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Assignment on Number of different articles were being reviewed here in this study

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3750


Number of different articles were being reviewed here in this study, first of all I looked for the basic diabetes type 2 articles and their prevalence in the whole world that how this disease takes place and how much of the people it is affecting yearly. All the data has been reviewed successfully in the literature review part. Later on, I looked particularly for the Diabetes type 2 in china and I found many articles on which different studies were being made. But here I want to add one more thing that I only wanted those articles which were latest and showed the reasons that why the diabetes type 2 is increasing so rapidly in china on such a large scale. What are the main reasons to make this happen? Well, I excluded articles from the list those didn’t show the latest research and after that I also started excluding the articles that were showing different studies apart from china. There were many articles that were not accessible easily and they were charging some amount to study them they were not free so I also excluded those articles from my study. Furthermore, many of the dull-text articles were also been excludes with number of several reasons like they were not specifically about Diabetes type 2, they about other type of diabetes. Other than this, genetics, ethnicity, and medical treatments were the other reasons due to which the articles got excluded. Last reason due to which some other articles also got excluded was that I was not taking the studies about the old people who were above 60 years and the small children who were below the age of 16 to 17 years. So in total, I extracted my studies or data from almost 30-35 different articles.

There are number of different elements in the environment that have been posited towards the influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus also called as T2DM. This whole systematic review helps in summarizing the evidence on the determinants of environment of T2DM that have been identified in four different kind of the databases. It also helps in proposing out a theoretical framework that illustrates the link between T2DM and environment, it also briefly discusses about some of the methodological challenges along with their potential solutions and opportunities for the future research. Air pollution, physical activity environment, food along with the different roadways proximity were considered to be the most common environmental factors that have been studied. Burden of this diabetes 2 is increasing very highly worldwide and specially in China by posing the socioeconomic along with the health challenges as well. Number of the people with this disease is estimated to be increased from 415 million in 2015 year towards the 642 million by the year of 2040. This type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM is being characterized by the excess level of sugar in the blood accounts for around 90 percent of the cases. T2DM can even cause a much severe damage to the whole body parts like eyes, kidneys, heart along with the vascular system as well. It shows up that the Diabetes is increasing drastically according to the different studies in china and it needs to be controlled as soon as possible. (Jia, 2019)

Increasing prevalence of Diabetes 2 has now become one of the most global public health concern in the 21st century, another study has been conducted and it shows china that is the most populous country has been ranked on number one with an estimation of about 109.6 million adults having this diabetes 2. From the last three decades, rate of diabetes has increased sharply in china as compared to the other countries. Prevalence of this diabetes in china was reported way less than 1% in ratio back in 1980, then in 2001 the ratio almost 5.5%, in 2008 the percentage increased and it was 10.9%. But now according to the 2013 survey it has been shown, 4% of the adults have already been diagnosed with the diabetes, almost 6.9% of the patients have come to know about this disease recently. (Ma, 2014)

As we all know that china is multiethnic country and the survey was compared with other different races and it was found out that crude prevalence of diabetes was almost 14.7% in the majority of the group like Chinese Han which was much higher than in most of the minority ethnic groups that includes Zhuang, Tibetan and Muslims. Crude occurrence of this prediabetes disease was again higher in the Chinese Han ethnic group as well. Tibetan participants were the ones that had a very much low prevalence of the diabetes as well as the prediabetes that is 4.3% and 31.3%. Another thing that is to be noted down here is that prevalence of diabetes 2 in the Manchu group was almost the same as that in the Chinese Han group, and the ratio of prediabetes was way more or can be called as much higher. (Mohan, 2009)

Results from one another shows that prevalence of the diabetes 2 in china’s young people is considerably high and still chances are much of them to get increased. Prevalence of the diabetes 2 in the age group of 20-39 was almost 3.2%, according to another survey that was being done shows that ratio was increased to 5.9% with the passing years. Prevalence of prediabetes also increased from the ratio of 9% to 30% almost as the years are passing.

Young people who suffer from this disease of diabetes 2 are at much higher risk of the chronic complication and this is another major cause of the morality as well as the indisposition in disease. According to another study that has been conducted shows that patients who have young onset of the diabetes had much higher mean concentration of the HbA and the cholesterol level of LDL along with the much high prevalence of the retinopathy as well that is 0.11 as compared to the ones having late onset of this diabetes. Patients having this diabetes 2 in china with the early start of this disease have much high risk of the non-fatal disease that is related to the cardiovascular as compared to the patients having late onset of this disease diabetes type 2. (Pan, 2009)

Results have also showed that diagnosis of this Diabetes type 2 in the china is still facing number of different kind of challenges. Very first thing is, fasting of the plasma glucose along with the oral glucose tolerance test requires that patient to do the fasting process for maximum of 8 hours which ultimately reduces the chances for the diagnosis of diabetes type 2 in the patient. Second one is, as HbA1c cut off the certain points and they also vary on the terms of ethnic group, gender, age group along with the prevalence of diabetes. For this, particular diagnostic values need to be established. (Pan X. R., 1997)

It has also been found out that the ratio of diabetes type 2 is increasing globally but in china it is increasing more rapidly as compared to any other country. It has been found out that back in 2000, number of the diabetes was almost 151 million globally. Then in 2009 it was almost 88% and that makes almost 285 million. Increase of this diseases was also being observed back in 2011 and it was found out to be 366 million and then in 2013 it was 382 million. Then in 2017 it was 425 million. On the basis of present research, estimation has been done and it has been found out that it has been estimated that in 2013, ratio will increase to 578 million in the future times if things don’t become under control. (Wang, 2017)

Diabetes in china has been generalized into three different kind of the groups Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and the Gestational diabetes. Apart from them there are some of other common type of the diabetes are also known in china and rest of the world as well by the name of monogenic diabetes and then the secondary diabetes. China has been reported to have the largest prevalence of Diabetes in the whole globe by reporting the percentage of 1.67% back in 1980 and the percentage has been increased drastically since then and back in 2010 it was reported to have 11.6%.  (Wang W. M., 2009)

Results shows that prediabetes was known to be at the ratio of 35.7% in the china and in them the higher prevalence was of the obese people or individuals. Then in another study, prevalence of diabetes estimated to be 60% and the patients were of middle and the elder age and this ratio was found between 2011 and 2012. The same study established an increasing trend of diabetic patients to be influenced by the age factor. Prevalence of diabetes increase in cases involving high body mass index, larger waist circumference and fasting cholesterol. (Weng, 2016)

It has been found out that there are many people in the whole globe and especially in china as well who are suffering from this Diabetes type 2 and apart from them, many of them are still at the stake of having this Diabetes type 2 due to number of different reasons that has been known and the reasons include:

Lacking in physical activity along with inappropriate diet:

Physical activity:

Physical activity makes every individual active enough and they feel physically fit. Chances become half that any disease comes even near to them. Unfortunately as we all know that our physical activity has been reduced due to the overuse of social media and our busy life. One should always remain indulge in the physical activity to make them physically fit and strong because this is another way through which an individual can stay safe from the diabetes type 2 along with many other diseases as well. (Wong, 2006)

Health factors and the behavior can help in the protection against the developing diabetes while others can also increase the risk of a person of developing this condition. Changes in the lifestyle like losing weight, eating healthy food and increasing the physical activity are all considered to be the protective factors and helps in reducing the risk of diabetes to take place in a person. Another evidence has also been known and that is breastfeeding helps in reducing the risk of maternal type 2 diabetes in the later stages.

Risk factors associated with diabetes 2 can further be divided into two categories, modifiable means that can be changed and non-modifiable that can’t be changed. Non-modifiable factors are the ones that includes the family history and age of the person. Modifiable factors that increase the risk of developing this diabetes disease especially diabetes 2 and it may include:

•           High level of blood cholesterol: Low amount of the cholesterol in the body is continuously related towards the increased risk of the diabetes type 2. Low level of cholesterol along with the high amount of triglycerides are considered to be the part of diabetes in the people. Number of different studies and experiments have shown that high amount of the cholesterol in the blood contribute towards the pathophysiology of the diabetes type 2 by effecting directly on the levels of plasma glucose. The cholesterol amount further activates the secretion of pancreatic B-cell along with the modulates glucose.

•           High level of blood pressure: It is commonly though that may be only high blood pressure would only lead to heart attack and people just take care of that part but they completely forget about another disease that is very common in the blood pressure patients and that is Diabetes type 2. Blood pressure is commonly found in almost every second person in the population of any area. People having blood pressure have an increased risk of diabetes type 2 and the ratio of people who are at the risk are almost 50% out of 100% in every area. Common cause of high level of blood pressure is the high amount of the salt in diet so, it is better to avoid taking the excessive amount of salt in diet to reduce the risk of blood pressure along with diabetes type 2 as well.

•           Tobacco smoking: Back in 2014, it was found that smoking is one of the major cause of diabetes type 2. In other words it is also known as adult-onset diabetes. Smokers have much high risk for the development of diabetes type 2 as compared to the nonsmokers. Chances of developing this diabetes type 2 starts getting to increase with the amount of cigarettes one smokes each day. To avoid this diabetes type 2, its better for a person to quit smoking as soon as possible.

•           Low levels of the physical activities: When a person stops doing physical activity and that activity can be of any type, it further leads to the diabetes type 2 in the people. Weight loss that takes place from increased level of physical activity help out the different muscle cells to use the insulin along with glucose more effectively, therefore it lowers down the risk of diabetes. Lack of exercise further leads the muscle cells to lose the sensitivity for the insulin which further helps in controlling the amount of sugar in the body of a person.

•           Obesity or being overweight: Being overweight or obese further increases the chances for developing the diabetes type 2 in people. Here in this disease, body do makes enough of the insulin but different cells in the body become completely resistant for the salutary action of an insulin because of the overweight. This starts ranging from environment and then to the deep dark recesses for the single cell. A person becomes obese due to number of different reasons like eating junk food in excessive amount, lying all day in the couch without doing anything and things like these. So, obesity is the biggest reason to cause diabetes type 2 in people.

•           Poor diet and not eating healthy food: Poor diet here means a diet that is very much high in calories, fats and this further leads to the cholesterol increase in a person and in result the risk of diabetes also increases. This poor diet leads a person towards obesity that itself is another risk of diabetes type 2 as mentioned above, along with many other health problems or issues as well. To avoid this diabetes type 2, person should start eating healthy food to lead a healthy life and this healthy food means, diet that is high in fiber and low in the cholesterol level, fats, sugar and salt as well.

Increasing Obesity: Obesity or being overweight is directly associated with the cause of diabetes type 2 in people. And this is not necessary at all that only aged people or people above 30 years can have the chances of this diabetes type 2 disease if they are fat. You are completely thinking wrong here, young people who don’t control their weight and become obese are also at the stake of having this diabetes type 2. A person becomes obese by eating a long of sugary food, means food that is high in the sugar level like eating desserts, chocolates and candies. Obviously increased amount of sugar in diet leads to diabetes and obesity both. Then eating junk food like burgers, pizza and fizzy drinks are the other cause of making a person obese. So, to avoid diabetes type 2 along with many other health problems, it is really important for a person to start eating healthy food.

In approximately, 95% of the patients with diabetes in the china have Diabetes type 2, this rapid increase in the occurrence of this disease in the china may attribute towards the increasing rates of the obesity and being overweight along with the reduction in physical activity that is being driven by the economic development, lifestyle along with the diet which they take. According to the surveys being conducted, the occurrence of overweight in the adults of china having age of 20-59 increased from 37.4% in 2000, then 39.2% in 2005, 4.7% in 2010 and then 41.2% back in year 2014 and the estimate increase is 0.2% each year. The rate of obesity also increasing in the population of china. (Yang, 2010) (Zhou, 2013)

Conclusion on Number of different articles were being reviewed here in this study:

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which body becomes unable to use the energy properly while after eating any type of the food. There can be two situations for having this disease:

Pancreas is an organ which is situated behind the stomach in the body which produces small amount of insulin or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is being produced naturally by the beta cells which are present in the pancreas and this hormone further helps the body to use sugar for the sake of energy. Without energy body can’t move.

Or, pancreas as already talked that it is responsible in the production of insulin but this hormone fails to work as it does in normal bodies. This is a condition which is known as insulin resistance.

In the process, sugar also leaves the bloodstream and then enters into the cells and the level of blood sugar gets low. Without having proper amount of insulin or the key sugar becomes unable to get into the cells of body for the use of energy. All this process results into the rise in sugar level. Certain amount of sugar is acceptable in the body, extra amount of sugar in the blood is not good at all and can cause a disease which is known as Hyperglycemia which means high amount of sugar in the blood or in simple words it can also be termed as Diabetes. Diabetes 2 is deadly disease, can take your life easily. Number of different people died because of it only because of their carelessness. This disease took the life of many young and old men as well as women. Many miscarriages have also been faced because of this disease. Rather than waiting for all the symptoms to get appear it’s better to consult a doctor as soon as possible to know about the type. As soon as it gets diagnosed it becomes much easy to get it treated. Make sure to take its treatment on time rather than skipping injections or medicine or what so ever recommended by your doctor. Diet should be controlled along with the weight. Awareness of this disease should be spread to make people know about its effects Life is precious gift of nature and should be treated with care. Negligence in diagnosis cause troubles in the later life. We should as a society stand up and make the society healthier before it gets too late. This report has given all of the basic information that a diabetic 2 patient needs to have to make their life better and recover soon as well. Along with all this I would also like to say that every person whose family history have this disease of Diabetes 2 need to be very careful because it is an inherited disease and the chances for them also increases double times. So to take precautions for Diabetes 2 when they get to have this disease, it’s much better to control diet and maintain a healthy life style by doing physical activities to make sure Diabetes 2 won’t affect you at all. Stay safe by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.




Standards of medical care for type 2 diabetes in China 2019. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews.

Causes of type 2 diabetes in China. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus

Efficacy and safety of sitagliptin in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes in China, India, and Korea. Diabetes research and clinical practice,

Type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: a preventable economic burden.

Gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes care, 27,

Prevalence and ethnic pattern of diabetes and prediabetes in China in 2013. Jama,

Prevalence of diabetes among men and women in China.

Type I diabetes mellitus. New England journal of medicine,

NHG-Standaard Diabetes mellitus type 2. In NHG-Standaarden 2009

Frequency, immunogenetics, and clinical characteristics of latent autoimmune diabetes in China

Gestational diabetes mellitus. The Journal of clinical investigation,


Prevalence of diabetes and its risk factors in China,

Diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Hypertension,



References of Number of different articles were being reviewed here in this study:

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Zhou, Z. X. (2013). Frequency, immunogenetics, and clinical characteristics of latent autoimmune diabetes in China (LADA China study): a nationwide, multicenter, clinic-based cross-sectional study. Diabetes,. 62(2), 543-550.


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