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Assignment on the Americans change during 1750-2020

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1600

Introduction of Americans change during

In this report, there is complete information about the revolutionary change of Americans from 1750 to present. This report will discuss the imperialism, political changes, independence growth, wars, migrations, urbanizations, industrialization, changes in agriculture and also militarization. This report will discuss all important events present in this timeline with complete detail.

Industrialization of Americans change during

From 13th may 1750, the industrial revolution was started in America. It was a period from 1750 to 1850. In that particular time there is a lot of changes occurred in the field of manufacturing, transportation, technology, and social and economic. Moreover, it was started in UK and then spread all over the Western Europe, Japan and then all over the world. It can be noted that the industrial revolution was considered as the main turning point of the history (Turner, 2012).

Seven year war of Americans change during

It was started in 13th may 1756, known as global military war. In this war the great powers of the time were effecting North America, Europe, Central America, Philippines and India. Due to this war many countries were effected at great amount (Hudson, 2015).

American Revolution of Americans change during

It was started in 13th may 1775, when political upheaval started during the last half year of the 18th century. At that time there were 13 colonies present in North America joined together and got free from the British Empire. All of them were combined together with each other to become United States of America. Moreover, at the start they rejected the authority of the parliament of GB and after this they expelled all royal officials (Krogstad, 2014).

Latin American revolution of Americans change during

It can be noted that an arious revolution was took place in the late 18th century. Moreover, in the early 19th century there is introduction of many independent countries in the Latin America. Moreover, many revolutions in the America were following the American revolutions. Another thing was that French slave colony was the first one following the United States independence.

World War 1 of Americans change during

This war was started in 1914, then after this President Woodrow Wilson was claimed that America was neutral. On the other hand, American were supporting the policy of non-intervention. But after sometime, the public opinion was started to change. Moreover, another fact was that America was considered as a home of number of immigrants from different countries. In this war, there were a lot of American companies were starting to ship food and other raw materials. Then after this in 1916, there were some members from the American troops deployed to Mexico for hunting down the rebel leader of Mexico.  Just after that Wilson signed the national defence Act in the mid of this year. Moreover, after this some American were joining the fight in Europe by its own. Then after this, America declares war on Germany. This war was started in 1917 after the joint session of the congress. Moreover, he also asked for declaration against this heavy war with this nation (Boyer, 2012).

World War 2 of Americans change during

This war was considered as the deadliest war of the history of world. This is because in that war more than 50 million civilians were killed. From this there are about more than 26 million civilians were killed in Russia. However, 4 million civilians were killed in America. This war was started from Germany, when they attacked on the Soviet Union. The next thing is that japan also strikes the US at the same time. Then after this both Germany and Japan were stopped. Then after this in 1943, Allies go on offensive and North Africa was affected badly. Moreover, after this in 1945 Germans and Japanese started to surrender (Niebuhr, 2010).

Depression of Americans change during

This was the era from 1929 to 1940 when a lot of events were happened in the American history. It can be noted that in 1920 it was the main period of the rapid economic growth in America. This is because at that time All Americans were not sharing equal economic growth. Then after this in 1929 there was huge increase in the factory inventories. According to this rising inventory the products were not selling according to it and there was a huge sign of economic slowdown. Moreover, the stock prices were continued to soar. It can be noted that this stock rise was basically fuelled by easy credits. Due to this, it will become extremely easy for the people to buy different kind of products at low price. Then after this, the stock market was started to improve. But in the end of 1929, the markets had lost more than 4 billion dollars. Just after this, market started to lose and followed a downward spiral. Moreover, just after this the major banker were started to bolster the market. Then they called it black Monday and black Tuesday. This is because the markets were started to lose 12 to 13% of the values every day. After this, an initial bottom was occurred on November. At that time, there was a huge drop seen in the American market (Krogstad, 2014).

Imperialism of Americans change during

It can be noted that the American Imperialism was surrounded by the colonies. This shows that in 18th century, the human freedom was achieved by the help of three main factors. Moreover, in 1770’s the abolitionist’s campaign was started. Then after this, they declared slavery as the violation of the human rights. According to these facts, Imperialism is completely different. This because now there are many laws and rules are activated against the slavery and their protection (Krogstad, 2014).

Social change of Americans change during

It can be noted that throughout the history of America, there was serious change and incremental improvements can be seen in the social lives of the citizens. At the start of the 19th century, there was huge change in the social background of the country. This is because the Americans were transforming their country according to the process of people. Moreover, they are showing improvements in different parts of the America. Moreover, in end of the 19th century there is huge change in the daily life of the industrial United States. But now, the America is totally different from the past. There is huge innovation in the industries of America and social lives of their people. This is because many new things are added in the social lives of Americans. There are a lot of social application that is keeping them entertain and aware about the current condition of the country (Hudson, 2015).

Culture of Americans change during

In America, there are a lot of people are living there from different parts of the world. Moreover, this shows that their culture is different. The people living in that country from different cultural identities. The first one is related with the blackface minstrelsy. It can be noted that it is gradually disappeared from the professional theatres of America. This is because they were adding innovation in the theatres by adding colours to it. Moreover, in the end of 20th century the American started to add science fictions in their movies. It shows that after the end of World War 2 the science fiction was spread all over the world and also in the America (Boyer, 2012).

Economic of Americans change during

It can be noted that the economic condition of America is quite better from the 18th and 19th century. This is because the government of American presented American recovery and reinvestment act for simulating the US economy. Due to this they are able to save a lot of jobs in the great recession period. Moreover, they have also presented bank branching restrictions and some financial services restriction for improving the economic condition of that country (Boyer, 2012).

Conclusion of Americans change during

Summing up all the discussion from above, it is concluded that the America is changed during the period of 1750 to 2020. In this report, there is complete information about the history of America based on the social, economic and political factors. According to these facts, America was changed completely and there are a lot of changes are seen in the democratic part of the country.  Due to this, it will become extremely easy for the people to buy different kind of products at low price. Then after this, the stock market was started to improve. But in the end of 1929, the markets had lost more than 4 billion dollars. At the start of the 19th century, there was huge change in the social background of the country. This is because the Americans were transforming their country according to the process of people. The people living in that country from different cultural identities. Due to this they are able to save a lot of jobs in the great recession period.

References of Americans change during

Boyer, P. S. (2012). American History: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

Hudson, D. L. (2015). The Handy American History Answer Book. Visible Ink Press,.

Krogstad, L. (2014). American History Word Researches: The American Frontier. Teacher Created Materials.

Niebuhr, R. (2010). The Irony of American History. University of Chicago Press, .

Turner, F. J. (2012). Shaping the American Character: The Significance of the Frontier in American History. Now and Then Reader.

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