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Report on the Nuclear Power Plant Project

Category: Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2750

As I messaged you, please revise the paper to show that I did the tasks. (i.e. I did this in order to…) no need to reference anything by the way. And the topics I wrote were just hints to write under each section, so they are not sub-headlines. It will be just paragraphs under the 3 topics. You got confused by the document that I sent later which led you to go in depth into it, I just sent it so you can have an idea about the nature of my tasks. Just read my comments and you don’t need to go in depth, for some parts you can just mention them in 2 sentences to explain them, just to show that they have been accounted for them.

(Below each section, I will write more details that will help you understand what kind of information needed and how it needs to be represented in the paper in blue) So, the tasks that you write about will show how I did them according to the criteria mentioned but it does not mean to talk about them. Just talk about the project and how I did them in a way following them (it does not mean the task show have all of them, maybe just hints or some not needed)

(for each paragraph, I will write some comments for to add or write about more things in red)

1.      Management of engineering

Management of engineering projects includes supervising staff, managing projects, being exposed generally to an engineering business environment, and managing technology from a societal perspective. Acceptable management components involve:

-          planning, from identifying requirements, developing concepts, evaluating alternative methods and assessing required resources, to planning for the social ramifications;

-          scheduling, from establishing interactions and constraints, developing activity or task schedules, allocating resources, and assessing the impact of delays, to determining and assessing projects’ interactions with other projects and the marketplace;

-          budgeting, from developing conceptual and detailed budgets identifying labour, materials and overhead, to assessing risk of cost escalation, and reviewing budgets in light of change;

-          supervision, including leadership and professional conduct, organizing human resources, motivating teams, and managing technology;

-          project control, requiring understanding of the elements of a greater whole, coordinating phases of project work, and monitoring expenditures and schedules and taking corrective action;

-          risk assessment, relating to operating equipment and system performance, technological risk, product performance, and social and environmental impacts.

Construction, inspection and testing plans

(rearrange the flow of ideas like this: Developing (drafting) plans ( which is a document that contains everything to perform a project. It is used to control the project. It contains scope, objectives, polices, planning, execution, operation and control, safety, emergency and response plan, risk plan, planned inspection, corrective actions in case of non-conformance, tracking and closure of tasks, industrial hygiene plan, housekeeping, reference documents (each part refer to a document (where the CITP is one of them which is was one of my main responsibility) which is so detailed to do everything exactly as per design or planned), and finally it ends with the abbreviations, acronyms, and definitions that are needed throughout the document.

As you can see, it is so detailed and controlled so all parties can know their responsibilities and work. A worker can not even tighten a screw unless it is in a document in the plan of the project. This is how detailed and strict are the nuclear projects.

Every project may have extra or less sections depending on the scope and requirements, just mention that.

Developing plan document


The scope of this project is to refurnished the nuclear project located in Canada


The main objective of this project is to complete the project according to the resources. It will also assess the impact of delays and minimize the risk level of this project.

Developing plan parameters: The policies are according to the ALARA and IAEA standards. It will be covered while completing the project. It is important part for the project. Before staring the nuclear project, just plan whole parameters about the project and apply things according to it. The project manager will play important role in execution. The project will be executed according to the planning. The control department of the nuclear project is responsible for its operation and control. It will apply strategies according to rule and regulations. The project safety team will be responsible for safety of workers. They will be applied things according to ALARA standards. It will be developed by project management team. This emergency plan will be according to the required project standards. The risk plan will be made in the form of an assessment. It will be developed by project manager. The project manager will do the whole inspection about the project and analyse the drawbacks and apply required changes. These actions will be taken by the project manager team to minimize any kind of risk with perfection. The project handling and scheduling team will control and check each task in the project. This plan is also made by the safety department of the project. It will show all activities for complete hygiene during the project. The project housekeeping will be responsible for this task. This will be checked by the project supervisor and apply changes according to requirements. ALARA is abbreviation of as low as reasonably achieved. This term is used for radiation studies. IAEA stands for International atomic energy agency. The nuclear projects are completed under these standards. Controlled area is This area is located outside the restricted zone, but it is present in the boundary of the site for nuclear facility. There is no chance to access that place without any authority.


a.       Developing procedures for maintenance: For any project, standards maintenance procedures are extremely important. The facts are showing the maintenance program is good according to its measurement data. If any data is poor then it is extremely worse than no data present. The main reason is that poor data will lead to a wrong analysis of the project. Moreover, the results are also wrong. This can be ensured easily through a good amount of procedures for collecting data. For the nuclear plants, the standard maintenance procedures are considered a detailed list of steps that are providing information about the task related to the maintenance of the plants. These maintenance tasks are covered by SMPs. Moreover, for developing procedures for maintenance, the project manager will assign different roles and responsibilities to every staff member working in the nuclear project.  

Developing construction inspection and testing plans (CITPs)

This is a different document which was my main task. Unlike what I wrote for the above sections, it shows in detail how to perform construction, inspection, and testing (its like a checklist for tasks). It mentions who (teams) is doing what and how to do it step by step ( check this link for an example https://www.qualityengineersguide.com/understanding-about-inspection-and-test-plan-itp) please explain it more and don’t write general information about it). And mentioned how tasks are controlled by hold points for inspection for other parties.


Logo of Client

Nuclear refurbishment project

Logo of Engineer


Logo of Client

Title Description:


Main Con

Unit Area:: Building

Discipline:: Civil/Structural/Archi/MEP


Activity No.

Activity Description

Inspection test requirement

Reference Document


Verifying documents

Report Checklist

Test or inspection performed



Acceptance Criteria


Main Con





Preparation of:

1.       Method Statement










Moderate, Low


Material Inspections (Delivery on Site)











Moderate, Low











Moderate, Low


Work Process


Prior to Start Blockwork









Moderate, Low


Complete blockwork









Moderate, Low




Steam generator tubing









Moderate, Low


RPV head Penetrations









Moderate, Low


RPV head penetrations









Moderate, Low


Reactor internals









Moderate, Low


Basic elements of ISI effectiveness









Moderate, Low

Legend: I-Inspection,  T-Test,  W-Witness Point,  H-Mandatory Hold Point for Inspection,  R-Document Review, S-Surveillance, E-Execution, RE-Records

After you saw all these tasks, scheduling and budgeting should be mentioned as the tasks and materials are identified. So, I helped schedulers by giving them all the tasks and durations in order to develop final schedule for project. For budgeting, all materials and tasks will be identified after all this work, so it helps in getting it.

Sr. Number

Project Equipment


Price per unit

Total budget
































This is considered one of the most important phases of the nuclear project. For that case developing and construction, inspection, and testing plan for the project. Due to this CITPs, it will become simple to remove lower and upper cabinets for the reactors. These reactors are covering the feeders.

On the other hand, field inspections are made. It is made for ensuring the required equipment is ready for the testing phase. In the required inspection phase, nuclear plants are tested properly.

The next thing is that testing plans are made for ensuring the requirements of the projects are met (Kim Heldman, 2007).

2.      Communication Skills: An opportunity to develop communication skills is an important experience requirement. This applies to all areas of the work environment, including communication with supervisors, co-workers, government regulators, clients and the general public. For an applicant’s experience in this area to be acceptable, the applicant should have regular opportunities to participate in:

-          preparing written work, including day-to-day correspondence, design briefs, and participating in preparing major reports;

-          making oral reports or presentations to co-workers, supervisors and senior management, and to clients or regulatory authorities;

-          making presentations to the general public as such opportunities arise.

Establishing and maintaining interfaces

What you wrote is true, but you need to make it relevant to the project. I think by now, you see the amount of work needed to develop plans. All these information gotten by contacting everyone as you mentioned through meetings, contacting contractors, subcontractors, schedulers, procurement department, manufacturers and so on. The plans are a communication method by itself. There is even a communication plan needed sometimes as the engineers can’t see the workers in the plant as the engineers will be somewhere else (by planning the equipment needed and the number of headsets and communication instruments). CITPs too, as I am communicating with parties on site and telling them what to do and telling inspectors that some tasks needs to be inspected.

3.      Knowledge of the social implications of engineering:  

the social implications of engineering are an important aspect of engineering practice. A professional engineering work environment is one that heightens an applicant’s awareness of any social consequences, both positive and negative, of an engineering activity undertaken. While not every project or activity will have direct or immediate social consequences, an applicant’s work experience should, nevertheless, instill an awareness of:

-          the value or benefits of engineering works to the public;

-          the safeguards in place to protect the employees and the public and mitigate adverse impacts;

-          the relationship between engineering activity and the public at large;

-          the significant role of regulatory agencies on the practice of engineering.

Experience in this area should foster an awareness of an engineer’s professional responsibility to guard against conditions dangerous or threatening to life, limb, property, or the environment, and to call such conditions to the attention of those responsible.

In the nuclear project, this type of knowledge plays an important role in the project. This section will discuss important parameters related to the social implications of engineering.

Ensuring compliance with all requirements

The points I mentioned were just hints to talk more about the safety. Please talk about how the tasks rephrase this section as I will explain right now. All these strict requirements as mentioned in the previous sections are applied to make assure the safety of the workers and people. ALARA, as you mentioned, to make sure that the workers are not exposed to contamination. There is even a waste management plan to remove the contaminated waste and dump it in a safe manner. As for the people, these very strict requirements are applied to avoid disasters that will affect people and the whole country. You don’t need to just write about general information. Talk about how I followed the requirements to avoid the consequences by applying ALARA (one sentence to explain it) and following the requirements. Planning for ALARA and FME (foreign material exclusion) is the main thing here. I know that I mentioned the time, distance, shielding. But you need to rephrase it to work here. Like planning tasks and shifts of workers for minimum time and distance, and PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment) and location or rubber tents. Also, the workers will also wear plastic suits with oxygen supply and plan where this supply is coming from and if it is enough to reach the place of work.

Before starting the project, there is a need for an agreement for fabrication, construction of modification, and installation of the nuclear plants. This agreement will be according to the IAEA standards. This text will be published in the electronic form (IAEA, 2020).

For the construction of modification, the contract will be signed with the organization. It is showing that if any constructional organization is contracted then its roles and responsibilities will be license. Moreover, the defined document will be subjected to the licensee’s construction manager. On the other hand, the nuclear project requirements are completely under the applicable laws and regulations. These laws are derived from IAEA safety fundamentals and also its safety requirements. According to this, all contractual agreements, applicable standards, and other resources licensee must be confirmed.

Assuring that construction activities are performed according to policies

The safety policies of the whole project are according to the ALARKA safety measures for nuclear projects. This is because it is considered an effective radiation safety program. It is related to safety when all members are involved in using radiation. This may contain all members like radiation safety committee, medical personal, radiation safety division staff, radiation workers, and research faculty. According to this fact, the medical and research facilities contain a safety manual. Moreover, this manual is providing essential guidelines for the required nuclear project. It is based on the ALARA concept and state regulatory requirements. But the fact is that all requirements can be varied according to different states. It will allow all radiation workers to follow complete legal dose limits used for regulatory compliance. On the other hand, they also required to follow the ALARA investigation dose level. This is because it will provide alert points for radiation workers to attain safety practices properly.

Safety of workers and plant

For the safety of workers, ALARA is providing some safety measures for mitigating external radiation hazards. According to these safety measures, there are about three parameters that will be considered for the safety of workers. These parameters include time, distance, and shielding.

Time: it is considered as the most important parameter for the safety of the radiation workers. This shows that it is extremely important to minimize the time for radiation exposure.

Distance: it is also an important parameter related to the safety of workers. For the workers, the distance between the body and the radiation source will be doubled. Due to this, it will help to divide the radiation shielding exposure by a huge factor of 4. Therefore, all workers must maintain a safe distance from the radiated source.

Shielding: it is not easy to minimize this parameter. It shows that through the help of absorber material shielding process can be minimized. These materials include lead used for X-rays and Gamma rays. The use of lead is playing an important role in properly minimizing the radiation exposures without any difficulty

References on the Nuclear Power Plant Project

Henry A Hornstein. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management.

IAEA. (2020). Construction for Nuclear Installations. IAEA Safety Standards.

Jaquith, K. (2020). The ALARA Principle: 3 Safety Measures To Follow. Retrieved from https://blog.universalmedicalinc.com/the-alara-principle-3-safety-measures-to-follow/

Kerr, P. K. (2012). Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Foreign Countries: Issues for Congress. DIANE Publishin.

Kim Heldman, C. M. (2007). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide. John Wiley & Sons,.

Rajesh Basrur, K. S. (2012). Nuclear Power and Energy Security in Asia. Routledge. Retrieved 2012

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