some point in time, all website owners have to face the worst issue of spams,
which may infect their contact form or any other elements on the website. It
can be so irritating for them because it is not only unfortunate, but it is
also a significant waste of time. If there is a paid or free plan, and form
submissions number is limited, then your resources will be in trouble due to
form spam. The people who are trying to get in touch with you, they face
problems, as form spam can take your qualified and genuine leads away from you.
If spam submissions are increasing
on your website and you are not able to clean up to get rid of them, then the
reputation of your brand can be at risk, because messages with spam can be
frontend rather showing genuine content on the frontend for your visitors. If
you are running a PrestaShop based website, and your contact forms are also
facing the issue of form spam, then here I am to give you some brief
information to get rid of this problem. Being an owner of the website, I can
realize the pain, stress, and frustration of yours due to form spam.
There are certain methods to deal
with such spams so that you can breathe a bit better by getting a sigh of
relief. So, let’s look at some information about anti-spam solutions.
Understanding Form Spam
when back actors or malicious entities use unwanted information by online forms
to send phishing and abusive message, this is what form spam is. These form
spams can be at the frontend of your website, even without your knowledge, and
it can damage your reputation until you notice these spams. When it comes to
spam emails, we all know that email has a spam folder, and all spam emails end
up there, but there is no such facility for web forms, so spam messages and
links will be there, disturbing your website functioning in so many ways.
you should realize as early as possible that spam forms should be dealt with
immediately, and the situation should be controlled. The form spam works in two
methods, one is called manual spamming, and the other is called spambots. So,
you should be aware of these two methods to get rid of form spams.
4 Ways to Deal with Form Spams
There are various methods to deal
with form spams, and four primary methods are given below with required
1. Using Contact Forms
It is great to have an email address
in your online business contact form along with the social icons, telephone
number, and physical address. Customers love to get in direct contact with you
and email is one of the direct methods to contact.
when the purpose is to eliminate the spams from your site, then the first thing
to do is to eliminate the email address, which is present on your website. The
trolling websites using spambots tend to get web forms with an email address so
that they get into privacy, and spam others as much as possible. It is
important to know that you can fight with these spambots with the help of
PrestaShop plugin such as email address encoder so that your email addresses
are protected.
you must remember that it is not a permanent solution in any sense. That’s why
it is recommended to use the PrestaShop contact form plugin so that you can get
rid of those email addresses. This plugin contact form has so many great
features, which are easy to use such as conditional logic, file uploads, and
payment fields; which also has built-in technology of reCAPTCHA so that you are
able to fight with form spam in a best possible manner.
beauty of this plugin is functioning as an email address. The people are able
to directly communicate with you. The other great thing is that you will not
have to waste your time in any terms for dealing with the spam submissions.
2. Asking a Question
One more considerable method to deal
with form spam is to come up with a form, which asks one or two questions from
visitors to your website, and they will have to give a correct answer. It is up
to you, what kind of question you ask from visitors like you can ask any text
question, or question can be based on math calculations, etc. So, they will
have to answer it, otherwise, their form will not be submitted.
Let’s look at some of the examples
in this regard so that you understand how this method actually works. Below
examples are questions, which are asked from visitors:
What is first in the line, A or C?
What comes first in this line, 3 or 7?
What is 5+7?
Identify the first letter in the word
What is the second word of following sentence,
“I also went to the grocery store”
3. Using Google reCAPTCHA
Many of you may not be known to this;
however, a few years ago, the CAPTCHA was killed by Google. And if anyone of
you has seen that, then they might have seen an image such as given below:

The idea was quite a genius which
was associated with the concept of CAPTCHA. The purpose of such programs was to
provide considerable protections for websites to deal with spambots, and it was
done by coming up with tests for the visitors of the site, and they had to
answer those tests so that they can submit their online form. It was one of the
best methods to get protection from form spams.
But issues started, when CAPTCHA
developed by Google started to face a variety of issues such as:
The visitors were annoyed who were not
able to give the correct answer or their input text was wrong.
It was found that spambots have found a
way to bypass these CAPTCHAS and continue with form spam.
The CAPTCHAS were not able to clearly seen
or heard, especially for the people who had limited sight problems or people
with hearing problems.
were not the only problems, as few other problems were also identified by the
study, which was conducted by Stanford University:
9.8 seconds were taken by the Visual
28.4 seconds were taken by Hearing CAPTCHA
Almost half the people gave up, when using
these were some major problems and issues, which were identified with the
Introducing Google reCAPTCHA
After the failure of CAPTCHA, it was
important for Google to come up with something new, and they came up with
reCAPTCHA. It was a good alternative to have a considerable anti-spambot
program. This time, there was no need to answer any question or input any text,
the site visitors are asked to click the button so that they are identified as
humans, which helps them to submit their online forms.
This reCAPTCHA program was not only
more reliable, but it was also great with the user experience, and it also
provided better protection against the spams. However, it has been found that
some of the spambots can crack this program too, and bypass it. Still, it is a
more reliable and effective way, and Google is trying to improve it as much as
possible. So, you can use this Google reCAPTCHA with your PrestaShop online
business to deal with form spams, more effectively than ever before.
4. Installing reCAPTCHA Anti-spam
Here is another wonderful method for
you to deal with form spams in an effective manner. PrestaShop is providing an
opportunity to install a reCAPTCHA anti-spam module, which is so beneficial for
your online business. You must understand that the addition of Captcha in your
site is one of the best security measures, which you can take to deal with
spams. It is a great method to protect your site from spams when users are
contacting you or signing up with your online store.
PrestaShop Captcha Module gives an easy method to include reCAPTCHA on your
website so that you remain safe from a variety of spams. You should know that
you can install this reCAPTCHA with your site’s registration forms, login,
contact forms, subscription, newsletters, as well as, any other types of forms.
You can get an email blacklist and IP blacklist with this module. Your
PrestaShop online store is completed protected with this module as 4 levels of
reCAPTCHA from Google with intense difficulty are used. It is a very easy
module to install, and more convenient to use.
Final Words: You must understand that one solution cannot be
relied on to get rid of form spams, and if you want to keep your site
anti-spam, then you will have to use different methods in different situations.
It is up to you, which anti-spam solution you choose, which goes well with your
website, and what results from you get with it. However, do use one of these
solutions, as you would not want to give free entry to spams to spoil your