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Report on Corporate Governance and Leadership concerning Sustainability

Category: Leadership Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2400

Applicable principles of corporate governance

The term corporate social responsivity (CSR) can be defined as a management concept that companies use for integral environmental and social concerns in the business operations as well as for the interactions with the stakeholders. It is a standard business practice and the aim is to achieve positive impact on the society by maximizing the creation of shared values for the stakeholders, shareholder, business owners, and employees.

The corporate governance codes are the rules to make clear the dos and don'ts in the business world. An ethical issue in the business world is the lack of responsible behaviour that the business community expects from the corporate governance code. No doubt that they are well defined and enforced but not effective enough to create responsible behaviour, so it is clear that the solution lies under another paradigm. The main reason behind the issue is the lack of understanding and the connection with the community and its environment. The solution is to illuminate the governance code under the light of deontological philosophy. Here we need to take inspiration from Kantian imperative. It states that PDO and people should respect the autonomy and dignity of human beings (Corpgov.law.harvard.edu, 2016).

PDO organization has recently signed an MOU with the Raoul Restucci Director of OCCGS and also with Sayyid Hamid Bin Sultan Al Busaidi Executive director at OCCGS on the issue or theme of sustainability for having corporate governance in Oman Center. Several things are going to get signed in this agreement that makes the sustainability improved and better as this is the main thing which all the PDO must follow and this needs to get implemented for sure in the country.

As a result, the PDO will treat humanity with shareholders and stakeholders just not for the sake of means but as an end. So, the right attitude and action will become a matter of choice by duty, an obligation. Here is an example to better understand this approach. A manager makes a contract with a stakeholder and the term of the contract is that the manager will maximize the profit for the stakeholder. The contract is like a promise. According to Kantian theory, keeping a promise is a duty. So, the manager will make it sure to seek profit to fulfil his obligation. This approach will emphasize the moral duty and rights of all the entities affected due to the actions took place in the business. This theory has a key notion of respect for all the stakeholders as a proper right. This perspective has some shortcomings and it will be problematic in daily practice. For example, in business world contracts are negotiated various time, so it is a challenge to understand that which is the real promise (Pdo.co.om, 2020). There are mainly four aspects of social responsibility that include economic, ethical, legal and philanthropic. The business CSR practices ensure that all the process is accountable for the employees and shareholders. Social aspects of CSR are in different ways and the sustainability is considered for the economic, social and environmental protection. CSR incorporates the principles of integration of sustainability and addresses the environmental aspects of the CSR. 

Good practices in corporate governance and its five broad categories

By using different methods. To improve the green supply performance, the JIT, set up reduction, waste elimination and cellular manufacturing take major contribute. GSC performance affects positively and significantly by waste management, reverses logistics, green manufacturing, eco-design and life cycle assessment. Process innovation help to explore new results ineffective way and it provides high pay off rate in term of GSC performance

The role of customer relational governance in the environmental and economic performance on the green supply chain management. overview of green supply chain management: operation and environmental impact at different stages of the supply chain (Courses.lumenlearning.com, 2020).

They explain that the supply chain is the old and simple method of converting the raw material into the final product and then deliver to end customer. These processes include different resources and processes that show all the elements involve in the production area. However, after the green supply chain innovation, all the factors converted into environmentally friendly particles and they give more attention to the eco-friendly elements in daily usage in the organizations. Green supply chain research: past, present and future. They explain that green supply is going to increase among different companies as a practice to improve environmental performance. To introduce the green supply chain management, the motivation must be ethical and commercial. It also considers as most advance practice and strongly complementary to improve the performance of environmental.

They explain that many basic ethical and environmental responsibilities also explain in the business world and its basic culture. With the increasing responsibilities, many organizations also follow the greening as a competitive strategic advantage, enhance their performance, and determine the evolution of green supply in a different era.  The green supply chain initiatives among certified PDO in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: investigating the outcomes. They explain that many studies conducted for the performance outcome and the green supply chain initiatives. After adopting the green supply chain initiatives, the study also tries to get the actual environmental, economic and intangible outcomes for the different organizations. Different scenarios and different situations also analyse according to green supply chain effect on the organizations (Mcinnescooper.com, 2014). Some of the most common examples of CSR include participating in fairtrade, charitable giving, reducing carbon footprints, improving the labor prices, corporate policies that takes company one step ahead towards the benefits of the environment, environmental and social conscious investments. 

Role of leadership in promoting sustainability

Sustainability is that kind of implementation in an organization that will make the working of the organization harder as this is the PDO leaders responsibility to follow all the things that will get them towards the sustainability effects for sure. The main thing is that sustainability is not something a project or a task to accomplish. It is a way of keeping the atmosphere human friendly and this makes them comfortable to work in the organization. Several things are considered carefully and efficiently while making sustainability effective and successful in organizations. PDO is working very smartly on the sustainability aspect as they are going to use that kind of resources or you can say strategies that will surely make the atmosphere sustainable and allow the things to go on smoother and advance as well. A lot of things are there that will make the atmosphere sustainable by their will and this highlights the true efforts of the leaders of PDO. The leaders in PDO are responsible for keeping the sustainability at a higher level and it makes the things innovative and predictive allowing the things to be very much smarter and clear in terms of keeping the atmosphere sustainable (PDO.MO.CO, 2016).

 Several things are going to be implemented there which not only making the sustainability improved and in higher ratio results are getting out in a quite positive way. The sustainable environment is good to have in the organizations as this will not only make the things working inflow but it will also allow the things to be more improved and more enhanced that not only keeps the working in a manageable form but also in making the things improved you have to work on the aspects that will assure the sustainability implemented well in your organization. OPD leaders are experts in their workings and they are going in the right way to choose the right aspects of having a sustainable atmosphere in their organization. This is the main thing that is making them renowned in other working organizations. A lot of things are going to be discussed by the main concerned management and leaders in the organization as in they are going to get higher spaces allowing the aspects to be more innovative and appropriate for sustainability. The more your organization will be sustainable the better they will be able to give the working efficiency improved and efficient. (PDO.CO.MO, 2016)

Internal and external factors determining the sustainability

Internal and external factors have tremendous effects on the sustainability factors of the organization. PDO has a very systematic way of working and it is allowing the things for the betterment and efficiency of the organization and its sustainable environment for sure. The sustainability is not a thing that you can keep at someplace it's the strategies and it is the efforts that have to be done by all the people in an organization. PDO has a very innovative and authentic form of sustainability implementation that allows them to have the best practice of sustainability in the organization. There are many of the things that make things sustainable as they are making the atmosphere clean and hygienic by keeping complete cleanliness in the organization. PDO has implemented many of the expert’s leaders that are working efficiently and effectively in this way as they are going to have the best practice which is signed at MOU in Oman. (Twproject.com, 2018).

This is the thing that is making the workings very much advance and highly satisfied as well. As we know that green, supply is the most common factor used in different organization by replacing the old supply chain management. Green supply means that no involvement of harmful material and factors utilize during the productivity of the products in the organizations. Green supply also provides environmental sustainability and help to implement the green system at all level of the organization. Green supply also works with eco-friendly methods that enhance the performance of the organization according to environmental sustainability and maximum utilization of green elements in the management and production of the product without harming the environment.

Green supply is also cost-benefit for the organization because it prefers to cost-saving and minimizes the waste material by using effective ways of production and help to enhance the level of production with safety features. The public image also became more strong by using the green supply as they consider that organization depend on organic products and also minimize the utilization of harmful factors because they implement the safety environmental features within the organization and also enhance the level of product according to safe and healthy factors that develop a strong relationship with its all customers and the employment of corporate environment practice like green innovation and green supply chain management forcefully implemented in the organizations with the government regulations according to the emerging environmental awareness of the public (Patrick Gleeson, 2019).

Leadership and Vision Including Improved Overall Performance and Internal and External Reporting

They explain that PDO needs to implement the practice of green supply chain management for formal control from the customer through contract and monitoring. Customer trust and cooperation also play an important role in this regard. Four different hypotheses for mediation and moderation effect also determine for the practice of green supply chain and develop economic and environmental performance. PDO need for the cooperation and reciprocity with customers to obtain performance and economic condition through green innovation and provide a better relationship of the customer with the PDO. The effects of green supply chain management on the supplier's performance through social capital accumulation. The author explains that through structural and relational social capital, the effect of investigation on GSCM can be seen on operational performance and supplier environment (Davoren, 2011).

By using the analysis of exploratory factors, it also identifies the relational and structural dimensions of environmental, operational and social capital of supplier performance dimensions as green supply chain practice, environmental management maturity and green performance with direct and indirect effects. They explain that the conceptual model depends on the green performance, green purchasing and collaboration with customers, adoption of the external practice of green supply chain management, environmental management maturity and quality management relationship. Different research hypotheses also explain in this term and help to explain a better relationship with each other. They explain that reactive and proactive practice of deployment of the green supply chain management and analyses their impact on the business tragedy, environment and economic factors.

Also, give more focus on the organizational objectives to meet the targets of the organization and maintain its performance by using new and innovative techniques of green supply chain management among the organization. The sustainability performance factors and different dimensions of green supply chain management have a strong relationship with each other and these will affect the social. Economic and environmental performance by examine the different directions of green supply and determine their effects on the sustainability performance of the organization (Donnelly, 2019).

The green supply helps to maintain a long relationship with the performance because it explores new and innovative methods to improve the level of performance. Green innovation and green supply chain management improve the performance of the environment to encourage them according to new rules and regulations with green practice and process innovation. They explain that in this study focus give on the process of innovation, green and lean practice that enhances the performance of a green supply chain.

Conclusion Corporate Governance and Leadership concerning Sustainability

The corporate social responsibilities can be further subdivided into four categories including Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Corporate Economic Responsibility, Corporate Human Rights Responsibility, and Corporate Philanthropic Responsibility. Our aim here was to evaluate the impact of leadership and corporate governance for the development of relations towards the sustainability. The development contributes the fulfillment of the communities and depends on the appropriate usage of CSR in the society of Oman. Bank Muscat introduced a committee that work for the development of sustainability for the recent and future projects.

References Corporate Governance and Leadership concerning Sustainability

Corpgov.law.harvard.edu. (2016, September 8). Principles of Corporate Governance. Retrieved from https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2016/09/08/principles-of-corporate-governance/

Courses.lumenlearning.com. (2020). Defining Corporate Governance. Retrieved from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-finance/chapter/corporate-governance/

Davoren, J. (2011). Three Types of Corporate Governance Mechanisms. Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/three-types-corporate-governance-mechanisms-66711.html

Donnelly, S. (2019, February 19). Top Five Corporate Governance Best Practices. Retrieved from https://insights.diligent.com/corporate-governance/top-five-corporate-governance-best-practices

Mcinnescooper.com. (2014, September 16). The Top 5 Corporate Governance Best Practices That Benefit Every Company. Retrieved from https://www.mcinnescooper.com/publications/legal-update-the-top-5-corporate-governance-best-practices-that-benefit-every-company/

Patrick Gleeson. (2019, March 11). Internal & External Factors That Affect an Organization. Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/internal-external-factors-affect-organization-16641.html

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Twproject.com. (2018, November 7). The internal and external corporate environmental factors and the project environment. Retrieved from https://twproject.com/blog/internal-external-corporate-environmental-factors-project-environment/

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