In this article, the authors have
tried to explain image classification done for vehicle make & models with
the help of convolutional neural networks, as well as, their transfer learning.
It has been said that the identification and detection of cars is one of the
major tasks with regard to traffic management and control. To handle these
kinds of tasks, a variety of domain-specific features along with large datasets
are used so that data can better fit-in to get considerable results. In this
study, the authors have tried to train, implement, as well as, test some of the
best classifiers, which are trained to be used with domain-general datasets so
that make & models of the cars can be identified properly.
So, they decided to do an experiment
with transfer learning at different levels so that it can be fit for the given
models. The cars come with different make and models so computers are not able
to identify cars like humans. So, better methods are needed for the
identification of cars. The authors used a variety of data sets and sources to
continue with the experiment so that viable findings are made. After completing
the experiment with given methods and sources, it was found that transfer
learning was extremely crucial to get great performance, as the amount of data
was small, whereas the number of classes was large. This experiment
outperformed the nets, which were trained from randomly initialized, as well
as, small weights.
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