Depend on Martin's A Critical
Introduction to the Study of Religion as a guide for making an argument in
terms of social functionalism. Chapters 3-9 are important and they are
recommended as well. You don’t need to waste space by inserting quotes.
Instead, say them in your own words and just cite chapters.
You need to use Group Religion, Own
Religion, Monasticism, Dudeism, and examples that you have from other courses
of religion at SJFC. They should be used as examples which represent your
socialist functionalist argument.
Lastly, a great paper will be capable
of accurately evaluating the weaknesses and strengths of a functionalist
approach. Don’t include this part in your paper if you are thinking about BS.
It is argued by social functionalists that for individuals and
society, religion serves as a positive function. In fact, “What is Religion?”
as a question is very broad and it is quite difficult to answer it. Usually,
when this question is asked, many people tend to think about a system of
beliefs, a place of worship, and a controlling force etc. However,
if a social functionalist were to answer this question, they would have a
unique and different answer to it. They would elaborate what is
done by a religion for society and what influence it has on individuals. From
the perspective of a functionalist, an important part of a religion is all the
opportunities that are created by it for social gatherings and interaction. In
addition, social norms and order are created by religion in various ways.
In general, for followers of a religion, there
are certain aspects of life which are performed due to the religion without our
knowing. Just as explained by Martin in Chapter 5, social order is produced
against through a socialization cycle over time. In the chapter, Martin
describes the social aspects of religion. It is claimed by social
functionalists that a religion relies on society for deriving its values.
Meanwhile, in the Chapter 3, he describes social order and socialization.
Often, societies are composed of systems of social roles and classification. In
accordance with social functionalists, society and religion are interconnected.
It would be argued by social functionalists that a positive controlling force
is religion which is quite beneficial for society.
It is believed by functionalists
that various functions are served by a religion in society. A major benefit is
that it offers comfort in different situations of sadness or crisis. Usually,
it offers crisis for people when they are in the need of it. Furthermore,
people are brought together by it in times of celebration and holidays for
practicing happiness. For instance, in Christianity, on Christmas and Easter,
families tend to gather for celebration. These are two religious holidays that
seem to bring happiness to communities. The Day of the Dude is another example
which is celebrated in Dudeism. Actually, it is the day when the release of Big
Lebowski took place and it enables followers to celebrate. Thus, regardless of
the religion, it serves to bring people together for social control and
interaction. In fact, even in monasticism, followers tend to live in
communities. Therefore, no matter what the religion is, it allows people to
interact and bond.
Foundation and stability are also
provided by religion. In fact, for many people, an important role is played by
religious practices in their lives. For some, it influences their daily lives
while for some, it does not. Furthermore, followers are given an approach by
religion to approach their life. For instance, visiting church weekly and
attending religious classes have served to provide me with stability. When I
was a child, I had the routine of visiting church on every Sunday and then
being together with family to watch football. Even though I did not consider it
a social interaction created by the religion, I appreciate it now. Across
different religions, many people have their own specific organizations. Comfort
is provided by this order because people understand what to expect. Other
religions have their own unique ways of offering stability. There is a website
in Dudeism that describes everything about it and has ways and activities of
socializing with other members. Other than stability, rituals of a religion
offer organization, order, and comfort through patterns and symbols of
In spite of the fact that separate
religions have different figures, they are always connected to some type of
text, icon, and figure. For instance, in the Chapter 6, authority is introduced
by Martin in religion. In accordance with the text, there exist three types of
authority. These types involve authoritative things and materials like
practices, rituals, and texts and an example of this would include Holy Books.
Furthermore, a second kind of authority is social positions or religious
figures. For instance, when it comes to Catholicism, Pope is considered a
religious figure while in Buddhism, the figure holding authority is Buddha. In
a religion, the way things are performed is normally due to authoritative
figures. If there is no order or authority, religion would not be how it is. It
is believed by social functionalists that system and order are brought by a
religion within society.
Hence, if the question of “What is
Religion” was asked to social functionalists, they would mention how a religion
serves as a beneficial and positive function for people and society. Actually,
this is quite a complex question to answer and it is not generally concerned
with the definition of religion, but more with what is included in and entailed
in a religion. Several functions are served by a religion in communities and
society. From providing comfort to people to creating social interactions and
celebration, all of these purposes are served by a religion. It
serves to create social control. In addition, rituals bring comfort and order
through behavior patterns and symbols. Often, religion impacts society. In our
daily lives, these impacts can be observed. In conclusion, a different
perspective is possessed by social functionalists towards religion.