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Assignment about the personality of a person

Category: Art Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1700

 This assessment is extremely cool. The main reason is that it is briefly talking about the personality of a person. There are a lot of traits are present in the nature of a human. All of these trait changes according to the mood. This assessment is giving me complete assess to share my various thoughts about my personality and also nature. There are a lot of points of this assessment that really gave me good point to access my personality properly. I can say that most of the time people gets annoyed in completing such kind of assessments. The main reason is that it contains a lot of questions. But this task will become easy if you analyse these questions properly. All of these questions are related to the personality of a person. Moreover, the best thing is that I got average result in all personality traits. According to this, I can say that due to these results I can easily judge my personality. Moreover, I also love to go out with my friends and spend quality time with them. I also wanted to make my holidays more special. This is why I am categorized in extraverted. My nature is also lacks feelings and emotions and it is a positive point in my personality. This is because I am living in a cruel world, if I will go with the feeling then I can hurt myself badly. Moreover, I am showing assertive identity in my personality and it is also a good point.


The best strength in my personality is that I am a hardworking individual and also able to do any kind of work on time without any difficulty. 

According to these results, I have to work on the different personality traits. Like I can easily trust anybody, it is not considered as good trait in the personality. There is a need of development in feeling trait of my nature according to required results.



PCR 9 Teamwork Research

This article is related to the organizational conflict challenges. It is dealing with all kind of organizational challenges and provide solutions for managers. This solution will show how to deal with such issues properly (Kharadze & Gulua., 2018).


Kharadze, N., & Gulua., E. (2018). Organizational conflict management challenges. European Journal of Economics and Business Studies 4, 30-41.



Strength & Areas for Growth for the personality of a person

According to the personality results I can say that I am an averaged personality person. the results are showing that I have an executive type personality. I can easily execute my plans according to the demand of the company. But according to these results there is still a need of development in many traits of the personality. This means that if I am able to overcome these personality traits then it will become easy for me to sustain in any kind of environment of the company. Moreover, I have seen that being an extraverted person is not a bad quality in the personality. But if a person is working in organization and he is extraverted then it will become difficult for him to survive and work according to the company. This is the reason why companies don’t wanted to hire extraverted persons. Moreover, there is also one negative point in my personality that I have scored only 39 in the openness to experience. The results are also showing that I am a hardworking personality. I can easily overcome difficult tasks of the organization without any problem. On the other hand, company also requires some hardworking and motivated persons in their organization. This is because only these individuals are able to carry out difficult tasks with perfection. In the communication skill assessment for the organization. My results was good than other teammates of my team. This shows that my communication level is higher than my other teammates. But the main thing is that my persuading power is extremely low. This means that I cannot persuade people through communicating them. But the fact is that I am good in evaluating different kind of problem. This means that if there is any kind of problem present in the company. It will be no difficult for me to evaluate it properly. Moreover, another positive points in my personality is that I am extremely punctual. Whenever, I have made commitment or held any meeting I will be always on time. Furthermore, every company wanted a punctual person for the job. This is because time is money. It can be noted that through completing this assessment I have learnt a lot of lessons. All of these lessons are playing a major role in my personality. Through these results I can easily made a future development graph. By completing this graph it will become extremely simple for me to overcome this problem effectively. According to these facts, I can say that these assessments are extremely helpful for the person who wanted to develop important traits in his personality. Moreover, sometimes it is not easy for a person to evaluate his major strengths and weaknesses in his personality. But through the help of this assessment I can easily assess my main strengths and weaknesses in my personality. Furthermore, it can be seen that if I will overcome these defects in my personality then it will become simple for me to start effective professional life. This assessment boasted my confidence perfectly.

Refection about Star approach for the personality of a person

I was working in the organization and my manager gave me a bad news. The situation was that marketing campaign was not working properly and sales are gradually decreasing. Then after this according to this he gave me an important task regarding the improvement in sales in the next three months. It was not an easy task that he had given to me. For that case I need to develop an effective team to carry out this task. For that case, I need to carry out certain actions to complete this task with perfection. The first action is related to development of effective team. Through the help of proper team it will become simple to complete various objectives of the task. Then after this there is requirement of developing a new marketing plan. For that case, I have taken some important suggestions from the marketing head and other departments. The next action was related to the implementation of marketing strategy. My team was extremely supportive due to this it will become simple to complete this task on time with perfection. Moreover, it can be noted that results were positive. This is because my progress was extremely effective. The results was showing that sales of the company started to increase again and it was a great sign for me. Due to this task, I can evaluate that it is easy for me to deal any kind of situation in the organization.

Working Collaboratively for the personality of a person

From the assessment of working collaboratively, I have learnt a lot of lessons from it. I can say that I a person in the organization is working with complete collaboration then any goal can be achieved easily. I can say that overall score was average. According to this, I can say that due to these results I can easily judge my personality. Moreover, I also love to go out with my friends and spend quality time with them. The best strength in my personality is that I am a hardworking individual and also able to do any kind of work on time without any difficulty. According to these results, I have to work on the different personality traits. Like I can easily trust anybody, it is not considered as good trait in the personality. There is a need of development in feeling trait of my nature according to required results.

But according to these results there is still a need of development in many traits of the personality. This means that if I am able to overcome these personality traits then it will become easy for me to sustain in any kind of environment of the company. Moreover, there is also one negative point in my personality that I have scored only 39 in the openness to experience. The results are also showing that I am a hardworking personality. I can easily overcome difficult tasks of the organization without any problem.

In the communication skill assessment for the organization. My results was good than other teammates of my team. This shows that my communication level is higher than my other teammates. But the main thing is that my persuading power is extremely low. This means that I cannot persuade people through communicating them. By completing this graph it will become extremely simple for me to overcome this problem effectively. According to these facts, I can say that these assessments are extremely helpful for the person who wanted to develop important traits in his personality. Furthermore, it can be seen that if I will overcome these defects in my personality then it will become simple for me to start effective professional life. This assessment boasted my confidence perfectly. Moreover, I can say that I am extremely good in conflict management. The assessment score is showing that I have gain a lot marks in the compromiser. I have the ability to deal with different kind of conflicts with effective communication. This is the reason why I have gained good marks in communication. This means that it will become easy to deal with issues of the organization for me. The next thing is that my interaction style is also positive. Whenever I have to interact with any member of the company so I will show smile and good behaviour. This is the reason why it is extremely easy for me to make new friends. The last point is that I am also quite good in discussion and planning. This is because results are showing that I am hardworking person.

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