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Report on Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

Category: Art Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3400

Abstract of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

In this report, there is brief information about the diagenesis on reservoir quality evaluation. This project is related to the geography. It is showing that there are different particles are present beneath the earth that are affecting the quality of reservoir. Due to this, it will required absolute maintenance. These reservoirs are present in the Northwest area in Iraq. The main purpose of this study is to show the integrate distribution of the diagenetic alterations into different frameworks. Then after this case, there is some information about the related literature review. This will give proper information about the previous researched about the relative problem. For the methodology section, there are different sandstone samples are collected from the different parts of the country. Then after this, these samples are tested properly in the experimental section. It can be noted that the results are gained through two methods. The first one is backscattering of electron microscopy and the next one is scanning electron microscopy.


Introduction of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

Assessment, as well as prediction of the temporal and spatial distribution of the reservoir quality, evolution and development and Pre-khuff equivalent khabour sandstones, are not only difficult but as crucial task. Such a project can be addressed by different types of methods of diagenesis and stratigraphy. The sequence of stratigraphic approach enables reservoir quality distribution, distribution of faces controlled, variation in size and sorting of stones and sand, and high correlation between the source rocks, seal and reservoir. However, the depositional reservoir quality of sandstones can be altered by different extents of chemical and mechanical alternations in post-depositional surfaces (Fürtauer, Li, & Cupid, 2012).

The diagenetic modification in the sandstones can be controlled by detrital composition, porewater chemistry, paleoclimatic conditions, and buried thermal history.  Morad et al (2000) devised a new method for the prediction and assessment of reservoir quality distribution and the method work by the integration of diagenesis into the sequence stratigraphic framework. The approach allows refinement for the temporal and spatial distribution of diagenetic alterations of shallow marine sandstone. The stratigraphic framework can impact on reservoir quality of sandstones and it can be controlled by changes in the relative sea-level (RSL) and sedimentation rate. Some important factors of eogenetic alterations of siliciclastic deposits can be affected by organic matter, variation in the water owning depositional change of RSL, paleoclimatic condition, sedimentation rate, and an influx of meteoric water. The key goal of the analysis is to characterize the temporal and spatial patterns of the distribution of diagenetic alteration of reservoir unit, the research considers different factors such as subsurface distribution, porosity, and permeability. The integration of the research model is based on the prediction of alterations and quality modification in the marine clastic sediments (A. Abu Mostafa & AM Abu Khadrah, 2018).

Purpose of study of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

The present work aims to integrate the distribution of diagenetic alterations into different framework sequence that demonstrates the reservoir quality and the sandstone successions. The study is based on the heterogeneity analysis and linked with the depositional facies, previous researchers worked to demonstrate the successions of different depositional facies and our research take the research further to analyze the impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq. Diagenetic studies analyzed the conditions of sandstones and conducted work on the sandstones from poorly and cemented lithified sandstones.

The research is the sequel of these systems along with the key sequence of different stratigraphic surfaces. Further research is based on the aim of measurement of factors and parameters that play a significant role in the distribution of chemical competition on the quartz cementation. The study will find reasons and causes that lead to the present potential hydrocarbon reservoir and quality of this reservoir within the deeply buried sandstones. The project, also considering the previous outcomes, provides an understanding of geology in Iraq and the formation of Khabour. The results will find links between the depositional facies, alteration, and diagenetic quality of the reservoir (Harethi & Morad, 2012).

Literature review of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

McKay et al. (1995) concluded that depositional reservoir quality of sandstones is based on the mechanical and chemical alterations and it mainly occurs at the near-surface conditions because of the progressive burial and increasing temperature. These diagenetic modifications are controlled by the detrital composition, paleoclimatic conditions, and porewater chemistry. Ketzer et al. (2003) conducted the assessment and prediction of the reservoir quality distribution. The outcomes were based on the integration of the stratigraphic framework of sandstones. The approach allowed further refined ability of assessment and prediction of the diagenetic alterations. Al Ramadan et al. (2005) determined that the integration of the eogenetic alterations result in better elucidation. The research also measured the improvement in the quality of reservoir with paralic stones around the surfaces. Van Wagoner et al, (200) correlated the sedimentary successions that are bounded by the unconformities and it is related to the correlative conformities. Jevery (1998) researched the stacking patterns of the sediments that are often controlled by the rate of sediment supply and the rate of change in the RSL. The parameters play a vital role in the preservation and deposition of sediment. The shallow marine realm and paralic both can be further generated by increasing the sea level or basin floor subsidence (Fürtauer, Li, & Cupid, 2012).

Hunt and Tucker (1992) worked on the depositional facies display and the trend of the upward stacking patters on the stones. The researcher considered rates of sediment supply and normal regression. The retrogradation is encountered by the rate of sediment supply along with the rate of accommodation creation. Mitchum (1977) evaluated the basin-fill successions into different unconformities. Consider if RSK falls below as compared to the shelf edge so it will end up as unconfirmed surface that can be marked by the non-deposition or erosion of the shelf in the rivers. The turbidite deposits end ups on the slope and the floor basin. The system tracts are the reasons for the formation of Para sequence and define the curve of changes in the RSL. The deposition rate is higher when moving to the minor marine flooding surfaces. Until now, four system tracts are identified including transgressive (TST), low stand (LST), forced regressive wedge (FRWST) and high stand (HST) has been introduced by researchers. Sequence stratigraphy techniques are applied t the marine and the paralic realm and provides an understanding of the temporal and spatial distribution of different sort of sedimentary facies. The folding and thrusting in the north of Iraq are responsible for the formation of Zagros mountains. In the elevated areas of the beaches in Iraq, these particular sandstones are observed. In the Arabian plate that is the smallest type of the lithospheric plates, there are different continental and marine sedimentary rocks. the distribution of these rocks is often unequal and result in different elevations (Guangwei Wang, 2017).

Methodology of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

Sandstone samples were collected from different locations in Iraq. The selected samples represent several system tracts, sequences, and depositional facies. After collection of the samples, they were converted to the polished thin section with an additional thin layer of carbon for the electron microprobe (EMP) analysis. The research methodology in this project can be further subcategorized into three types. different samples of Khabour sandstones were obtained and analyzed. the samples were then processed under a microscope by the thin sections. The microscopic studies measure constraints that were the main diagenetic events. The second method used in the research is backscattered electron imaging of the collected samples of rocks. backscattered electron imaging is a method to provide a deep illustration of the features. In this process, the electron beam interacts with the sample and nucleus of the atoms. In the process of interaction, a large number of signals are generated when electrons scatter in backward direction after interacting the surface. The technique is particularly important to analyze the compositional properties of the sandstones and minerals. The stable samples can be composed of Wollastonite (Ca), Hematite (Fe), MgO, MnTiO3, Sr, and Mg. Some carbon and oxygen isotope analysis can be done to evaluate the compositional percentage of all components. The data extracted in the analysis provides a relationship between the material properties. The third method used in the present research is scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The technique is beneficial when dealing with three-dimensional structures. In the SEM analysis, a high-resolution imaging technique is used. SEM study also provides information about crystal habits and paragenetic relationships with the other samples and diagenetic materials. The process is dependent on secondary electrons that come back to the detector after scattered from the surface of the sample. These three techniques are beneficial for structural and compositional analysis. optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy provide real-time imaging of structures with maximum accuracy at the nanoscale. On the contrary, backscatter electron microscopy provides information about the composition chemical properties of the selected samples. Different samples from different regions are under observation to find the common and different properties of the rocks (Swei & Tucker., 2017).  

Results of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

The factors such as chemical, temperature, physical, and pressure change the diagenesis of sedimentary rocks. the results are aimed to measure impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq. The first model integrates the temporal and spatial distribution of diagenetic alterations. The changes in the RSL are mainly due to the water chemistry and induce impact on the structure of the sandstones. The microscopic analysis provides limited results as it used a thin slice of the sample. The results are valid for the thin surface structures but failed to provide information about bulk material. Still, this method was valid for the analysis of the distribution of eogenetic alterations and distribution of non-cemented and cemented alterations with different deposits. The lower part of different samples exhibits firm layer of microcrystalline calcite cement on the sandstones and it was dominantly signature of marine isotopic items.

 The sandstones showed a layer of diffusion of HCO3 and Ca 2+. The samples repeat different patterns that are due to the flow of water and minerals on the surface. Water drag minerals on the sandstones and left the marks when it goes down. The process leads to anticipated burial diagenetic modifications in the samples at several depths. The key modifications due to pressure and temperature are the formation of chlorite and deep burial illite. The lower parts of the sandstones have poor depositional reservoir quality that generates microcrystalline calcite. The images obtained from the optical microscope further goes to the backscatter electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for the refined and in depth images. 

Results of backscattered electrons microscopy

It can be noted that for backscattered electron microscopy a phase diagram investigation method is used. For that case, Cu-Sn system is used. It can be done through using twenty rich and proper sample of copper and they are extracted from the thermal analysis, crystallographic analysis and metallographic methods. On the other hand, there was one main issue and it is related to the high temperature powder experiments. This is because there is two phase field is present between the beta and gamma that is affecting the plate badly. For conducting results there are about different sample of mixture are tested. It can be noted that these samples contain 11 to 48% of Sn in it. Moreover, another thing is that they are heated at the temperature of 400 to 700 degree centigrade. After some tine they are put in the cold water for rapid temperature change. On the other hand, powdered methods are analyzed in the separate phase and it is carried out in room temperature. From the results it can be noted that all phases are gathered in the form of quenched samples except gamma and beta samples. This is because they are not showing proper behavior at high and low temperature of the mixture during experiment. Moreover, another fact is that both of these phases are considered as high temperature. This shows that they are not able to be reduced in different parts. But the fact is that they are changes into different bulk transformation and also into metastable phases at low temperature of the material.

Another point is that in some samples there are about two different phases and they are according to the Gibbs phase rule of binary system. The results are showing that there is comprehensive change in the phase and it is not able to perform at high temperature. Moreover, another point is that it is not easy to take measurement at constant temperature. This is because it contains quite narrow concentrations steps during measurement.

Furthermore, the results are showing that the combination of these two phases will provide comprehensive presentation on the phase relations and copper is considered as main part of the phase diagram. In this result, it can be noted that at 400 degree centigrade Sn is converted into liquid form. Another thing is that the result HT-XRD samples are gained at equilibrium temperature. Moreover, the next important point is that all results related to phase analysis is carried out at different temperature ratings. It can be noted that these results are showing characteristic changes in the temperature. Furthermore, in these results there is not possible to evaluate the critical point of the temperature. Due to this critical evaluation of original results is presented properly. Moreover, the results are also showing two phase region is present between the beta and gamma phase.

The main reason behind this is related to the occurrence of weak effects gained during thermal analysis. It shows that the thermal analysis is carried out at two different temperatures that are 557 and 765 degree centigrade. Therefore, it shows that both of these phases present in beta and gamma phase are not reduced but they will be converted into bulk transformation. It is due to the effect of backscattering of the copper electron when they are present in the beta and gamma phase. This can be explained as both of these crystals are mixed together with each other at different rates. During the backscattering of copper particles, it can be noted that if the concentration of Sn is higher. Then it shows that there are Beta single crystals are present in it. Due to this, there will be increase in lattice parameters in the mixture. The main reason is that there are solid particles are of Sn are present in beta phase (Fürtauer, Li, & Cupid, 2012).

Results of scanning electron microscopy

It ca be noted that splicing of backscattered scanning electron microcopy method was applied on the system. Through the help of this method it will become simple to evaluate the main characteristics of the lower Silurian Longmaxi shale sample. Such samples are extracted from the Pyl well. The results are obtained from these methods are related to frequency, volume and other specific areas for organic and inorganic pores. Moreover, another fact is that results are showing that the changes in the organic and inorganic pores in the surface is due to the increase of image area. The next important thing is that this method is also suitable for evaluating the microscopic pores present in the shale samples. But the main drawback of the method is that it is not able to estimate volumes, frequencies and also specific area pores because of smaller resolution. It can be noted that through the use of scanning electron microcopy method different results are obtained. These results are in the form of composite images, single scan images and local images gained from the two shale samples. Moreover, the next point is that size of each composite image is different and it contains different resolutions. The next fact is that there are about 3024 individual images are present in the system.

The results from this method are also overcoming the problem of heterogeneity pore values of the organic sample. Another point is that these values are gained through the help of different experiments. The results are showing that through the help of this method the surface porosity value become stable and it will become easy to achieve results at same rate. The results are also showing that the images taken from this method are taken large volume. This shows that scanning electron microscopy is advance method for resolving different issues related to geographical images of the well. But the image area for this method is greater than 0.4 (Chena & Shuangfang Lua, 2018) .

Conclusion of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

Summing up all the discussion from above it is concluded that there is need to maintain the quality of reservoir in a proper way. The sequence of stratigraphic approach enables reservoir quality distribution, distribution of faces controlled, and variation in size and sorting of stones and sand, and high correlation between the source rocks, seal and reservoir. The stratigraphic framework can impact on reservoir quality of sandstones. The study is based on the heterogeneity analysis and linked with the depositional facies, previous researchers worked to demonstrate the successions of different depositional facies and our research take the research further to analyze the impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician). The research methodology in this project can be further subcategorized into three types. Different samples of Khabour sandstones were obtained and analyzed. the samples were then processed under a microscope by the thin sections. The stable samples can be composed of Wollastonite (Ca), Hematite (Fe), MgO, MnTiO3, Sr, and Mg. Some carbon and oxygen isotope analysis can be done to evaluate the compositional percentage of all components. The process is dependent on secondary electrons that come back to the detector after scattered from the surface of the sample.

The first model integrates the temporal and spatial distribution of diagenetic alterations. The changes in the RSL are mainly due to the water chemistry and induce impact on the structure of the sandstones. For that case, Cu-Sn system is used. It can be done through using twenty rich and proper sample of copper and they are extracted from the thermal analysis, crystallographic analysis and metallographic methods. Moreover, another fact is that results are showing that the changes in the organic and inorganic pores in the surface is due to the increase of image area. The next important thing is that this method is also suitable for evaluating the microscopic pores present in the shale samples.

References of Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of Pre-Khuff equivalent Khabour Sandstones (Ordovician), Northwest of Iraq

A. Abu Mostafa, & AM Abu Khadrah, a. A. (2018). Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality evolution of the late Cenomanian Abu Roash . G” Member in the Sitra Field, North Western Desert, Egypt. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0264817218302009

Chena, F., & Shuangfang Lua, X. D. (2018). The splicing of backscattered scanning electron microscopy method used on evaluation of microscopic pore characteristics in shale sample and compared with results from other methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0920410517308422

Fürtauer, S., Li, D., & Cupid, D. (2012). The CueSn phase diagram, Part I: New experimental results. journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/intermet.

Guangwei Wang, ,. X. (2017). Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality and heterogeneity of the Upper Triassic Chang 8 tight oil sandstones in the Zhenjing area, Ordos Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 83. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0264817217300922


Harethi, A. D., & Morad, a. S. (2012). Impact of Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality Evolution of Fractured Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In GEO 2012, pp. cp-287. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. https://www.earthdoc.org/content/papers/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.287.1218480

Swei, G. H., & Tucker., M. E. (2017). Impact of diagenesis on reservoir quality in ramp carbonates: Gialo Formation (Middle Eocene), Sirt Basin, Libya. Journal of Petroleum Geology. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1747-5457.2012.00517.x

United States. Bureau of Land Management. (2008). Geothermal Leasing in the Western United States: Environmental Impact Statement. Northwestern University. https://books.google.com.pk/books/about/Geothermal_Leasing_in_the_Western_United.html?id=4BMxAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y

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