies acts as a growth factor in the global smartphone industry. Following the conclusion, I would highlight the key limitations and drawbacks of the research and would suggest compelling ways to make significant improvements.

Ø Chapter 1: Theoretical Aspects of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach

1.1 Literature overview of Digital Vs Traditional marketing

According to Benjamin carton, Joannes Mongardini and Yiqun Li (2018), it observed that global demand for smartphones is increasing day by day. In recent years, the demand for supply and demand indicates that smartphones created a new global tech cycle in the worldwide market. In 2016, there is a change observed in the smartphone market as its sale jumped the bridge of 1.5 billion. It founded that “one every fifth person" on this planet earth has its smartphone for their personal use. A large number of people are using smartphones belong to the Asian region in the world due to its population. It analyzed that these also engendered complex to meet the demand in the market, and it is becoming difficult for companies to manage the supply chain in the Asian market. From the market analysis, it founded that new tech cycle fails to maintain or following the standards in the market. The market of the smartphone is losing its standard for capturing the seasonality in the market. It founded that people have great concern for smartphone sales and release dates. The smartphone releasing date also impacts or influence their purchase in the market. For capturing the market, standards for the production of the product and publishing dates have a significant contribution. In the smartphone market, the decomposing cycle has become a trend in the market as replacing the older version with newer (Benjamin Carton, 2018).

In 2015, during the last season, it observed that the Asian market reached its peak for selling and purchasing the smartphone. The Asian region has a large number of population as it has become important for global tech manufacturers. Global tech manufacturers have deep observation and research for using smartphones. Asian region people are tech-loving and found of using advance technology. The most important is that majority of people can buy smartphones. It founded that for meeting the demand and supply challenges in the Asian market, many manufactures are establishing their production units in Asia. It is difficult to maintain supply chain across Asia. In the Asian market, people love to change their smartphones after coming to new products or advance version of smartphones. The process of managing supply and demand is very complex in the Asian market as customers have diverse nature or background (Benjamin Carton, 2018).

Manufacturers of smartphones have an in-depth observation of production and exports. Global producers follow the traditional tech cycle for releasing of the new sale in the market, and smartphone sale reached up to 1.5 billion. China becomes a leader in manufacturing and exporting smartphones in the Asian market. China exported $107 billion worth cellphones in the market and based on new tech products. The global market for smartphones is on growth and following the trade patterns. The shifting of PC's into smartphones is a significant development and its assembly connected with electronic components. The beneficiaries are increasing as the demand in the market for the supply chain is expanding around the world. The growth rate for the smartphone in the Asian market is growing, and the correlation between sale and purchase demonstrates the value of smartphones. Manufacturing and assembly of smartphones consist of instalment of various instruments like as DRAM, CPUs, MCPs and other devices. Software and operating system is intellectual property for smartphones (Dahlén, 2009).

Global Supply Chains of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

In the Asian market, the global supply chain has a significant role in marketing the product. Smartphone companies are targeting potential customers in the market for selling their phones. There is a problem with the supply chain as the market has a high demand for smartphones due to advance technology. Manufacturing company's production units are in advance countries and shipment delays or other problems. The repairing and other issues with a smartphone have impacts on selling or purchasing. Therefore, smartphones companies are establishing their manufacturing units in China and other countries. Manufacturing companies are solving the global supply chain issues for improving their marketing strategies (Emma K. Macdonald, 2016).

Global Trade of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

Digital marketing and traditional marketing have different impacts on the selling and purchasing of smartphones. Global trade or cross border trade has some legal or tax issues. In global trade, companies are following the national laws, and it has lower down the trading. In the Asian market, companies have opportunities for increasing business. Digital media or marketing has impacts on customers, as millions of customers are using social media. The traditional marketing has deeper ground for influencing the people and motivate customer for completing the sale process (Emma K. Macdonald, 2016).

Tech Cycle of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The standard or demand for products is changing over time as new technology is coming in the market. The research and development in the smartphone market have advanced the applications. Tech cycle has importance for companies for developing the technology. In this advance modern world, information and communication technology has strong impacts on smartphone technology. Smartphone has various features for attracting customers. Professionals have a strong influence in purchasing the latest version due to advance features. Smartphones applications, software's and hardware capacity or abilities increased with time to time for increasing sale. Tech cycle is an important source for digital marketing and traditional marketing team for motivating people for purchasing advance technological features. Tech cycle motivates the marketing team and provides them with a solid reason for promoting the sale in the Asian market (Ha, 2016).

According to Nguyen Khanh Linh and Nguyen Thu Ha (2016), it observed that the customers have a positive attitude towards smartphones. The marketing activities shows that people have a great interest in purchasing smartphones. In marketing, companies marketing experts and strategies developers are developing the policies for cashing the consumer sentiments. It founded that the index for consumer sentiments for purchasing smartphones is increasing and marketing experts are using it for increasing their selling. The purpose of using these tactics is to cash the consumer sentiments. It based on marketing mix paradigm (4P's). The marketing mix is a strategy adopting for attracting consumers. Its purpose is to build a positive relationship between company products and consumers. Companies management is using four components for increasing sale in the market. These four components are as product, price, place and promotion. There is a strong connection between the four elements of the marketing mix. These components are essential for the satisfaction of customers. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goals of smartphone manufacturing companies. The most important in the marketing mix is "product" as it is the central component. Product has a strong impact or influence on customer satisfaction. The study indicates that how to use these marketing mix techniques for enhancing the satisfaction of customers in various regional countries.

Advance technologies in smartphones have developed competition in the market, and people looked for alternative smartphone companies for purchasing. In the Asian market, people have high, average and limited buying power for smartphones. It determined that competition among smartphone companies are increasing in selling their new products. The Asian market has potential as there are more than 134 million mobile subscriptions. In Asian countries, there are more than 20 million 3G services using customers. It determined that more than 80 million are using technology. There is a 59% increase in sale in smartphones observed due to development in underdeveloped countries. It is important to note down the consumer’s attitude for designing products in the market (Ha, 2016).

Product of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The smartphone is a product that is designed for customers, and their applications with various kind of components have impacts on customers. The consumers have a comparison before purchasing the smartphones in the market. Therefore, smartphone design, colour and other features have strong impacts on selling and purchasing. There are various attributes or characteristic for products like quality and guarantee for targeting customers (Hatch, 2018).

Price of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The value of product or price has psychological impacts or influence on customer and market. The amount of money charged for a smartphone has unique consequences on their selling. The price of the product must include the cost and profit margin.

Place of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The most important strategy is the place where you are launching their product. The place has a psychological impact or influence on customers like the cellphone market. It's an easy point for companies to deliver and distribute their products. Place selection is a part of marketing strategy, and it makes it easy to target people.

Promotion of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

For increasing sale in the Asian market, smartphone companies are offering various promotional techniques. Promotion based on incentives or other benefits for customer on completing the sale. It motivates people for purchasing and target potential customers. The promotional strategy motivates consumers by advertising features and values (JAIN, 2017).

Consumer attitudes of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

All the above factors have strong impacts on customer attitude and customer psychology. Their attitude judges the assessment and evaluation of customer behaviour. Marketing mix has strong impacts on customer attitude for completing the sale. It founded that customer attitude index varies with the change in quality, benefits, beliefs, feelings and economic condition. Customer attitude changes the internal and external environment for competitive advantages. It has effects on the customer level of satisfaction for purchasing the alternatives smartphones.  The most important is that products have strong effects or impacts on the customer attitude for completing the sale. Culture and religious matters have strong impacts on personal psychology. In Asian countries, each country has a different culture, and it has impacts on customer liking and disliking. The strong knowledge about consumer attitude motivates marketing team for correlating customer’s activities and satisfaction (Ha, 2016).

Attitude of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

In selling and purchasing, the attitude of the client is most famous for the company’s marketing team. Companies leadership and management develop new strategies for making the customer satisfied. Customer satisfaction has positive impacts on its attitude. The attitude of the customer depends on their experience and various other factors. In the Asian market, customer demand high quality at a reasonable price. Manufacturing companies are focusing on customers and their attitudes for increasing sale (Jain S, 2015).

Consumer Sentiment towards Marketing

Companies marketing on digital media have effects on people but not targeted or focused. Consumer sentiments or feeling are essential for the marketing team. Smartphones have various applications that keep them busy in daily life. Consumer thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions have strong impacts on marketing strategies. Marketing strategies based on techniques and tacit for motivating customer to build trust on company products. Therefore, smartphone manufacturing companies are focusing on targeting consumer sentiments for marketing (Juneja, 2017).

Customer Satisfaction of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

For developing a marketing campaign or plan, customer satisfaction is the most important and valid point. Marketing team with leadership development plans or strategies for developing trust. Trust building on company products is a major or bigger challenge for the marketing team. Smartphone manufacturing companies are using digital marketing for reaching to mass people. The traditional marketing is focusing on customer needs or demands. The overall purpose of marketing satisfies customers (The University of Texas at Tyler, 2017).

Smartphone of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The smartphone is a game-changing product in the Asian market for attracting customers. Smartphone manufacturing companies are targeting customer needs or demands. The companies marketing team are developing strategies after assessing or evaluating the market. Customer acquisition and retention is a challenge for companies and leadership, installing new equipment for handling advance level issues (Meah, 2018).

According to Vinod Kumar Chandola and Huifen Fu (2017), it founded that integrated market communication (IMC) is most significant for targeting emerging markets. According to target marketing experts, different qualities and character are important for selling the products in the market. The emerging market is consisting of a wide range of diverse cultural background customers. Therefore, innovation is key to motivate people for completing the sale of the smartphone. The internationalization has impacts on customer psychology and new or advances technology in smartphones changed customer thinking. The young smartphone users create a bigger size of the market in the Asian region. The various case studies have a part of the strategy for developing or improving the strategies for targeting the customers. The most important in the Asian market is targeted marketing for customers. The marketing strategies developed on the base of interviews from managers and statistical data support the company strategies. It is most important for companies before entering into the Asian market for must assess or evaluate the sale. The qualitative data support the organizational strategies and successful entering into the market. The literature enfolds and compares the strategies for companies. The strategies that companies are using for attracting customers creating challenges for customers. It is complicated for customers to adopt the new changes and companies to meet customer demands. Therefore, smartphone features and pricing have impacts on targeting the consumers in the market (Fu, 2017).

Internationalization of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

Digital marketing and traditional marketing have a difference in targeting customers on the national and international level. Digital marketing has the purpose of making a brand name in the market, and the traditional market much focused on targeting potential customers. Internationalization has strong impacts or influence on marketing strategies, product quality and product standard. In the Asian region, the population has focused on adopting advance technology to meet global challenges (Li, 2017).

Emerging Market of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The Asian market is emerging for manufacturing smartphones as under developing countries, and developing countries are the target of companies. Smartphone companies did not neglect the Asian market due to its population and need for people. People need technology and communication sources for connecting the world largest population area. The Asian market is emerging for companies as the market has a large potential for generating profitability (Kolowich, 2019).

Product & Pricing Impacts

Marketing is a technique or method for increasing sale. People have habits for researching new technology and products. People want to have the latest technology or product in their pocket. Product design or colour have impacts on selling. Product is the ultimate thing, and its quality has great support for the marketing team. Marketing team build strong product designs and applications for supporting the advertisement. The pricing of the product also has a strong role in implementing marketing strategies in Asian countries (Katherine N. Lemon & Peter C. Verhoef, 2016).

Adaptation and IMC (Integrated Market Communication)

Consumers have a problem in adopting new technology as new products are costly and required advance knowledge. Customers in Asian countries hesitate or feel pause for adapting new techniques or technologies. The inventions in information and communication technology have impacts or effects on smartphones. Therefore, smartphones manufacturing companies are focusing on adaptation and integrated market communication. The major purpose of adaptation and IMC is to train the people for adopting the new technology. Smartphones companies are focusing on managing the sale and increasing communication to target the mass population.

Consumer Acceptance of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The Asian market based on developed countries like China, Japan and on underdeveloped countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Smartphones manufacturing companies are focusing on targeting the largest population in the region. The Asian region has potential and love for adopting new technology. People are courageous about learning new technology, especially smartphones. Consumer acceptance is most important for increasing the scale and quality of products. Consumer acceptance motivates the employees for developing new strategies for competing in the market. It provides opportunities for smartphones companies to make or develop unique products for customers at affordable prices (Juneja, 2017).  

According to Quah Li Ling, Santhi Govindan and Ravindran Radhakrishnan (2018), smartphones manufacturing companies switch a war or battle in the Asian market. The flagship smartphones of top brands launched in the Asian market with the help of vendor's. It observed that top leading brands after some year goes for the decline. After research, it founded that Asian nations change their mobile phones at regular intervals. Researchers found that smartphones technology changes more frequently as compared to other devices. Asian people like Malaysian, Japanese and Chinses have interest in changing their mobile phones and switching the brands in the market. The replacement of cell phones with regular intervals has now become a growing concern in the market. The switching of the brand in the market has impacts or influences on smartphones companies. Therefore, smartphones companies' leadership and management researches on the reasons for losing in the sale. The growing concern of people about smartphones changed the thinking and marketing strategies for satisfying customers. Smartphone manufacturing companies are launching their smartphones on the base of seasonality. In each season, the new smartphone model launched in the market with latest features and application that have an attraction for people (Quah Li Ling, 2018).

The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts on smartphones on customers and brand switching. Brand switching has become now a growing trend in the market among smartphone users. It founded that some factors affect customer or consumers brand switching. These factors that have effects on consumer brand switching are like price, brand image, product, features and promotion. In this study, the sampling technique or method used for collecting the response of people. A survey questionnaire distributed for knowing the views of people. After the collection of the survey questionnaire and obtained data were analyzed. The frequency method is used for data analysis. In this study, multiple linear regression method used for the analysis of reliability and frequency. From research, it founded that brand image is most important as people belief on quality and linked it with brand value in the market.

The product features are also a common reason for brand switching, and it has a significant role or relationship with the brand. Customers or consumers have a strong relationship with company products and with their features. The strongest relationship of the brand is with consumer behaviour or attitude as it has a strong role in completing the sale process. The consumer psychology is most important for targeting the people. Smartphone manufacturing companies' leadership and management are focusing on consumer behaviour or attitude toward their new products. The marketing plan or strategies developed on the base of nature, culture, religion and the base of various factors. However, the most important is price and sale promotion. The significant role in brand switching is the price and mobile applications. This study helps researchers and smartphone manufacturing companies for knowing about consumer behaviour. The consumer behaviour for brand switching influenced by various kinds of factors and most of the factors have strong impacts or effects on customer relationship. The overall purpose of the study is to help smartphone manufacturers in developing strategies for becoming successful in the Asian market (Kolowich, 2019).

Brand Switching of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

It observed that smartphones manufacturing companies are launching their products in the Asian market after testing. The brand is a name of quality, and people expect more than just a smartphone. Companies also want to have loyal customers and satisfied customers. The brand switching of special kind of mobile phone or specific model is due to its applications, software, price and due to other features. It founded companies with the same products and featured offering products to clients at low prices. Therefore, people are going towards brand switching. The most important behaviour or attitude of the consumer is that they do not want to use a smartphone for more than six months or maximum for one year. Smartphone loses their attraction or customer fed up or bored with the product. Therefore, after six months, ' consumers in Asian market goes for changing their smartphone. The replacement or brand switching is linked to consumer attitude. 


The most important in brand switching or weaken marketing is its price. The price has a strong role in marketing. In digital marketing, price is used for targeting the maximum number of people. On digital media, it cannot control the targeted marketing as people of diverse nature using social media. The nature of people has a strong role in making a product successful in the market. Therefore, pricing of the product must be affordable as it has impacts on selling or marketing. Traditional marketing is a deep level marketing, focused marketing and targeting marketing. In traditional marketing strategies, team members convince the people, whole sellers and other professionals to buy products. In the customer winning strategy, the price of the product plays a very important role (Ha, 2016). 

Brand Image

Digital marketing is a new tool or technique for advertising their products to consumers in various regions of the world through social media. Branding is the success of a company as customer trust in their products and their equipment for smartphones. Traditional marketing is most important for convincing people. Branding has importance as it makes marketing easy, and it's easy to handle people. The trust-building of people on branding is the success of the company, and its mean people give worth to company products. Branding image shapes the consumer desires and wants for handling the problems.

Product Features

The most significant is product feature as customers have interest in various features installed in smartphones. Smartphones have limited features and have limited memory. Smartphones features are developing day by day with the advancement in technology. The success of smartphones companies linked with new innovative features. The change in features according to customer needs is a key to change products size, weight and features. It has long-lasting impacts on the marketing of the product. Digital marketing and traditional marketing have different perspectives, but in both products, features are most important for marketing. The marketing strategies have positive impacts or effects as much features installed in smartphones. People like to have more variety in features as it is very important for handling the diverse nature of people.

Sales Promotions

Sale promotion is part of marketing strategies for changing consumer behaviour and influencing or convincing it for purchasing a new product. People have a strong connection and concern for sale promotion. Sale promotion means companies give extra things with product or less in the price for consumers on first purchase. Sale promotion used for marketing and for consumer attraction on digital media and in traditional marketing techniques. Buy one and get one free is the most common promotion. But in smartphones, sale promotion includes a percentage off in prices, hand free, charger and some other items. In marketing strategies, smartphone manufacturing companies are using sales promotions for diverting the attention of people towards their products (Quah Li Ling, 2018). 

According to Wahid Zahid and Omkar Dastane (2016), it determined that various factors are effecting the purchase intention of consumers. The purchase intention of the consumer is effecting form the perceived prices. The price is most significant concerning issues that affect the adult’s attitude or behaviour for thinking. The second important factor that affects the consumer intention for purchasing is its perceived quality. The quality of products has psychological impacts on the consumer for using product professionally and for routine working. Quality is a key to rule in the market as potential buyers never compromise on the quality of products. The factor that has a strong influence on consumers is brand awareness. Brand awareness is the most difficult and challenging task for the management and marketing team. Marketing team plans for developing strategies for making their products as a brand. The major purpose of banding is that brand have people trust, and it is easy to market their product. Brand awareness is itself marketing as making a strong impression of company products on consumers. There is another factor that influences consumer intention for purchasing is social influence. Social interaction with people is also a way of marketing. It's mean that potential customers have their products or brand items. These potential customers suggest others for purchasing the products of special brand in the light of their experience. Every new buyer of smartphone consults with their friends and family before making a purchase in the market. These friends and family members give them suggestions for purchasing a specific budget item (Dastane, 2016).

Therefore, social influence is a powerful medium that affects or influence the intentions of people for buying products in the market. These persons play a role of supporting actor for purchasing the specific brand in light of their experience. The study shows that young adults have an interest in purchasing new smartphones. In this research, explanatory research method is used for analyzing the people and market. The quantitative empirical data is collected for analysis. The sample collected from more 200 young adults. In this research, the random sampling technique is used for assuring the authentic public reviews. For analysis of data, correlation and regression method used and for this purpose SPSS used. Two major factors have a linear connection or relationship like an intention for purchasing and influential factors. There is a linear relationship between social influence and purchase intention of young or adult persons. The study determined that four factors have a strong influence on purchasing intention of people. The findings indicate that social factors have a strong influence on purchasing intention and brand developing in the market. It is better to use or apply the promotion mix for smartphones.

Purchase Intention of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The marketing team has the challenge to change the intention of people for purchasing a new smartphone. The purchase intention of the consumer for buying product changes due to social influence. These are factors that marketing team has the need to change like as price factor, quality factor, brand awareness and social factor. All of these factors influence consumer purchase intention. Purchase intention did not benefit any brand until the consumer but their company product. Therefore, the marketing team use digital media for increasing awareness about their smartphone products. Digital media can highlight the features of products and advertisement on social media has long-lasting impacts on user memory. The use of social or digital media has made it easy to access the people and for companies to promote their business. Digital media has made it easy to target a specific area population. It has substantial impacts on human psychology for monitoring the attitude and behaviour of young adults for making the purchase. In traditional marketing, traditional tool and techniques used for targeting the potential customers only. It saves the time and cost of marketing, and the company has an only potential consumer. Traditional marketing strategies have serious effects on purchase intention of young adults in Asian.

Asian Young Adults

The innovation in information and communication technology has changed the way of thinking and understanding. The new advance level of technology has strong impacts on young minds for approaching for purchasing products. The study shows that Asian young adults have a strong connection with technology for meeting global challenges. The adults in China. Japan, India, Korea, Malaysia and some other countries have the ability to use the latest technology. Therefore, digital marketing techniques or methods have strong impacts on Asian young adults. Digital marketing is the best method for targeting the young generation and diverting their intention for purchasing. The role of Asian young adults for purchasing intention also effected by social factor. The friends and family have strong impacts or influence on purchasing intention of people. Traditional marketing method or techniques have just focused or targeted marketing to a special group of people. Traditional marketing required some innovative methods for changing the intention of young adults for purchasing brand smartphones. 

Buying Behavior of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The study shows that the buying behaviour of consumer or young adults changes as new product or smartphone comes in the market. Marketing is a tool for creating awareness among people about new smartphone features. Therefore, marketing has an influence on buying behaviour as its most challenging job. It is not easy to change the mind or thinking of a person, especially about smartphones. Therefore, marketing job is very difficult to change mind for purchasing the smartphone after six months. The buying behaviour of consumer-controlled through various techniques and methods. The marketing team have special offers for customers to controlling the buying behaviour in Asian countries. Asian people have diverse culture and nature for purchasing smartphones and their buying behaviour controlled for offering them special offers. SEA region in Asia consists of seven key markets for careful monitoring the consumer behaviour. Digital and traditional marketing techniques used for motivating young for purchasing the smartphones (Dastane, 2016).

According to Maral Jamalova and Constantinovits Milan (2019), it founded that there is a strong relationship between smartphone and socio-economic indicators. They both have an influence on consumers for making the decisions. Socio-economic indicators and smartphones are influencing the decisions of people. It has impacts on the operating system in the market. Indicators have impacts on socio-economic conditions and smartphones sale or purchase. These indicators are GDP per capita in the country, gross saving in the country and the ratio of inflation. The other indicators are the ICT development index and unemployment in the country or region. Socio-economic indicators have impacts on the selling of smartphones in the market due to the human development index. The human development index consists on the following factors like as a culture, psychology, personal factors and health. These are the factors that affect the marketing strategies developed for digital marketing and traditional marketing. The variables have impacts on marketing, business and profitability in the market. Marketing analysis provides a clear picture on the regional level in developing countries and under developing countries. These are the trend-setting indicators for smartphone market (Anon., 2019).

Mobile phone/Cellular phones technologies have strong impacts or revolutionary impacts on people. Smartphones are the basic need for each person to stay connected with their friends and family. The consumers belong from different perspectives and backgrounds in the Asian region for using services and applications. Smartphones have various application for serving like banking, health, travel, hotel booking, maps and various other applications. The smartphone handset changed the level of thinking or understanding. Rapid technological development in the 21st century has increased the multimedia services. Smartphone companies are improving their services for GPS, 3G-5G network and mobile phones. The operating system or software installed for networking features. Smartphone companies are installing new operating systems, programs and application to meet the demand of customers or consumers. Consumer behaviour is complicated as cultural or social impacts have different responses for Android or iOS.

Smartphone Market of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

Digital marketing has an advantage over the traditional marketing as it has the capacity to cover the mass population across the world. The digital marketing has no boundaries, border and limits. Social media has now become the most powerful influencing sector for advertising. Millions of people in each country are now using social media and connected with each for professional linkage or cultural. The smartphone market in the Asian region has large opportunities for companies to make their brand worth with high-level marketing strategies.

Socio-Economic Indicators

The socio-economic indicators have strong impacts on marketing strategies using by smartphone companies for motivating people to purchase mobile phones. These indicator describes the economic position of people in the country. It’s very useful for companies to target the specific group of the population. These socio-economic factors are like as given,

GDP per capita Income of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The GDP ratio of the country indicates the position of income in the market as it describes the per capita income. The GDP ratio of a country indicates the per capita income of a person. It is very helpful for determining the level of potential customers for purchasing the products or smartphones and set the range of buying. The buying power of persons indicates that large population has the capacity to buy which level of smartphone or range of price.

Gross Saving of Benefits and Threats of Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on Asian Market. (Comparing the cases of Sony and Huawei)

The gross saving indicates that how much a person or average persons are saving from their income. The gross saving ratio indicates the overall money-saving ratio of persons. It also indicates the potential customers and their capacity range for purchasing the smartphones in the market.


The factor has impacts or influence on the purchasing power of the consumer. Inflation ratio is higher in the country means that consumers have less buying power. If the inflation ratio is less or lower in the country, its mean people have the high saving level and have capacity to spend more on purchasing. Therefore, inflation is a key factor that has effects or influence on consumers purchasing power. Marketing teams have a deep observation of inflation and for their marginal profit.

ICT Development Index

ICT development index indicate the purchasing power of consumers as it has direct impacts on the economy or economic condition. It has a strong role in helping the marketing team and leadership for developing strategies for the smartphone in the market.


Unemployment in the Asian region or under developing countries is an important factor that has effects or influence on buying power. The unemployment in young or adults has negative impacts on the buying power of customers. Unemployment has negative impacts on earning condition and its mean that people or young people did not have a job. Money is most important for spending on their life necessities. Life necessities are most important as people prefer to fulfil their basic needs and after that pays attention on purchasing other products. The sale ratio increases with the number of employment opportunities and decrease with the decreasing in employment opportunities.

Human Development Index

Human development index applied by world bank for monitoring the economic conditions of countries in the world. Human development index has more than five indicators that shows the condition or buying power of country people. The survey of the human development index is based on GDP ratio, per capita income, gross saving, health, education and economic export or on some other indicators. These indicators show the development in human resources and infrastructural resources. Smartphones manufacturing company’s leadership and management have a deep observation on these indicators as its show the potential buying power in the country. Human development index also provide an opportunity for brand companies to establish their units as labor has lower cost and low taxes ratio.

Cultural, Psychological and Personal Factors

Digital marketing and traditional marketing has an influence on people for purchasing the new smartphones. Companies are using motivational techniques, push and pull strategies for consumers for purchasing new smartphones. The culture of the country has a significant influence on marketing strategies. The psychological and personal factors have a role for developing new strategies for controlling the influencing factors. Digital marketing has positive psychological impacts, and traditional marketing has positive impacts on personal factors. Both marketing strategies motivate Asian's for purchasing new smartphones with an advance level of applications (Milán, 2019).

According to Wei-Lun Tsai and Ping-Teng Chang (2018), it founded that the performance of smartphone manufacturers has competitive growth and development. The global system of mobile communicate founded that there were more than 5.7 billion mobile phone users in the world. The new advance technology has changed the mental approach and communication technology has changed the understanding of power. In recent years, smartphone companies have good performance as the demand for cell phones is increasing in the market. The competition in the industry has positive impacts on consumers as companies are offering the best products in an affordable range. The digital marketing and traditional marketing has covered mass population and covered the targeted market. It observed that smartphone manufacturing companies' efficiency increased and its capacity also increased. In the Asian region, smartphones companies are using competitive advantages for improving their brand value. These are like as trademark, patent application and intellectual property rights. The marketing team is focusing on the supply chain, brand value and marketing channels for increasing sale (Chang, 2018).

According to Kuljit Kaur and Harmeen Soch (2017), it founded that the image of product or smartphone company has impacts or influence on shopping for a smartphone. In the Asian market, it determined that face consciousness or company reputation has a strong role in its selling products. The image of company for shopping shows its brand reputation for consumer and have effects on consumer behaviour. In the Asian market, people are face conscious, and company social image deals with purchase decision making in the market. The purchase of smartphone linked with the factors such as social factors (Soch, 2017).

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