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Assignment on the Do-good looking men have an advantage in selection?

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 4300






(Cohen, 2018)

Beneficial for the organizations


It can be beneficial for the organizations to hire an attractive applicant knowing from a list that they all are equally qualified such as their facial attraction or even their facial symmetry may fascinate an employer to hire that specific candidate under the influence of psychological factor and it is reported that people with attractive features tend to have less psychological problems and it is also considered to be the truth that attractive people are considered more intelligent because of their good personality and this factor leads to qualifying them to employer's perspective and may attract their work-related attention. However, the attractiveness factor doesn't always qualify for positive outcomes as sometimes it leads to a belief that attractive employees are less productive and cause a counterproductive debate and this is the reason for which this study evaluates the equal reasoning behind evolutionary stances

Secondary Source

(Luxen, 2006)

Implied of personnel selection criteria



It needs to be implied in all the fields especially of personnel selection criteria because behind every interviewer there has been a long list of people or interviewers who had ultimately chosen him to qualify further at the position where he is today to interview others. Such factors find its usefulness in selection processes of mainly employee hiring fields in organizations where general processing is required to construct the unstructured processes to predict the validity of the outcomes and competitive employees to work efficiently and to increase reliability. This also explains why usually inexperienced employees are seen deployed in big organizations for considerable zero experience and unknown expertise that ultimately challenge the whole quality of work of the entire organization and judgment should be made on these heuristic factors to test the evolutionary preferences that the employers keep in mind before hiring new people. The study aimed to determine one of these factors that hinders the modern job selection criteria and to advise how attractiveness shouldn't only be assessed rather than real skills and expertise.

Secondary Source

(Yogar, 1989)

People are biased towards their reactions


It is reported that most of the people are biased towards their reactions when they see good-looking versus normal looking or unattractive people and they can't even handle their reactions because it is in-built and this study is certainly not new because it has been human psyche from years and older studies have even evaluated that people find good whatever they find beautiful but today's researchers have contributed to this theory and have evaluated the reasons where and when physical appearance attracts people and how it attracts people. Even though some employers already know that is not fair to choose anyone simply based on his looks and not looking for the qualification or related stuff yet they still like to keep going with that because sometimes all that matters to them are good looks as they want those employees to stand at the front line to represent their organization.

Unfortunately, more of the organizations have now started hiring based upon more of informal characteristics rather than formal factors and evaluations upon which an employee should be hired such as his competitiveness, his time management, and his ability to perform tasks, his leadership skills or his performance. A very informal trait such as physical appearance and looks are now being judged for an employee to be the part of an organization and to sustain the overall system of the business to run smoothly. They are being hired mostly due to referrals and not their ability and caliber for the job description as mentioned by the organizations. This practice is usually seen in comparatively smaller organizations where referrals are the only and main source of getting a person hired and this not only causes disturbance in the whole system but also causes many challenges for the job seekers who do not have any referral and all they have got is quality education.

Secondary Source

(Hatfield, 2010)

Attractiveness will rather be an advantage


So their good looks and attractiveness will rather be an advantage to the whole firm as it might get them new and potential clients with prospective long term relationships that can be beneficial for both the organization as well as the employee who was chosen on attractiveness. Such behaviour are often considered to be stereotypical as it is regarded worldwide and is an international issue that employees shouldn't be chosen on such biases that too related to merely their looks and not what they can actually do for the company to bring productivity and more business and it also leads to his or her colleagues as if they are less attractive or they are ugly among all as this shows clear biases and preference of one employee over another just because he is more good looking. Many pieces of evidence have already been found that people perceive differently these two type of categories i.e., attractive and unattractive.

Secondary Source

(Toledano, 2013)

People interpret stereotypic notions


The study argued and examined those people who interpret stereotypic notions of personality as a warranty of qualification and more of attractiveness as the ultimate beautiful things and judging all of a man's whole life history just upon finding him beautiful for his looks and the results were very astonishing as almost all of the participants found the people with nicer looks to be more qualifies and happier in life while calling the rest to be unhappy or not so compatible for the job position or anything big to achieve in life and they called the ones with good looks to have a more interesting social life and to have more informational content with their personality and this experiment proved the stance given by previous studies that what is just beautiful is good and what is not beautiful is bad. This implication didn't last to older studies rather even with the evolving technology and all organizational aspects; the HR departments of all organizations still try to evaluate this notion at the very first sight just because they want their entire employee to have good looks to have high representative qualities. Such specifications make the employers also hire their peers and friends and family as they want their own recognized faces whom they find attractive to be around them even with them at work and this creates a whole imbalance in the system as no one deserving gets the appointed job. This also creates a hollow for fewer salaries for less attractive people calling them to be less competent while they might be the most capable of doing all the competent and outstanding work yet because of not being given a chance, they face such issues in the organizational biased environment and with such unfair employers who just go for the looks.

Secondary Source

(Subhani, 2012)

Organizations now hiring based upon more of informal characteristics



This whole unbiased system created very imbalanced organizational rules and practices that allow the employers to recruit only the ones with good profiles as well as good looks and they immediately discard the ones with good potential. This leads to long imbalance for a long run and creates a hollow for the upset working of the employees already working for such organizations and the company rather starts to lose its employees because of such biasness. Men with attractive profiles and looks get jobs immediately as soon as they apply or as soon as they appear for interviews as their attractive looks make the employers hire them without any cross-questioning or without asking them their true caliber for the job or how they will put their input for the growth of the organization and just doing this causes unfairness for many deserving candidates out there


Secondary Source

(Chiang, 2018)

Unbiased system created very imbalanced organizational rules


Not just organizations, physical looks and attractiveness is regarded in many fields around the globe and this happened due to frequent interactions with customers of the employees that make the employers hire such attractive people so that ultimately the customers get attracted towards

their brand ort company seeing good looking employees especially in marketing fields where the attractiveness of humans and products matters a lot for all sectors and the best marketer is considered to be the one with best creative skills and best

implementation by showing appealing and attractive content including attractive people. This is most valued in service fields where employee’s attractiveness and appearance matters a lot not just to the employers but quite a lot to the customers as well as they tend to like getting served by the best-looking employees such as in hotels and

spas, the most appealing factor is how the servicemen there represent themselves and not just represent but how they look matters a lot. The productivity of those employees is calculated by the number of customers they become able to attract and sell their service field to them and make them invest in the growth of the business. If that employee will not have an attractive

or appealing look then the customer won't even bother listening to the employee for more than a few minutes and will rather walk away showing no interest. On the other hand, the employee having good looks with all his charismatic personality and looks will be able

to keep the customer engaged with the demonstration of qualities and services provided by the organization in the best possible manner to keep its customers as a priority. The results cleared the whole concept and interpreted that physical attractiveness does matter a lot in hiring new employees.

Secondary Source


Review of Do good looking men have an advantage in selection?

The literature considered here deals with the researches about good looking and attractive men and if they have an advantage in selection on the basis of looks (Cohen, 2018; Luxen, 2006). Hiring attractive applicants could be beneficial for organizations (Toledano, 2013; Chiang, 2018). Often employees qualify on the basis of personality and appealing look instead of work-related efforts and knowledge. This factor reduces the effectiveness of modern job selection criteria (Luxen, 2006; Yogar, 1989; Hatfield, 2010; Subhani, 2012).

Conclusion of Do good looking men have an advantage in selection?

The aim of the present analysis is to analyze if the selection criteria regarding selection of employees give an advantage to the good looking men while the selection process. Additionally, research estimate impact of selecting good looking men on the organizational environment. Based on the literature review, it is evident that attract, facial symmetry and looks are often considered as a plus point while hiring men. The good personality is a factor but it doesn't always qualify for positive outcomes in the organizations. The research reported that most often selection criteria is biased towards good looking versus unattractive candidates. Some of the organization prefer informal characteristics instead of formal factors. Subhani, (2012) concluded that unbiased system creates hindrances and imbalanced rules in the organization. The rules and practices are required to be defined well. While selection, the good potential must be considered instead of good profiles and good looks. The selected employee must be of true calibre for the job.


Why Workplace Should Hire More Women






(Blum, 2017)`

Started to enhance their name


Organizations started to enhance their name in the industry by introducing workforce diversity but in reality, no such practice took place initially and companies rather started to avoid diversity because they used to think that only men can achieve the best in all the fields whereas this concept was eventually introduced to protect the legal rights of humans and their demographic traits such as age, gender, ethnicity and physical abilities. This caused discrimination among the hiring of individuals based on special gender groups such as preferring men over women in the organizational sector just to keep the flow of this tradition and not following the workplace diversity rules and regulations. Companies started employing the individuals whom they started finding eligible for the job and mainly preferred men because of the biasness that men have more caliber than women and the fact that they can understand the workplace commands and can turn them into actions more strictly than women can.

To identify in my research is The Women's Rights for better hiring in different organizations. The Research objective was to ensure that Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the Organizations or by any State on account of sex. Federal Society of Journeymen formation, therefore, marked the start of trade organizations and unions among the American's employees. Later, in the world revolution, the unions and associations spread to Europe, India and finally Africa. Local craft unions proliferated in the cities, publishing lists of prices for their work, defending their trades against diluted and cheap labour, and, increasingly, demanding a shorter workday. This research essay will identify various social Research in Organizations and their impacts on employment and society. Some social Research that has evolved in America and worldwide brought out quick social and political changes

Secondary Source

(Khan, 2019)

Promoted an imbalanced culture


This promoted an imbalanced culture of dominating men in all the fields and not encouraging women to participate anywhere in the organization. Whereas, females are now contributing heavily in the accomplishments of their business organizations of their region with their presence in all the deserved sectors and fields wherever they have the competency to work in but it's still very much true that women are treated with low pay-scale than men and their roles towards families are always hindered in between their ways to success. Personnel development includes the development of both men and women and not just men and some organizations started overruling this factor and focused more on the betterment and growth of the men working in all the fields. This leads to insecurity and unfair means of employment and discourages the employees of the opposite gender to work with less motivation and rather completely de-motivates their energy into working rightfully for the organization. This study focused on the non-favoritism of the employees based upon gender and not preferring certain individuals qualified for the work and this should be considered the most outpost agenda to promote workplace diversity.

Secondary Source

(Lovrich, 2006).

Organizations face barriers


Businesses who are not much into recruiting women in their organizations face barriers in reaching significant levels of management and making their mark in the industry for what they portray in society and what they do. Even if a woman crosses the recruitment barriers and get selected by their high qualifications and rightfully deserving for the job, they are still de-motivated enough to be suppressed at the ground level for no reasoning but the only fact that they are women and they can't stand at high ranks with men. This causes patriarchy and not just that but also very unfair codes of conduct limited to men only. This also affects the social culture around ourselves where not just in organizations, women are not being considered that important for valuable decision-making requirements and they are always being let down for their importance and their higher commands of knowledge and everyone tries to keep them at the lower positions in the organization.

However other unions and organization got incorporated into existing systems or subjected to harsh repression. Social Research’s brought different policy responses and their varying impact on the societies in which they occur. Formation of the campaign had effective significance t protection of freedom and rights of worker, women, children and the citizens in large. Soon after the development and expansion of the labour unions, the organizations employed various tactics to advance the economic interests of bargaining unit members. 

During such strikes, employees ceased all work and set up sentry lines around seemed facilities both to advertise their grievances and to disincline fellow employees or third participants from working during their stoppages. The need to protect the common interest of workers in the united states caused the emergence and development of labour movements. The social movements were developed primarily to fight for better wages, reasonable and considerable working hours and safer working conditions and fight for the rights and freedoms of a common citizen. Further, it was the labour movements objective to led efforts to stop child labour, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.

Secondary Source

. (Johns, 2013)

Organization ignore the fact that women are now contributing


Such organization ignore the fact that women are now contributing and playing a significant role in the economy of their states and a woman’s salary is more critical to the wellbeing of the economy of the country as their spending capacities are much higher as compared to men and women hold a critical position from a consumer perspective as well as they are the ones who eventually have to buy all the stuff either for household or their grooming requirements. It is noted that women's position in the workforce has increased from one third to a higher proportion where more women can actively work and take part in all the fields of work sector without having to fear for not being treated equally at all levels. This improvement is caused due to the various studies that contributed to the investigation and this study added more to it by analyzing all the rightful percentages of women working in different roles of life. Strikes exercised significant economic pressure on employers that we're unable to maintain meaningful operations. In rare cases, unions employed even more dramatic tactics to be sure that services could not continue by taking over the premises of struck facilities. Giving concern on the effect of Research on labour, it is observed that the Research protected the employees' rights and therefore increased demand for work and created more ready labour market. Tax protesters engage in a broad category of tax evasion strategies that range from uncomplicated refusal to pay taxes to complicated schemes using onshore and offshore trusts to challenge income from the government. New York journeymen tailors are one of the oldest labour Research which emerged to execute an account of the rights of workers

Secondary Source

(Sabeen, 2007)

laws formulated for an organization


There have been laws formulated for an organization to entertain equal opportunity for all the sectors they are working in with equal provision of work without any discrimination based upon role or even gender. To achieve this, the first and foremost requirement is the diversification in the workforce of the organizations where equal opportunity should be granted and such programs should be supported that promotes all levels of a diverse workforce and helps in fostering such an environment where all type of people should be respected without any discrimination. Because the number one unethical practices observed at organizations include discrimination and then reaching the point of harassment which ultimately causes disrespectful and discriminated system based upon race, gender, looks, appearance, page etc.

Females have this emotional instability yet they prefer not to indulge their emotions in any of their professional fields as it may cause them difficulty for a longer run to successfully implement their ideas into actions and hence they implement community-oriented plans and actions and always come up with ideas that are beneficial for not just one individual but the whole community. Having more female employees also promotes and enhances equal stability of law in the organization and make it even more credible and reliable as the workforce is considered to be correlated then. Apart from all this, having more women in the workforce also adds to the achievement of laws and enforcements important for the successful implication of laws against harassment and it promotes agency laws to overcome all such issues and the presence of women can even bring out equal policy provision to all the employees of the workplace with equal opportunity.


 (Ready, 2015)

companies try to implement all the best equipment


Even if companies try to implement all the best equipment of overcoming this issue to avoid discrimination yet many organizations still face such issue to a heavy extent where everyone feels bad about their existence for being a part of such unethical organization. The best response and solution to overcome such discrimination issues at the workplace is to repel such intolerant and illegal norms being practised by the firm and then maintaining your values and not overreacting for any bad atmosphere to go at its worst as the best way to overcome this unethical behaviour is to ignore it and not show any interest in it. Employees should know what to and when to say and to whom it should be said to remove any ambiguity of work or any unethical practice that may cause further disruption. Hiring women in the workplaces and other organizational sectors not just adds to the economic balances of a country's stability but also provides many advantages and important law enforcements that encourage more and more women to actively stand for their right and work in the fields of life without having to face any difficulty in their way to success. Many studies have conducted experiments to test the reliability of women in challenging sectors and women have successfully achieved all such as it has been proving that women or female employees are as competent as their male colleague and they might even excel them in certain projects and may even execute it way better than men by perfect modelling and strategical implications and their sharp mindedness. Females do not always need help in all the fields as they can carry out their work without the help of anyone to rely on and they have even strong immunity to stand still on their will and even depending on their health and immunity, they are much stronger than men.



Review of Why Workplace Should Hire More Women

Initially, organizations enhanced workforce diversity but it required too much efforts to implicate the diversity (Blum, 2017; Khan, 2019). Avoiding diversity and equality in the workforce reduces effectiveness and businesses that don't focus on hiring women are facing barrier in reaching a significant level of management (Lovrich, 2006; Johns, 2013). Considering all these it can be concluded that the workplace should hire more women and must consider workplace diversity (Sabeen, 2007; Ready, 2015)

Conclusion of Why Workplace Should Hire More Women

The main of present work was to analyze the importance of hiring women in the workplace and how companies can enhance effectiveness in the workplace. The women's rights of employment are required to be considered while hiring as equality at the workplace is the basic right of women that cannot be denied. Females are having a high contribution to business accomplishments and development in different sectors. Lovrich (2006) conducted research to analyze the impact of hiring women in organizations. The research concluded that businesses that don't consider the recruitment of women in organizations face significant levels of issues in management. Women can cross the recruitment barriers as they rightfully deserve. Demotivating and suppressing the women with quality with no reason is against the code of conduct. It can also affect the social culture of the organization if diversity is not considered. 

References of Why Workplace Should Hire More Women

Blum, T. C., 2017. Organization-Level Determinants of Women in Management. 37(2), pp. 11-23.

Chiang, C. I. &. S. Y. L., 2018. Do good looks matter when applying for jobs in the hospitality industry?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(40), p. 71.

Cohen, L. E., 2018. And Then There were More? The Effect of Organizational Sex Composition on the Hiring and Promotion of Managers. 63(5), pp. 711-727.

Hatfield, E. &. R. R. L., 2010. Physical attractiveness. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, Issue 1-2.

Johns, M. L., 2013. Breaking the glass ceiling: Structural, cultural, and organizational barriers preventing women from achieving senior and executive positions. Perspectives in Health Information Management/AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, p. 10.

Khan, K. T. &. J. S., 2019. Investigating the Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Inclusion. Journal of Management and Research, 2(19-52.), p. 6.

Konrad, A. M., 2011. Understanding the Hiring of Women and Minorities in Educational Institutions. 64(3), pp. 141-157.

Leck, J. D., 1992. Hiring Women: The Effects of Canada's Employment Equity Act. 18(2), pp. 203-220.

Lonsway, K. A., 2000. Hiring & Retaining More Women: The Advantages to Law Enforcement Agencies.

Lovrich, N. P., 2006. Pursuing Gender Diversity in Police Organizations in the 1990s: A Longitudinal Analysis of Factors Associated With the Hiring of Female Officers. 9(4), pp. 463-485.

Luxen, M. F. &. V. D. V. F. J., 2006. Facial attractiveness, sexual selection, and personnel selection: When evolved preferences matter. TheInternational Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 2(241-255), p. 27.

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Ready, K., 2015. Hiring Women Managers in Japan: An Alternative for Foreign Employers. 30(3), pp. 112-127.

Sabeen, Z., 2007. Hiring Women Workforce: Considerations of Employers. 4(3), pp. 17-19.

Skaggs, S. S. K. &. D. P., 2012. Shaking things up or business as usual? The influence of female corporate executives and board of directors on women's managerial representation. Social Science Research, 4(936-948), p. 41.

Subhani, M. I., 2012. Physical Attractiveness Or Referrals: Which Matters The Most?.

Toledano, E., 2013. May the best (looking) man win: The unconscious role of attractiveness in employment decisions.


Zimmer, L., 1998. Tokenism and Women in the Workplace: The Limits of Gender-Neutral Theory. 16(4), p. 64–77.

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