Objective: In this lab experiment the objective to use the qualitative
analysis to analyzed the unknown solutions.
Introduction of the objective to use the
qualitative analysis to analyzed the unknown solutions.
Process of qualitative analysis is deciding
what the particular sample used, and this process is determining the amount of
present in the qualitative analysis. This type of process is not obviously completely
discounted due to the knowledge of sample content and it obtained for the
quantitative analysis which can be performed. In the various cases there are different
reactions which is sued to detect in the present of unknown and it could also use
to determine the amount present in it. In the below exercise which is made to manageable
we will also focused on the five anions
. All these type of reactions is very important in the chemistry phases
as well as biochemistry which have also solid background and it would benefits for
the various future studies.
The subsequent of material in the chemistry
anions cannot completely separated from the chemistry cations. So in chemistry
if iodide and chloride is developed by the examinations of reactions with the
ion of sliver.
Procedure of the objective to use the
qualitative analysis to analyzed the unknown solutions.
In this lab experiment first of obtained the solutions of salts like
in separate, labeled, clean test tubes.
Then this type of solution would also be the sources of the known anions.
By using the deionized water the dilute of
every anion solution samples to the final volume of 5mL. In this lab experiment
there are different test performed as shown in the below data analysis
Data analysis of the objective to use the
qualitative analysis to analyzed the unknown solutions.

Conclusion of the objective to use the
qualitative analysis to analyzed the unknown solutions.
Summing up all the discussion it is concluded
that the report is about the qualitative test of the anions . As shown in the
data analysis w add the different reagents to form the various anions for the qualitative