projects are complicated because they are required to be developed and come
into form as any real-world problem arises. Considering the problem, the
projects need a process to resolve the issue. According to the studies, every
project in the world has a limited budget, resources as well as schedule. The
reflection on executing the project is basically providing the connection
between the mechanical engineering project theories and my project. My current
project is the robot arm with a gripper that needs some current and computing
instructions for movement (Pinto, 2007).
to theories, the robotic arm with the gripper project can be successful in the
world or can be failed if it does not meet the requirements of basic
engineering and concepts. The time for this project is a very important aspect
because the world only wants to adopt those products that are time-saving and long
last. The budget of the robotic arm with a gripper is also limited but it is
enough to purchase the hardware. The third point is very important for the
success of this project which is the performance and reliability of the
starting the project, some tasks are performed which are: taking structural
support for the project manager, coaching, auditing, and testing, networking
among the projects, and the project scheduling including the management of
project stakeholders. These things will be estimated and assessed with the help
of a spider diagram (Kušar, Rihar, Duhovnik, & Starbek, 2008).
project needs a proper timeline that will provide the information that what are
the main activities of the projects and how they will be performed form defined
time to a fixed time limit. Furthermore, the projects will have an accurate and
strong timeline which will be mentioned in the Gantt chart. The project
stakeholders are also identified in the robot arm project. The main
stakeholders of this project are supervisors, evaluators, project team leaders,
and project team members.
are some other competitors in the market that have but some modifications will
be introduced in the robotic arm. To design and show the layout of the robotic
arm, Autocad is used that provided all the angles and showed the movements of
the arm.
the screening and selection of the project, the scoring model has been used in
which every aspect of the project weighed. As the project is started, it has
come into the proactive portfolio by using the agile methodology. The team
leaders can also be known as the manager but the leader is more than a manager
and is responsible for almost everything in the project. The leader is also
working with the teammates and perform joint accountability. In this project,
the leaders are also the project champion because he is the role model for
every team member and gives instructions to resolve the issues (Shavaliev & Puryaev, 2018).
References Executing the Project
Kušar, J., Rihar, L., Duhovnik, J., & Starbek, M.
(2008). Project management of product development. Strojniški
vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 588-606.
Pinto, J. K. (2007). Project Management: Acheiving
Competitive Advantage.
Shavaliev, A. S., & Puryaev, A. S. (2018). Agile
in project management system in mechanical engineering. . In IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science and Engineering.