Due to the rapid growth of technology,everything
is transforming in the digital world. Numbers of respondents are keening to book
their orders by considering the various online websitesthatare offering their services
for event planning and management. The research paper is focused on the improvement
of the website that is working on event management and planning events online. The
sais study is conducted by using both source's data collection primary andsecondary
sources. The mixed research technique has been employed in this study by using
simple randomsampling techniques. Data is collected from 150 respondents from
which only 146 questionnaireshave been received in filling forms. The
respondents have been provided their responses according to the question and
answers of respondents are conducted in graphical forms by using the
percentages in pie charts.
Withthe rapid growth of
technology,everythingis moving towards digitization. The technology has been adopted
in each area of life. Even every industry is keening to adapt the digitalization
in order to make functions convenient as well as to enhance its productivity by
decreasing its cost.Event management is a wide field and
in this era of 5g or 6g, the adoption of technology has been more important in
this field. The trend of e-commerce has increased its sales more effectively by
providing order on one click. Now for
organizing your event you cancall the event planners by conducting one click
only. It was notbeing wrong that your event planners are far away at one click (Park, 2016).
to the various terms of the social sciences, the events areconsidered as the
typically unplanned occurrences as compared to their particular outcomes that
have been targeted for deliberation of the activities of event management. It
has been examined by several research studies that the organizational fields
and organizations are influenced by event management effectively. Even the
particular idea of the management is linked with project management. To
organize an event is also considered as the project in various aspects (O'Toole,
The said study is conducted
in order to examine the digitization in event management by considering andproposing
the various kinds of strategic perspectives that are related to event management.
The said study also explores the field
configuration of the various events for instance conferences and trade events.
By assuming and considering the events as the form so the sequence of the
activities of overlapping as well as processes by which an organization can
affect the various fields. The current study also compares and contrasts the strategies
of event planning with digitization and without digitization. The profit for
the firms is also calculated by considering the various strategies of digitalization.
Various studies have been explored in order to examine the role of management
in various phases of the course events (Müller-Seitz, 2013).
There are wide ranges of
studies that have been particularlyconducted in the context of event management
and project planning but there are fewer studies that have been conducted to
explores the process of digitalization in event management. The major aim of
the said study is to track a movement that is required for the event management
for the model of project management.The said study significantly contributes to
the knowledge of the event planners who are engaged in providing their duties
for planning even in effective manners.
Under which philosophy and
approach the digital transformation in the event management industry has been
explored. The most important thing is that what are the methods used to
explores the theories.
The following table shows the main database
Account Table: to store the user’s information
and registration details.
Order Table: to store all users’ orders and
related information.
Order Details Table: to store all order details
related to products and quantity.
Services Table: to store all company products
need to view on the web.
Order Status Table: to store order status for
tracking and fast searching.
Order Status Details Table: to store order
status details for log and tracking purpose.
Main Fields
Data Type
Default Value
Allow Null
Full Name
User Type
Key (User Type)
Security Question ID
Key (Security Question)
Security Answer
Created At

Based on the
research and the survey that we have conducted we can gather that our web-based
event management brokerage platform is going to be a hit if and only if we are
going to be able to establish such a platform that is extremely user friendly
and can easily be used by any person who has a piece of technical knowledge or
not because in case of our event management brokerage platform there is no
limit to the audience that we have because anyone may want to plan an event may
it be teenage planning to throw a party, an adult planning a marriage or any
other event thus we need to make it user friendly and display a tutorial video
on the front page to make it easier for the users to understand it better.
Further, we have to get a huge amount of audience diverted towards our website
for which we will have to introduce such a system that no other online event
management website is providing right now otherwise there will be no motivation
for the users to be preferring to use our website over the other platforms
available to them.
Main Fields
Data Type
Default Value
Allow Null
Primary Key
Order Type
Order Date
Customer ID
Foreign Key (Customers)
Order Status
Payment Type
Total Cost
Table: Data Structure of
Orders Table

Figure: Create Table

Table Created
Orders table plays a vital role in booking a product or a service. For the
same, the data structures had to be well defined, taking in account of users
from different backgrounds, looking for varied services. For this the table “user
Type” has been defined, which defined the type of user accessing the orders. In
the orders table the Table1, defines the order_id to be the primary ket, customer)
id to be the foreign key, so that the customers can be mapped correctly to the
orders. In the figure below that, the create query has been written, which
encompasses all the data types and possible values, defined in the data
structure table. The third figure, figure 3 shows the successful creation of
the table using the query. The Orders table is now ready to be used
Under this section of the
research study, materials and methods are discussing that areparticularly
utilized to research examining the digital transformation in the management
industry. The chapters of the research methodology are considered as one of the
most important sections in a research study because it explored the particular
means and modes that are specifically used for collecting study by considering
any topic. This section is particular utilized in order to describe and
explains the structures of the study along with its importance that is required
for the particular process of data collection.
It explores the information
about what kinds of particular design has been utilized to conduct the
research. The primary source of data collection is utilized to conduct this
study because it was necessary to know about the reviews of the respondents related
to the market reviews. The quantitative research methods are considered as the
best methods under the experimental research design and inductive research
approach. The systematic literature review has been conducted by considering
the positivism research approach.
In order
to collect the data, the primary source of data collection has been employed in
the current study.Primary data is the information that will be obtained using
strategies such as questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. The
information collected using these methods is unique data and belongs only to
the author. There are many benefits to using these methods, such that the data
collected is reliable and provides good results. It also has some drawbacks, however,
as it takes a great deal of time and expense.
From both of the
research methods as qualitative and quantitative the combination of both these
methods has been utilized in the said study.To maintain quite efficient
effective parameters this research mainly consists of a blend of secondary and
primary data collection sources. The data will be collected and analyzed in a
way that should be relevant to the objectives of the research. The research
design aims to maintain the effectiveness of this report hence both
quantitative and qualitative will be collected. For primary data collection, we
have used a questionnaire to different managers and suppliers. The
questionnaire was divided into two parts.The first was to access the growth of
this model and the second part was to analyze the impeding factors.
We developed questionnaires
to find out what do these people think about such an event management brokerage
platform as the one that we plan to develop. Other than just conducting a
literature review, questionnaires have also been considered in this research as
a primary method of finding information and collecting reliable data. A
questionnaire is an important source of collecting information because it enables
researchers to find information on their own without any type of uncertainty
involved in it. As had been explained above, a mix of secondary and primary
methods of research has been considered in this study. With the use of
questionnaires, direct responses of respondents have been obtained. A few of
the important questions that we included in our questionnaire are:
What feature do you
want on the event management website?
How many times
you have booked an event management service online?
How many events
do you host in a month?
How many times
have hire an event planner to date?
How many events
do you attend in a month?
The results of
the data were of a mixed review regarding our model. This mixed review was a
blend of listing many certainty and uncertainty regarding growth however a
significant trend was visible that endorse short-term hurdles and long-term
Questions and
What feature do you
want on the event management website?
This is the
first question of the survey that is discussing the feature of the websites
in order to improve it. The percentage related to responses of the respondents
has been representing in the attractive colors of the pie chart. It has been illustrated
that 43.8% of respondents are depending upon the customer’s reviews for the
features of the websites. 14.4 % of respondents of the total population
stated that they required good previous history. 11.6% of the total
respondents re rely upon the good deliverables of the website. 20.5% of respondents
needed good customers to support, meanwhile, only 9.6 requires UIX.

How many times you
have booked an event management service online?
This is the second
question of the survey that is discussing the timing of booking online service.
The percentage related to responses of the respondents has been representing
in the attractive colors of the pie chart. It has been illustrated that 37.7%
of respondentshave book event
management services online 1.6 times. 37.7% of respondents have book event management service online 6.10 times.8.2
% of respondents have book event
management service online 11.20 times time. 16.4% of respondents have
never book event management services

How many events do you host in a month?
This is the third
question of the survey that is discussing the event of the number that they
have hosted in the month. The
percentage related to responses of the respondents has been representing in
the attractive colors of a pie chart. It has been illustrated that 72.6% of
respondents have hosted 1-6 events permonth. 11% of respondents have hosted
6-10 events per month. 4.8 % of respondents have hosted 11.15 events per
month. 11.6 % of respondents have not hosted any events overthe whole month.

How many times have hire an event planner to date?
This is the fourth
question of the survey that is discussing the timing of booking online
service. The percentage related to responses of the respondents has been
representing in the attractive colors of the pie chart. It has been
illustrated that 63% of respondents have tohireevent planners 1-10 times. 24.7% of respondents have never hiredan
event planner. 6 % of respondents
have hired event planners 10-20 times.
4% of respondentshave hired event planners 20-30 times There are 3% of
respondents who have hired event planner more than 30 times.

How many events do you attend in a month?
This is the fifth
question of the survey that is discussing the number of events that they have
attended in a month. The percentage
related to responses of the respondents has been representing in the
attractive colors of the pie chart. It has been illustrated that 39.7 % of
respondents have attended 1-5 events per month. 39% of respondents have attended
6-10 events per month. 15.8 % of respondents have attended 11.15 events per
month. The remaining 5.5 % of respondents are those who have not to attend
any event in the whole month.

conducted a small survey that was carried upon by a small group of random
participants over the internet who were interested in using such a platform as
the one we are planning to build. They were sent an email explaining all the
reasoning and explanation for the conduction of the survey and if they would
want to be a part of the survey on their own choice.
got around 146 responses which don’t seem to be a large number of people
because we had time constraint however it did provide us with a great deal of
help in the planning and final implementation of the online-based platform that
we will be developing especially its interface and features that we shall be
including in it. So among these important questions, five of them were open-ended
while only one of them was a close-ended question. To these questions, we got
the response of the users which helped us a lot to make certain changes to the
layout of the website that we had planned. We decided to add the most important
feature as per the survey to our platform as well which was to add such an
algorithm which could give an estimate of a budget for the event the user plans
just by inputting the number of dished and number of people to be included in
the event. This also helped to question for adding the AI function to the last
open-ended question as we received similar responses to both these questions.
The results of
the research were highlighting a few loopholes in the design of the business.Moreover,
it was also mentioned that allowing suppliers on board might deem the brand
image of the company of its own. The major response to the first question was
that this project seems to be hindered in the initial stage however this will
be sustainable in the long term. This question helps us to gain major insight
from the current market operators. From this question, we acknowledged that we
will face external and internal hindrances at the initial phase. The second
question was that majority of the respondents were that they haven’t work in
any e-commerce business Moreover this helps us to determine that there are less
Ecommerce based event managers hence we have scheduled an intensive hiring
program for the operators.
Based on the
research and the survey that we have conducted we can gather that our web-based
event management brokerage platform is going to be a hit if and only if we are
going to be able to establish such a platform that is extremely user friendly
and can easily be used by any person who has a piece of technical knowledge or
not because in case of our event management brokerage platform there is no
limit to the audience that we have because anyone may want to plan an event may
it be teenage planning to throw a party, an adult planning a marriage or any
other event thus we need to make it user friendly and display a tutorial video
on the front page to make it easier for the users to understand it better.
Further, we have to get a huge amount of audience diverted towards our website
for which we will have to introduce such a system that no other online event
management website is providing right now otherwise there will be no motivation
for the users to be preferring to use our website over the other platforms
available to them.
The collected
data depicts that the potential market is huge and the inclination towards the
digital approach of EM suggests that this market is growing at a high pace.
Lastly, this question also helps us to acknowledge different market conditions
that might force us to impeded this project like the responses were that we can
face technology break down and hacking attempts. Following these responses, we
have increased the capacity of the website traffic and also have prioritized it
on a future basis. To get rid of hacking attempts we are having anti-hacking
software that will help us to eliminate malicious activities. Overall these
responses help us to modify a few things mentioned above that will be effective
once the website will be launched.
It has been
concluded that event digital even management is effective for the event management
industry. The digitalization in even management can enhance the productivity of
this industry.Ecommerce based event managers hence we have scheduled an
intensive hiring program for the operators. In a nutshell, digital even management
for planning several projects of the event management is effective and crucial.
It has been observed in this study that there are numbers of the customer who
likes to books their events online by considering the reviews of their customers
and respondents. Moreover, some challenges would also be there after the launch
of the website. The significant challenges highlighted in the result were
intense pressure from the existing channel and management of different
suppliers might rise contradiction andmiss management However it is also
visible in the data collected that these initial obstacle handling will
determine the future growth of the website. The efficient ways used to overcome
these obstacles the more are the chances of long term growth.
We will be
eliminating the competitive by providing low price packages moreover we will
focus on new ways of value addition that will attract customers to give us a
try. Lastly, we will be providing strong communication among the supplier. This
will be done by making a spate supplier portal which will enhance the
communication way.
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