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Discussion on I Discuss in detail any two positive and negative types of values with examples from the case study

Category: Online Classes | Quizzes | Exams Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: APA Words: 1600

      In this case, both positive and negative values have been discussed. The first positive value in this case is introduction of Mr. Rashid, who is the manager of the company, and he is an honest person. Being honest is a positive value shown by anyone. The second positive value is shown for Abdullah, who is showing the essence of hard work in his work. However, the negative value in this case is the fact that Abdullah is not getting rewarded as per his hard work and responsibilities. The second negative value being a Muslim man is to start leaving to offer prayers due to his work, and in the end he was more irregular in offering his prayers.

Q. ii

            It is important to understand the modeling behavior of Mr. Rashid in the case, how it was shown in the early stages, and how it developed with the passage of time. It is evident in the first period that Mr. Rashid is being an honest man, motivated enough to work with his subordinates like Abdullah. His behavior is labeled to be a positive one, a person having honesty in his approach. The second thing in the modeling period is the hard work nature of Mr. Rashid, which is always a sign of commitment. It shows that a person is committed enough to bring a positive change with his actions.

Q. iii

            Yes, I agree with the answer, because the personality traits shared in the case are clearly showing that Mr. Rashid is an honest man, who believes in hard work. Moreover, it is also evident that he always tries to treat everyone equally, without discriminating with any subordinates. This kind of qualities show an ethical behavior of a person, who believes in ethics, and don’t do anything unfair with anyone. That’s why; he was able to inspire Abdullah and other subordinates working under his supervision.

Case Study 2

Q. i

            There are so many ethical principles, which are followed by Mr. Ahmed, the owner of Shams LLC. There are certain ethical principles, which can make a positive impact on the company. The first ethical principle is being honest with your customers, and this is what Mr. Ahmed is doing with full dedication. The second most important principle is to show personal integrity so that customers are able to trust you. Mr. Ahmad has created this integrity by showing his honest attitude to conduct business, where even he instructed stores to deal fairly with the customers. Trustworthiness is important ethical principle, and it is followed by showing the essence of promise-keeping, and this is what Mr. Ahmed is doing with full devotion, without compromising on any principles.

Q. ii

            It was great to see that Mr. Ahmed did not want to involve in issues, which may lead to put a question mark on his business and its integrity. He asked his employee if any mistake is made, then still have a positive attitude. He never compromised on the quality of product. Even, he asked his partner stores that they should never raise the price of his products for any given reasons. He also prohibits them to hide the stock to hike the prices. He always made sure that enough stock is available to keep supply & demand in balance. These elements were great to make his business successful one.

Q. iii

            Mr. Ahmed has shown four primary positive qualities being part of the Omani society. The first quality is going for a halal loan, so he can avoid taking loan on interest. The second primary positive thing about Mr. Ahmed is his honest approach to do business for society, not to just earn profits. The third thing is being honest to his customers, and last positive quality is to believing in fair dealing with customers by providing quality products.

Case Study 3

Q. i

            The ethical dilemma in this case is associated with Mr. Sulaiman, who wanted Mr. Saleh to purchase raw materials from his company, but there was an issue that raw materials provided by Sulaiman were lacking in quality. Now, ethical dilemma is if he tells the Mr. Saleh about low quality, he will not purchase his raw materials, and second situation is to hide the quality part, and sale raw materials being unethical. It was an ethical dilemma that both situations were not on the right side for both parties. Sulaiman could have opted for something better, which also follows the ethical guidelines to do business.

Q. ii

            It is vital for companies and individuals to be ethical, which conducting their business, but this case showed some unethical things performed by the parties. It was unethical at the first place to sell low quality raw material, just to gain business, whereas it cannot be fruitful in long terms. Secondly, it was unethical to sell bad quality raw materials, and hiding it from the buyer. It cannot be justified in any given terms.

Q. iii

            Keeping the scenario of the case, various ethical principles would have resolved the situation, where no one would have faced any damages or bad reputation. The first ethical principle is being honest. If Sulaiman would have shown honesty in dealing with Mr. Saleh, then he might have got a better proposal, where Mr. Saleh may have asked to raise the quality of raw material, and he would have bought it from Sulaiman. The second ethical principle is trustworthiness. Sulaiman lied to Saleh, and he will never get any business opportunity again, whereas if he would have kept trustworthiness, then he could have made a long term business relationship with Mr. Saleh and his company.

Case Study 4

Q. i

            The case has talked about several aspects of individual social responsibility shown by Oman LNG and its workforce. The first major example of individual social responsibility is shown by Mr. Rashid, who is committed to help the nearby communities and its people. The first major example is helping students of the community to deal with unemployment issues by giving them training through training programs. Mr. Rashid is giving training in areas, which are facing shortage of skilled resources in the country. The second example of individual social responsibility is shown by Mr. Rashid by giving awareness to students about environmental policy and issues by conducting awareness programs and seminars in local schools and colleges. This is how students learn about the importance of clean environment, and how they can play their positive part.

Q. ii

            The first corporate social responsibility of LNG is to have an investment portfolio, which helps them to have a Fund for community projects so that host communities can benefit from this fund. The second CSR element is also having a National Fund to support more regions across the country so that sustainability is achieved together. The third element of CSR shown by LNG is to make investment in giving a huge amount to referral hospitals so that they can improve health care for the public. The fourth example of CSR shown by LNG is to promote a variety of social works among its employees so that they are also a positive art of this social drive.

Q. iii

            The major difference between ISR and CSR is the fact that ISR deals with individuals, how they develop their individual perceptions about the society, and how they should be playing their positive part in it, like Mr. Rashid is doing in this case. CSR deals with overall social responsibility work of the company including promoting the essence of ISR, like Mr. Rashid was committed with social responsibility because it was promoted by the company to promote essence of social work in its employees.

Case Study 5

Q. i

            The cultural shocked by Mr. Peter is not something new, and people tend to face such shocks, when they visit other countries, which are different from their home countries. The method for Mr. Peter to deal with this shock is to know about its host country more, and understand its dynamics so that he can be familiar to them to ease down his nerves. The second method is to make new friends in the host country so that he can get along well in the new culture, and forget about his issues. The third method is to set some goals for him to stay in this country by taking this as a challenge. And last method to deal with cultural shock is finding some healthy and positive distractions so that he can calm himself down.

Q. ii

            It is vital to understand for any company that diverse workforce can be a great resource for them in so many ways. OGC is having diverse workforce, people coming from different backgrounds. The first benefit for OGC to acquire through diversity is to increase their productivity as much as possible. The second thing is to increase their creativity. For instance, if they have got an Asian creative resource, he can share his creativity with the company to find new opportunities. The third thing is to get employees engaged to develop a better workplace. And the last thing is get people with wide range of skills.

Q. iii

            The first method to increase and promote diversity is to incorporate it in the hiring process by guiding HR to bring diverse workforce as much as possible. The second method is to develop a proper strategy and policy, which asks to treat everyone equally, and no one is discriminated by giving any excused, and this policy will help to promote diversity for OGC. 

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