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Assignment on Critically analyse the changing commercial environment, by providing examples explain how these changes impact SMEs.

Category: Business Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2750

Introduction of changing commercial environment

With the changing environment of the business market, there are different changes and diversification in the systems of organizations. Over time, the requirement or full control companies become more innovative and advance to produce and manufacture the product. According to the customers desired. The organization can take many steps to produces several ways to work in advance and innovative world of production. All business organizations are not working on large unit; there are some small and medium enterprises that are working in the economies. Small and medium enterprises are special consideration in the importance of the transition of the business structure. Small and medium enterprises can provide economic benefits to the in the boundary of the country in terms of experimentation, learning, and adaptability. Diversification elements are very important in the economic growth and development in a specific country. Other than it, there is the most common important point in the transition of the business (Ates & Bititci., 2011).

How Change Impacted SMEs of changing commercial environment

Small and medium enterprises structure was largely neglected by the large enterprises and financial institutions that give loan to the large scale business. The basic purpose of this question is to answer the different method to explore several ways of transition in the business structure and diversification of the business plan to gain the objective. The transitional context could be defined as the process of change is centrally planned of functions in the market-oriented system or other aspects to deal with the market. Transition is not about the institutional information or transformation of the role of the state. It particularly depends upon the economic and financial and legal institution in the underpinning the market economy (Müller, Buliga, & Voigt, 2018).

The changing environment could allocate and rate the goods and resources into the proper way so that productivity could be certain in the manufacturing process. Changing the environment may also be regarded as the ultimate objective to attain the goals that are defined by the management. There are different stages of the changing environment that are only available in the international indicators such as GDP level and the corruption perception of the index from transparency. There is only indicated that covered the changing environment of the transition business is called in the EBRD transition indicator. EBRD indicator is the first at the initial phase of changing environment dominated by the structure and communities system of the organization. The main features of this include the preservation of assets in the small companies and the liberalization of the market for foreign exchange and trade (Achtenhagen, Melin, & Naldi., 2013).

Structure & Changes of SMEs

As concerned with the SME’s environment with the change of environment of the companies, the main focus of the analysis is on the SMEs development that could face some barriers. Small and medium enterprises are different in the different countries according to context and the structure. The most common classifications are considered upon the standards that in small enterprise, there must be less than 50 employees, and in case of a medium enterprise, there must be less than 250 employees are standard in the definition of small and medium enterprises. Changing environment could impact a small and medium enterprise in formal and informal ways or such other Economic with

The impact could be divided into different categories and forms of the analysis. For example, policy instability, and changes in the classification of formal barriers is also very closely related to the official works of the industry. One of the main problems is found that the ability is different in different barriers. With the changing environment, the small and medium enterprise could face the difficulty of finances. As with the changing environment, the uncertainty of productivity or profit could be changed and minimized the risk of loss. It is because there is a training environment as it may be improved or develop Strategy to improve the work of small and medium enterprises. Due to these companies found difficulty to gain the loan and finance is to invest in the further project. As far as related to positive change, positive impacts, small and medium enterprises would make advance their methods of productivity with the help of a changing environment. With the changing environment, small and medium enterprises could enhance the productivity and capability of working in the market. Small and medium enterprises could have the business environment to change the Bulking style of the business and to gain productivity and higher profit in the market. It gives wide scope to analyze for small and medium enterprise development that could be distinctive in the changing environment.

Changing the environment could be negative but there is the most impact on the small and medium enterprises are positive. As small and medium enterprises are working traditionally with limited resources that would never allow the resources to grow positively and productively. The changing condition could assign and rate the merchandise and assets into the correct way with the goal that the profitability could be sure in the assembling procedure. Changing condition may likewise be viewed as an extreme goal to accomplish the objectives that are characterized by the administration. There are various phases of the change condition changing condition that are just accessible in the worldwide markets, for example, GDP level and the defilement view of record from straightforwardness. With the change condition, little and medium undertakings could improve the efficiency and capacity of the working in the market. Diversification components are significant in the monetary development and advancement in explicit nation. Other than it, there is most regular a significant point in the change of the business.

Conclusion of changing commercial environment

It can be concluded in the end that the change in the commercial environment of the companies is mainly due to variation in the external and internal elements. The external elements are law, technology, competition, trends and the media role. The internal environmental elements are physical assets, management, business culture, cash flow, and the skills and knowledge of the workers (Müller, Buliga, & Voigt, 2018). Both the internal and external changes can be instant changes such as the implementation of new laws about the use of materials and quality of the product. The new investors and demand of the product with the return rate variation can also induce impact on the changes. The change is an inevitable part of the lift and is it also important in the business. Different theories are formulated for the changes in the business environment and how it affects the business in the market. Some of the commonly known theories are Kurt Lewin's Freeze phases, Beer' Model, and Kotter Model (Achtenhagen, Melin, & Naldi., 2013). The impact and barrier can be sometimes devastating for the workforce and the company itself. The services can go to pressure. The best alternative to reduce the pressure is communication and the change in the strategy to help in achieving the goal of the organization and staff members. The changes normally affect the internal, as well as external environments and internal staff, sometimes feel that they have been left out of the loop. The changes can be heavy for the organization and it can impact the market by promoting a new product and service. The changing environment must support the workers and allow them to contribute to the success of the organization (Sherman & Seidel, 2019).

Question 2

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business.

Introduction of advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business

Before considering initiating family business, there are several considerations to think about it. A family business is often benefited by the involvement of family members. The success rate of businesses is won/win. They benefit the owners at the local and global economy in a manifold. However, the true conditions are fewer than 10% to survive in the market. 10% of the owners are financially independent of the business. Family firms face several unique challenges and advantages. To get success in the market, the comparison must show that advantages can be capitalized upon the investment and the business setup is capable to overcome the challenges (Blog. Vistage. co. the UK, 2014).

Although, the family business can be an exciting challenge before dealing with several issues that can pop up in the family business. Before starting the business, the must do the thing is to define how the business shares will be allocated between the partners and family members. The business decisions must be out of family matter and the roles and responsibilities differ for family members as compared to the shareholders who are active in the business. The reward distribution must be fair, and the relation of family members must be strong to cope with conflicts. The optional information can be performed by effective duties and family finances are not solely dependent on the business (Nibusinessinfo. co. UK, 2020).

Advantages of the family business of advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business

The stability is often high as compared to the other business. The family business is typically based on, who will lead the business and the results of the longevity in the leadership. The results show overall strong stability and the leaders are supported by the position for many years until the retirement, illness, and death results (Machek & Votavová, 2020). Since all the needs of the family can be at the stake therefore all the members show a greater sense of accountability and commitment. Such kind of level of commitment is not possible to be generated in non-family firms. The long term commitment to family and business provides additional benefits in sales and marketing. Consider Hoshi Ryokan, a Japanese inn keeping the business from the oldest family. The level of commitment in all the members was high. Ford Motor Company managed to stay afloat even in the worst economic situations and the company name always remained in top lines (Ramadani & Hoy, 2019).

In the family business, no one is entitled to deny the responsibilities by considering the work as out of the field. The members of a family are often willing to wear multiple hats and do different tasks for the survival of their business. Since the business is bread and butter of all family members therefore, all of them are committed to present the best version of them. Considering the advantage of flexibility, Estee Lauder is the most famous family business. The owner was interviewed once, and she said that I have never worked a day in my life without selling the items (Achtenhagen, Melin, & Naldi., 2013).   

No family firms think about hitting the goals because they consider their goals for years and decades.  This long term outlook provides several plus points to the business owners. Michael Otto was second-generation CEO of Hamburg Germany and he said that we don't have to come up with the good stories for the investors and press in every quarter. The decreased cost condition induces unlike impact on the business because opposite to the typical workers, the family members are always willing to contribute in their finances and even they spend more time on the business as compared to the others. The family members contribute to ensuring long term success of the organization. The contribution can be in a particular direction and handy to overcome the challenging times. Consider the economic downturns that are necessary for the person to suffer and it requires skills to overcome and for the survival of business (Blog. Vistage. co. the UK, 2014).  

Disadvantages of the family business of advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business

It is often observed that the family members have different interest and lack of interest in business can result in unengaged and apathetic employees. In the public sector, the employees that can be categorized as having no interest in the business can be fired but it is not such simple when dealing with the family business. Conflict is a common issue that is bound to happen in any firm, and it has long histories that issues in the family can adversely affect the business. Long-lasting bitter fights, deep-seated issues and quarrels can induce an impact on every single person in the firm and they can draw divisive lines in the business. Since in the conflicts, the family members and loved ones are involved it becomes more difficult to solve the issues and results can be a long ending. The best example of dispute in the family that damaged the business is the famous dispute between the sons of Dhirubhai Ambani in 2005 and they were the owner of Reliance industries. The dispute resulted in a division of India's largest petrochemical manufacturers. One of them, Mukesh Ambani retained the control of the petrochemical business while another son of the owner, Anil took control of Reliance communication, Reliance capital, and Reliance Energy (Müller, Buliga, & Voigt, 2018).

The governance issues can lead to business division because the issues include rules and internal hierarchies related problems. Governance is often not able to follow and adhere to other external corporate laws. The business is considered less seriously in such type of situations. The level of trust in the family firm is often suffered a lot. Consider the example of Samsung Group, Lee Kun Hee, chairman, was forced to resign from his position in 2008 after the indicated tax evasion and some other criminal breaches that lead to trust issues. The issue was dragged to the court and he was sentenced for three-year suspension and a fine of approximately $109 million. In such situations, little governance is suffered the most and sometimes gone a long way (Machek & Votavová, 2020).

One of the major issues of having a family business is Nepotism. Some family businesses prefer to have their trustworthy workers and they never let the outsiders reach the open positions. The decision-makers prefer their family members and they are often less educated limited experience and lack of skills or interest. The issues are far-reaching that reduce the chances of success of the company. It becomes difficult to retain good talented and skilled workers in the business. The creative ideas, innovation, and upgradition become the limited and less focused condition of the business. Nepotism affects the growth and strategically actions for certain positions (Sherman & Seidel, 2019).

Conclusion of advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business

Very often, the family business lacks the succession plans and leaders never have the desire to admit it. At this point, it is necessary to find a close relationship and long histories. The business heads need to make a strong succession plan. Different risk associated conditions are due to lack of leadership, quarrels, and legal troubles in the business. Consider founder of Hyundai motor, Chung Ju Yung named his son as successor and one year later in 2000 he defied his father's orders to step down (Müller, Buliga, & Voigt, 2018).  

References of advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business

Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., & Naldi., L. (2013). Dynamics of business models–strategizing, critical capabilities and activities for sustained value creation. Long range planning2013, 46(6), 427-442.

Ates, A., & Bititci., U. (2011). Change process: a key enabler for building resilient SMEs. International Journal of Production Research,, 49(18), 5601-5618.

Blog. vistage. co. uk. (2014). The advantages and disadvantages of a family business . Retrieved from blog.vistage.co.uk: https://blog.vistage.co.uk/advantages-disadvantages-of-a-family-business

Machek, O., & Votavová, P. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Entrepreneurship and How to Prevent Distress: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Mathematical Models and Computational Methods I, 4(166), 350-354.

Müller, J. M., Buliga, O., & Voigt, K.-I. (2018). Fortune favors the prepared: How SMEs approach business model innovations in Industry 4.0. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 2-17.

Nibusinessinfo. co. uk. (2020). Family-run businesses. Retrieved from www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/key-things-consider-when-setting-family-business

Ramadani, V., & Hoy, F. (2019). Family businesses in transition economies: Management, succession and internationalization. Springer .

Sherman, F., & Seidel, M. (2019). The Effects of a Change in Business Environment on Strategic Planning. Retrieved from smallbusiness.chron.com: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-change-business-environment-strategic-planning-4708.html

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