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Assignment, This question is worth 22 points. However, you will only receive a final percentage mark and will not be given individual points for each question. Use the grading rubric to see how points will be allocated.

Category: Art Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1250

3. Question

Unit 3 focused on the design thinking process to structurally embed innovation within an organisation and stay ahead of the competition. For this activity submission you are required to consider how each phase of the design thinking process can be applied to your own organisation’s digital transformation journey. For each of the five phases in the design thinking process, determine which stakeholders (both internal and external) you would involve, and how you would plan this phase. Use the below examples to guide your thinking:

1.    Stakeholders involved: Determine which stakeholders you would involve in each phase and why. For example, “In the empathise phase, I will include the marketing team as they have investigated the market and users.”

2.    Plan: Determine what actions need to be taken within your organisation by outlining an action plan for each phase. For example, “In the define phase, the CIO will plan a meeting with the stakeholders to consolidate the findings from the empathise phase and draft a definition of the problem.”

Complete the following table. Your submission should not exceed 150 words per cell.


Stakeholders involved
(Max 150 words per cell)
(Max 150 words per cell)



In this stage, I am going to introduce financial team of the company. This is because they are going to predict the future condition of the company. This is because in the coming years company wanted to expand their business in different parts of the world. If the financial position is stable then it will become easy for the company to expand their business in different countries

For that case, the company has to plan how to predict their future revenue according to its products and services. The company is required to plan the income statement of the company from last 5 years. This will give information about the company that how they had performed in the market from the last few years. Then after this it will become easy for the company to predict the future outcomes of the company in terms of revenue.



For dealing with the financial issue of the company, the CEO, CIO, and financial department. This is because CEO of the company is the main person who holds the company. The next thing is that the CIO is dealing with the related issues of the company. On the other hand, the financial team is dealing with the balance sheet, income statement and also cash flow of the company.

In this phase, the CEO of the company will arrange proper meeting with the financial department of the company. In this meeting, CIO will demonstrate complete information about the required problem with the financial team. In this meeting all problems related to the finance will be discussed in a proper way with the finance team.



Now there is a need of idea for dealing with the financial issue of the company, the CEO, CIO, and financial department. This is because CEO of the company is the main person who holds the company. The next thing is that the CIO is dealing with the related issues of the company. On the other hand, the financial team is dealing with the balance sheet, income statement and also cash flow of the company. Moreover, HR department of the company and other senior members that will give good idea to solve it.

for that case, company is required to make proper plan with its major stakeholders. The company is required to take proper information from its stakeholders like financial department. It can be noted that this team has given two ideas to resolve financial problems from the company and expand easily in different countries. The first one is related to the identification of the expanses that can be reduced easily. Moreover, company is required to make complete spending plan and balance sheet to resolve this issue.



Now for the prototype phase, the company is required to make proper financial reports for the past few years. These reports will provide complete information about the company. Moreover, the next thing is that financial department and CIO is involved in making these reports for the future years of the company.

For making the prototype plan, the stakeholders are required to arrange data in a single file. This data will be according to the future condition of the company. The next thing is that the company will make proper plan how to rearrange this financial data and apply required changes for the future. This is because through this it will become easy to test the future outcomes of the company.



The main stakeholders are involved in the testing phase are financial department and CIO. This is because the financial department will test the required outcomes from the test results. Moreover, they will analyse the future data of the company in a perfect way. On the other hand, CIO is playing a supervisory role in the testing process. This is because he has to check each point of the financial report during testing.

For planning the testing process, the company is required to arrange proper program that will deal with the main problem related to finance. The next thing is that company will contact with the external stakeholders and other teams to analyse the future outcomes of the test.



The following rubric will be used to assess your submission.






Stakeholders involved

The student provides a clear explanation of which stakeholders should be involved in each phase and why.

No submission or attempt.


The student provides a very poor explanation of which stakeholders should be involved in this phase and why. (0)

The student provides a limited or vague explanation of which stakeholders should be involved in each phase and why. (4)

The student provides a sufficiently clear explanation of which stakeholders are involved in each phase and shows insight into why. (6)

The student provides an excellent explanation of which stakeholders are involved in each phase and shows critical insight into why. (8)

Action plan for each phase

The student outlines a clear action plan for leaders to execute in each of the five design thinking phases.

No submission or attempt.  


The student outlines a very poor action plan for leaders to execute in each of the five design thinking phases. (0)

The student outlines a limited or vague action plan for leaders to execute in each of the five design thinking phases. (4)

The student outlines a good action plan for leaders to execute in each of the five design thinking phases. (6)

The student outlines an insightful and detailed action plan for leaders to execute in each of the five design thinking phases. (8)

Coherence, clarity, and adherence to brief

The answers are clearly and logically structured and written in a way that is comprehensible. All word limits are adhered to.

No submission or attempt.


The answers are unclear, incoherent, or incomprehensible. (0)


The answers show limited coherence and clarity. The writing is comprehensible but lacks logical structure. (2)

The answers are written clearly and coherently. The writing is logically structured, but there is room for improvement. (4)

The answers are clearly structured and written with great clarity and coherence. (6)


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