records are not stationery and static. They should be compiled and analyzed on
regular basis to make them useful. We know that patient need their record even
after getting their health back so in this field of health care records should
also handover to patients too. Vendors are also reacting in response to the
pressure from the government and eve market by giving them surety of
interoperability. In order to exchange the data of the patient, multi million
dollars are required. When it comes to diagnosis process, we must require
explosion of data analysis, health planning criterion so they can continue
their research for brand new treatments. There should be a site that holds data
about the hospital procedures, their expenditures and all about the
satisfaction of the patient so that customer will be able to choose a hospital
according to their range. The site should contain reviews of their patients
about the health care they got from that particular hospital. Or there could be
an app that can save many people from strokes and heart attacks. Doctors now
days are still stuck in a system of 1980s that buy the proprietary record which
hardly even work now days even among the departments of the hospital
itself. Interoperability is usual
mantra. Vendors are also reacting in response to the pressure from the
government and eve market by giving them surety of interoperability. In order
to exchange the data of the patient, multi million dollars are required.
Patient’s records are not stationery and static. They should be compiled and
analyzed on regular basis to make them useful.
1. Reforms on massive patient’s
collected data:
know that health care providers should take focus on collecting data. The
question is whether they are mentally ready to accept the fact that they need
to collect data about the patient. Doctors cannot give effective treatment to
the patient if they don’t know the history of the patient and the medication
that what will work and what will not. And this happen in all system of the
health care. We can’t give any drug to the patient because we don’t have enough
data about the patient and we don’t even know how they will react to that
particular drug. Without knowing the history we cannot be sure if that drug
will work or safe or not because we don’t concern ourselves to collect data
about the dare on those medications. We don’t keep track on daily basis due to
which we can’t see any heart attack coming their way or any other risk. When we
don’t keep track of all the risk factors of the patient we can’t identify
people who need critical treatment. Leaders know that health care providers
should take focus on collecting data. The question is whether they are mentally
ready to accept the fact that they need to collect data about the patient. Patients
sometimes do not share their information due to which doctors act in isolation
and talk with other providers instead. But eventually it all depend on the
patient or the family advocate to endure that one treatment with a drug can
also interfere with other one and they should know and focus to follow up the
2. Patients should be in charge of their
now is emphasizing on releasing the information to sites of outside the
hospital so that patients can choose between hospitals and doctors where they
can have satisfactory treatment. Patients sometimes do not share their
information due to which doctors act in isolation and talk with other providers
instead. But eventually it all depend on the patient or the family advocate to
endure that one treatment with a drug can also interfere with other one and
they should know and focus to follow up the plans. Many health providers do not
trust patient in this regard and they also have valid reasons for that. We
can’t give any drug to the patient because we don’t have enough data about the
patient and we don’t even know how they will react to that particular
drug. Records of the patients are
complex one in which minor changes or misunderstanding can change the whole
context and can risk the life of the patient. But keeping them separate from
their record does not mean they do not have anything to do with their records.
3. Reforms on practicing guidelines:
now is emphasizing on releasing the information to sites of outside the
hospital so that patients can choose between hospitals and doctors where they
can have satisfactory treatment. There should be a site that holds data about
the hospital procedures, their expenditures and all about the satisfaction of
the patient so that customer will be able to choose a hospital according to
their range. The site should contain reviews of their patients about the health
care they got from that particular hospital. Or there could be an app that can
save many people from strokes and heart attacks. Providers should also start
focusing on their activities like making checklist and to give more guidelines
to less trained providers. The staff on the base of every institute can get
inspired by new ways as their experiences are burning out. Change will
definitely occurred through cost but industries are already suffering from
different financial crisis and their regulatory climate so to the things that
work we can direct money toward it.
Every patient need to be handled differently although the basic are same
but training staff need to know the differences
4. Partnership between providers and
and data collecting is important in health care center but one more thing that
should prioritize too is the relationship between provider or doctor and their
patients. All patients want is some time to talk deeply about their problems
with their providers and about their requirements and providers also want the
same. Data collection and records can help us greatly a resource so that we can
deal with problem more effectively but all syndromes and complex issues cannot
be dealt by the computer alone. Technology and data collecting is important in
health care center but one more thing that should prioritize too is the
relationship between provider or doctor and their patients. Good relationship should also be considered as
the major step so that provider can adopt those practices that are genuinely
important and needed by them. This helps them to understand their situation in
a better way and ultimately the health providers can give them their best.