Introduction of
Context-aware merging of middle of life data
Data analytics requires dedicated tools that
are very complex. To processing the big data as compare to effective semantic
processing of middle-of-life data(MoLD). There is a problem with big MoLD with
unique characteristics and it is efficiently not yet and addressed through the
commercialized by methods and tools. Molds need the quasi-real life handling
due to their feedback relationships and their nature where the process of
operations along with the environment products developed. The fewer efforts
which are created to exploit the MoLD as well as knowledge and value creation
also based on the type of data. The new information along with the technologies
like the sensors are conveyed through a MoLD and the phases of the product are
also used and identified ( Eddahab, 2020).
Implementation of MATLAB
Example 1 of Context-aware
merging of middle of life data:
According to the requirement, we take the examples
of the 6 axis and the 9 axis fusion algorithm which is also completed the
orientation. The sensor fusion, as well as tracking toolbox, involves the
different algorithms which are computed the orientation for the inertial measurements
along with the magnetic angular rate gravity units. The type of sensors for
orientation estimation is three which is commonly used, magnetometer,
accelerometers, and the gyroscope. The accelerometer measured the proper
acceleration of the gyroscope and the angular velocity. By the local magnetic field,
magnetometer measures the various algorithms which are also used to fuse the
various combinations of sensors and estimate orientations.

To track the various maneuvering targets
which are also used the different tracking filters. SO the below 2nd examples have
presented the use of single motion along with various multiple motion models

Results of Context-aware merging of middle
of life data
The result of example 1 is shown below; the
algorithm is presented here which is properly tuned and the estimation of orientation
along with the robust of against environmental noise sources. It is also significant
to suppose the various situations where the sensor is used and tuned the filter

Conclusion of Context-aware
merging of middle of life data
Summing up all discussion
it is concluded that sensor data streams in MoLD are very complex for use. So,
in this research, we analyze the two examples with the sensor data streams. The
Matlab Code implementation is also presented along with the result.
References of
Context-aware merging of middle of life data
Eddahab, F. Z. (2020). Using Data Analytics To Extract
Knowledge From Middle-Of-Life Product Data. International Journal of
Advanced Research and Publications, 4(1).