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Assignment Article on Growing your own vegetable

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3600

 Introduction of Growing your own vegetable

Home gardening is getting popularity around the globe. Green living and self-sufficiency are becoming widespread. Many agriculture departments insist to use the home gardens. There are a lot of benefits of growing our own vegetables under our own consideration but still there are some negative aspects too which are related to many drawbacks. Home grown vegetables can give fresh production for the family often enable us for fresh harvest and save a lot of money. As you consider whether to plant a vegetable garden, explore both the pros and cons of planting a garden to determine whether you wish to pursue vegetable gardening.

Advantages of Growing your own vegetable:

There is a long list of advantages of growing vegetables at home. The most important one is, it saves money while spending wisely on required materials for planting. Saving money could also include saving it while buying seeds instead of seedling plants. It can also provide daily exercise while we spend some time with plants and nature, we also praise the blessings we are contented with. People who grow their own vegetable eat fresh food that are high in fiber and also low in fat. Home grown vegetables are free from toxins of packing materials, pesticide residue etc.

Disadvantage of Growing your own vegetable:

Every image has two sides so, along with giving us so many benefits, home grown vegetables also come with some drawbacks. A lot of effort is requiring while growing our plants. The work could have positive as well as negative stresses aspect on gardener. Moreover, not everyone is expert in gardening. One can loss money instead of saving it while buying the materials without proper knowledge. The other disadvantage is more time is required in planting. It demands full attention which only a professional gardener can do. More land is requiring in home to grow plants properly. If now well pesticides are used, one can loss the crop.

Conclusion of Growing your own vegetable:

Depending on both pros and cons, it can be concluded that there are clear benefits of growing own vegetables but only by the professional or by someone who is deeply interested and also have time and land for it. Growing own vegetables is not possible for everyone.

1.      Artificial intelligence

Introduction of Growing your own vegetable:

Artificial intelligence is defined as the approach to convert computer into robot or a product that can think as smart as human. Main aim or artificial intelligence is to improve the computer as related to human knowledge like make them capable of reasoning, learning or problem solving.

Advantages of Growing your own vegetable:

AL can have low error probability as compared to humans with incredible accuracy and speed. They do not depend on environment so it is able to endure any problem. It can replace human in many difficult tasks. Through this approach we can detect fraud. It can be used for entertainment purpose. Artificial intelligence will lead to the thinking logically and nit emotionally. They will not be needing sleep, rest or they will not get bore as human do.

Disadvantages of Growing your own vegetable:

It can cost a lot of money and a lot of time to build, repair or rebuild. It’s a huge question that whether its is ethically or morally correct to have such kind of approach. Moreover, they can not work outside how they are programmed to do. Thy can not reach to that creativity level like human can do. If robots will replace the jobs than it will lead to severe unemployment. Human will become too dependent on artificial intelligence and will lose their own mental capacity. And if put in wrong hands can lead to big destructions because in short all of the robots are enslaving us.

Conclusion of Growing your own vegetable

After looking at both sides of the new innovation it can be concluded that no matter how much advance we will get but we need to think about the bad consequences more rather than just good perspectives. So artificial intelligence will give us more risks than benefits if not handled correctly.

2.      Welfare state:

Introduction of Welfare state:

Welfare state is actually a program of the government which actually aim to give financial aids to people who are unable to earn and support the family. It depends on what welfare state it is, some work by helping people to find work, some take education in priority, like helping some one in getting the degree, or finishing the diploma. Even good standard of living is possible just because of these programs.

Advantages of Welfare state:

They are designed to make people stand on their own feet. They are aimed to support children more than any other age group. they are helping people in order to reduce overall poverty of the country. Their objective is to reduce income inequality in country. It also focusses on improving health care conditions of poor families. They work for decreasing the society collapse.

Disadvantage of Welfare state:

These kinds of programs are not as effective as it could be for some individuals. If someone is getting help from welfare, they impart negative image in society. Their support is not consistent. They are not working to deal with actual core problem of the poverty in the country. Their cost of the program can reach the extreme level.

Conclusion of Welfare state:

Although there are some people who try to take advantage from welfare program yet these kinds of initiatives are very helpful for people who are in actual need. Many efforts collectively influence greater magnitude of the society to help those in need.


3.      Public transport


Public transport is a kind of transport in opposite to private convince, it is a group travel system for passengers that is typically managed through schedule, with developed route system and also charge selected fee for each travel like city buses, trains, ferries, rikshaws etc. Differences do exist regarding the use of public transport system. But in today world, people are well established and can afford their own transport so everyone prefer to have their own vehicle instead of public transport.

Advantages of Public transport:

Everyone knows that using public transport instead of private vehicle save our money as well as it will contribute in making less air or noise pollution. Using public transport can make one social as they try to talk to persons traveling with them. Public transport is helping poor people as they can not afford to have their own transport vehicle. Cost of using public transport is cheaper.

Disadvantage of Public transport:

Some people believe that public transport is not safe for them because most of the criminal activities are reported in public transports. People have to wait long to get their bus or train as there is no proper timetable or schedule for public transports. Many people catch diseases while traveling with group of people.

Conclusion of Public transport:

Public transport in beneficial for general public especially for those who can not afford their own transport way. If managed properly public transport can be very useful and sustainable. Using private vehicle instead of public transport cause more traffic in roads as well as it uses more fuel which is non renewable resource. In order to think about future generations too. Government should make public transport worth useful for and invest more in it.


4.       Mobile phones

Introductions of Mobile phones:

Cell phones is that invention that probably changed the way of communication. Instead of tying ourselves to landline that required direct connection and even the system of operating, Martin Cooper gave us this opportunity that can allow us for instant communication. Now a days, we have smartphones that consist of more technology in it than a spacecraft thaw was pent on mood some 50 years back. Almost every person now owns a cell phone of his own so there is a list of both advantages as well as disadvantages of this technology for someone especially who is looking for the ownership of one.

Advantages of Mobile phones:

Mobile phones gave us the options for calling some one when we are in need like emergency situation. Every phone has emergency line without even need of unlocking the phone. 40% of the people say that they have coped with emergency situation because of this invention. They allow us to retrieve the information as soon as we want. They are good option in order to get rid of boredom. The map in cell phone help us to find our way. It is highly affordable. We can have good access to internet because of mobile phones. It gives us a lot of learning opportunities. It offers ways to give concepts of opportunities to future generation. We a plan our activities and even exercise them through phones. it stores all kind of information in it. We can even share whatever we want to others. Cell phone is the way to become more social and know more about others.

Advantages of Mobile phones:

The major con of this innovation is the distraction of the people from their main objectives. Cyberbullying is exposed to most of the people with cell phone. It can create addictive tendency in people. A lot of issues like abuse, exploitation is just because of phones. The batteries in cell phones can be dangerous. Their use can cause high level of waste of electronics.

Conclusion of Mobile phones:

There is no critical threat to health by mere use of technology. Problems arise by the exercise and non-purpose use of the technology. Even kids can get a lot of benefits if they are supervised accordingly. We can have access to anything at anytime because of the cell phone in our pockets. But these devices can also cause destruction. So, it is ultimately up to us that what impact of technology we will get in our lives.

5.      Robotic technology


Robots are the automated machines that can take the place of human in every environment to perform a specific task if coded accurately. Like they can be used in factories all over the globe. Robots work more efficiently are precisely than human. They are generated through artificial intelligence. They are just computers with having ability to learn, problem solving and determining the situation. Robots do not have emotions so they work with logics as compared to humans.


Robots can have low error probability as compared to humans with incredible accuracy and speed. They do not depend on environment so it is able to endure any problem. It can replace human in many difficult tasks. Through this approach we can detect fraud. It can be used for entertainment purpose. Artificial intelligence will lead to the thinking logically and nit emotionally. They will not be needing sleep, rest or they will not get bore as human do.


It can cost a lot of money and a lot of time to build, repair or rebuild. It’s a huge question that whether it is ethically or morally correct to have such kind of approach. Moreover, they cannot work outside how they are programmed to do. Thy cannot reach to that creativity level like human can do. If robots will replace the jobs than it will lead to severe unemployment. Human will become too dependent on artificial intelligence and will lose their own mental capacity. And if put in wrong hands can lead to big destructions because in short all of the robots are enslaving us.


After looking at both sides of the new innovation it can be concluded that no matter how much advance we will get but we need to think about the bad consequences more rather than just good perspectives. So artificial intelligence will give us more risks than benefits if not handled correctly. 

6.      Charity


A voluntary giving of something to those people who are in need as an act of humanity. This term is often related to religion. Every religion has different concept of giving charity. Giving someone something that actually belongs to you for their help. It can generate feeling of happiness. Charity happen with the unity of mind and heart and then receive a lot of contentment. The one who donate willingly and happily receive more benefits than those who give charity under pressure. For giving charity the hidden objective should not be fame and fortune. It should be done just for your own contentment and for the purpose of helping.


It is not like paying tax. Gifts to charity is usually free of inheritance tax. It should be payed no more than 20% business rate. Charity is widely recognized as the act of kindness and for the social good. People who are in need can go to some charity foundation, tell them their issues and can get major benefits. Charity foundations investigate before giving something g to the person so that only those who are need will get it. Charity is the best way to fight poverty in society. It is the major act of kindness in almost every religion.


Charity bring more people on board to get what they need. Many people who are not actually poor claim themselves eligible for charity and in this way people who are actually poor can not get anything. Many charity foundations are fraud. They get money from general public and use for their own benefits or just for fame.


Every good thing also comes with bad aspects. But charity has more good sides. As it is the way to help those in need. Charity bring satisfaction and happiness to people. People become less materialistic when they give charity. More love for people is established in society through charity. As poverty is the root of many street crimes. Giving charity to poor will reduce these kinds of incidents.

7.      Social media


Social media is the technology through computer that help in creating and sharing information, interests, photos and ideas. It has grown tremendously in past few years. Especially Facebook and twitter has captured interest of millions of people in just few years. More people are going to catch benefits of technology as it is growing tremendously. But social media also imparted negative effects on society just like everything which can be used for bad and good.


Main advantage is connectivity. No matter where we are, we can learn and connect to anyone from anywhere. It gives a lot of benefits for students and teachers. It helps in resolving issues and to get guidelines. We can latest updates and information through social media apps and websites. It can also be used for Nobel cause like promotion of some NGO. Social media is used for awareness. It helps in fighting crimes. It also improves business reputation. Social media help in building communities. It is a good source for entertainment and to get rid of boredom.


Cyberbullying is the major advantage of this technology. Personal data and privacy can get leak through hacking process. Social media is an addiction by which teenagers are affected more. It cut off them from the actual society and they are living a fake life there. Social media gave opportunities to fraud and scams. Social media can ruin someone’s reputation easily as the news can spread like fire in it. Cheating and relationship issues mostly generate through social media. Social media can even cause health issues, especially, mental health issues. It can glamorize drugs and alcohols because indulge in such activities to get more fame, likes on their videos. One with drugs inspire others who follow the same path and eventually get addicted to drugs.


Excess of everything is bad. If social media is used accurately and in calculated amount of time it can help us in many ways. Social media is way more important for everyone now a days in modern world. So keeping in touch is important but it should not be on priority than the actual world where we are living

.8.      Solar energy


Solar energy is the radiant light and heat coming from the sun. Solar energy is also called solar power. It can be converted into electricity by using photovoltaics (Solar cells) and solar thermal devices. Humans started to pay attention on the solar energy when they were running out of fossil fuels. Without coal how would the country like Pakistan produce its electricity? Without petrol how would their Land cruisers of 381 horsepower run? Without jet fuel how would they copy the birds? Human have always exploited the nature for their own benefits. When the water has crossed above our heads, they are trying to develop the technologies to use renewable resources like solar energy. Technologies for solar energy is characterized into passive and active solar. Passive solar energy is used for cooling of living spaces by rejecting solar energy in summer and for heating of the living spaces by more exposure to solar energy in winter. It does not use any kind of devices. Active solar, with the help of sensors and controllers use to heat the water, air, fluids etc.


Unlike the burning of fossil fuels Solar energy has 0-emmission. It is clean and a renewable source of energy. It has a very low cost. You do not have to pay taxes to the government.  It does not cause grave problems like climate change and global warming due to which our environment in fact we are suffering.  A seventeen years old girl Greta Thunberg does not have to skip her school just to realize the world that due to the climate change, humanity is facing existential crisis. Solar energy does not harm the nature. Solar energy does not pollute the air from which our children like flower are breathing. It is not unapproachable for the poor’s because sun also shines on them. Solar energy helps us to reduce the electricity bills. Maintenance cost for solar energy is also less.


Countries like Greenland, Iceland and Canada which have shortest daylight hours, it is not possible for them to rely on Solar energy. Solar energy is not available for us during night.  Solar energy is not storable unless you use lithium-ion batteries which are very costly. These batteries discharge toxic gases. Solar energy cannot replace coal because it cannot produce enough energy for whole world. In the formation of solar cells, energy from fossil fuels is used for the refinement of the crystalline silicon from which solar cell is made. Solar panels are made of cadmium. Cadmium is a silver metal and dangerous for the environment. Solar energy is also weather dependent. During rainfall, Solar system will fail. A huge part of the land is required to produce the solar energy. So, clearing of land can be dangerous to the environment.


Solar energy is an important renewable source and it can be converted into the other forms of energy like electricity. Our earth receives sunlight every single day of the year. So, it can produce enough amount of solar energy. Solar energy is also very important for us. Nothing is perfect, by evolving our technology we can take it near perfection. By working hard, we can overcome its disadvantages. We can improve the durability of the batteries and their disposing in a better way. Solar energy is beneficial for us and even for the environment. So, solar energy is clean, safe, prevent the destruction of habitat and combat climate change.




9.      Pets


Human beings tend to cherish the company of animals and including a pet in your life helps getting the feeling of joy that moves in both directions. But caring for a pet isn’t a part of it you should push into without previously considering about it.


Whether the size of pets is large or small, their presence will create huge impact on your due to their personality. They will come out as a part of your life and you have a reason forward to go home and be with them. You will feel a responsibility within yourself of taking care of them and it will bring good mood to your senses. The environment of the house become quite positive. Eventually you will find yourself with more friends because many people adore pets and loves to visit them so they might be willing to meet you more


You will require a critical change in your life-style in respect to what type of pet you have in your home. In respect to dogs you have to spend a whole lot of time with them, the easiest one’s are the fishes their food and light can be put on timer but still they require some attention. You will have to manage the responsibility of their expenses on foods, accessories and vets. The assessment should be done before diving into the pool and it may cause some problems on rainy days. The environment of the houses will be affected and they may cause some destruction. As far as keeping a pet gives you responsibility, they also stop you from being social in case you have to be with your pet or you have to hire pet sitter to take care for you while you are away.



The conclusion of the draft is keeping a pet goes both ways as it brings a lot of responsibilities on your shoulder but it also brings joy, happiness and most importantly it eradicates loneliness from your life.  If you are looking forward to keeping a pet first clear your mind and think of all the scenarios and then go for it If you find it feasible.

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