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Report on The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Category: Investment Banking Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 5000


The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Introduction   of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

            In this competitive world, companies are competing with each other on various terms. The work performance of employees is critical in so many ways for every business firm, and if employees’ work performance is not going well due to various reasons, then a firm can lose a competitive advantage in the market. It clearly means that the human resource of the firms is their most important asset, because their loyalty, commitment, and passion for work can turn into great performance. The question for every firm to find the answer is that how they can achieve great work performance from their employee, and the answer lies in different factors such as job satisfaction, job stress, as well as, work-life balance. These factors have proved time and again that the work performance of employees can be at the highest level if they are happy, satisfied, and stress-free from their job. If an employee is getting what he/she deserves, and he/she is also being valued by his/her organization, then their job performance will always satisfactory. In this research, all of these important factors will be analyzed with regards to Social Development Bank (Saudi Arabia) to see how important these factors are, and if Bank’s employees are having these elements in their job to remain loyal. It will be analyzed how these factors are making a positive or negative impact on the work performance of employees (Thevanes & Mangaleswaran, 2018)

            It is important to know that the Social Development Bank (Saudi Arabia) started its operations in 1971. The primary objective of this bank was to provide social loans to the people of Saudi Arabia. But as time passed, the services of the bank continued to expand and various other loans such as business loans were started. It is vital to mention here that the Social Development Bank is one of the government based Saudi banks. In terms of providing social loans, the bank has been one of the most critical pillars in the country because it is helping the less privileged people struggling with their lives and social status. The vision of the bank on its website is stated as “To be pioneers in empowering social development tools and enhancing the financial independence of individuals and families towards a vital and productive society.” It shows the visionary roadmap of the bank to work in Saudi Arabia. The bank has also given a comprehensive mission statement to carry out its strategy and mission is stated as “Provide financial and non-financial services and targeted savings plans supported by qualified human resources to contribute in social development, building partnerships with multiple sectors, spreading financial awareness and promoting a culture of self-employment among all segments of society.” (SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK, 2019)

            Social Development Bank should understand the importance of their workforce as they are the ones to lead them towards their strategic goals. Every strategy made by the bank has to be executed with the support of its employees. They should know the fact that it has been proven in a variety of examples, where job stress, as well as, satisfaction was strongly related to the job performance of bank employees. Stress is a common thing in every industry including the banking industry because the employees have to go through various kinds of pressures on a daily basis. They have to meet certain goals, work for extra time, and they do it with a threat of termination on their minds. These job elements are critical in increasing the level of stress in employees, which can lead to bad performance at work. The banks can also face an issue of employee’s turnover because stress will impact their job performance, they will look for other options to work, where job stress is less, and elements of job satisfaction are more than the industry’s average (Akhtar, Naheed, Akhtar, & Farooq, 2018)

Literature Review of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Nowadays Occupation stress has become a run of the mill term. In every affiliation, the essential driver of low benefit has all the reserves of being stress at the workplace. Agents need specific kinds of motivation and occupation stress easing approaches to vanquish the weight. There are different sorts of occupation stress winning in a delegate's customary everyday presence like an exceptional job that needs to be done, proficient security, autonomy, work conflicts, low compensation rates, etc. In this article, the main focus of the author is on the issues considered are a remaining job that needs to be done, manager steadiness, and move business identified in different companies. The author also investigates the impact of occupation stress-related factors; viz. remaining weight, business steadiness, and move tackle delegates' particular work execution. An undertaking was made to draw out the action pressure directing strategies that can be trailed by laborers and the organizations to overcome their action pressure and to improve their introduction. In the end, the organization can figure out how to control the movement sentiments of the tension of agents to grow their action execution. They may give directing, reflection program, inspirations, etc. which improves the show of the delegates as time goes on (Dar, Akmal, Naseem, & Khan, 2011)

The work-life has to be balanced all the time because work-life is an auspicious significant region of Human assets Management and has become a top need for laborers all over. The Author's main goal for this examination is to research the connection between work-life parity and occupation fulfillment of the Company Employees. In this study, the Author examination was finished by utilizing 360 workers as an example and they speak to transportation and coordination’s part of the Agencies. The information was broke down utilizing factor investigation and auxiliary Equation model. Through this research, the author fined the outcomes uncovered that a large portion of the representatives appear not happy with their activity and thus they can't have legitimate work-life balance. The vast majority of staff are on assignments that are sought after and that should be done in severe cutoff times (Aarti, Chahal, Chowdhary, & Chahal, 2013)

Nowadays the economy managing an individual agent is more problematic than the previous history. A solid way of life is one where it is spread with some essentialness and attempts between key zones of hugeness. Work-life balance has gotten huge and central for all intents and purposes all classes of delegates, recollecting those laborers for instructing position. So to change in economy managing, the author investigates the impact of work-life balance on work satisfaction and progressive obligation among demonstrating agents of the company in this paper. A case of 171 delegates aggregated by methods for stratified sporadic testing which has been given the reason to examination. Data was accumulated through review and dismembered through SPSS. The result shows that a tremendously positive relationship exists between work-life leveling and the business satisfaction of different employees. So the hypothesis H1 is recognized. The results also show that it is sure a relationship exists between work-life balance and definitive obligation of employees. Therefore the hypothesis H2 is also recognized with proper evidence (BATOOL & ULLAH, 2013)

Inspiration is a factor that practices an incredible power on our exercises and effort. As per the author of this article, inspiration is a gradual addition of various practices that impact and guides our conduct to achieve a certain specific objective. In this article, the author investigates and expects to look at the effects of remunerations and inspiration utilizing an apparent measure of remunerations on work fulfillment in both open and private banks of Saudi Arabia. In this examination, 568 workers were taken an interest in the two segments. To lead the examination relapse investigation was created to test the connection between remunerations, inspiration and employment fulfillment. The results show that the rewards have positive hugeness on inspiration, inspiration is decidedly identified with the activity fulfillment and rewards have a positive noteworthy impact on work fulfillment. The outcomes through this study are conflicting with past investigations led to break down the relationship of remunerations, inspiration and occupation fulfillment in various settings (Zaini, Nilufar, & Alam, 2009)

In this article, the author is planned to investigate the job of apparent work-life equalization and occupation fulfillment in creating duty among emergency clinic representatives. Notwithstanding that, sex distinction is likewise thought about to make a solid determination. The investigation is quantitative in nature. So as to gauge chosen factors, 13 things were embraced to quantify work-life balance. Occupation fulfillment is estimated by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). 11 things were chosen from the work responsibility list to gauge hierarchical duty. The results of this study uncovered a moderate degree of work-life balance, work fulfillment and hierarchical responsibility among the picked representatives. The huge relationship is found between work-life equalization and employment fulfillment (Swody & Powell, 2007)

The author did this investigation to discover the effect of occupation weight on the public activity of a worker. An example of 221 respondents has been taken from various organizations and banks. To discover circumstances and logical results straight relapse has been applied and unwavering quality of the factors has been checked through Cronbach's Alpha. The research model has been created based on referenced factors. The author finds though the investigation, that the activity stress is decidedly influencing the public activity of a worker. Though long working hours likewise has a noteworthy beneficial outcome on a representative's public activity. In addition to work, over-burden is likewise one of the components which influence the life of a working man. Moreover, job struggle additionally assumes a significant job in making pressure which influences the public activity of a representative. The author indicated by the outcomes the entirety of the variables makes worry for representatives so the associations must create or make such methodologies which could limit or lessen the worry at the working environment (Ehrenberg, 2004)

The author’s primary goal of the present examination was to comprehend the level of the Quality of Work-life among the representatives working in the Saudi Arabia. The irregular inspecting technique was applied to choose the information from representatives working in general society and private areas. The Quality of Work-life scale and true to life data sheet were utilized to assemble the data from the representatives. The tool applied for this study was Cronbach's alpha incentive for unwavering quality checks and other measurable strategies were utilized to investigate the realities of the information. Through the outcomes, it shows that six factors, for example, self-governance, between bunch connection, acknowledgment, financial advantages, sense of pride and supervisory relations were most significant determinants of Quality of Work-life; wedded and open division representatives found to have a high mean score on the quality of work-life as contrasted and their partners and lion's share of representatives in the organization were having a low degree of nature of work life. The certain instrument was examined to improve the Quality of Work-life of the representatives to make the association progressively powerful and reasonable (Ahsan, 2017).

Research Methodology of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

The research methodology section is consisting of important information about research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, and sampling details. See the following headings for further details about the methodology employed in this research project for data collection and analysis to reach conclusive arguments. 

Research Questions of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

Three research questions are developed for this research project. These questions will be used as a basis to develop reach hypotheses for the testing process and to guide all other activities to be done in this research project. The research questions are stated below:

Q1: Does job stress draw impact on work performance at social development bank?

Q2: How job satisfaction influence work performance at social development bank?

Q3: What impact work life balance draws on employee's work performance in Saudi Arabia?

Research Objectives of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

The key research objectives for this research project are enlisted below:

1-      To elaborate on the impact of job satisfaction on employee’s work performance

2-      To explain how work place stress influences the overall performance outcomes of employees in social development banks of Saudi Arabia.

3-      To identify factors with a positive impact on employees performance at banks.

Research Hypotheses of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

Based on the identified research questions and research objectives some hypothesis are developed for this research project. The key research hypotheses to be tested in this project are related to the work performance outcomes of employees. Hypotheses are presented here.

1-      Job stress has a negative impact on employees performance outcomes in a bank.

2-      Job satisfaction is positively correlated with work performance improvement.

3-      Work-life balance draws impact on the work performed at social development bank.

Research Instrument of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

The research project will be based on primary data collection and analysis to reach the conclusion. A quantitative data collection technique "questionnaire" will be used as a research instrument to collect quantitative and primary research data from the research samples. The research instrument “questionnaire” will be based on some open-ended and close-ended set of questions. The questionnaire will be sub-divided into four main sections. The first section will be based on questions about demographic information of samples such as "age, gender, name, work position". While the other three sections will contain questions about job stress level, job satisfaction level, and work life balance. In the questionnaire section 2,3, and 4, a Likert scale with 5 levels will be used to collect actual responses from selected research samples. 

Sample Size of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

The research project is about the employees of the banking sector in Saudi Arabia. Considering the limitation of available research resources and time shortage, the research will only collect information from the selected and most relevant research samples. The selected sample size is 250 employees of Saudi Arabian Government bank. Recently, social development bank has 29 branches. The research project will collect information from all these branches by contacting the selected research samples from all 29 branches of a social development bank in Saudi Arabia.

Sampling Technique of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank:

The research samples will be selected on the basis of cluster random selection technique for sampling. The whole population of 250 employees will be divided into 29 clusters or groups in accordance with the branches. Then all relevant employees from these clusters or groups will be selected for the collection of primary data or responses about the factors (e.g. job satisfaction, job stress, and work life balance) influencing overall work performance of employees at social development bank of Saudi Arabia.

Conceptual Framework of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank


Results and Analysis of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

The findings of the research are one of the most important parts of the research.  Through these findings, we can easily show that there is a huge impact of job satisfaction, job stress and work life balance on the working of the employee.  The samples are collected from banks that are located in Saudi Arabia. There is about 250 samples of the employee taken from these banks. The samples of those employees that are working at the middle level are about 115. On the other side, the employees from the lower level are about 135.

The analysis of the study are contains two types of the analysis as descriptive and inferential analysis. These all types of the test are performed by applying the data on the SPSS because it’s considered as the effective software for generating the table charts and graphs.  

Descriptive analysis of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Descriptive analysis re performed on the demographic profile of the respondent to measuring the percentages of the respondents along with their frequencies.





Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


















Gender is first demographic question on the question that is used to identify the percentages of the female and male respondents who have participated in this questionnaire. The above given table represents that there were 113 male who have participated in this research study and reaming 137 are the female that are 54 % of the total respondents.






Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Up-to 25




















Over 55











The above given table is representing the percentage of the ages of the respondents. As shown in the table 3.2 percent respondents are less than 25 years age. 21.6 % respondents are those respondents who are belong to the age group of the 26-35 years.33.6 % respondents are those respondents who are belong to the age group of the 36-45 years. 31.2 % respondents are those respondents who are belong to the age group of the 46-55 years.   10.4 % respondents are those respondents who are belong to the age group of the respondents who are over than 55 years. 


Marital Status of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent























The above given table is representing the percentage of the marital status of the respondents. As shown in the table 9.6 percent respondents are single. 47.6 % married and remaining 42.5 % respondents are divorced who have participated in this research study.

Reliability and Validity


Total respondents

No of items

Chronbach’s Alpha


Job Satisfaction





Work  performance






Work life balance





Job Stress






The reliability analysis is conducted to measuring the inconsistency of the data.  If the value of the Chronbach’s Alpha is greater than 0.7 it shows the inconsistency in data and data is reliable for further analysis. Chronbach’s Alpha of job satisfaction is 0.901 and Chronbach’s Alpha value of the employee performance is 0.790 it shows the data is reliable for further analysis.

Regression analysis of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error
















Work life balance







Job Stress







Job Satisfaction






a. Dependent Variable: Work performance


The above given table represent the effects of the job satisfaction, job stress and work life balance on the work performance of the employees of the Social Development Bank. The value of the coefficients which 1.086, 2.092 and 1.08 is representing the positive relation among the job satisfaction, job stress and work life balance on the work performance of the employees of the Social Development Bank. The significance value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05. It shows the positive significant relationship of the job stress, job satisfaction and work life balance on the work performance of the employees of the Social Development Bank.  


Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), work performance

Interpretation of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

The model summary in the regression analyses shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variables. As it shows the value of the adjusted R square is .834 which shows the 83% influence of the job satisfaction job stress and work life balance on the work performance of the employees of the Social Development Bank.




Job satisfaction

Job Stress

Work performance

Job satisfaction

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








Job Stress

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








Work performance

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Interpretation of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

The correlation analysis indicates the correlation among the job satisfaction and performance of the employees. It shows both of the variables have positive relationship. It means for enhancing the work performance of the employees in the Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Social Development Bank.

 Pie charts for all items of the independent variables are shown below to represent the views of the individuals for constructs separately.

Conclusion and Suggestions
Conclusion of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Summing up all the discussion from above it is concluded that job satisfaction, Job stress, work life balance is one of the most important factors for the employee that is working in any organization. For conducting this research, the Social Development Bank is selected. The impact of job satisfaction Job stress, work life balance has been seen in a proper way in Social Development Bank. There are different factors that have been mentioned in detail in the above section of the study. In the starting part of the study, there is a discussion about the problem statement of the study and that is about the banking sector of Saudi Arabia. The main problem was that in Saudi Arabia job satisfaction in the Banking sector is so much important. This is because it can be seen that in most of the banks the employees are not satisfied with their work.

The study has been presented in the banking sector of Saudi Arabia; the performance of the employees will be decreased when they are not satisfied with their job. , it is imperative for banks in Saudi Arabia to know that what impact is made by job satisfaction on employees’ work performance, and if this impact is positive then what attributes were associated with it, and if job satisfaction is not impacting employees performance in a positive manner, then what reasons are behind that. All of these reasons have been discussed in detail in the section above. In any workplace, it can be seen that job satisfaction is one of the most important factors for the employee that will affect their performance in a great amount.

Suggestions of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

There are some suggestions for future researchers for conducting the research. This is because through these suggestions it will become extremely easy for the researchers that they can easily carry out future research. These suggestions will also help the researchers to evaluate the key factors of the finding, and also help them to carry out future researches. The future research must be related to the employee’s job satisfaction and also the employee turnover relationship in the banks of Saudi Arabia. This is because it is one of the most important parts of the research. In that part, there will be a proper discussion about their relationship in detail. What steps and be taken for improving their relationship in most of the banks in Saudi Arabia.

 The next suggestion is related to the public and private banks of Saudi Arabia how job satisfaction can be affected in both banking sectors. This is because job satisfaction is one of the most important parts of any organization so for that case two banking sectors will be analyzed in detail. Then after this, the next suggestion is related to the age factor in the banking sector. This research is related to the impact of job satisfaction according to the age of the individual that are working in the banking sectors. Through this research, it will become extremely easy for future researchers to analyzed is there any effect of age in the banking sector. This will show that age is also the factor that is involved in putting an impact on job satisfaction.

References of The Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank

Aarti, C., Chahal, S., Chowdhary, B., & Chahal, J. (2013). Job Satisfaction Among Bank Employees: An Analysis Of The Contributing Variables Towards Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(8), 11-20.

Ahsan, M. (2017). A Comparison of Job Satisfaction of Private and Public Banks’ Employees. Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 3(6), 76-92.

Akhtar, A., Naheed, K., Akhtar, S., & Farooq, U. (2018). Impact of Job Stress on Employees’Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study of Private Banks of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 38(1), 137-151.

BATOOL, M., & ULLAH, R. (2013). Impact of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment in Banking Sector: Study of Commercial Banks in District Peshawar. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 12-24.

Dar, L., Akmal, A., Naseem, M. A., & Khan, K. U. (2011). Impact of Stress on Employees Job performance in Business Sector of Pakistan. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(6), 1-4.

Ehrenberg, A. (2004). What brand loyalty can tell us. London: http://www.warc.com.

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK. (2019). About US. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from https://www.sdb.gov.sa/en-us/about-us/vision-and-mission

Swody, C. A., & Powell, G. N. (2007). Determinants of Employee Participation in Organizations’ Family-friendly Programs: A Multi-level Approach. Journal of Business and Psychology, 22(2), 111-122.

Thevanes, N., & Mangaleswaran, T. (2018). Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Job Performance of Employees. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 20(5), 11-16.

Zaini, A., Nilufar, A., & Alam, S. S. (2009). The effect of human resource management practices on business performance among private companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(6), 65-72.

Appendix 1

This survey is aimed at analyzing whether the objectives of this research are fulfilled the Impact of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Work Performance at Social Development Bank and this questionnaire will take from almost less than 10 minutes to complete it. That’s for sure that all information will be kept secret and anonymous to everyone. Your help is required to fill that questionnaire so we are able to complete this research and your efforts are highly appreciable.

Name (optional)

1) Age

a) 18-24                       b) 25-34 years             c) 35-44 years             d) 45- 54      e) 55 years plus

2) Gender

a) Male                        b) Female

4) Educational Level 

a) College    b) Bachelor        c) Masters     d) PHD

5) Employment status

a) In-service           b) Student    c) Self-employed       d) others    

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree








Strongly Agree



















Job satisfaction



I am satisfied with my job.








Do you agree with the statement that “productivity can enhance by enhancing the level of job satisfaction.








I am satisfied with my job despite it is quiet challenging sometimes.








I am well-paid of the work in organization that I do and it can enhance my satisfaction level for this job.








Do you agree with your job?








Work Performance



Employee must be effectively fulfilling all the tasks assigned to him.








Employee performs very well when his co-workers are self-motivated and productive.








In the situation of the stress the employee cannot perform very well that can be the cause of the low productivity.









There must be educational and mentoring support whenever employee face problem in work.








Is the lower rate of absenteeism in the organization can increase the productivity








Work life balance



Performance of the employees is the greatest factors to enhancing the productivity of the organization.








Do you believe that green concepts of the motivation should be promoted for enhancing the product of the organization?








Do you agree organization cannot grow while the employees are not satisfied?








Do you agree with this statement “job satisfaction and employees performance are the key indicators for enhancing productivity of the organization”?








By enhancing the satisfaction level and employee performance the productivity of the organization increases well.








Job Stress



Job stress effect the quality of work








Regular exercises can reduce the job stress for effective









I delegate work equally across the team to reducing the job









The additional work can be the cause of job stress.








Not responding for the problems is cause of job stress







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