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Report on Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

Category: Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2050

Introduction of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

In this report, there is information about the project related to electronics. There is proper information about the project that requires some changes in it according to the demand of the organization. For that case, there is need of some improvement in efficiency of the three phase inverter. It can be noted that there was lack in efficiency in inverters and its life span was effective badly. Therefore, some changes will be made according to the quality measures of the organization (Amin, 2011). 

Identification of the proposed changes in the three phase inverter 

It can be noted that the three phase inverter is struggling with efficiency problems. The buck and boast converter are operating properly and providing ideal efficiency. On the other hand, the inverter is providing 80% efficiency problem at the output. The efficiency problem occurred due to losses present in the inverter. The first one is related to change in conduction loss in the inverter. It shows that this conduction loss occurs in inverter due to HS MOSFET and LS MOSFET. 

This type of loss occurred during the six step driving scheme of the inverter. Moreover, another thing is that this power loss in the MOSFET is calculated through the help of drain source on state resistance. This is because the MOSFET is acting like a resistor during the switching process of the inverter. Power is calculated through multiplying this resistor by rms Current Square. The next thing is that this resistor is more depended on the temperature of the environment. During the on state of the inverter, its operation temperature of the resistor will be considered also. Due to this case, there is need to overcome conduction loss for improving the efficiency of the inverter. 

The next problem is related to the switching loss in the inverter. This problem is also occurred due to these HS MOSFET and LS MOSFET during the driving scheme of the inverter. According to the theory, during switching on MOSFET its gate voltage must be approached towards threshold voltage. Moreover, another fact is that these voltages are not able to reach toward threshold easily. It will take time and it is depended upon the product of gate capacitance and gate resistance of MOSFET. 

Now after this gate voltages are started to increase and drain current is also rising and due to this the drain voltages are affected by drain currents. Then switching losses occurred in the three phase inverter. After this case, drain current is increased more there will be also decrease in drain voltages and they are dropped towards the on state value. Moreover, another thing is that due to this switching loss problem there is decrease in efficiency of the inverter (Erol-Kantarci & Mouftah, 2014).  

Background information of the present situation and propose changes

In the present situation, there are three types of problems occurred in the inverter. Due to this, they are facing efficiency problems. For meeting the criteria, there is need to remove conduction loss, switching loss and diode loss problems in the inverter. This is because due to this it will become extremely easy to overcome efficiency problem of the inverter. 

For the proposed changes, there is need to reduce such losses in the inverter. This is because if these losses are reduced then efficiency of the inverter will be increased properly. For that case, there is need to proposed valuable solutions for increasing efficiency of the inverter.  

There are some techniques through which it will become extremely easy to improve efficiency in the three phase inverter. 

The first one is related to switching. This is because due to switching loss inverter is not able to operate at complete efficiency. For that case, if organization wanted to achieve zero switch loss in the inverter then they have to applied auxiliary inductor and two auxiliary switches that are applied at the single phase of the inverter. This means that in three phase inverters, there is requirement of six auxiliary switches in the inverter. Moreover, another thing is that these switches will contain fixed frequency control and neutral point clamped topology (Amin, 2011). 

The next proposed technique is related to the removing of harmonic distortion in the inverter. This is due to conduction loss in the inverters. This can be done easily through sinusoidal pulse-width modulation technique. Through this, it will become simple to increase efficiency of the inverter. 

On the other hand, next technique is related to the increase in current, voltage and capacity level of the inverter. This can be done easily by connecting different multiple modules in series or parallel with the input and output of the inverter. 

The next proposed technique is related to the protecting inverters from over current and inrush currents. This can be done easily by adding clamp circuits to resonant capacitance in parallel. Due to this, there will be increase in high power conversion efficiency of the three phase inverter (Fang, et al., 2011). 

Another proposed solution related to the three phase inverter is achieving new zero common mode voltage generation. Due to this it will become easy to increase efficiency of the inverter. It can be done by using neutral point diode clamping. Therefore, it will reduce the desynchronization issue of the three phase inverter and its efficiency is increased (Grijalva & Tariq, 2011). 

The necessity of proposed changes of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

In this section, there is proper information about why there is need of proposed changes in the inverter, this section will discuss the requirement of proposed solutions for the inverter. 

For smooth three phase voltages of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

It can be noted that in modern era, there is requirement of smooth three phase voltages. This is because there are many inverter companies are moving towards efficiency. This can be achieved easily through these proposes solutions. If new zero common model voltages are generated at the output of the inverter then there is excessive increase in the efficiency of the voltage. Due to this smooth three phase voltages are achieved at the output of the inverter (Ali, et al., 2015). 

Increase in efficiency of the inverter

The next important thing is that due to these proposed solutions there is highly increase in the efficiency of the inverter. The main objective of this problem is related to the increase in efficiency. For that case, there are different proposed solutions are presented related to the three phase inverters. If its efficiency is increased then many problems related to inverter will be solved in an effective way. The main thing is that inverter is able to produce high quality voltages at the output. Moreover, when 95% efficiency is achieved then price of the three phase inverter will be increased with perfection (Abdulrahaman, 2018). 

Reliability of the appliances of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

The next point is related to the reliability of the appliances. It is showing that when these proposes solutions will be implemented then efficiency of the inverters is increased. This means that when efficiency is increased then appliances will be refrained from any kind of damage in the future. This is because when efficiency was low, there was a risk of high current issues in the inverters. Due to these high currents many appliances are damaged. This shows that these proposed solution will increase the life span of the home appliances in a proper way (Ali, 2015). 

Refrain from damaging equipment

It can be noted that due to increase in current, different equipment present in the inverter will be damaged. Another thing is that due to increase in current MOSFETs of the inverters are damaged. This is because this current will increase the resistivity level of the inverter. Moreover, when there is increase in resistance then it will damage the drain voltages of the MOSFET. Moreover, when drain voltages are damaged then it will affect the MOSFET (Fang, et al., 2011). 

Time span of the inverter of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

Another fact is that inverter is struggling with time issues. It can be noted that due to lack of efficiency in the inverter there is decrease in life span of the inverter. This is because due to excessive current the equipment of the inverters are damaged because temperature is increased. Due to this when these proposed solutions are applied on the inverter it will increase the life span of the inverter in a proper way (Erol-Kantarci & Mouftah, 2014). 

Description of professional development from changed project

It can be noted that if efficiency of the inverter is increased then they are more reliable and efficient than before. Another thing is that company is able to generate more profit than before. This is because highly efficient inverters are more expansive because they are reliable (Amin, 2011). 

Conclusion of Three phase inverter efficiency quality measures

Summing up all the discussion from above, it is concluded that efficiency problem in the inverter is extremely common. In this report, there is proper information about the solving efficiency issue in the inverters in a proper way. On the other hand, next technique is related to the increase in current, voltage and capacity level of the inverter. 

This can be done easily by adding clamp circuits to resonant capacitance in parallel. Due to this, there will be increase in high power conversion efficiency of the three phase inverter. The main objective of this problem is related to the increase in efficiency. For that case, there are different proposed solutions are presented related to the three phase inverters. 

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