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Essay on Professional situation and dispute in a real life

Category: Advertising Paper Type: Essay Writing Reference: APA Words: 1570

In real life, it is obvious that failure and mistakes happen. It is important to avoid repeating these wrong impressions and failures again and again. The logical fallacies come due to the invalid formal or informal argument. The informal fallacy and dispute in a professional situation can occur due to certain reasons and it arises when we have to convince yourself to select two mutually exclusive options. And generally, in these options, one option is unacceptable and repulsive. The negotiation games in the conflict resolution accelerate the conflict. Many people fail countless times because of the selection of wrong paths, poor decision, negative results even after hard work and perfection failure (Morgan, 2019). I believe that in order to achieve perfection it is important to learn from previous mistakes in the negotiation, understand them, and practice yourself not to defend them again. There are different types of proposed solutions identified by experts to overcome the argument issues (Thoughtco. com, 2018). Talking about failure and mistakes can be uncomfortable as well as tricky. But it is important to learn about your self-awareness and ability to learn from these mistakes. Sometimes the potentially worst examples of failure in communication and dispute in professional situation boost the level of confidence after learning from them.

In the present work, I will discuss my greatest failure and dispute in a professional situation with my boss. I will also demonstrate the lessons learned from this failure of conversation.  While discussing and demonstrating these issues I will focus on the facts and will not be defensive. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate fallacy any dispute in a professional state. In this report, I will explain a professional situation along with the background and issues of the situation. After that, I will describe some alternative approach that could be used for better outcomes (Chou, Hunt, Beckjord, Moser, & Hesse, 2009).

Professional situation and dispute in real life

In this present work, I will illustrate an example of a dispute and how it was solved out. I will present an alternative that can be used to change the unpleasant situation in a pleasant situation. The conflict management and human relationship is a unique network that requires different resolution techniques to have constructive outcomes even after having a conflict in the workplace.  Consequently, the resolution process of the dispute requires a diverse field of conflict mediation in a professional way (Chou, Hunt, Beckjord, Moser, & Hesse, 2009). The present case we discussed in this report is related to the ad hominem fallacy. The logical fallacy is an error in the argument that is independent of truth premises. It is often represented as an invalid fallacy in the argument. The present case logically uses this ad hominem fallacy. This fallacy is based upon farfetched hypothesis with the inductive reasoning and particular hypothesis is not acceptable in the available situation.

Description of background of Professional situation and dispute

During my research about the ads represented in magazines, television, and newspaper. I observed that notorious as about the fallacy of far-fetched hypothesis were represented repeatedly in these magazines. Some of the ads were using relevant examples while others while considering irrelevant examples to exaggerate about the products. For example, in the present case, I will discuss the ad about nite trim.  In this addition, a revolutionary new breakthrough was introduced in the natural sciences according to which these products allow your body to melt off with the excess weight while the user is sleeping. The service providers were providing this product free of cost for a limited time (Heimonen, 2017). The previous research states that it is impossible to lose our weight by melting the excess weight during sleep. Before that, no product was introduced with such attributes of healthy, safe, and effective outcomes. The ad illustrates that all-natural stimulant-free ingredients are used in the product nite trim. The viewers and users of these products start dreaming about losing fat during sleep and they consider it as a reachable option. In this fallacy of far-fetched hypothesis described by the service provider have mentioned that our passion, as well as our research for helping people in losing weight, has paid off (Chou, Hunt, Beckjord, Moser, & Hesse, 2009). They also mentioned the names of some doctors and patients as regular users of nice trim and recommended the audience to use it on a regular basis. According to them, it was for the first time that natural ingredients were able to produce such pharmaceutical products without having a negative effect on the body. In this ad, they have also mentioned some prescription and high prices of the products. This ad of nice trim for us uses farfetched hypothesis and emotional appeal to persuade the reader to use the products they also use a picture of thin and beautiful to attract the attention of customers (Chou, Hunt, Beckjord, Moser, & Hesse, 2009).

Situation issues of an envarment

I was working in the same company, but my department was different from the advertisement. I was working in the service provider section. After viewing the attractive and stingy advertisement about the product I decided to visit the manufacturing section of the product to verify if they were using some natural ingredients or not (Callister, 2018). After visiting the department, I encountered the same situation as expected. They were not using any kind of natural ingredients rather big containers of chemicals welcomed me. I emphasize the reality that it is not possible to use all-natural ingredients to produce such a healthy and safe product for the users. Therefore, I went to the advertisement department to know about the facts. I discussed with the advertisement management team members to not put more emphasis on the healthy products and let them be real. Earlier in the situation, I learned a valuable lesson when I was under communicated with the advertisement department. My only concern was to avoid exaggeration in the advertisement, so the user must know about the real ingredients of these products. Ultimately, I let to a loss of conversation with the head of the department. At that moment I realized that I had done wrong and immediately took my responsibility back. Because, being an employee of the company, and a single person it was not possible for me to convince them (Chou, Hunt, Beckjord, Moser, & Hesse, 2009).   

Impact of the situation

The situation was a lesson for me, I decided to approach the head of the department and explained to him about the missing details of ingredients in the weight loss medicine. I mentioned about the fallacy used in the ads and how they overlooked the details from communicating with the users. The head of the department respected my honesty and even took action against the fallacy used in the ads (Ecs. csun. Edu, 2019).

An alternative approach for better outcomes

The situation was critical for the health of users even the ingredients used in the product must be verified by the researchers and doctors. Such kind of products should be produced under the prescription of doctors and experts. Another alternative solution was to take legal actions against the fallacy of ad. The legal action could be more effective, but it requires access to higher community members (Heimonen, 2017). From this conversation and actions, I had made, I learned about the value of communication and even the negative and tough information. For me, it is important to develop the trust of clients on the services and the products. The advertisement of products should be based on real facts and figures. In my whole professional career, I only had made such kind of mistake once and learn from it. though it was tough and time taking process to learn from such mistakes. I learned the importance of unexplained information and false dilemma fallacy (Thoughtco. com, 2018).  

Conclusion on Professional situation and dispute in a real life

The aim of the present work was to identify the ways to deals with team members, fallacy issues and dispute in the professional situation. I observed that fallacies are committed in most of the major states. There is no specific race or gender to that impervious to commit the fallacy. The fallacy in the ad is a defect in the argument that consists of false premises and results in the misconception of argument and products too. In the present report, I discussed the fallacy in the ad about weight loss and then discussed it with the authorizes.

References of Professional situation and dispute in a real life

Callister, L. (2018, 07 15). 10 things you should be doing to improve risk management at work. Retrieved from www.skillcast.com:


Chou, W.-y. S., Hunt, Y. M., Beckjord, E. B., Moser, R. P., & Hesse, B. W. (2009). Social Media Use in the United States: Implications for Health

Communication. J Med Internet Res., 11(04), 48-50.

Ecs. sun. ed. (2019). PRINCIPLES OF MEMORY MANAGEMENT. Retrieved from www.ecs.csun.edu:


Heimonen, F. (2017). Analyzing and improving the customer experience at communication agency Comms. Retrieved from


Morgan, H. (2019). Interview Q&A: What’s Your Greatest Failure, And What Did You Learn From It? Retrieved from www.livecareer.com:


Thought. com. (2018, 04 20). The Fallacy of the False Dilemma. Retrieved from www.thoughtco.com: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-false-



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