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Report on Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 3900

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Abstract of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

 in this paper, there is complete information about the medical awareness. It can be noted that in Saudi Arabia, there are many women are not aware about the medical terms. Due to this they are facing a lot of problems in their life. This paper, will discuss the data properly of these women around this country. Moreover, another fact is that the rate of pregnancy failure is increasing in Saudi Arabia. The main reason is that the women are not properly aware about the circumstances. Due to this woman are facing pregnancy issues in this country. There are a lot of issues are there that makes women pregnancy failures in an increased way. The Saudi women has lack of awareness about controlling their pregnancy issues and this research is conducted through a survey of women having fertility issues. For that case, there will be use of SPSS software to analyse the required results in this country. Moreover, it will also provide essential information how to solve these problems in Saudi Arabia. According to this data, it will become easy to provide proper awareness about medial terms in Saudi Arabia. This makes the awareness greater among Saudi women and this research provides us the facts and figures about women fertility and about the reasons that causes fertility

Keyword-- Medial terms, SPSS software, Pregnancy failure and fertility issues.

INTRODUCTION of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

Fertility with increasing age and its decreased survival is demonstrated through its physiological performance considering age-dependent known as ageing. [1] The infertility here is that kind of condition that occur due to having the lack of active couples that are not taking precautionary steps to take pregnancy and this is making the rat of pregnancy lower. [2] In the 3rd decade last year fertility in women has started declining and the main reason which was noticed is the delay in constipation and having pregnancy at late ages [3]. The peri-menopausal menstrual upregulations having compromised prior to onset to declining the fertility decline due to oocyte atresia [4] although the best indicator for fertility is the best health and fitness among women. In older times the pregnancy issues have other types of problems including maternal mortality, placentas previse, hypertensive disorder, operative deliveries, gestational diabetes are the issues that older women face while having pregnancies. [5]. Age had both effect on the fertility rate as some age makes them fertile but in some cases age issue do not cause any problem in fertility [6]. Many of the women don’t even know that what’s the issue is hidden inside them and they keep of moving with the same issues [7] The American have concerns that they are pregnancy risks and they are going to have it in declining the fertility that provides timelines for infertility evaluation in a manageable form [8]

Moreover, it can be noted that medical awareness is considered as the key term for the women in Saudi Arabia. There are many cases registered in this country do not contain proper medical information. Due to this case, it will become extremely difficult for them to survive. It can be seen that there are many women lost their lives due to false attempt of sexual relationship [2]. The main reason behind it is lack of information. The couples of this country are not properly aware about the medical conditions. Furthermore, another fact is that fertility is damages through some factors. These factors include obesity, eating fast and unhealthy foods from outside. The next factor is related to high blood pressure issues. Moreover, there is another factor and it is related to smoking and unsuitable life. All of these factors are involved in problems related to infertility in Saudi Arabia.

METHODS AND MATERIALS of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

The method which is used to do this research is the survey taken and asked questions with the help of Questionnaire from woman this questionnaire costs of fill in the blanks and msqs questions that will take hardly five minutes to complete.

This cross-sectional study was approved by King Abdul-Aziz University Biomedical Ethical Committee. A non-validated survey composed of 18 questions was sent via E-mails, phone numbers, and handed out to Saudi females over the age of 18 years. An informed consent was included. The data was collected from October 2019 until January 2020. There has been done with this research that Saudi women are becoming aware with this issue and the research consist of Knowledge of factors, prior pregnancy and infertility history, demographic information, fertility risks and other things are going to be conducted in this research. A number of other issues are also evaluated in this concern allowing the things to be more productive and more appropriate in controlling infertility rate. While what should they do to have a pregnancy plan, what source is preferable for health maintain aspect and taking care of the fitness of them. The research is based on Question that have fill in the blank options and multiple choice options as well.

According to the fact, it can be noted that two hundred seventy-nine surveys were filled. The participants ages ranged from 18 to 63 (Table 1). 113 (40.5%) of the respondents have been pregnant in the past, and 166 (59.5) haven’t been pregnant (Table 2). 114 (40.9%) of the participants have living children now, and 165 (59.1%) does not have any living children. 211 (75.6%) were aware that fertility declines with aging. while the remaining 68 (24.4%) did not know that fertility declines with age (figure 1), Regarding the specific age which the respondents believe that the chances of getting pregnant decline after it, 193 (69.2%) of them thought the decline of fertility is started through 36-50 Years, 68 (24.4%) thought the decline of fertility is started through 18-35 Years, and 18 (6.5%) thought the decline of fertility is started from 51 Years and more (figure 2). However, participants required previous fertility therapy or have been pregnant have more awareness about age related adverse outcome of pregnancy and decline in fertility (Figure 3). the data showed that the Discussion with a health care provider are the most desired source of information 111 (39.8%) (Figure 4).




The first table is related to the total number of people that are pregnant and the results are shown in the form of percentage. On the other hand, table 2 is giving information about the age factor of the women living in that country.




METHODOLOGY of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

The methodology used in this research to find out about pregnant women in Saudi Arabia is that the research has been conducted based on the past experiences of the women in this regard and the current aspect is also conducted by surveyed the women that what's an experience they had during their pregnancy and what was the results of that experiences they have to fill the questionnaire that hardly takes 10 minutes as this questionnaire consists of Mcq’s and fill in the blanks with different options they just have to select that option so that we can be able to know about her personal experience and this will help us to conduct better options towards completing this research successfully. Several other works are done to conduct this research that consists of getting knowledge and experiences of past experts on these issues and medical complex centres also helps us to gather data about the women in such condition so that we can do our research successfully. The method which is used to do this research is the survey taken and asked questions with the help of Questionnaire from a woman this questionnaire costs of fill in the blanks and msqs questions that will take hardly five minutes to complete.

ANALYSIS of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

It is observed that the whole research is based on the facts about pregnant women issues and about the problems they have to face during their delivery processes. The main thing is that in Saudi Arabia there is a very advance system of treating the delivery women and in this way they use to manage the health concern of their women. There are a lot of issues are there that makes women pregnancy failures in an increased way. The Saudi women have a lack of awareness about controlling their pregnancy issues and this research is conducted through a survey of women having fertility issues. Fertility with increasing age and its decreased survival is demonstrated through its physiological performance considering age-dependent known as ageing. Infertility here is that kind of condition that occurs due to having the lack of active couples that are not taking precautionary steps to take pregnancy and this is making the rat of pregnancy lower. In the 3rd decade, last year fertility in women has started declining and the main reason which was noticed is the delay in constipation and having a pregnancy at a late age

The peri-menopausal menstrual regulations having compromised before onset to declining the fertility decline due to oocyte atresia. Although the best indicator for fertility is the best health and fitness among women. In older times the pregnancy issues have other types of problems including maternal mortality, placentas previse, hypertensive disorder, operative deliveries, gestational diabetes are the issues that older women face while having pregnancies. Age had both effects on the fertility rate as some age makes them fertile but in some cases, age issue does not cause any problem infertility. Many of the women don’t even know that what’s the issue is hidden inside them and they keep of moving with the same issues. The American have concerns that they are pregnancy risks and they are going to have it in declining the fertility that provides timelines for infertility evaluation in a mannerable form

This cross-sectional study was approved by King Abdul-Aziz University Biomedical Ethical Committee. A non-validated survey composed of 18 questions was sent via E-mails, phone numbers, and handed out to Saudi females over the age of 18 years. Informed consent was included. The data was collected from October 2019 until January 2020. There has been done with this research that Saudi women are becoming aware with this issue and the research consist of Knowledge of factors, prior pregnancy and infertility history, demographic information, fertility risks and other things are going to be conducted in this research. Several other issues are also evaluated in this concern allowing the things to be more productive and more appropriate in controlling infertility rate. While what should they do to have a pregnancy plan, what source is preferable for health maintaining aspect and taking care of the fitness of them. The research is based on the Question that has filled in the blank options and multiple-choice options as well.

Knowledge in the Saudi population regarding fertility and reproduction about ageing was variable and differed by age and marital status. Previous conceiving difficulties appear to be associated with an increased level of knowledge. Public education and campaigns will increase the awareness of the decline in fertility about age. Increased exposure between women and her health care provider during pregnancy is an excellent opportunity to give an educational material to women in a nondirective way the majority of the participants preferred the discussion with a health care provider as a method of getting more information followed by online videos to perceive more information. Regarding the information about age and fertility that the respondents had got, 218 (78.1%) of them had been told that their fertility will be decreased by age, and 61 (21.9%) have never been told that their fertility will be decreased by age.

The group who said that they had been told that their fertility will be decreased by age, mainly the main information providers were (Family (32.6%), Doctor (22.2%), Social Media (9.7%), Friends (8.6%), Others (10%) and no response (16.8%)). To sum up this research work we can say that pregnant women in Saudi Arabia are very less among them those who know what to do while pregnant and what things needs to be avoided in this regard. The fertility rate is increasing and this is the real concern for the Saudi Government.

It is seen that the entire research depends on the realities of pregnant ladies issues and about the issues they need to look during their conveyance forms. The primary concern is that in Saudi Arabia there is an advance arrangement of treating the conveyance ladies and along these lines they use to deal with the wellbeing worry of their ladies. There are a ton of issues are there that makes ladies pregnancy disappointments in an expanded manner. The Saudi ladies have an absence of mindfulness about controlling their pregnancy issues and this examination is led through a study of ladies having fruitfulness issues. Ripeness with expanding age and its diminished endurance is exhibited through its physiological presentation considering age-subordinate known as maturing. The barrenness here is that sort of condition that happens due to having the absence of dynamic couples that are not finding a way to take pregnancy and this is making the rodent of pregnancy lower. In the third decade a year ago ripeness in ladies has begun declining and the principle reason which was seen is the postponement in obstruction and having a pregnancy at the late age 

RESULTS of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

The participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 63. 211 (75.6%) were aware that fertility declines with aging. while the remaining 68 (24.4%) did not know that fertility declines with age, Regarding the specific age which the respondents believe that the chances of getting pregnant decline after it, 193 (69.2%) of them thought the decline of fertility is started through 36-50 Years, 68 (24.4%) thought the decline of fertility is started through 18-35 Years, and 18 (6.5%) thought the decline of fertility is started from 51 Years and more. However participants required previous fertility therapy or have been pregnant have more awareness about age related adverse outcome of pregnancy and decline in fertility. The data showed that the Discussion with a health care provider are the most desired source of information 111 (39.8%).

Figure 1: Information about age and fertility

Figure 2: Information about pregnancy in old age

Figure 3: Information about fertility decline in particular age

Figure 4: Requirement of fertility therapy


Figure 5: Fertility according to nationality

By addressing the nationalities of the respondents, 259 (92.8%) of them were Saudi, and 20 (7.2%) were Non-Saudi.

Figure 6: Martial status of Saudi Arabia

The previous table and chart showed that 115 (55.6%) of the respondents were single, 113 (40.5%) were married, 8 (2.9%) were divorced and 3 (1.1%) were widowed.

Figure 7: Age Factor in Saudi Arabia

The addressed figures showed the age groups distribution of the respondents, in which 162 (58.1%) of the respondents were from 19-30 Years, 47 (16.8%) were from 31-40 Years, 25 (9%) were from 51-60 Years, 22 (7.9%) were from 41-50 Years, 19 (6.8%) were less than or equal 18 Years, and 4 (1.4%) were more than or equal 61 Years.


Figure 8: Data about pregnancy

The previous table showed that about 113 (40.5%) of the respondents have been pregnant in the past, and 166 (59.5) haven’t been pregnant.


Figure 9: Data about living children

As shown above, 114 (40.9%) of the respondents have living children, and 165 (59.1%) haven’t any living children.



The previous data addressed the frequencies of pregnancy difficulties among the respondents, in which 147 (52.7%) of them didn’t have any previous pregnancy difficulties, 21 (7.5%) of them have previous pregnancy difficulties, and 111 (39.8%) were not applicable.

Regarding the fertility therapy before the pregnancies, in which 253 (90.7%) of the total respondents didn’t require any fertility therapy through their previous pregnancies, 12 (4.3%) of them had required fertility therapy, 13 (4.7%) not applicable and there is a one case missing in this category.

Figure 10: Factors reducing Pregnancy

By addressing the possible risk factors which the respondents believe that will reduce the chance of getting pregnant, the selected group had requested to choose one or more of the following factors (Smoking, Alcohol, Obesity, Sexually transmitted disease, and others), in which about 43 (15.4%) of the total respondents had selected all the choices: (Smoking, Alcohol, Obesity, Sexually transmitted diseases), 23 (8.2%) of them had selected : (Obesity, Sexual transmitted disease) and 19 (6.8%) of them selected the choice of others, so they didn’t believe that those addressed factors will reduce the chance of getting pregnant.

Figure 11: Health factors affecting Pregnancy

Regarding the possible complications that will be happen during or after pregnancies of mother age more than 35 years, the selected group had requested to choose one or more of the following possible complications (Diabetes, Genetic Abnormalities, High Blood Pressure, Miscarriage, and None), in which about 48 (17.2%) of the total respondents had selected the (Miscarriage) which had got the highest selection times, 44 (15.8%) of them had selected : (Miscarriage and Genetic Abnormalities), 38 (13.6%) of them had selected all the choices (Diabetes, Genetic Abnormalities, High Blood Pressure, Miscarriage) and interestingly, 23 (8.2%) of them had selected (NONE) in which they believe that none of the addressed complications will happen.









By addressing the planning for future pregnancies among the selected group of women, the previous table and chart showed that 181 (64.9%) of them are planning to have children In future, and 98 (35.1%) are not ever planning to have any child in the future.

Figure 12: Plan for future children

Figure 13: Family started to decline

The previous tables and charts addressed the respondents’ opinions about if the chances to get pregnant are declined by the age, and at which age specifically.

In which, 211 (75.6%) of them were believing that the chances of getting pregnant are declined by the age, and 68 (24.4%) of them don’t think so.

Regarding the specific age which the respondents believe that the chances of getting pregnant decline after it, 193 (69.2%) of them thought the decline of fertility is started through 36-50 Years, 68 (24.4%) thought the decline of fertility is started through 18-35 Years, and 18 (6.5%) thought the decline of fertility is started from 51 Years and more.

DISCUSSION of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

The peri-menopausal menstrual regulations having undermined before beginning to decline the ripeness decay because of oocyte atresia. Even though the best pointer for richness is the best wellbeing and wellness among ladies. In more established occasions the pregnancy issues have different kinds of issues counting maternal mortality, placentas previse, hypertensive issue, usable conveyances, gestational diabetes are the issues that more seasoned ladies face while having pregnancies. Age had both impacts on the ripeness rate as some age makes them prolific yet now and again age issue doesn't bring about any issue in richness. A large number of the ladies don't have the foggiest idea about that what's the issue is covered up inside them and they keep of moving with similar issues.

The American have worries that they are pregnancy dangers and they will have it in declining the richness that gives courses of events to barrenness assessment in a manageable structure his cross-sectional investigation was affirmed by King Abdul-Aziz University Biomedical Ethical Committee. A non-approved overview made out of 18 inquiries was sent using E-sends, telephone numbers, and gave out to Saudi females beyond 18 years old years. An educated assent was incorporated. The information was gathered according to October 2019 until January 2020. There has been finished with this exploration that Saudi ladies are getting mindful with this issue and the examination comprises of Knowledge of variables, earlier pregnancy and fruitlessness history, segment data, richness dangers and different things will be led in this exploration. Various issues are likewise assessed in this worry permitting the things to be increasingly gainful and progressively fitting in controlling barrenness rate. While what should they do to have a pregnancy plan, what source is ideal for wellbeing maintaining perspective and dealing with the wellness of them. The exploration depends on the Question that has filled in clear choices and various decision choices also.

Information in the Saudi people in regards to richness and multiplication according to maturing was variable and contrasted by age and conjugal status. Past imagining troubles has all the earmarks of being related to the expanded degree of information. State-funded training and battles will expand the attention to decrease in richness comparable to age. Expanded presentation among ladies and her medicinal services supplier during pregnancy is a brilliant chance to give an instructive material to ladies in a nondirective manner most of the members favoured the conversation with a social insurance supplier as a technique for getting more data followed by online recordings to see more data.

CONCLUSION of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females

Summing up all the discussion from above, it is concluded that rate of infertility is increasing in Saudi Arabia. Knowledge in the Saudi population regarding fertility and reproduction in relation to aging was variable and differed by age and marital status. Previous conceiving difficulties appears to be associated with increased level of knowledge. Public education and campaigns will increase the awareness of decline in fertility in relation to age. Increased exposure between women and her health care provider during pregnancy is an excellent opportunity to give an educational material to women in a nondirective way as the majority of the participants preferred the discussion with a health care provider as a method of getting more information followed by online videos to perceive more information. This makes the awareness greater among Saudi women and this research provides us the facts and figures about women fertility and about the reasons that causes fertility.

REFERENCES of Medical awareness amongst Saudi Females


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