According to the Covid-19 crisis, I am
going to put against argument related to the use of decoupling of electricity
rates. The main reason behind this is that many people are living in the United
States are losing their job. Due to this case, they are not able to pay a bill
if the price of electricity is increased in such a pandemic crisis. The use of
decoupling for electricity rates is useless in such crises. This is because
people are already getting dead due to this Covid-19. On the other hand, if the
government is using the decoupling of electricity rate prices then it will
affect people at a great amount. The next thing is that some states of America are
using the decoupling of electricity bills because they are not able to generate
enough revenue. After all, many huge industries are not working properly. Due
to this case, they are adding decoupling for electricity rates. It can be noted
that decoupling is an important incentive for investing in energy efficiency.
Due to this case, there are many electrical companies are promoting greater energy
efficiency. Therefore, they are involved in combining decoupling policies with
incentivizing energy efficiency. This shows that due to such a crisis in the
whole world there is no need for decoupling of electricity rates.
b. According to the given article, I am
not going to support the regulations of Duke Energy. This is because the
legislators in both states are looking for alternative current frameworks that are
increasing competition between the companies. Another fact is that Duke Energy
is working under the PJM interconnection and it is operated in only one state
of the country. This company is selling energy at a wholesale rate to the 13
states of the country. The next reason is that the president of Nova energy is
also telling about the testimony in the Duke energy. He had mentioned and
argued that the rate of energy is increasing more quickly than the average rate
of the nation. The main thing is that Duke Energy is initializing long term
grid upgrade plans. Due to this, it is affecting the company at great. Moreover,
Duke Energy is going to generate more revenue because they have more cost
advantage in North Carolina. Another major thing mentioned by the Nova energy
president is that if energy rates are increasing for accommodating the
executives of Duke then energy cost in North Carolina will be increased. Due to
this, it will create serious liability to the state. Another fact is that South
Carolina is planning for initializing RTO. This will control the energy cost in
North Carolina. This shows that Duke Energy is increasing energy costs for its
own goods not for the state. This is the reason why my argument is against this