Introduction of Comparative study of
social-ecological support and socio-educational participation among
multi-ethnic youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global competences, societal
wellbeing & futuristic planning
Global Competencies, Futuristic
planning and Societal wellbeing are three most important elements that
completes a society. These three are those compulsory elements that needs to be
focused by every country to work on it efficiently and do conduct major results
from it. Making the things more appropriate in these three factors countries
should more focus on their youth as youth is that kind of energy in every
country that contains power of changing the entire nation and this makes the
workings to be more appropriate and more demanding for them. Here we are
discussing about youth of Malaysia and Turkey and especially between multi
ethnic Youth in both the countries that will work on this aspect based on
Socio-ecological support and Socio educational participation towards their
country. These terms related with considering the race, gender, color
discrimination prohibition in your country and making and equally happy and prospers
atmosphere for every person in once country (Unicef, 2017).
Social-Ecological Support of Comparative
study of social-ecological support and socio-educational participation among
multi-ethnic youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global competences, societal
wellbeing & futuristic planning
Socio-Ecological System supports
the particular Ecosystem surroundings allowing the functional boundaries of a
country to adapt and delimited the complex or spatial systems of
socio-ecological terms. The bio-geo physical system makes the entire society or
country appropriate towards making its atmosphere better to live and this
allows the things to be highly motivated for the people to live and exercise
the best way to keep it worth for other to come and visit your country. The
socio-ecological atmosphere supports the global competences in a way that the
more sustainable atmosphere you make for the people the better they feel comfortable
to live in. The societal wellbeing also impacts on the suitable atmosphere as
meeting up with social sides makes people closer to each other and futuristic
planning is as necessary as compulsory because without proper planning you
cannot get successful results and this can impact bad on your further success in
society as well (Gardner, 2016).
Socio-Education Participation of
Comparative study of social-ecological support and socio-educational
participation among multi-ethnic youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global
competences, societal wellbeing & futuristic planning
education term refers towards getting education of different casts, genders and
colors people under one roof. This concept is criticized globally but it is
still under discussion that what would be the results whether this come to a
positive end or whether it keeps on blaming each other for being bad. The main
thing is that we have many of the other things to consider while getting
education that whether this content is making us human, making us learn
humanity or we are just going after cramming the written words in books. Global
competences can be revolutionized by learning new and innovative ideas and
implementing them to get something unique in output. Social well-being van also
be learned and practiced by practicing more with each other and future planning
for having good educational outcomes is essential to prepare by higher
consultants on every level of education students getting from the system (Göksel, 2018).
Multi Ethnic Youth of Comparative study
of social-ecological support and socio-educational participation among
multi-ethnic youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global competences, societal
wellbeing & futuristic planning
Basically, Multi Ethnic Youth
refers to that group of people who all are of young ages, they use to live
together in a country and they are having different genders, different
religions, different races and different colors as well. Including this they
all have different opinions, different arguments and different decision making
capabilities that makes them different to each other. The most important thing
is that they use to have all the efficiency and attractiveness among them as they
have unity in them because they belong to the same nation, the same society or
the same country. They have some common beliefs which they share with each
other as this makes them apparently different but they from inside, from
humanity have same ideas and this makes the youth a multi ethnic youth that
have all the colors in them and have positive impact of social wellbeing,
global competency and future planning towards success in beneficial way (Awang, Ahmad, Mumpuniarti, & Rahman, 2017).
Socio-Ecological Support Among Multi Ethnic
Youth in Turkey
Multi ethnic youth in turkey is
working very positively on global competencies improvement, Social well-being
enhancement and successful future planning by having strong Socio-Ecological
support towards the Turkey. The global competencies can be utilized by making
the atmosphere to be more sustainable, using better policies to keep atmosphere
green and making people comfortable for living in that state. Social well-being
can be increased and enhanced by removing this gender and race discrimination
from the country. Turkey youth is having good ethics as they use to work with
different people under one roof and the best thing is that they are promoting
this culture to every citizen there. Future planning regarding more successful
economy of the country and more comfortable livings in the society makes the overall
atmosphere great and hence this allows people to become more supportive towards
positive Socio-ecological aspect among multi ethnic youth of turkey (Beger, 2011).
Socio-Ecological Support Among Multi Ethnic
Youth in Malaysia
Youth of Malaysia has more powerful concepts among them that makes them unique
as they have majority of people having same religion there. The minority people
are also treated well and they are being managed and protected more than they
have their own society and own rules to protect their minorities and to keep their
majorities safe as well. The multi ethnic youth is making the things to be more
settled and more appropriate as they are going to have the most of them in
terms of making the sustainability implemented as a must and they are good in
making the social meetup well managed among their society. The future planning
is the thing on which they are focusing more in terms of making their youth
learning those ways are mostly concerned with the successful and beneficial
impact of global competencies making atmosphere of society more tolerated as
well (Zaremohzzabieh, 2019).
Socio-Education Support Among Multi Ethnic
Youth in Turkey
is that kind of special education that different races people get under one
roof without having any issue among them regarding difference in their color
and religion. Turkey stands with minorities and majorities as well so its youth
are having appropriate focus on the things that can make the workings to be
more appropriate and more demanding. Turkey is making socio-education common
and worth important as they are going to implement this thing that everyone can
get their desired rights in terms of getting education and education is the
only thing which makes the working to be well established and well managed as
well. Education supports the working on global preferences that what should be
done and what should be avoided. The social well-being in every society is important
and Turkey has made special policies on it. The future planning regarding
socio-education support is the main think on which turkey government is working
upon and soon they will get the desired thing so that they can be the most
leading personality in making youth the most talented and most efficient in the
overall society (Belik, 2018).
Socio-Education Support Among Multi Ethnic
Youth in Malaysia
Malaysian youth has revolutionized
the world in making the sustainability highly approachable and effective as
they are also had made various efforts in terms of making the global greener
and sustainable. A number of things are also experimented in terms of
increasing the positivity among relationships of social well-being and other
societal issues as well are resolved by making laws and allow the
implementation of them towards people. The Malaysian rules and regulations are
very well made and they are exceptional regarding planning the future for their
societal betterment and towards the betterment of overall experiences of them
as well. The people there believes that they are going good and they are the
ones who are making a history that what they are doing is exactly according to
the truth their society is watching and they all are already doing great in
making the perspectives to be more desirable and more effective as well (Jalal, 2015).
Comparison of Comparative study of social-ecological
support and socio-educational participation among multi-ethnic youth in turkey
and Malaysia towards global competences, societal wellbeing & futuristic

Malaysian Varaible analysis

Conclusion & Recommendation of
Comparative study of social-ecological support and socio-educational participation
among multi-ethnic youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global competences,
societal wellbeing & futuristic planning
In the nutshell we can say that Making things progressively
suitable in these three variables nations should more concentrate on their
childhood. The socio-natural environment bolsters the worldwide capabilities
such that the more reasonable air you cause for the individuals the better they
to feel good to live in. The primary concern is that we have a significant
number of different interesting points while getting the training that whether
this substance is making us human, causing us to learn mankind or we are simply
following packing the composed words in books
Counting this, they all have various sentiments, various
contentions and diverse dynamic abilities that make them unique in relation to
one another. The worldwide abilities can be used by making the climate to be
increasingly practical, utilizing better approaches to keep environment green
and making individuals agreeable for living in that state. Social prosperity
can be expanded and improved by evacuating this sex and race separation from
the nation.
References of Comparative study of
social-ecological support and socio-educational participation among multi-ethnic
youth in turkey and Malaysia towards global competences, societal wellbeing
& futuristic planning
Awang, M. M., Ahmad, A. R., Mumpuniarti, & Rahman,
A. A. (2017). Social integration practices among multi-ethnic youths. Kasetsart
Journal of Social Sciences, xxx, 1-5.
Beger, G. (2011). Youth of Turkey Online.
Istanbul: UNICEF Turkey.
Belik, K. C. (2018). ‘My state is my father’: youth
unemployment experiences under the weak state welfare provisions of Turkey. 11(4),
Gardner, B. (2016). Key features for more successful
place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: a Programme
on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) perspective. 22(11), 14-28.
Jalal, F. H. (2015). Family functioning and adolescent
delinquency in Malaysia. 1(3), 11-23.
Unicef. (2017). UNICEF Annual Report 2017 Turkey.
Zaremohzzabieh, Z. (2019). Malaysian Youth Well-Being
Scale: Development and Initial Validation. 19(2), 192–205.