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Case study on Provide an evaluation of the current situation in this small firm. How the situation might be different in large firms and why? (8 points)

Category: Organizational Behavior Paper Type: Case Study Writing Reference: APA Words: 1550

In order to offer and explained the current situation evaluation of any firms or case is necessary to know about the major points and concerns of any activity and points. In this document, the major concern is related to the change in management or management changes in the various firms. This cases study particularly discusses the management change in the small firm. 

The management change is one of the most important and effective elements for the performance of any organization. It can be the cause to enhance the productivity of any organization. The management change is considered as one of the most important t and a positive sign for the productivity of the organization as well. This case is related to the management change in small firms. The management change is related to the value of these small businesses. It also includes the role that they are playing in the economy.

 The case of alpha has been evaluated or analyzed in order to discuss the management change in good ways. The current situation of the Alpha is really to crucial it needs an effective system to perform the roles of this in good ways. As it has been discussing earlier that Alpha is the small firm that is contained on the total of ten employees are who performing its functions and operations. They commit meetings to solve the problems of the company. They also discuss problems related to change in management.  It has been observed that there is a lack of proper management change in the Alpha, but meanwhile, the management of the Alpha is striving to perform its functions. They are conducting a causal meeting to share their ideas.

The operations of the Alpha are related to offering the consultancy services of health related issues within the firm or outside an organization.  Alpha is performing its functions under the hierarchy of the full time ten employees. There is no strict hierarchy other than that the managers are equally in charge. The management has weekly meetings to discuss the day-to-day business activities and has no special meetings for discussing organizational changes. All of these employees are performing their effective role to perform the functions and operation of the Alpha. But they are feeling numerous issues as challenges on this organization.

 The first most important issue that is related to the communication gap due to the various senses of the urgency among the employees and employers. Another one is related to the change leadership that includes regular conflicts among the owners and employers.  The most important issue that is occurring in the Alpha is related to the competitive edge and change pressure. They have the highest competitive demands that are engaged in offering more quickie efficient function with the lower prices.  If these situations will occur large firms than the ratio of the loss can be unbearable and the environment of the organization can be destroyed.

If you were a Business Consultant what your suggestions would be for implementing changes in this small firm. (6 points)

The small firms are the organization that works with a maximum of 10 employees (usually less than this) to produce something or provide services directly to the customers. In these small firm management and leadership is usually under the control of entrepreneurs therefore while implementing change entrepreneurs take decisions. In small firms, change can be implemented in a successful way by considering some important factors such as cost of change plan implementation, possible outcomes of a change plan, profitability, competitive advantages, quality, and diversity.

Additionally, entrepreneurs in the small firms can also use Kotter Model for the development and implementation of a successful change plan. The Kotter Model includes eight stages of change starting from establishing a sense of urgency and then creating the guiding coalition. Using this Kotter model, small firms can develop the vision and strategy of the change plan. Moreover, after this, they can communicate this change plan with board members to empower them. In my opinion, small firms should not directly leap on the opportunity of implementing a change plan without critically analyzing the possible monetary and nonmonetary outcomes of the change plan.

As a business consultant, I would suggest that small firms need to understand the key requirements of change in the production process or service delivery process. Then they need to collect information about the urgency of change. If change is highly important and necessary for the improvement of a default process only then small firms should implement change. Otherwise, implementing change can disturb their business operations and might result in system failure or business loss. Therefore, my recommendation is to critically evaluate the urgency and requirement of change in the systems and only implement a change when it brings competitive advantage or improvement in the organizational process.

According to the case study, Alpha is a small firm which needs change in its business operations to have betterment and improvement in its competitive position and leadership. The regular conflicts can be controlled by making changes in the leadership which is a long process as it requires new hiring and training process. Therefore, a better suggestion is to make recruitment from the internal workforce to reduce such issues or instead make changes in the HR policies rather than changing leaders. Employees are not ready for the change plan implementation in the production sector which can cause challenges. Regarding this, I would suggest involving employees in the change plan by having a meeting and discussion with them.

The small firm should share information about the need for this change and its possible benefits in the employee's life to make them eager for this change plan implementation. Moreover, involving them in the decision-making process will also reduce the key issue of lacking in employees empowerment at the workplace. By involving these employees in the decision of change plan can also provide more realistic suggestions and ideas for betterment that will benefit the whole firm. Furthermore, employees participation will create change in the workplace culture as well.

How cultural factors affect the readiness for Change and Resistance to Change in Small Firms? Please explain using your experience and literature (at least two citations (6 points)

The cultural factors affect the readiness for change and resistance to change in the small firms. According to literature, organizational culture draws impact on the organizational change plan. Similar to large size organizations, small firms also get influence from the cultural factors while implementing a change plan in the production, leadership, or service areas. The key cultural factors are adaptability, consistency, mission, involvement and employee satisfaction. Following research studies, firms should have a culture of adaptability to easily adopt and implement a change in the firm's operations. Lack of adaptability will cause challenging situations for small firms as employees will have difficulty to get an adjustment in the new working environment. While on the other hand, sometimes organizational mission also cause issues for the change plan implementation in the small firm.

In accordance with the research studies, consistency should not be affected by the change plan. In my opinion, these cultural factors are required to be considered while implementing change in small firms such as Alpha. In the case of Alpha, adaptability, consistency, involvement and employee satisfaction have drawn impact on the organizational change plan. However, another important factor providing support against change is employees resistance to the change. For instance, in the case of Alpha small firm employees were not ready to adopt change because of their personal insecurities and issues.

Following research studies, a common reason behind employee’s resistance to change is their insecurity towards the job. In most of cases, change implementation also bring changes in the employment status of the existing workforce. As a result of the change, many employees face job loss. Following my experience and knowledge, such issues can be easily handled in small firms by ensuring that changes would not directly harm anyone at the workplace. For example, entrepreneurs or leaders of Alpha can have an official meeting with their employees to ensure them that changes would not have an influence on their job status or firm will not fire any employee (Skvarciany, Iljins, & Gaile-Sarkane, 2015).

According to the research, an important reason behind resistance to change can be a possible change in the working process and daily activities of the employees. An employee can be used to and satisfied with their daily routines at the workplace. Change in their working patterns as a result of change can cause challenging situations for them. For instance, if an organization change the software or update new machinery at the workplace. In such a situation, dealing with new equipment, software, machinery, or process can be troublesome for employees therefore employees resist against change (Yılmaz & Kılıçoğlu, 2013).

However, in my opinion, such issues can be easily tackled in small firms like Alpha. Leaders and entrepreneurs can organize training sessions or provide special incentive packages which will support to make employees familiar with change. Thus, resistance can be reduced for change. Conclusively, cultural factors and resistance to change create challenges that can be easily tackled in the small firms by the adoption of right strategies and policies.

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