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Report on Organizational Behavior

Category: Organizational Behavior Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 2550

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Two-factor Theory of Motivation: 3

Hygiene factors. 4

Motivation factors. 5

Limitation of two factor theory: 5

Implementation of two factor theory: 6

Group and Teamwork. 6

Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory: 6

Leadership: 8

Management of conflict: 9

Conclusion: 9

References. 11

Organizational behavior

Introduction of Organizational Behavior

Different business enterprises consist of a big workforce that contain various cultural background. Now people require this interaction within groups for having work efficiently. corporation study is the branch of study which has been described these interaction phenomena within the workforce. Organizational behavior is very important in order to achieve the business operations. Good announcement between participants of the company assistance the business to grow. In this article we are going to discuss the skills within the workplace. Many approaches regarding, management and leadership are discussed. Moreover, how to develop the teamwork with in the members of the organization is also highlighted (Barry, M. and Wilkinson, A.J., 2016). The company that we choose is CCED company of Oman.

CCED Oman – This is an independent upstream oil and gas production and exploration company located in Oman from 2007. In order to ensure log term sustainability, CCED had considered exploration success in addition to significant existing production. In oil and industry of gas, CCED introduced big exploration, development and much more production experience as well as CCED is an important partner in hydrocarbon sector of Oman. Long term sustainability development is main aim of the CCED that improve their economic production and they also support those local communities with in which they operate.

Two-factor Theory of Motivation of Organizational Behavior:

In 1959 Frederick Herzberg suggested two factor theory of motivation. It can also be defined as the theory of motivator hygiene. According to him, there are some job-related issues that are satisfying while on the other hand there are some of the job factors has been presented that avoid disappointment. According to him, the conflicting of “Gratification” is “No approval” and the contrary of “Unhappiness” is “No Disappointment”.

Figure view of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Hygiene factors of Organizational Behavior

Those factors that required for the presence of incentive at work place are termed as hygiene factors. But they do not generate long-term satisfaction. However, their absence or nonexistence can cause the essence of dissatisfaction. We can say that some factors of hygiene has been taken as to be which are presented in job, placate the member or workers and prevent their dissatisfaction. These are the extrinsic factors for the work place. Maintenance factors is another name because they are obligatory to prevent frustration. These factors explain the situation of the job. The individual needs that anyone would want to be fulfilled are the symbolized by hygiene factors (Storey, J., 2016). It further includes following things;

Pay – the salary structure needs to get appropriate. It should be equivalent to those salaries of the similar organization regarding similar field.

Policies – the policies of the organization must be reasonable and not rigid. It should be clear and fair, that include flexible and feasible working hours for every employee, proper dress code, vacations and breaks etc.

Fringe benefits – the health care plans should be offered to the employee like medicine or checkup claim, and reimbursements for the family adherents and also include worker’s help programs etc.

Physical working conditions – there must be a nonviolent working condition, that is hygienic and clean. The equipment for the working should get updates and well maintained.

Status – there should be a familiar and retained status for the employee of the organization.

International relations – there should be an appropriate balance between the relationship of employee with peers, superior or subordinates. There should be no trace of conflict or humiliation.

Job security – the job security should be provided to the members of the organization.

Motivation factors of Organizational Behavior

But the hygienic factors can not be named as motivators according to Herzberg. The motivator factors are those that impart positive satisfaction. These are the inherent factors of the work. These factors tend to motivate the employee for the better performance. These factors are also termed as satisfiers. They are the contributors in outcome of the job efforts. These factors are intrinsically rewarding for the employee (Rosenthal, M. and Berg, D., 2015). They further include;

Recognition – the members should be recognized and appreciated for their achievements by the mangers of the organization

Sense of achievement – everyone should have some sense of achievement within the organization. There should be a fruit in some sort of the job. It all depends on the kind of the job.

Growth and promotional chances – in order to motivate the employee, they should see chances of promotion on their destination in order to perform well or make them perform well.

Responsibility – employee should see themselves responsible for their tasks. The manager should provide them total ownership of their tasks. They should minimize the control but maintain the accountability along with.

Meaningfulness of the work – the work for the employee should be interested and challenging so that they can see meaning in their job and will perform well and will get motivated.

Limitation of two factor theory:

Following are the limitations of this theory;

1.      This theory does not look at variables of the situation

2.      Herzberg thought about the correlation between productivity and satisfaction but research that he conducted emphasize more on satisfaction and less on productivity.

3.      The reliability of this theory is somewhat uncertain. There should be detail analysis by the raters

4.      No inclusive measure has been utilized in this theory

1.      The two-factor theory has been  based on the natural reactions of the workers when they were given with the bases of gratification and frustration at their workplace. They would culpability disappointment on the exterior factors and they are likewise structured salary some of the organizational policies and some of the peer relationship. Despite from this worker’s would give appreciations to their own selves for the satisfactory factor at their working place.

2.      This theory is not focusing on blue collar workers (Miner, J. B., 2015).

In spite of all these limitations, the two-factor theory is acceptable toward wide range.

Implementation of two factor theory of Organizational Behavior:

This theory applies that director should look toward giving adequate hygiene factors so that the employee can not get dissatisfaction. The manager should make sure that the workplace is rewarding and stimulation in order to get the employee on their motivation level so that they can perform good and will yield good outcome for the company this theory is focusing on job improvement for the motivation of workers. The job destination should get advantage of the skills of the employee. Work quality can get improve if we focus on the factor of motivation (Hafford-Letchfield, 2013).

Group and Teamwork of Organizational Behavior

Groups can be the most significant part to be perform in Organization. As it has been said by Moreland et al. (2013), the group has mainly be classify into two categories; formal and informal. Organizational structure usually forms the formal groups while the informal groups have no concern with any organization. One of the significant reason to be in the group is to accomplish obvious aim (Coccia, M., 2014). Whereas, it has been recommended by Liu and Maitlis (2014), there is not such and clear and excellentd reason has been presented to join the group though as per the opinion of social identify theory, in which it has been mentioned that individuals may join groups as they are emotionally connected to a group and the success or failure of the group influence on their self-esteem. CCED in Oman has both formal as well as informal group structures. There is a decentralized organizational structure in CCED. The CCED emloyees are able to make informal group exterior from their working place in order to describe their issues which were  associated with their work. Despite from this there are some of the formal groups as also been presented in the corporation where everyone has a sense of responsibility as each of the participant of the football team play. Hu and Liden (2013 they said that doing work of individuals in the form of team from diverse sections it might be formal or informal. (Hafford-Letchfield, 2013).

Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory of Organizational Behavior:

The theory of Tuck an which has been based on teamwork has best been explained through a graph which it has been presented that association among group affairs and emphasized tasks.

The 4 stages of Tuckman’s teamwork theory:

Forming of Organizational Behavior:

It has been taken as the initial stage in the formation of a team where the members are not clear together. Everyone is trying to find their place with in the group, sizing each other.

Storming of Organizational Behavior:

In this stage individuals are knowing looking at each other as a part of team. But in this stage there were some challenges has also been presented a to be a leader there were some things has been presented like what is happening and how it would be done. A bit of conflict and confrontation typify this level. Tis can also result in loss of their motivation and performance and they can loss focus on their task too (Gagne, M., Sharma, P. and De Massis, A., 2014).

Norming of Organizational Behavior:

In this stage team members start to put efforts in coming together, work on their development, develop their ground rules, clarify them to other and make it clear that who will do what. In this way, they know their place with in the group as a team. This phase is termed as developing as sense of togetherness.

Performing of Organizational Behavior:

This is the final stage in developing a team where they increase focus on task as well as on team relationships. Performance is the result of members who are working together.

This theory helps in understanding that how the team can grow and evolve. This theory is helping us to know how to encounter different challenges at different level of the development of the business or the organization. One of the limitations of this theory is that it makes team building seen as the linear and sequential. But some teams can loop around while developing (Francescato, D. and Aber, M., 2015).

Like not all teams can grow smoothly through this theory implementation but sometimes they can fall among storming and norming until and unless they can begin to roll or they are scattered. Avoiding restrictions. All of the above-mentioned models would be helpful in better to understand and manage the consequences in the excellent way.

Leadership of Organizational Behavior:

In this it has bene stated that an individual who can be followed by persons has been known as leader and it has been happen due to their behavior and personality which has been affected the attitude of their tea members motivate them to obey him not fearly force them to follow him. The organization should have to develop a culture where everyone can contribute toward the similar purpose. As well as in this leadership style plays one of the most significant roles in the time of alteration. Motivation in a company has been taken as a procedure in which the attitude has been effected by manager and with the authority to provide the person with their basic requirements and goals (Coccia, M., 2014).

Autocratic leadership – in this kind of the leadership, manger decide the role of the employee without their opinion or concern. Manager design a particular framework along which everyone will work. This kind of leadership is common from many years in industrial revolution ear where employee is thought to be a labor force not a human resource.

Democratic leadership – the opinion and suggestion of every employee is taken, as they name is describing but the final decision is always by the side of management. This provide the positive influence in the process of motivating the employee when their opinion has some value.

Laissez-faire leadership – employee is provided with all freedom to have their own goals, resolving any issue and making any decision. Manager just observe their working (Klotz, A.C. and Neubaum, D.O., 2016).

Management of conflict of Organizational Behavior:


On the basis on involvement – conflicts can be intra organizational like the conflict with in the organization or interpersonal between two or more individual

On the basis of scope – the substantive conflict has relation with the job while on the other hand affective conflict is all through the emotions

On the basis of results – it can be constructive, which support the goals of the group, destructive conflicts prevent the group from achieving the goal.

On the basis of sharing by groups – disruptive conflicts are those where one side end up winning and other losing, integrative conflicts member utilizes it as chance to incorporate the needs and concerns to make best outcome possible

On the basis of strategy – competitive, is all about desire to win the fight where original issue is not even known. Cooperative, where everyone sinks and swim together where the end result is win-win solution

On the basis of rights and interests – when rights are denied it led to the conflict such conflicts can settle by legal decision. On the other hand, conflicts of interest are when person or group demand certain privilege where there is no law for it. Such dispute gets settle through negotiation or overall bargaining (Klotz, A.C. and Neubaum, D.O., 2016).

Conflict resolution behavior:

1.      Walking away and ignoring the conflict and doing nothing

2.      Competition to win the fight

3.      Accommodating the other person

4.      Compromising during conflict

5.      Collaboration in order to find the solution

Conclusion of Organizational Behavior:

This article put light on many organizational behaviors of the company like motivating, leadership, teamwork, and management of the conflicts. These are the behaviors that have their individual importance in success of any company. It can be explained as the pillars in organizational behavior study. In order to make the company long term sustainable, which is the main objective of CCED, all these pillars should get well focused and developed.

References of Organizational Behavior

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Coccia, M., 2014. Structure and organisational behaviour of public research institutions under unstable growth of human resources.International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 20(4-6), pp.251-266. s.l.:s.n.

Francescato, D. and Aber, M., 2015. LEARNING FROM ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY TO BUILD ORGANIZATIONAL EMPOWERMENT. Journal Of Community Psychology, 43(6), 717-738.. s.l.:s.n.

Gagne, M., Sharma, P. and De Massis, A., 2014. The study of organizational behaviour in family business.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(5), pp.643-656.. s.l.:s.n.

Hafford-Letchfield, T., 2013. Organisational Behaviour for Social Work.British Journal of Social Work, 43(1), pp.192-194.. s.l.:s.n.

Klotz, A.C. and Neubaum, D.O., 2016. Research on the Dark Side of Personality Traits in Entrepreneurship: Observations from an Organizational Behavior Perspective.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,40(1), pp.7-102.. s.l.:s.n.

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Storey, J., 2016. Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends. London: Routledge.. s.l.:s.n.

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