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Report on the Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2500

Introduction of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) induced adverse effect on media law and freedom of speech. The media in Kuwait is serving as a watchdog for the conscience of people, freedom of the press, guarantees of freedom of expression, and respecting the opinion of others. The current situation, Middle East states crackdown on media freedom and the crisis are to justify the limits on press freedom and free speech. In the converging crises, laws are passed to limit press freedom. Recently, coronavirus law passed with the penalties of up to five-year prison. The destabilized democratic guarantees freedom of expression and opinion. The press laws are limiting media under normal circumstances (Advox. global voices. org, 2020). We aim to measure how the limitations are extended to social media, internet, and broadcasting. The research reflects the general expression of the public about the limitations of freedom of speech. The work is about the freedom of speech issues that emerged in Kuwait. The present work is further subdivided into four sections including researching and summarizing the effect of the crisis, conducting interviews, typing and transcribing the interviews and analyzing interview material.

Demographic information of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

In this interview, it was also taken information of every person who did participate into the interviews. Some important things were also taken before conducting the interview. They all are asked about their age, education, nationality as well as their occupation. They all informed that their names will not be revealed. The people who were participated in the interviews, they mostly have their ages from 30 to 50. This age group mostly participated in the interviews and mostly people does not have connections with the companies and 1 third of them have own businesses. They people participated in the interviews, they mostly belong to different countries such as India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh and other counties. But most of them had not good qualification degrees. Most of the people has only passed their matriculations.

Part 1: Researching and summarizing the effects of the crisis on public expression

In this section, it is discussed that some steps taken by the government of Kuwait to minimize the crisis effects on public expression. The steps targeted the vulnerable groups including human rights defenders, independent media, and migrant workers. Some of the preventive measures were taken by the government to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. The issue raised on March 31, 2020, in Kuwait, when the actress Hayat al Fahad called for the migrant worker to be thrown out of Kuwait to reduce the crisis of COVID-19. The oil company faced issues and fire due to the inhumane and ill-treatment of the workers. The case can be classified as a racist action. The company then apologized on such issues. Different companies confirmed that migrant workers will not be provided with equal access to medical care, therefore, the workers are in poor conditions (Advox. global voices. org, 2020).

Authorities of MENA are working to help the workers to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by freeing all human rights. They are posed to a higher risk to the public and risk issues. The authorities must follow UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners to provide basic sanitation and healthcare (Advox. globalvoices. org, 2020). Kuwait is working to stop prosecuting people for peaceful speech and the reforms laws are restricting free speech rights. The constitution of Kuwait, national security law, and other legislations are restricting free speech. The death penalty is applied in Kuwait for those who do not protect the rights of stateless migrant workers. The court requires DNA samples to the authorities to find citizens, residents and migrant workers. The law is facing criticism and striking down the DNA law as a negative step for the violation of privacy rights. Kuwait maintains the death penalty for those having nonviolent offences, drug-related charges and freedom of speech (Ncac. org, 2020).

Despite the recent reforms, the migrant workers are not having equal and adequate legal protections. The domestic workers fail to enforce mechanism and sanction against abusive employees. The laws reform the speech rights and the general public is facing issues due to limitations on speech freedom. There is a legitimate that requires new regulations from different aspects of internet usage. The law requires reforms to address the real danger of sectarian speech. summarizing the analysis of the effects and impact of the crisis of the general public by considering the expression of public it is necessary to evaluate the impact on locals and how adverse impact can be reduced. The pandemic will continue to challenge threats on the freedom of expression around the world. In such conditions, the restrictive measures are affecting international human rights, powers, surveillance, public participation, and restrictive conditions on free expression and information (Asm. org, 2020).  

Part 2: Conducting interviews of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

The interviews were conducted for the general public. People having different roles in society will participate and collaborate in the research. The general public that is highly affected by these issues includes media representations, company heads, citizens of Kuwait, students and social media users. In the present work, we will interview to estimate how the laws and restrictions are affecting freedom of speech. Our research will be further flourished to check if medical staff can speak openly about the virus, precautionary measures, health issues, solutions, types of preventions, and medical advancement to overcome the issues. The migrants are also considered to respond to the interview questions in the analysis. The interviews were recorded for evaluation and before recording we obtained concern of interviewers about the recordings.

Part 3: Typing up the interviews of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

The interview questions and answers are listed below. Few respondents were not aware of recent laws and restrictions, therefore, we used some paper cuttings and recorded programs about the restriction and then we questioned them about their views and thoughts regarding the freedom of speech of media.

1) What do you think about freedom of speech in Kuwait? How free are we to express our thoughts and opinions?

2) Have you seen changes to freedom of speech since the virus crisis started?

3) What do you think about these events?

Part 4: Analysis of interviews of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

Our interview analysis shows that although the people are taking it as a serious disease and positive initiatives are expected from the Kuwaiti government. Still, the law of freedom of speech and press is under crisis. Different people were considered in the interviews such as highly educated, expatriate, citizens of Kuwait, liberals, and conservatives.  

The reports are finalized based on evaluation of data and opinions of honest people in Kuwait. Respondents of the interview expressed their views and they think that limitations are restricting the people from expressing their opinions and thoughts. Positive thoughts and views should be allowed to reduce stress. The penalty of death seems an injustice. After the outbreak of novel COVID-19, media suffered a crisis (Asm. org, 2020). Some of the other questions were also considered in the interview that is explained below with the response.

Q&A for Interviewee 1 of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

            It is vital to mention here that following interview was taken from a social media activist, who is working for the freedom of speech by using different social media platforms and raising voice for freedom of media and speech.

1.      How do you feel speech restriction can affect public life?

I think, before the implementation of Kuwait laws and restrictions on speech, we were already facing similar conditions. Like, social distancing, isolation, and self-quarantine are punctuating household conversations.

2.       As COVID-19 is continuously increasing in Kuwait, what you think about the impact on people?

Ahh, people to people transmission is increasing and it can devastate our normal life as it causes stress and depression. For me, increasing the virus infection can result in high depression in locals of Kuwait.

3.      Do you think the government is protecting the rights of freedom of speech?

In the disturbing conditions, people are posting stress-related facts on their social media; this could lead to creating depression. Limited information about prevention and cure are only essential but others must be restricted.

Q&A for Interviewee 2 of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

            It is again vital to mention here that following interview was taken from a student of Media Studies, to get his perspective on the current situation, and analyze things with the perspective of a media student, who will be part of the media in the future.

1.      How do you feel speech restriction can affect public life?

Being a media student, I am up for an open and liberal society, which has all the ingredients of a free liberal democracy, where the public does have a right to voice their opinion on anything. I am not in favor of restrictions made on the public to snub their basic human rights, like freedom of speech and expression. The thing is when people are stopped from voicing their opinion, and then the next target of the governments is media so that they cannot show the real picture to the world. The restrictions on public life can have so many negative impacts on their mental and social life, so every government should think that progressive societies never suppress their people, rather they give them the freedom to do anything, and this is how the developed world can be achieved. These restrictions can never allow society to prosper in the right direction.

2.      As COVID-19 is continuously increasing in Kuwait, what you think about the impact on people?

The impact of Covid-19 on people is already showing that it is proving deadly and dangerous in so many ways. It has stopped the society of Kuwait in every aspect of life. People are stuck in their homes, children are not able to go to school, and the majority of businesses are closed. All this pandemic panic is leading to a situation, where many will end up dead, many others will face its psychological effects for years to come, and many others will keep bearing its negative economic impacts. I know a few of my friends, who have lost jobs in the last two months, and they don’t have any other source of earning, and they have to support their families. If the situation remains the same, it is going to leave an adverse impact on all of us.

3.      What do you think about the overall situation and events unfolding every day?

If I look at the situation from the overall perspective, then I must say that things are looking very alarming for the whole world including Kuwait. We have all heard about many conspiracy theories regarding Coronavirus, and many also believe in those theories. Everyone looks confused about the events happening every day. No one knows, when we will be able to defeat Coronavirus, and we also don’t know when the world will be a free place to live from Corona. So, this situation is really affecting us in a variety of ways. The government has made so many restrictions, including the restrictions on media. No one is able to question any policy of the government. Believe me, I think that the whole world is directionless in this situation, and we don’t know, where are we going, and how it all is going to end. We can just hope and pray that the successful vaccine is discovered and we all can have our normal lives back.

Analysis of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

To analyze the outcomes of interviews we used a comparative approach and identified differences and similarities in the response of different people. Only 3 to 4 interviewees were belonging to companies and they were more aware of the sensitivity of the issues therefore, the responses were somehow diplomatic. Further on the responses of the interviewees, it was tried to ask some straight and concise questions because they were helpful to get the responses immediately from the interviewees. Another benefit of asking such kind of questions is that the people can easily understand the questions. But when the interview was started, it was realized almost all of the interviewees do not belong to the companies instead of three to four people. The questions which were asked from them to get better response from interviewees, they did not give the clear answers of those questions. They all answered of the questions but they provide answer and share information in diplomatic manner and the information gathered in that manner was not providing a clear concept of the issue. Their behavior and way of answering were also analyzed and the it was determined and estimated the people who have the connection with the companies and given the diplomatic response, they have almost complete information of the issues and the sensitivity.  Some legal professionals were aware of the sensitivity therefore they were reluctant to speak openly. The interview response shows that local people of Kuwait were not satisfied with the new law. The locals think that restriction on speech will reduce the authenticity of the news and even the number of cases confirmed by the government. According to the crystal clear speech is to make people more aware of the situations as compared to hidden truths. Everyone in the society must be given equal rights and it is the legal right of Kuwaiti's to have the latest information about the current situation (Article19. org, 2020).

Furthermore, the ability of the people is included by the freedom of speech to provide the facility through the government and its legislations along with the exchange of information or ideas, appropriate and exact information as well as speaking out into the regimes repressively. Restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression can reduce our ability to both access and share the authentic information. The temporary measures can be applied to protect public health but in a real sense, the permanent incursions are required for the civil liberties (Ncac. org, 2020).

Conclusion of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

Permanently or temporarily, the government of Kuwait must find ways to increase civil discourse and engage people in cultural expressions. Restricting people from pandemic related issues can be considered as threatening against chill free speech and infringement of basic human rights. The culture of Kuwait emphasis on freedom of speech in any situation. People are free to share information, express, create and explore ideas, think about the situations. The most essential condition is to motivate sharing vital scientific information and medical expertise openly to increase public awareness.

References of Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

Advox. globalvoices. org. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 containment measures on human rights and civil liberties in the Middle East . Retrieved from advox.globalvoices.org: https://advox.globalvoices.org/2020/04/08/impact-of-covid-19-containment-measures-on-human-rights-and-civil-liberties-in-the-middle-east/

Article19. org. (2020). Coronavirus: Impacts on freedom of expression. Retrieved from article19.org: https://www.article19.org/coronavirus-impacts-on-freedom-of-expression/

Asm. org. (2020). Top COVID-19 Questions, Answered: An Interview with ASM President Robin Patel . Retrieved from asm.org: https://asm.org/Articles/2020/March/Top-COVID-19-Questions,-Answered-An-Interview-with

Ncac. org. (2020). FREE EXPRESSION AND THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. Retrieved from ncac.org: https://ncac.org/news/coronavirus-pandemic-free-speech-threats

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