According to the given condition, the main aim of this project is to renovate the interior design of the building that is based in Singapore and contains more than 20 years’ experience in delighting home and other businesses.
Requirement collection of Scope management plan
The main requirement of this project is to change the current plan layout of the apartment and make it into new one. Moreover, it must be according to the scope of the project. From the requirement of the project, it can be noted that it contains various objectives. In this section, there is complete information about the project objectives and how they will change over the required time. The first objective is related to the repairing of major damages of the condo unit. This means that it is related to repairing of the complete house. The condo unit is started from 1 to 22. All apartments of this unit will be repaired that contain some major damages in it.
The next objective is related to creating more space in the apartment. This is because if there is availability of proper space in the apartment then it will become simple to adjust more things in it. Moreover, due to this there will be low energy consumption in the apartment. This shows that energy is one of the most important thing for the apartment. This can be done easily by applying latest technical standards. This is because due to these standards there will be low energy consumption in the apartments (Kim Heldman, 2007).
The next objective is relate to the enhancement of the living comfort and indoor climate. As it can be seen from the old layout, the living room area is quite small. There is low space is available for the living area. Due to this fact, it will become difficult for the person to make proper adjustment in the living area. This is the reason why there is need to enhance living area.
According to the design of new layout, the net objective is related to increasing aesthetic value by giving modern look to the apartment. Now the next thing is that recent design of homes are quite innovative. Due to this, apartment will be renovate according to the latest designs of homes. Moreover, if its aesthetic value is increased then it will be looked more attractive and valuable for the person.
Another objective is related to the increasing property value. It shows that when all things are added according to the latest design and also latest technical standards are introduced in the apartment then the value of the property will be increased. Due to this fact, it will get proper advantage to the owner of the house.
Scope definition of Scope management plan
For defining the scope of the whole project, there is need to make proper work breakdown structure of the whole project. In work breakdown structure, there are different stages are defined according to the project. The whole project will be completed according to these stages. Then after this the next step is related to the scheduling of the management plan. This plan will be made according to the work breakdown structure of the project. It will provide complete information about the whole project with its completion time. It will also provide information about workers for completing required tasks of the project. After this, there will be cost management plan of the project. This calculate the whole cost of the project, the cost will be according to the number of schedule management plan of the project. Then after this there will be human resource management plan, quality, and communication, risk and procurement management plan of the whole project. All of these plans will defined the whole project in a proper way (Moustafaev, 2014).
Work breakdown structure of Scope management plan
For the scope of the project, work breakdown structure plays a major role. This is because in work breakdown structure, there are different stages are defined according to the project. The whole project will be completed according to these stages. According to this project, the work break down structure contains four main stages. The key stages of this work breakdown structure are planning stage, implementation stage, review stage, and project completion stage. The main task is related to the renovation of the home. After this in the another stage, there is information about the required places of the home that will be renovate in that house. Like, new area for construction and repair in the house, kitchen, bedroom, custom cabinets and final touch. There will be no future stage for final touch. Moreover, for the new construction and repairing it will divided into future two category in the next stage. It shows that single storey, and double storey apartments. Then after this in each category there are a lot of options are present. Like it can be noted from the single storey apartment there is need to make some changes for the foundation, building its walls, roofing, completing electrical wiring, flooring, painting and completing. But on the other hand in constructing second storey of the apartment, there will be no need to make its foundation but other stages are completely same according to the first story.

In accordance to the above work breakdown structure (WBS) chart the renovation and construction related all activities and task will be accomplished in the second main stage of the WBS. While the first stage is related to the project planning tasks including goals identification, budget development, project scope defining, allocation of resources (e.g. workers, financial resources, and project scheduling) and final approval for the start-up of project activities and implementation of overall project plan. In this stage, project managers will estimate the use of raw material (e.g. steel, cement, sand, and paints) and required tools to work on construction tasks in second floor and renovation work in first floor. Although, the third stage of WBS is about the review of overall project activities to have a final touch up after evaluation and recommendations. Then the final stage of WBS is project completion stage which relates to the development of final budget and report development. In this stage, again a project budget will be created to compare actual costs with budgeted cost to cover project variance. Then based on all project reports and variance analysis a project report will be created before project signing off.
Project managers will use this work breakdown structure to schedule project activities and tasks to be done by different project team members. All project team members will be assigned activities in accordance to the timeline and duration specified by the project planners and managers in the Gantt Chart and Work breakdown structure WBS.
Gantt Chart of Scope management plan
In the following figure 1 to 4 Gantt chart and project schedules are presented. The implementation stage will start from the construction task at second floor of the house. The construction include working on foundation plan, building walls, installing doors and windows, and then working on electricity wiring in the whole second floor. After the completion of construction work, painters will paint the second floor and clean it up from all raw materials. The activities of second stage (implementation stage) will follow up the work status of stage one. Project managers and workers will start working on stage two after the final approval in stage 1 as presented by a link between stage 1 and stage 2 because of predecessors in the following figure 1. (see figure 1 below).
According to the project plan and timeline presented by project Gantt Chart, majority of time is required by the renovation work in kitchen, garden, bathroom, bed rooms, and living rooms of first floor. The total time specified for these renovation activities is around 33 days (almost 1 month). Following the above presented project Gantt Chart, the planning stage will take only 6 days. While days allocated for other stages including implementation stage, review stage, and project completion stage are limited to 53 days, 3 days, and 8 days. Considering this project will be completed within 70 days (2.5 month).

Human resource management plan
In this section, there is complete information about the human resource management plan. It can be noted that human resource department is essential for any project. It can be noted that the construction project contains a lot of problems. If there is no proper plan for the human resource then it will become extremely difficult for the contractor company to complete the required project on time.
Management of project team of Scope management plan
For the HR department management is one of the huge tasks during the project. This is because during the project the HR department is required to play a major role and complete the home renovation project on time according to the project scheduling. There are some important tasks that a HR department will do while completing this task (William Dow, 2010).
The first one is related to the establishment of the balanced team. This shows that if a team is balance and active then it will become simple for the company to handle the project. For that case, HR department will select a team on the basis of the skills of the individuals. After this, when team is selected than there is need to provide complete guidance about the whole project. This department will ensure clarity about the whole project. Due to this, there will be no pressure on the individual regarding the whole project.
Moreover, this department will also ensure line management support. This means that HR department will ensure that everything in the project is completed according to the given schedule of the project. Furthermore, they will also ensure the cost of the required project. This means that from renovating different portions of the house they will also ensure that every part of the house is complete and there will be no problem present in it.
Furthermore, for the management of project team the HR department will establish a team code for employees. This means that if one team is working for the construction task then there will be construction code for them. Another thing if one team is working for the kitchen renovation then this team will be given with a kitchen code. Due to this fact, it will become extremely simple for the HR department to manage different tasks according to the required schedule of the project.
For the team management of the project, it must be noted that all team development stages are completed with perfection. This is because construction projects require ideal team that is able to complete any task with perfection. Due to this case, all main stages of the team development will be completed on the basis of their performance (Pheng, 2017).
Moreover, HR department has to use some management tools for the team. Due to this it will become simple to analyse the performance of the team that is working for the completion of the required home renovation project. Through the help of these tools they will ensure complete performance of their workers under required condition.
Communication management plan
For complete the project on time there is also need to make best communication plan. For the renovation home project, communication plan is quite simple. The HR department is required to take complete steps to manage communication perfectly.
Manage communication of Scope management plan
During the home renovation project, the HR department is able to manage communication by taking different way. The first one is related to the creation of communication plan. This shows that if any project manager and HR department is able to make communication plan then it will become extremely easy for them to manage it with perfection. This plan will include all problems related to the renovation project with communication with all stakeholders. Another thing is that if the communication plan is effective then company can easily deal with any project without any problem.
Now manage communication the next important thing is that HR department is able to provide roles and responsibilities to its team. This is because if proper roles are defined to the team then it will become simple to communicate properly about the project. Another thing is related to the identification of the stakeholders of the project. Through this the HR department is able to manage communication about the home renovation project in a proper way with perfect. Furthermore, one of the easiest way to manage communication during the project is related to the preparation of the project status reports. This means that if all project status reports are organized properly then it will become simple for the HR department to manage communication with perfection.
Control communication of Scope management plan
It can be noted that control communication in the renovation home project is related to monitoring and controlling the communication of the project. Due to this it will become extremely easy to ensure all requirements of the project are satisfied. Moreover, if a HR department is able to control communication then it will become simple to satisfied their stakeholder
Quality management plan
The quality management plan is extremely important for the home renovation project. This is because if quality is managed perfectly then it will become easy for them to increase the value of project. In the quality management plan. The HR department will manage the quality and also control it with perfection.
Quality assurance of Scope management plan
During a home renovation project, it is not easy for the human resource department to manage quality with a plan. For that case, there are some quality management tips that are required to be completed by this department for project management. The first thing is that the HR department is required to plan for the quality. This can be done easily by ensuring what kind of tasks required quality and perfection during completion. The next thing is that the HR department has to invest on the quality management reasonability. This is because due to this they can easily ensure all things from their stakeholders.
Quality control of Scope management plan
For controlling quality, the HR department has to be more sincere related to the Home renovation project. For quality control they will take certain steps for it. In the start of the project there were some employees that were not able to ensure quality of the project. For that case, HR department make some changes in the team and add some skilful people and responsible people in the team. Due to this fact, it will become extremely simple to control quality. Moreover, during kitchen renovation, there are some products that are required for renovation are extremely expansive. Due to this, if these products are replaced then there will be huge compromised on the quality of the kitchen. Therefore, HR department had taken some serious steps for controlling the quality with perfection.
Risk management plan
The home renovation needs a lot of monetary and the renovative resources to make house perfect according to requirements as provided in the house map. But some risks in the house renovation always present in every process in the renovation. The risk management plan is also very significant in renovation process because it can provide a clear insight and foresight of current and future risks. The risk management plan provides the facility to the project managers as well as the staff members or labor to prevent from the risks during working. Furthermore, the risk management process also provides the clear information to the labor, supervisor, engineer as well as the project manager how they will resolve the issues if they found it occurs. The risk management plan can be more beneficial in all processes and activities of the house renovation project because it can provide the better information how they project manager as well as HR can calculate the impact of the risks and the how they will resolve those problems. It also involve in the quality management process as well as it also dictates that how the managers and supervisors can resolve those issues.
Risk Identification of Scope management plan
During home renovation, it might possible that the labors have to face several problems which can be very harmful for complete work in future or can the be vulnerable for current or further renovation activities. The risks can be in different forms as well as every risk has the different impact. So, it is try to identify all of the possible risks in the renovation because the labor or human resources can not easily identify the risks. For this purpose, the project manager has to make risk management team that will critically identify all of the possible risks through observing, reading and brainstorming from all areas such as waste of resources, risks in finance, labor shortage risk, labor health and safety risks, home architecture or layout risks and many more. The risk management team perform their risks control activities that can easily and effectively identify the risks from the home renovation project.
Risk Response Planning of Scope management plan
The risk response planning step is completely focusing to give response to the risk and the risk leaders decide in this step what they should to do now. They have three ways to respond to the risks which are: lowering impact on the revocation, allow the risk to occur and eliminating risk form the renovation project. To perform one of three actions will cost in the form of the money, budget and the time expense. To save all of the resources and minimize or eliminate the effect of the risk, it is essential perform map out step.
Map Out impact versus likelihood of Scope management plan
The map out versus likelihood is very important element of the risk management plan in which the risk management team and risk leaders perform assessment on the identified risks to see how effective or vulnerable risk can be or whether it can bearable in the renovation process. The risk management leaders try to calculate the risk impact in this step and they also have to determine the quantity of risks including their effects. After determination of all the risks quantity as well as calculations of their effects on the home renovation project such as finance, safety of labor and resources of the company and any other types of the risks effects are mentioned in the document with the brief explanation or each risk. The risk managers can effectively control the risks and their effects by calculating their probability.
Making backup plan
Many times, the risk in the renovation project can be more affective for renovation project that can cause of heavy damage in the architecture of the house. The risk management team of the renovation project must have a backup plan. The backup plan for this project can provide support to the project management team to work effectively in case of any kind damage happening. Furthermore, the risks which are identified and assessed can change the classification and it is very important to make the contingency plan. The discovering of new risks will be included in the contingency planning. The risk management team will reevaluate the existing risks. The backup plan for the renovation project will also become helpful to minimize waste in the project as well as it also saves the resources and the labor efforts on the renovation.
Risk mitigation of Scope management plan
The risk management team must have to make the strategies for the mitigation of risks for accepted risks. Several risks which are identified and documented in the risk matrix as well as those risks can be very vulnerable for the home renovation project. Every risk manager has a desire to eliminate all of the risks from the project but it is not possible to exclude all of the risks from the project because risks occurrence vary in every activity or the risk can be happened after inappropriate performance in the activities. Some of the risks may be eliminated by performing outstanding risk planning but the most of the risks cannot be resolved completely. The risk management team and the risk leaders try to mitigate the effects of the risks which can create a major damage in the processes. Furthermore, the risk leader in the house renovation project see and identify other aspects of the project and they try to set limit for those risks which can be vulnerable for the project. By applying the risk mitigation strategy in the risk management plan, the risk leaders can easily minimize the effect of the risk on the house renovation project. furthermore, the house renovation company can easily handle risks and complete the project in the given time. This thing will decrease the cost and waste on the renovation project and it increase the profitability of the project.
Procurement Management Plan
The procurement management plan is also a part of the project management that helps to define the requirements to effectively manage as well as the renovation project the steps required to obtain to the final contract. The plan for the renovation should be flexible and it must have cover all of the things in the renovation project such as what item or resources in the renovation project should be procured, what will be criteria for the decision making as well as how the contract for the house renovation will be approved. Furthermore, the criteria of the project decision making, identification or risk, evaluation of the progress, estimation of cost on every material needed for the house renovation as well as the lifecycle management contract are also included in the procurement management plan. There are some significant steps of the procurement management plan which can be very effective in the house renovation project.
Defining Terms for procurement of Scope management plan
The first step is to define the terms for the procurement in which every aspect such as size, quality, materials types as well as the justification on the selection are provided in this document.
Identification of risks of Scope management plan
It is also a part of the procurement management plan in which all of the important as more as risks are also identified which can make the project activities vulnerable.
Mitigation of risks of Scope management plan
In this step, it is tried to minimize the effects of identified or unexpected risks by putting some limits on the risks.
Cost determination of Scope management plan
In this step, the project managers and risk managers estimate the full effort on the project and every aspect is covered to estimate how much cost the house needs for renovation.
Stake holder management plan
The stakeholder’s management is the approach to build and maintain the strong relationships with all of the people who are related the with renovation project as well as their existence or absence will be impactful on the house renovation project. The house renovation can also be impacted by the stakeholders. The stakeholder’s management of the company is essential in element in the company because the managers and the HR of the company has to engage all of people in the project or have the influence in the project directly or indirectly. So, the stakeholder management plan is also made for better management of people as well as to complete house renovation project timely and in speedy way without creating any kind of trouble. Basically, the stakeholder’s management plan consists of three different types of sections or areas which are: inputs, tools & techniques and the outputs.
Inputs of Scope management plan
There are several types of input included in the stakeholder’s management plan such as project charter, project documents, agreements, enterprise environmental factors as well as renovation process assets.
Tools & techniques of Scope management plan
Several types of tools and techniques are included in the stakeholder’s management plan which are; expert’s opinion and judgement, data gathering tool, data analysis, decision making, data representation as well as meetings.
Stakeholders engagement and management plan
References of Scope management plan
Henry A Hornstein, 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.. International Journal of Project Management.
Kim Heldman, C. M. B. P. M. J. P. J., 2007. PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide. s.l.:John Wiley & Sons,.
Moustafaev, J., 2014. Project Scope Management: A Practical Guide to Requirements for Engineering, Product, Construction, IT and Enterprise Projects. s.l.:CRC Press, .
Pheng, L. S., 2017. Project Management for the Built Environment: Study Notes. s.l.:Low Sui Pheng.
William Dow, P. B. T., 2010. Project Management Communications Bible. s.l.:John Wiley & Sons, .