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Report on How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

Category: Education Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2150

Executive summary of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

This paper aims to provide deep insights regarding the gender pay gap in organizations around the world. The paper has discussed how equal pay can be given to both the genders in the organizations. The gender pay gap can be explained as the gap between the pay received by female employees and the male employees in the organization. Most of the female employees in the organization are on lower-level management positions rather than in higher positions. On executive-level positions most of the employees are men. On higher-level positions, the number of salaries, incentives, and bonuses is higher than the lower-level positions. Providing training to the employees is another way through which the organization can reduce the gender pay gap.

Table of contents

Introduction 1

What is gender pay gap? 2

Causes of gender pay gap 2

More men are on higher position than women 2

The part time roles & responsibilities are unequal 2

Women work in low paid positions 3

Women are given less salary than men 3

Workplace flexibility 3

Issues such as parenting 4

Measures taken by the corporations 4

Are the measures effective or not effective? 4

Proposed solution to the problem 4

Conducting annual review 4

Diversity sourcing strategies 4

Training of the employees 4

Providing leadership roles 5

Employee benefits 5

Conclusion 5

References 5

Introduction of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

This paper aims to provide deep insights regarding the gender pay gap in organizations around the world. The paper has discussed how equal pay can be given to both the genders in the organizations. The paper has discussed different reasons which cause the gender pay gap in male and female employees. The paper has not only discussed the causes of the gender pay gap but also identify the strategies that different organizations have adopted for eliminating the gender pay gap. In the end, the solution for reducing the gender pay gap has been provided in detail.

What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap can be explained as the gap between the pay received by female employees and the male employees in the organization. The gender pay gap occurs because of different reasons. In the organizations, the main reasons for the gender pay gap include the difference in the positions, roles, and responsibilities, and the salaries which both male and female employees receive (Coren, 2019).

Causes of the gender pay gap

There are many reasons for the gender pay gap some of the reasons are discussed in detail as follows:

More men are in a higher position than women

Most of the female employees in the organization are on lower-level management positions rather than in higher positions. On executive-level positions most of the employees are men. On higher-level positions, the number of salaries, incentives, and bonuses is higher than the lower-level positions. That is why most of the women earn lower than men in organizations. The gap between the positions and authority in the organization becomes a major reason for the gender pay gap.  This problem can be resolved if the corporation provides carrier growth opportunities to female employees so that female employees can reach the executive-level position. However, this is not the only reason for the gender pay gap in the organization (Gascoigne, 2020).

The part-time roles & responsibilities are unequal

The part-time roles or responsibilities which female employees have done in the organization are not similar to the responsibilities that male employees perform in the corporation. The male employees often perform complex tasks in results significant amount of remuneration is given to the male employees. Female employees perform tasks that are not similar to men and that is why lower remuneration is paid to the female employees. Due to this reason, the gender pay gap exists in organizations. By providing the employees equal responsibilities gender pay gap can be reduced up to a lot of extents (Cundiff, Danube, Zawadzki, & Shields, 2017).

Women work in low paid positions

As discussed earlier most of the female employees in the organization are on lower-level management positions rather than on higher positions. On executive-level positions, most of the employees are men. On higher-level positions, the number of salaries, incentives, and bonuses is higher than the lower-level positions. The women in the organization are usually in such positions were the amount of salary is less and that is why the gender pay gap exists between male and female employees. This gap can be reduced by implementing strategies such as job rotation or by recruiting the female employees in higher-level management positions so that they can enjoy equal pay (J., D., & Sackett, 2015).

Women are given less salary than men

In many organizations, the reward is sometimes not given by keeping the performance of the employees in mind. The criteria which are defined by the organization for paying the employees to create a difference in the gender pay gap. The different criterion set by organizations allows the organizations to give different amounts of pay to both female and male employees that create gender pay gap. Such a problem can be resolved If the organization has the same criteria for both male and female employees. If the employees are paid according to their performance than the gender pay gap can be reduced (Bubenik, 2019).

Workplace flexibility of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

Workplace flexibility has a huge impact on the gender pay gap. The policies which are implemented for managing the workplace affect the pay received by the employees, for instance, the tasks received by male employees are different than female employees. Females usually get more flexible working hours than men because of parenting issues. Due to these changes in the working environment, the pay gap occurs between female employees and male employees. Men do not take much flexible working hours because they do not have the responsibilities which women have to face like parenting. 

Issues such as parenting of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

The female employees sometimes take off from the organization because they have to do parenting. Due to this issue, the pay of female employees gets affected. Male employees, on the other hand, do not face such issues and their pay does not get affected (Holmes, 2008).

Measures were taken by the corporations

There are many measures which the organizations have taken for reducing the gender pay gap in the organizations. The organization’s HR department has started recruiting more employees on senior positions so that female employee can also wok in higher management positions. The organization has set the reward for the employees based on their performance. The organizations now give the same tasks to both male and female employees so that the gender pay gap in the corporation can be reduced. The female employees are now given more facilities in the organization so that their performance and skills can be enhanced (Bubenik, 2019).

Are the measures effective or not effective?

Many measures which the organizations have implemented have reduced the gender pay gap to some extent. The measures taken by corporations are allowing them to provide equal employment opportunities to both male and female employees. Due to the latest strategies and polices female employees are now experiencing career growth and working on senior-level positions. However, there is a lot of room for improvement. In the various organization, the problem of the gender pay gap still exists and further action needs to be taken so that the gender pay gap can be eliminated and equal opportunities to both the employees can be given (Coren, 2019).

The proposed solution to the problem

There are different ways through which the gender pay gap can be reduced in the organization. The following are some of the strategies which organizations can be used for eliminating or mitigating gender pay gap:

Conducting an annual review

The HR of the corporation can perform an annual review to understand how much pay is organization is providing to its employees and what is the criteria of performance appraisal. Through this review, the organization can identify the issues which are causing the gender pay gap in the organization. With the help of a review, new strategies can be established which will help the company to reduce the gender pay gap and provide equal pay to both male and female employees. The corporation can also take feedback from the employees regarding whether they are satisfied with the rewards which the organization is providing or not (Bubenik, 2019).

Diversity sourcing strategies

The diversity in the sourcing strategies can reduce the gender pay gap up to a lot of extents. at the time of recruitment of the corporations are going to recruit more female employees on executive-level than male level than the gender pay gap can be reduced up to a lot of extents. The gender pay usually occurs in the corporation only when the female employees and male employees’ salaries differ. The difference in salary occurs when a female employee’s position and male employees’ position in the organization is not the same. By reducing this gap the gender pay gap can be eliminated (Reiners, 2019).

Training of the employees of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

Providing training to the employees is another way through which the organization can reduce the gender pay gap. Usually, the skills, experience, and other qualities of the employees can cause a huge difference in the amount of reward they receive from the organizations. The employees who are skillful and have relevant experience in their field earn more than those employees who have limited skills and do not have major experience in the field. By providing them training the organization can enhance the skill and knowledge of its employee’s which will ultimately help the employees to earn high wages in the organization (Gascoigne, 2020).

Providing leadership roles of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

The leadership roles should be given to the female employees so that they can get the opportunity to lead the organization. With these steps, not only the organization will provide equal pay but also all the employees will get equal carrier growth opportunities. 

Employee benefits

The benefits should be given to both female and male employees equally. The organization can provide pay according to the performance of the employees. Thorough providing benefits and incentives to the employees equally will help the organization to reduce the gender pay gap up to a lot of extents. Reducing the gender pay gap is important for corporations today.

Conclusion of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

It is concluded that the part-time roles or responsibilities which female employees have done in the organization are not similar to the responsibilities that male employees perform in the corporation. The male employees often perform complex tasks in results significant amount of remuneration is given to the male employees. Female employees perform tasks that are not similar to men and that is why lower remuneration is paid to the female employees. Due to this reason, the gender pay gap exists in organizations. The diversity in the sourcing strategies can reduce the gender pay gap up to a lot of extents. at the time of recruitment of the corporations are going to recruit more female employees on the executive level than the male level than the gender pay gap can be reduced up to a lot of extents. The gender pay usually occurs in the corporation only when the female employees and male employees’ salaries differ. The difference in salary occurs when a female employee’s position and male employees’ position in the organization is not the same. By reducing this gap the gender pay gap can be eliminated.

References of How Can Equal Pay between Genders Be Established

Bubenik, S. (2019). Gender Pay Inequity: Establishing Fair and Equal Pay For Women In Your Company. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/scholleybubenik/2019/04/01/gender-pay-inequity-establishing-fair-and-equal-pay-for-women-in-your-company/#239045808ed4

Coren, M. J. (2019). The roots of the gender pay gap are deeper than discrimination. Retrieved from https://qz.com/1567008/the-systemic-reasons-why-the-gender-pay-gap-increases-over-time/

Cundiff, J. L., Danube, C. L., Zawadzki, M. J., & Shields, S. A. (2017). Testing an Intervention for Recognizing and Reporting Subtle Gender Bias in Promotion and Tenure Decisions. Journal of Higher Education, 89(5), 611-636.

Gascoigne, C. (2020). The real reasons behind the gender pay gap. Retrieved from https://timewise.co.uk/article/article-real-reasons-behind-gender-pay-gap/

Holmes, J. (2008). Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse. John Wiley & Sons.

J., K. A., D., D. S., & Sackett, P. R. (2015). A meta-analysis of gender stereotypes and bias in experimental simulations of employment decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 128–161.

Reiners, B. (2019). WHAT IS GENDER BIAS IN THE WORKPLACE? Retrieved from https://builtin.com/diversity-inclusion/gender-bias-in-the-workplace

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