It is important to understand that
such trade agreements will always have some pros and cons at the same time, but
it is vital to see if the pros are able to outweigh cons. NAFTA has been an
important trade agreement between the U.S, Canada, and Mexico, which was
started in 1994. The original intention was to encourage and stimulate trade
between the three member states. As far as its importance is concerned, it is
one of the largest and biggest trade blocks in the world, which is covering
444mn people. So, the original intention was to increase trade between the
three nations, and this is what they experienced. According to facts &
figures released for the period of 1993-2007, it was revealed that earlier the
trade volume between three nations was $293bn, which reached to a level of
$909bn in 2007. It shows that NAFTA was yielding great benefits for the member
states in so many ways. The growth and development of trade have been
stimulated by NAFTA for all member states, and they have been able to found new
NAFTA allowed the U.S, Canada, and
Mexico to get benefits in different business sectors. For instance, if the
manufacturing sector is taken, there were niches for each country, and they
were able to tap those niches to manufacture more goods to produce more
profits. A product’s manufacturing process was divided between the three
countries, like raw materials coming from one country, then its initial
technology process done in the second country and then sent to a cheap-labor
country for the final assembly of the product. So, it opened doors to new
opportunities for the manufacturing of all three nations. Jobs were another
major benefit obtained by all three countries. A great employment marketplace
was opened with the help of NAFTA, which allowed creating more jobs and
acquiring diverse talent. Knowledge sharing was another major benefit in this
regard like Mexico was able to learn from countries like the U.S and Canada.
The other primary benefit was attained for the consumers of all three member
states, as less costly goods were produced, which allowed the consumers to get
cheaper products. The agriculture sector also took advantages of NAFTA like the
United States’ agriculture exports were exponentially increased to Mexico and
Canada (MacKechnie, 2020)
Q 2: Analyze the advantages of
(NAFTA) as regional trade agreement.
NAFTA has come up with so many
advantages for all three member countries, ever since it was started, and these
advantages have been very progressive in so many ways. It is not just a
statement; rather it is something, which has been proved by the research as
well. For instance, a report was released in 2017 by Congressional Research
Service that due to the NAFTA act between the U.S, Mexico, and Canada, the
trade has tripled for all three nations, which is not a small thing. Moreover,
tariffs have been either eliminated or at least reduced due to this trade
agreement. Out of six primary benefits, it was the first major benefit for
member states. The second major advantage of NAFTA is great and increased
trade, as well as, economic output. It was found by the U.S International Trade
Commission that when NAFTA is implanted with its full force, it will have great
benefits for the U.S as they would experience a great increase in the growth.
It is a fact when economic activity is experiencing growth and development, and
when the trade is stimulated with a rapid increase in trade activities, and
then its direct positive effect is observed in terms of creating jobs. NAFTA
has been able to do this as this increased trade activity created more jobs,
especially for Mexico. Overall, 17.7mn jobs were supported by this single trade
agreement, which shows the level of impact it has come up with all three member
Still, it has more potential to
create more jobs for all three countries, if terms are managed carefully. It is
a fact that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is another important indicator
showing positive signs for an economy. The fourth primary advantage of NAFTA is
an increase in FDI, which has actually tripled in numbers. It was observed that
the FDI of the United States in 1993 was $15.2bn for Mexico, which was able to
reach in 2012 at the amount of $104.4bn. The same is the case with Canada,
where FDI by the U.S was $69.9bn in 1993, which reached a level of $352.9bn
till the year 2015. FDI made by Canada and Mexico for the United States was
also increased in a huge percentage. So, more FDI meant more economic activity,
creating more jobs and opportunities. The fifth major advantage of NAFTA was in
terms of government spending. The suppliers of all three countries were able to
get access to contracts made under NAFTA, which allowed them to be more
flexible in increasing their business activities. It also helped to increase
the level of competition, which is always a good thing for the market. The last
major advantage of NAFTA for all three countries was low prices for the
consumers. The tariffs were eliminated in most cases, or they were reduced to a
level, where costs decreased significantly. For instance, due to fewer tariffs,
the United States was able to import oil as per its requirement from Mexico,
which was a great benefit for them. Improving oil form the Middle East was more
costly, but NAFTA allowed the United States to enjoy this advantage. There were
a few disadvantages, which were also observed for NAFTA, but its advantages are
way more important than its disadvantages (AMADEO, 2020)
Q 3: Measure the importance of
regional trade agreement among GCC countries.
Before measuring the importance of
regional trade agreement between the GCC countries, it is vital to see in
general, why trade agreements are critical for countries, and why they should
always be considered. It is vital to understand that free trade agreements are
signed between countries, where certain kinds of rules and obligations are
agreed in terms of trading goods & services. The other major part of trade
agreements is to provide benefits to the suppliers, manufacturers, as well as,
investors so that more people are encouraged to do business by investing money
into different business sectors. More business activity means more economic
activity, which leads to creating more jobs and growth opportunities for all
the parties involved in the process. One good example of showing the advantage
of a free trade agreement is the capacity to eliminate or at least reduce trade
tariffs and barriers, which allow suppliers to lower their costs, and this
thing ultimately benefits the consumers, as the cost of products is also
lowered. The trade agreements are also vital for countries to boost their
economies in so many ways, and when the economy is doing well, it has
long-lasting positive effects on all sections of society. That’s why it is
always imperative for countries in a region to develop new regional trade
agreements to capture all of such benefits (NOAH , 2018)
It is imperative for GCC member
states to understand the importance of free trade agreements, as so many trade
agreements have been made on a global level, and those trade agreements
produced great results for those regions. More trade agreements are also
considered or signed on regional levels, but GCC has been lacking in this
regard. They are far behind in this race from various other regions. The recent
dip in the oil prices showing that regional trade agreement between GCC
countries is becoming more and more critical in so many ways. One good example
for GCC is the European Union, one of the largest trading partners’ agreements
in the world. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is another
major example and GCC countries can learn a lot from them. If ASEAN countries
are taken as a single entity, then they constitute for 7th largest economy all
around the globe. These examples of regional trade agreements are evident to
prove that trade agreements are crucial for a region to grow together and face
regional, as well as, global challenges. The GCC countries should understand
that a well-planned trade agreement has so many potential benefits and
opportunities for all member countries. They can find more business and
investment opportunities, and at the time, when oil prices are going down, they
can look for other options to boost their economies to stay on the right track (Trenwith, 2015)
Q 4: Explain the UAE type of economy,
and how UAE facing competition.
If the UAE’s economy is explained in
simple terms, then it is vital to know that the UAE is having a mixed free
market-based economy. The actual dependency of this economy is based on the oil
and gas sector. The production of oil and gas is the major portion of their
gross domestic product (GDP). It is true that the economy of the UAE has been
dependent on oil primarily, but they also started to realize in recent times
that they need to diversify their economy to deal with any challenges and
competition, which is rising on the regional and global levels. So, it was
indispensable to diversify their economy and add more value to its economy by
capturing other business and economic sectors. They have taken a great interest
and focused on other sectors such as manufacturing, commerce, real estate,
hotels, transportation, construction, as well as, finance sectors. They are
becoming a major global force by adopting these initiatives, and if they
continue to become more diversified in economic terms, the UAE will be a major
economic force in the future (Medleva, 2019)
It is mentioned earlier that the UAE
was able to realize that they have to develop more diversification in their
economy so that they can become more competitive on a global scale, and this is
what they have been able to achieve. The World Economic Forum has issued the
Global Competitiveness Report 2019, which has revealed that UAE is at top of
the list in Arab countries in this regard, whereas their number on a global level
is 25th, which is improved by the previous years. It is showing the level of
competitiveness asserted by the UAE in the time when global competition is so
intense. They have done it by focusing on all competitiveness indicators, which
are vital, and this focus has allowed them to compete well than all the other
Arab countries. They have faced this competition by updating the level of
legislation, streamlining their basic procedures, as well as, adopting
modernization in all economic and business sectors. The UAE government is doing
a great job to facilitate business sectors so that more business activities are
created to boost the economy (Augustine, 2019)
References Identify the extent to
which such agreement yield the benefits to the member states that they were
originally intended
AMADEO, K. (2020). NAFTA Pros and Cons.
Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
Augustine, B. D. (2019). UAE
leads Arab region in Global Competitiveness. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
MacKechnie, C. (2020). North
American Free Trade Agreement Benefits. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
Medleva, V. (2019). Economy
of the UAE: from a sandy desert into a global phenomenon. Retrieved May
15, 2020, from
NOAH , D. (2018). Why
Free Trade Agreements Are Important. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
Trenwith, C. (2015). The
case for free trade in the GCC. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from