The main aim of the report is to test the main in utero
conditions that are involved in affecting the long-term development process of
a baby that occurs through the use of the influenza pandemic in Taiwan. This is
one of the best papers for medical researchers. The main reason is that the
authors have selected and addressed the most important health problem with the
help of data sets. There are two main authors of the whole paper. The main
theme of the paper is related to the medical. This paper is related to the in-utero
exposure to illness matter and also about the natural experiment occurred
related to the influenza epidemic in Taiwan. Moreover, this paper will also
combine different historical and current database. The database can be used for
finding the results related to pandemic. This paper is also highlighting the
other health problems that are related to kidney disease and respiratory system
problems in the old age. This paper is written in an effective manner for the
ease of the reader. All the information is mentioned in a proper way for future
researchers. The starting abstract is highlighting all the important parameters
of the paper.
Importance of the paper of in utero conditions
The refer report is important in years to come. As the study focuses on
the hypothesis of the fatal origin, which states that any chronic condition is
traced back to their poor fatal growth. This refer report also can help in
medical sciences as the chronic conditions can be traced back to their origin,
and maybe it can help in the treatment as well. Author can also equip us to
deal with any unforeseen epidemic in the near or distant future as well because
maybe we can help pregnant women deal with the epidemic in a better way, we can
educate them, and hence maybe we can save lives along the way. This is very
important as there are many countries now in Africa where epidemics keep on
occurring, and maybe we can better equip people to deal with as well.
Part 1
2. Problems with the paper that currently make it
of the problems I find is the choice of case study as the authors have chosen a
very old pandemic to establish their case. The correctness of datasets can be
questioned as it’s a very old dataset, maybe it would have been much better if
they could choose a dataset from recent or not so distant past where they can
find larger and more accurate datasets.
this research work, the standard deviation is calculated for all male and
female students. Standard deviation is a statistical technique to measure
variance among selected variables. Researchers also added value in their
research work by studying demographic variables as well rather than only making
overall generalization for the whole population without considering the
difference between various age groups and gender. Investigation of demographic
variables makes this research study more detailed and specific for
generalization of outcomes.
researchers also paid enough attention to bias-related issues and research
error control strategies. The presence of errors can reduce the effectiveness
of research results. While bias is also undesirable in the research studies to
ensure the accuracy of research results and findings. In this research study,
researchers used instrumental variables as well as twin’s data to solve
problems related to potential indigeneity. This problem was caused by omitted
bias in the research work. Thus, conclusively research findings are adequate as
well as valid.
Another concern I find
with the study is that the authors have not made any comparative studies, and
maybe it was not possible as there might not be much wide class difference
between the different classes in Taiwan. As it can also be a variable in
regression and we can see if poor people had severe in utero effects in
comparison to rich people, or people living in slums had more effects than
people living in the house. According to my thinking, this can also affect
this. Also, as authors highlighted that the in utero exposure to
influenza caused people to have shorter heights. But this can be due to a
number of other factors, like what were the heights of their parents, as there
can be some correlation with height and contracting influenza. Maybe the authors could have incorporated
these variables as well into their methodology.
4. Problems with the paper that do not render the
paper unpublishable
I find the methodology
used in the study of the appropriate as the authors have taken into account
various factors or variables to come to their conclusion. But I think that
“mother mortality rate (MMR)” may be a very measure for the effect of exposure
to influenza. As there are many other factors that will affect the MMR, and
they should also be taken into account.
The living condition
of the parents can also severely affect the MMR as I think if we were to check
the correlation of MMR with the living condition of the parent in a region
which is not having an epidemic, we would find out that poor living condition
affects the mother mortality rate. Hence, if they want to keep on using MMR as
the measure for the degree of exposure, they should remove the bias created by
living conditions and other factors as well, so that we can have a better model
which describes the correlation between in uterus exposure and chronic
conditions in the long term.
study projects that researchers have applied proper statistical analysis
techniques. The data set of the period 1912 to 1915 is collected and elaborate
on higher morality tolls and other influenza waves. Without obtaining original
data, researchers cannot study selected variables adequately.
also studied other health diseases related variables (e.g., cholera and malaria
death tolls), which could have an indirect impact on the increase of maternal
mortality rate (MMR). In accordance with my knowledge, while investigating
cause and effect relationships or reasons for a situation, we must have to
consider some indirect possible variables as sometimes effect can be caused by
a different variable than what was studied. For instance, in this case, it
seems that maternal mortality rate was increased in selected time-period
because of the influenza epidemic; however, their health surveys also recorded
an increase in deaths caused by cholera and malaria death tolls. Researchers
also studied these variables to reach a reliable and valid research
the research article could be more appealing and informative if researchers had
added tables for comparative analysis of demographic variables (e.g., age and
gender) while presenting results of regression, correlation, and standard
deviation. The addition of these tables could make it easy for readers to
understand the actual results and outcomes of the research study.
Further point of in utero conditions
The arguments about the critique of the refer report is maternal
mortality rate is a best proxy available for measuring a severity of an effect
of influenza on a fetus. This
is showing a positive impact on the whole paper. Another thing is that the
conclusion is written in a comprehensive way. This shows that if the reader is
not satisfied with the abstract of the paper, then he can easily go for the
conclusion section. This is because it contains all useful information related
to the whole topic in a comprehensive way. Following the analysis and review of
this research article, research work could be improved if researchers had added
more detail about various formulas used in the data analysis part. The first of all formalized this conjecture through the
proposing fetal origins hypothesis, which arguments is that inadequate in utero
nutrition could program a fetus to prioritize brain growth at expense of other
organs as well as tissues.