One of the recent updates for the
gambling industry has come from Google, where they have announced that all of
the advertisers including the gambling industry will have to provide their
identities to work with Google. The advertisers will have to confirm the
country of origin, as well as, identities if they want to run their ads. The
same identification rules will be applied to gambling advertisers. In 2018, the
first identification policy was introduced by Google. First of all, the
political ads were asked to provide identities so that it can be traced to the
origin of the political ads. This is how Google was able to identify
advertisers of political ads from more than 30 countries. Last Thursday, a blog
post from Google was published, where Google’s Director of Product Management,
Mr. John Canfield said that Google is looking to bring more authenticity in its
processes by having more transparency so that it is known, who is behind the
ads seen by the public.
All kinds of advertisers including
the gambling industry advertisers have been asked to complete a process for
their verification if they want to run their ads through Google’s platform. The
things required in the verification process will be documents of business
incorporation, personal identification, as well as, other additional
information, which gives a handful of proof of their identity without any
ambiguity. A window of 30 days will be provided to all the advertisers to
submit the required documents. If advertisers will not be able to satisfy Google
with their verification process, then all of their ads will be stopped
immediately. This decision has been made for the public, who sees these ads so
that they are aware of the fact, which persons or businesses are behind these