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What actions might a leader take to demonstrate that their interest in diversity goes beyond rhetoric?

Category: Accounting & Finance Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: APA Words: 3100

Creating an environment among the workforce is a systematic duty and a progressive journey that goes on with successful implementation of ideas for smooth diversity planning of the company and to ensure diversified working environment. Following are some of the actions that a leader might take to show his interest in diversity that goes beyond rhetoric:

·        Share your experiences: Try to talk and share about your own stories and your own experiences that you have had went through while being an employee in your own initial days of work or start of work or when you decided to take things higher while you were working under someone else and let you employees of the present time aware of your bold decisions when you realized that it was your time to take up the notch and to work harder to achieve what you have today and all the success related incidents that made you capable of achieving what you have achieved at the present time without (Özbağ, 2016) having to look back in your past as you have learned quite a lot from past mistakes and now you try to incorporate all of the diverse strategies to keep all the employees under one roof for brighter and smarter approach. And tell them that how you would have felt if your own daughter or sister or wife would have treated with unfair biasness and undiversified situations to make them realize how important it is for everyone to have a diversified workforce.

·        Become an energetic mentor: Try to have coffee or lunch with junior level employees who belong from different backgrounds and learn about their feelings towards your leadership impact and what it’s like to them to work for you and hoe they think your strategies are working for the overall workforce of the organization. Be open to your employees about your routines and ideas and guide them through their ideas and routines so that they can take inspiration from you.

·        Support your resource groups: Try to incubate with parties that have different ideas and approaches and are readily available for your assistance just for the sake of achieving high. Never refuse their talent incubation and let them grow with you and nurture that approach into your own organization’s leadership ranks (Hartog, 2015).

·        Make diversity a standing agenda for regular meetings:

Always communicate the advances of diversification and inclusion of ideas from all backgrounds without any discrimination to be practiced almost daily in all meetings that are regular and make your employees learn the basic of diverse culture so that they implement it in their working patterns as well.

·        Evaluate the embedded systems of cataleptic bias within the organization:

Communicate with your employees their unacceptable behaviors of un-biasness towards targeted employees especially that they did unconsciously and about which they feel totally maniac about and try to overburden themselves for their faulty behaviors.

·        Monitor evidences of diversity progress:

Do not forget to reward and measure the efforts of those who continuously try to add to the diverse systems of organization and give their all to incorporate the best strategies for best overruling strategies and to build healthy work environment not for their own-selves but also for their colleagues. Try to use the performance management system here for the recognition of such humble employees with such positive intentions.

·        Organizational performance

There have been many diverse and inclusive strategies being used in organizations by the managers and respective leaders to overcome rhetoric behaviors against inclusive diversity and to support the agenda of bringing diversity in organizations to reflect their support to the positive impacts of diversity and how it can be practiced. Many business owners only focuses on the most suitable and best talented employees without giving chance to someone deserving and without looking into their composition of work whereas it simple de-motivates many employees beyond any level and provides a need to create more diverse workforce. (Graham, Ziegert, & Capitano., 2015)

Q2) Are Leaders Born or Made? 

Are leaders born or made is a very frequently asked and widespread question for its diverse implications and backgrounds that supports all of the scenarios for working leaders and how their skills are incubated for assessment. The answer to this commonly asked questions is very simple as per paramedics and psychologists who clearly suggest that leaders are made and nor born whereas, simple algorithm can predict that only one-third of the leaders are born while the rest are all made (Imran, Ilyas, & Aslam., 2016).

A complex set of skills and abilities are required to lead a complete workforce for a company under one-man policy and to work for all the comprehensive benefits of the organization under that pressure to moderate the individual roles towards all aspects of the company by following clear leadership qualities and subsequent training sessions to develop self-experiences as the leader is expected to influence and direct the whole team with such dynamic perceptions and to make sense in all of his decisions to be followed by everyone and to set an example for everyone.

The concept that leaders are made involves strategical development towards leadership for personal development which is a good news (Wu & Lee., 2017) for those striving for this post yet there are some inbuilt characteristics naturally available in leader’s nature that he can use to assess his qualitative leadership authorities such as:

·        Natural born leader?

A person with average intellectual level and average social skills will definitely ask his introvert self if he is capable of leading a workforce with all the required qualities and necessities for a man to run the whole organization with powerful sources of knowledge and dynamic use of history and to learn what makes a person a good leader. For this, first and foremost requirement is to look for your own plans for self development and to aspire to become a leader then.

·        Doing the right things:

All leaders no matter if they are made or if they are born the way leaders they are, they must assess their right deeds for the prosperity of the overall grooming of the whole workforce and by showcasing their righteous decisions for success and prosperity will definitely add more to their names in all right manners without them having to complain about any certain things under any influence.

·        Introvert vs Extrovert:

It is hypothetically proved that most of the leaders and the successful ones tend to be extroverts as their social life and more open behaviors makes them earn more leadership qualities in contrast to introverts as introverts like to stay inside with hidden qualities and they do not showcase their talent anywhere to obtain leadership and hence the smart ones figure out the actions needed for success.

·        Lead by example:

Examples can be earned through successive and even misleading and loss consistent experiences be it of any sort no matter what genre the experience was but the basic qualities are earned through righteous procedures and setting examples not for others but also learning from your own life set examples that made you stand in the position where you currently are and that makes a person possess more leadership natural behavior without having to learn fake basics as it then turns into by born leadership qualities with all strategical examples by none other than your ownself (Buengeler, Homan, & Voelpel, 2016).

·        Never stop learning:

It is true beyond any criteria of what position or qualification you want to earn in present or future as the process of learning should never stop for whatever the sort of skill you are aiming at achieving as the more you will learn, the more you will become aware of the on-going circumstances of the society as well the industry where you want to successfully nurture your own growth and for the success of your organization as learning process is continuous and it never stops for anyone out there with no boundary and no limitation.

Apart from all these basic characteristics to achieve leadership qualities, it is understood that self-motivation is the key to success and to aspiration towards becoming an alleged leader with all the fundamental qualities of a leader that may embark your name in leadership development programs and make your interest tremendously (Chun, Cho, & Sosik., 2016).

Q3) How is culture transmitted to employees?

There are number of ways through which culture can be transmitted into employees and these prospective ways have been used quite often in many workforce engaging environments where significant cultural needs are to be taken into action. Some of the ways are as follows:

·        Stories: Culture can successfully be transmitted into employees by narrating the successful stories of events that you have had encompassed in your working tenure or when you were working under someone else so that they can take inspiration from you and can use your cultural backgrounds and approaches to achieve their goals and to amend their mistakes that may have proved to be rule (Knippenberg, 2018) breaking for the entire business of the organization. For example, the managers working at Nike always take pride in explaining the heritage of companies background to the prospective customers and to celebrate more devotion towards work with all explicit storytellers in the workforce.

·        Rituals: The rituals of a corporation leads to high and successive long terms achievement of goals that portrays the positive side of all the meaningful ideas about the company’s bright side and how it uses its heritage in transforming its insights into successful implementation of ideas and forecast to them what goals are important to achieve first and also reinforces which people are more trustworthy for the succession of ideas e.g, passing of pillars is a ritual used at many workplace organizations that run beyond cultural diversification.

·        Material symbols: It signifies to the managers that who among all the employees are most important with most important ideas as to be evaluated prilaminarily and what makes them ideological for the execution of their ideas into ground realities and it shows what behaviors should be expected from the employees and what should be considered appropriate for the company, such as, the layouts beneficial for the facilities provided by an organization and what rank should be given to which executive based on the skills and performances (Zhu, Liao, Yam, & Johnson., 2018).

·        Language: The identification and unity of members works great with the language being used at the organization and it symbolizes what commonalities do the organization has among its employees as the employees can share their ideas and ideologies based on a common language and what ground basics they need to work on for what they already have been working for long and it shows effective acceptance of culture upon same language and preservation of willingness to use the same language within the organization e.g, employees at Microsoft uses some common words that describes their specific agendas not applicable worldwide.

·        Training: This is a very crucial step to pass on the cultural heritage to the company employees as training makes everything and every person efficient in their specific roles and makes them valuable for the overall assessment of the organization and how they can actually transform the whole working environment into one common functionality of ideas and researches. This is commenced with immediate and effective teaching and written materials available for the employees at their desks as well the voluntary workshops that makes the employees more (Newman, Herman, Schwarz, & Nielsen., 2018) interested in their work through the best trainers who should know the best perspectives of the company that needs to be identified by all the employees commonly for equal acquisition of culture and heritage of the working environment and its systems.

·        Incentives: Investing on employees not only makes them efficient towards their key roles but also makes them valuable asset of the organization as when they learn the key responsibilities and criteria’s needed by the company they reflect the true enthusiastic nature of their skills and they actually feel motivated in conducting their tasks and fulfilling them when the higher authorities rewards them with predicted and unpredictable incentives and also makes them work on the culturally embarked rules for the organization.

Q4) How is leadership different to power?

A person doesn’t always have to be a leader to influence a group of people or to develop sense of applicable qualities among individuals as in many situations, authority can be exerted through other possible ways including most importantly power that doesn’t include leadership characteristics rather a blind heavy trust forcefully or unforcefully that makes others to follow them as people with power have all the abilities to influence other people and sometimes even control their actions while they are working together and from there one can actually determine who is the actual leader and who is only making the use of power even at the sources where it isn’t required at all. Where leadership involves the ability of a person to inspire others with qualities that influences others and makes them inclined towards adopting such behaviors and lifestyles that the one with leadership qualities is aiming to achieve at, there the person with merely power has all the rights and abilities to control and manage the activities of others without being asked for any instructions and its rather just their invasive indulgence in someone else’s work that makes them feel authoritative about the position they hold and through which they tend to exercise force on other people who are even working voluntarily and this power excursion makes them feel superior (Wang & Hackett, 2016) of higher posts and even makes them boost of their indecisive behaviors that have no literal meaning anywhere in the actual professional environment. Power is the phenomenon considered to be leading towards leadership as many examples shows that people with real power can become the true leaders whereas it has been proved wuite wrong in many researches that depicts that leadership is a completely different skill and phenomenon that has nothing relatable to power as power uses an underlying meaning of negativity for making use of force to make people understand and follow his ideas whereas leaderships is a positive phenomenon that inspires and aspires people on following the true leaders striving for the joint success of the company. Here are few points that can clarify the differences between power and leadership with in-depth meanings of the terms used for both perspectives;

·        Definition: Power is the ability to control another person whereas leadership is the ability to work with a clear vision to further provide motivation and to make people achieve their goals through team building and coaching (Effelsberg & Solga., 2015) programs. Leadership is having emotional intelligence with the series of attributes to change the work. While power is use of force for others, it may be perfectly legitimate or compulsory for the effective running of the transactions.

·        Credibility: Leadership requires credibility whereas power doesn’t necessarily need it. A person to inspire others with qualities that manipulate others and make them inclined towards adopting such behaviors and lifestyles that the one with leadership qualities is aiming to achieve the common goals.

·        Source: Leadership is considered to be a personal attribute hence there is no basic source attatched to it while power is sourced from authoritative position.

·        Nature: Power has an underlying nature of control and force and to make followers to follow given commands whereas leadership has an underlying attribute of inspiring nature that subordinates others with inspiration to complete their tasks.

·        Dependence: It is believed that leadership does require power for effective implementation of goals and objectives whereas power doesn’t need leadership and it doesn’t depend on it.

·        Conflict: When power is enforced to the others, there may be situation of conflict upon certain level. It comes in the hierarchy where seniors are dominating the juniors with authorities. Leadership is not based on influencing terms as everyone is working under the supervision of leader and they considered it commanding authority therefore leadership leads less conflict.

·        Rules and regulations: Power influences the rules and regulations that give space to arbitration and legitimate violence. As compared to power, leadership based on the concept of cohesiveness and tends to follow the rules to get everyone on same level without any discrimination (Northouse, 2018). 

References what actions might a leader take to demonstrate that their interest in diversity goes beyond rhetoric

Buengeler, C., Homan, A. C., & Voelpel, S. C. (2016). The challenge of being a young manager: The effects of contingent reward and participative leadership on team‐level turnover depend on leader age. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 37 (8), 1224-1245.

Chun, J. U., Cho, K., & Sosik., J. J. (2016). "A multilevel study of group‐focused and individual‐focused transformational leadership, social exchange relationships, and performance in teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 37 (3), 374-396.

Effelsberg, D., & Solga., M. (2015). Transformational leaders’ in-group versus out-group orientation: Testing the link between leaders’ organizational identification, their willingness to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior, and follower-perceived transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics , 126 (4), 581-590.

Graham, K. A., Ziegert, J. C., & Capitano., J. (2015). "The effect of leadership style, framing, and promotion regulatory focus on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Journal of business ethics , 126 (3), 423-436.

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Zhu, J., Liao, Z., Yam, K. C., & Johnson., R. E. (2018). Shared leadership: A state‐of‐the‐art review and future research agenda. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 39 (7), 834-852.

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