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Introduction of Management at Ooredoo

Category: Management Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: APA Words: 1500

Ooredoo is an international telecommunications organisation with its headquarters in Qatar. The organisation offers content, wire line, wireless, and mobile service with market shares in both international and domestic telecommunication markets. It is the first operational internationally to launch fifth generation services in Qatar and it is one of the largest mobile telecommunication organisations in the world with more than 115 million customers across the globe. In this report, the management at Ooredoo will be explored and it will be determined whether it is effective in the achievement of organisational goals or not. If it is effective then what practices it implements for contributing to organisational success. The book entitled as “Organization” by Alvehus and Jensen represent key areas of organizational theory, leadership, identity, power, and technology (Ooredoo, 2020; Alvehus & Jensen, 2015).

Research Question of Management at Ooredoo

Is management at Ooredoo effective? What practices it implements for being effective?

Survey of Management at Ooredoo

In order to answer this research question, a survey is conducted which involves interviewing the management team about practices which are implemented within the organisation and how it contributes to the success of the firm in the market. In general, questions are included which ask the management team about how it manages different aspects of the company, what is one of the most important elements that it focuses on, and how does it make sure that the company is efficient all the time. 

Management of Management at Ooredoo

In general, management is quite a broad term and it encompasses the handling of every process and procedure which is involved in a company. For instance, it involves the coordination of human resources, allocation of resources, and scheduling of different activities among many other processes. All of these are involved in management and at Ooredoo, it has been determined that management is effective. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that one of the main reasons why Ooredoo is successful in the market is because of its effective management. Through the survey, important information is revealed about the practices of management within the organisation (Alvehus & Jensen, 2015). According to Alvehus and Jensen (2015) provides three general aims that are listed below, 

1. The central theories are introduced with having relevant contemporary conditions. The connections are designed for the experience of work in organization.

2. For the problematization of organizational boundaries, the important condition is to expand the approach towards the organizational context and the responsibilities are then forwarded to the working employees. 

3. The vaccination for the pop management against allows to read about the half empty statements that are often provided by the organization. The main aim of management in the organization is to manage, governance, and improve the management.  

Human Resources of Management at Ooredoo

It has been determined through the survey that one of the most important aspects of Ooredoo is its human resources. Management has identified that it is through the human resources that the organisation is able to be effective in the market. Similar to every other firm, it is the effective coordination and management of employees that enables it to achieve goals and contribute to the success. Generally, human resources include all the people who work for the company. Meanwhile, the management of human resources is contemporary term that is utilised for explaining the development and management of employees in a firm. Even though management at Ooredoo in terms of human resources is responsible for organisation development, employee and labour relations, training and learning, benefits and compensation, staffing and recruiting, it focuses significantly on the development of employees (Bruzelius, 2018).

Employee development refers to the training and mentoring of employees for making them acquire new skills and abilities which are important for them and can contribute to the achievement of workforce goals. For instance, in Ooredoo, employees are selected and they are required to undergo specific training programmes which are aimed at not only the development of new skills but also the improvement of existing skills. This enables the organisation to stay updated with new technology. Since Ooredoo is a technological organisation, it has to make sure that the most advanced technologies are implemented within the organisation and they are utilised for producing efficient results. In order to use these technologies to their best, it is important for employees to have the required and necessary skills. Thus, training programmes are implemented within the organisation which are aimed at making employees capable of using these technologies for producing efficient results (Alvehus & Jensen, 2015). 

Communication and Collaboration of Management at Ooredoo

One of the most important elements that serves to make management effective within Ooredoo is that communication are collaboration are considered to be crucial in achieving organisational goals. Within organisations, communication between the management team and employees is not considered that important. In fact, there are some organisations in which communication is non-existent and although it appears that it does not have any influence on workforce efficiency, it has a significant impact on it. Within Ooredoo, there is strong communication between the management team and the workforce. This communication is what results in employee satisfaction and enhanced workforce efficiency. For instance, there is no communication gap between the management team and employees which allows instructions and expectations of management to be conveyed in a clear manner to employees. It helps them in understanding what they need to do to satisfy the management. 

In addition to communication, the management team focuses significantly on the establishment of collaboration among employees. Similar to communication, collaboration is also considered to be quite important for achieving success in the market. Employees are made to work in teams and they are taught about the importance of collaboration. In order to improve team work, different scenarios are structured and teams are required to work under these specific situations. They are given tasks and they need to accomplish these tasks and objectives to indicate that they are collaborating in an effective manner. If they are unable to do that, they are trained in terms of team work. All of these efforts are invested in ensuring that collaboration is established among employees. This collaboration is what makes it possible for teams to be effective in the achievement of shares team goals (Alvehus & Jensen, 2015). 

Use of Standards of Management at Ooredoo

It has been determined that the management within Ooredoo is quite effective and it can be attributed to the use of standards for different processes and procedures. It is like a norm for the management team to rely on standards for ensuring that every process within the organisation is effective and it is positively contributing to success in the market. Standards serve to provide direction to the management team and they also help in evaluating and assessing them. For instance, a specific standard is set and if it is not achieved by the process then it is restructured to ensure that only the desired results are produced. For instance, if the process of automation is not producing the desired or efficient results then it will indicate that the management needs to something about it or else it would result in the loss of efficiency for the organisation. These standards help Ooredoo is ensuring that every process is effective within the company and only positive results are being produced which contribute to both the short-term and long-term success of organisation (Alvehus & Jensen, 2015).

Conclusion of Management at Ooredoo

Overall, it has been determined in this report that management at Ooredoo is effective and it focuses on the effective coordination of human resources and establishment of standards for contributing to the success of Ooredoo. Management has identified that it is through the human resources that the organisation is able to be effective in the market. Similar to every other firm, it is the effective coordination and management of employees that enables it to achieve goals and contribute to the success. One of the most important elements that serves to make management effective within Ooredoo is that communication are collaboration are considered to be crucial in achieving organisational goals. Management within Ooredoo is quite effective and it can be attributed to the use of standards for different processes and procedures. It is like a norm for the management team to rely on standards for ensuring that every process within the organisation is effective and it is positively contributing to success in the market.

References of Management at Ooredoo

Bruzelius, L. H. (2018). Management, to Lead Businesses and People. Dimograf.

Ooredoo. (2020). Company Overview. Retrieved from https://www.ooredoo.com/en/investors/company_overview/

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