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Building a Hydropower Plant for Resort in Oman

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 12463

Principle of Hydroelectric Power plant | Hydroelectric power plant,  Hydroelectric power, Hydro power plant 


In this report, there is complete information regarding the hydropower plant. This plant will be used for resort located in Oman. For this purpose, there is some basic overview of the hydropower plants because it will be helpful to build hydropower plants in Oman. Due to the construction of a large dam over a flowing river, the construction costs of a hydroelectric power station may be higher than other thermal power stations. In addition to the cost of construction, the engineering costs of the hydroelectric power station are also high. Another disadvantage of this plant is that, according to loading facilities, it cannot be built anywhere. Therefore, to transfer the generated energy to the loading stations, long transmission cables are required Alternatively, for irrigation and related activities, the accumulated water in the dam can also be used. Occasional flooding in the lower river can be treated more frequently by building such a dam on the riverbank. Transfer costs can also be high enough The study also revealed environmental degradation, which could not be separated from technological innovation. In the northeastern region, the number of generators installed in 2016 was very small, but the total installed megawatt rate was much higher in the south. In the south, the total cost of construction was enormous.In addition, California had moderate construction costs, total gross capacity, very high construction costs and a high number of plants, which were reduced by the state.The information in this report is based on version EIA-860, 2016 Annual Electricity Report. It included equipment with a capacity of 1 MW or more of the generator plate.


Table of Contents

List of figures. 4

1        Chapter 1 Introduction. 5

1.1        Background. 5

1.2        Forward. 5

1.3        Potential Micro Hydro Power Location Testing "Flow". 9

1.3.1        Bucket Process. 9

1.3.2        Weighted-Float Method. 9

2        Chapter 2 Characteristic of a holiday resort as an electrical energy load. 11

2.1        Characteristics of holiday resort 11

2.2        Water Conservation. 11

2.3        Energy Conservation. 11

2.4        Food Service. 12

2.5        Beds in rooms and furniture. 12

3        Chapter 3 Review of Legal and Normative Requirements to which a electrical installation should be subject. 12

3.1        C1 Code (Risk exists) 14

3.2        C2 Code (Potential Harmful) 14

3.3        C3 Code (Recommended upgrade) 14

4        Chapter 4 Characteristics of water turbines. 15

4.1        Head. 15

4.2        Appropriate Velocity. 15

4.3        Turbine Setup: 16

4.4        Runaway Velocity: 16

4.5        Continuous speed curves: 16

4.6        Turbine Performance Features. 18

4.7        Turbine release curves for possible studies. 21

4.8        Quality features of the turbine-Model test 22

4.8.1        Test Model 22

4.8.2        Curves Hill Curves of Turbine. 22

4.8.3        Index Checking. 22

4.8.4        BELEL-Model study in India- 22

4.9        Governing Water Turbines: 23

5        Chapter 5 The design of supplying the holiday resort with a water turbine together with the necessary calculations, diagrams and plans. 24

5.1        Design of a water turbine. 25

5.1.1        The effect of the number of blades. 26

5.1.2        Effect of metal angles. 26

5.2        Design of the Split reaction water turbine principle for the holiday resort 27

5.3        3. Easy turbine design and review.. 28

5.4        A basic reaction water turbine's optimum diameter. 31

5.4.1        Proper arrangement of turbines reaction of Various heads. 34

5.4.2        Construction and production of a water-powered engine with a high reaction. 34

5.4.3        Arrangement of V-ring lip seal inlet rotary seal for SRTT. 35

5.5        Turbine reaction model calculation. 36

5.6        Results and discussion. 39

6        Chapter 6 Summary. 43

7        Chapter 7 References

List of figures

Figure 1: Efficiency discharge curve of a turbine. 20

Figure 2: Impulse turbine efficiency curve. 20

Figure 3: Reaction turbine efficiency curve. 21

Figure 4: Performance curves of Kaplan and Francis. 22

Figure 5: Performance curve of Propeller turbine. 23

Figure 6: Test scheme for the turbine. 27

Figure 7: Rotating speed RPM of a turbine. 32

Figure 8: Concept drawing of Spilt reaction turbine for holiday resort 33

Figure 9: the design of rotor with indicated velocities. 36

Figure 10: Optimal diameter of the turbine vs. its rational speed. 38

Figure 11: Different variations in a split reaction turbine with at several loads. 39

Figure 12: Steps for building split reaction turbine. 43

Figure 13: Model of the water turbine implemented in the holiday resort 45

Figure 14: a graph between angle of deflector and discharge from a turbine. 46

Figure 15: A graph between deflector angle and the input power of the turbine. 46

Figure 16: A graph between deflector angle and electrical power 47

Figure 17: Graph showing the relationship between Tip speed ratio and Power coefficient 48


1        Chapter 1 Introduction

While the simple water wheel has traditionally been used to grind wheat and to produce electricity, the most sophisticated method used today. The river, dam, turbine, generator and power lines are the main components of a hydroelectric power project[1].

To generate electricity, all components work together. With a hydroelectric project, a river that tends to drop sharply to another level is perfect. This is because water can flow very fast from high to low altitudes. This river has trouble controlling the flow rate from the lake and the river (located at the top of the dam) (located at the bottom of the dam). It goes downhill with the water transfer pan as the water is pumped out of the pond. The turbine acts as a water wheel that converts the generator into fuel. As the generator is powered, it generates electricity. The amount of electricity produced depends on how fast the water flows and how fast it travels. In power lines connected to the generator and sent to our homes, this power is transmitted[2].

The kinetic energy generated by gravity falling from the top to the bottom head is used to rotate the turbine to generate electricity at the power stations that generate electricity. When submerged at low water levels, the available energy contained in high-level water can be released as kinetic energy. When the following water reaches the sides of the propeller, the turbine rotates. Hydroelectric power stations are often built-in hilly areas to achieve a head gap in the water.

1.1         Background

 An artificial dam was built along the riverbank in the hilly areas to create the required water head. Water is allowed to flow downstream from the dam in a controlled manner to the turbine gums. As a result, due to the strength of the water used in their loins, the turbine rotates so the alternator rotates as the turbine shaft is connected to the alternator shaft. The power station has the significant advantage of not having fuel. After the construction of a proper dam, it requires only naturally accessible water heads. No fuel means no fuel, no heat, no gas production, and no emissions. The power plant itself is clean and tidy, due to the absence of fuel fires. In addition, the atmosphere cannot be evacuated. It is also easier to get away from the construction site than any other hot or nuclear power plant.


1.2         Forward

To build a hydroelectric power plant, only six basic elements are needed. These are dams, pressure tunnel, blast tank, valve house, powerhouse and penstock [3].A dam is an artificial concrete bar installed across the river. A large reservoir is constructed by a catchment at the back of the dam [4].

From the dam to the valve house, the pressure tunnel picks up water.There are two types of valves located inside the valve housing. The first is the connecting key valve and the automatic separation valve is the second. Smoicing pipes that control water flow downstream, and when an electrical load is suddenly dropped on a plant, automatic protection valves stop the flow of water. The automatic insertion valve is a safety valve that does not play a direct role in controlling the flow of water in turn. It only works to prevent the device from appearing in an emergency.

A penstock is a steel pipe equal to the appropriate diameter connected between the valve housing and the power point. Water flows in this penstock only from the upper valve house to the lower power house [4].

There are hydraulic engines and other variables in the power house, with switch-up transforms compatible with switchgear systems to produce and simplify electrical transmission.

We will reach the end of the germination tank. The blast tank is also a hydro-electric power-related safety device. Just before the valve house, it is available. The height of the tank should be greater than the head of water collected behind the dam in the pool. This is an open top water tank.

According to recently published data from the United States, Hydro had the highest construction cost per kilowatt of any manufacturing technology built in 2016. Administration for Energy Knowledge.

In fact, at $ 5,312, it was more than double the following technology, which operated in the sun at $ 2,434. At $ 895, natural gas was much lower.

In terms of total construction costs, Hydro did better, reaching about $ 2.5 billion in 2016, compared to the sun at about $ 20 billion and wind at about $ 15 billion.

The increase in electricity capacity in 2016 was almost 100 MW, for both existing and new plants. The energy boosters were very large, almost all of which were in new plants.

When the turbine unexpectedly refuses to take water, the object of this tank is to prevent the penstock from exploding. There are proprietary propelled gas gates into which turbines are entered. Due to fluctuations in electrical load, the ruler opens or closes the propeller gates. The governor closes the gasoline gates when a lightning bolt suddenly strikes the plant, and the water is blocked in the tank. Sudden water suspension will result in a large explosion of the pipeline. This rear pressure is taken up by the blast tank at the water level in this tank.

A three-phase system is a common power source: a power station where electricity is generated, a dam that can be opened or closed to control water flow, and a dam where water is stored. The water flows into the food at the back of the dam and flows through the opposite shaft, causing it to rotate. To make power, the turbine rotates the generator.

The amount of energy that can be generated depends on how much water falls and how much water passes through the system. Electricity can be transported to homes, factories, and businesses through remote power lines. The flow of the waterway outside the dam is used by other types of power plants.

Plan a Hydro Power Plant for Holiday Resort in Oman

Find the vertical distance (head) and flow (quantity) of water to see if a small object that can be used with water can work for you.

You need access to the water flow in your area to create a micro hydropower system. There needs to be a fair amount of falling water, which is usually, but not always, which means that hilly or mountainous areas are the best. Its energy production, economy, licenses, and water rights are some of the potential factors for a potential micro hydropower site.

You may want to calculate the amount of energy you can get from running water on your site to see if the micro hydropower system will work for you. This includes the two prescribed items:

·         Head-vertical gap from the water

·         Flow - the volume of falling water.

After that you can use a simple equation to measure the output power of a device with an efficiency of 53 percent, which is common in most micro hydropower systems, once you have measured the head and flow.

Just multiply by the flow (using U.S. liters per minute) the net head (the exact distance obtained after subtracting the loss from the pipe mix) divided by 10. That will give the app performance to watts (W). The formula looks like this:

"Cut" Head "on your microhydropower site power

The head is the exact distance from which the water falls into the potential microhydropower. The head is usually measured with feet, meters, or units of pressure when assessing potential location. The head is also a feature of the element of the channel or pipe to which it flows.

Most microhydropower areas are rated as low or high heads. The higher the head, the better because to produce a given electricity, you will need less water and use smaller, less expensive equipment. The lower head operates in a rotation of a height of less than three meters (three meters). A vertical drop of less than 0.6 meters (2 meters) may make the small hydroelectric system inoperable [1].

A flowing stream of 13 inches of water, however, will support the immersed turbine with a limited amount of power generation. Initially, this type of turbine was used to power the scientific tools pulled from the back of oil test vessels.

You need to take both the complete head and the net into the account when deciding on the head. The vertical distance between the peak of the penstock that carries water under pressure and the place where the water discharges the propeller is the main head. Due to the collision and vibration of the pipe, the net head is equal to the total loss of the head.

Obtaining a competent site research is the most reliable way to test a complete head. You can use the United States to get a hard guess. Geological Survey maps of your region or type of hose-tube.

From where you want to place the penstock to the point where you want to place the turbine, the hose-tube cutting method involves taking measurements of the depth of the trench around the width of the stream you want to use for your machine. The following will be relevant to you: Helper, Small garden pipe with a small width or other flexible tube length of 6 to 6 meters Trench Measurement tape or yard stick.Stretching the hose or tubing from there is the most likely height of penstock entry at the bottom of the distribution channel. Ask your assistant to keep the hose north end as close as possible to the skin, under it, under water.

Raise the end of the river, meanwhile, before the water stops flowing. Measure the exact gap between the end of your tube and the surface of the water. This is the main head of that broadcast section.

Have your assistant go to where you are and place the panel in the same place where the measurement was taken. Walk along the river and repeat the process after that. Continue to take measurements before you reach the point where the turbine is scheduled to be installed. The rigid rating of the total header for your site will be given by the amount of these ratings.

Note: water can continue to flow through the pipe after both ends of the hose are at the correct level due to the force of the water near the rising edges of the hose. To answer this, you may want to subtract an inch or two (2-5 inches) from each measure. It is best for these early head measurements to be conservative.

You may want to get more detailed ratings if your initial ratings look good. The most reliable method of head testing, as already mentioned, is to provide a site-based survey. But you can use the plane's altimeter if you know you have a drop of a few hundred meters in your area. From a small airport or flying club, you can buy, borrow or rent an altimeter. However, a word of caution: while it may be less expensive to use an altimeter than to hire a licensed auditor, the calculation will be very small. In addition, the impact of barometric pressure will need to be calculated and the altimeter measured as required.

1.3         Potential Micro Hydro Power Location Testing "Flow"

Flow is called the amount of water that falls into a possible microhydropower area. It is measured per minute per liter, per cubic meter, or per second per liter.

Getting data from these local offices is a great way to check your travel: United States Geological Survey The U.S. Engineers Corps American Department of Agriculture Your Local Developer, Flood management authorities provide local resources.

If available data is not available, you may need to make your own flow measurements. Using a bucket or heavy method, the flow can be calculated.

1.3.1        Bucket Process

To divert its flow to the bucket or pot, the bucket path needs to increase your distribution with dams or logs. The flow rate is the level at which the container is filled. A 5-liter bucket that fills 1 minute, for example, means that the water in your stream flows 5 liters per minute.

1.3.2        Weighted-Float Method

Calculation of the depth of the stream around the width of the stream and the release of the weight floating from your measurements is another way to measure the flow. This method is not recommended due to water safety problems if the stream flows too fast and / or over your calves. You will need

·         Rate of tape

·         Balance rod or yard rod

·         A heavy float, like a plastic bottle in the middle and full of water,

Viewing StatusOther graphs, you can measure the flow at its lowest point in the water at the cross section of the streambed with this machine.Choose the stream extension with the most direct channel and the same depth and width first.Measure the width of the stream in a small area.

After that, hold the rope upside down, walk across the stream and check the depth of the water at intervals of one foot. Extend the cord or cord where the extensions are labelled over a radio frequency range to assist with the function. To give yourself a profile across the stream section, draw a map at the bottom of the graph paper. Determine the area of ​​each segment by measuring in each section the areas of the rectangle (area = length⁇ width) and right triangles (area = 1⁄2 of⁇ height).

First, mark a point at least 20 meters high from the same point where you measure the width of the stream.

 In the middle of the current time, release a weighty float and record the time it takes for the float to go down to your original location. Do not let the float drag down the streambed; use a smaller float if it does so. To find the flow speed of the feet per second, divide the distance between two points during the float in seconds. When you repeat this process over and over, your sense of velocity flow is straightforward.

Double the speed of crossing the river.

Then add the effect with the element that causes the complexity of the broadcast channel (0.8 sandy streambed, 0.7 bed with small to medium stones, and 0.6 bed with large stones). The result will give you an average flow rate per second in cubic feet or meters.The flow rate can vary greatly over a year, so it is important in the season when you are taking flow measurements. You can use the medium flow of the year as the basis for the structure of your building, unless you are considering building a storage dam. However, if the amount of water that you can divert from your stream at certain times of the year is legally limited, use a moderate flow during a very limited electricity demand.


If you decide that a microhydropower system will happen from your expected energy production, then you can decide if it makes sense economically.

Make sure your home saves as much energy as possible, reducing energy consumption so that you do not buy something bigger (and more expensive) than you need, because energy saving is less expensive than production.Add up all the construction costs and construction of expected sites in addition to the planned lifespan of the equipment, and divide the total amount by system power at Watts. This will tell you how much, in dollars per watt, the device will cost. Then you can compare the cost of electricity supplied with other utilities or other energy sources.Apart from the initial cost, hydroelectric plant

2          Chapter 2 Characteristic of a holiday resort as an electrical energy load

In many developing countries, tourism is a source of income and job creation, but it can become a curse unless it is done in a sustainable way. Holiday resorts use a lot of energy and therefore create tons of waste to be produced and disposed of in an environmentally hazardous manner.

Many developing countries receive a lion's share of their foreign exchange, which is why special and exclusive resorts are set up in remote areas of natural beauty.

Due to the continued economic growth in developed countries, these resorts are now open to a growing number of tourists. Western holidaymakers, however, are also anticipating Western holiday trends. These include hot showers, air-conditioned rooms, and outside the tab, drinking water.

2.1         Characteristics of holiday resort

For the resort to be green, there are several types. While any green idea is a challenge to make, the friendlier the resort features become, the greener it becomes. Some green living things you can see in the friendly resort below.

2.2         Water Conservation

·         Low flow toilets.

·         Low shower heads with low flow.

·         To reduce water consumption, aerators in bathroom sinks.

·         Gray water comes from kitchens, toilets and washrooms used to recycle water.

2.3         Energy Conservation

·         LED lights for all resort lighting fixtures last longer and save energy because they last longer.

·         Installed efficient electrical windows that increase separation.

·         HVAC machine, efficient and powerful.

·         In all rooms, Energy Star quality televisions and air conditioners.

·         Appliances in resort kitchens and laundry rooms save energy.

·         Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels on the roof or local wind turbines.

·         It is very forbidden to prevent heat or cold air from escaping.

2.4         Food Service

·         Consumption of locally produced food to assist local producers and reduce fuel and other necessary costs of long food travel.

·         Reusable containers and waste minimization containers.

·         Improved quality of indoor air

·         The windows opened in the room to allow fresh air to enter.

·         It has a fresh air exchange.

·         Since most of these materials contain artificial chemicals and odors, air fresheners are not used.

·         To improve air quality by absorbing toxins from plants, plants in common areas

·         Raw, non-toxic detergents and laundry detergents are used such as Green Seal certified products.

·         Strict non-smoking policy in rooms and open spaces.

2.5         Beds in rooms and furniture

·         100% natural latex furniture is made from recyclable material.

·         To reduce sensitivity problems, the use of natural fiber sheets, linen, towels, and mattresses.

·         Reusable software for towels and sheets so that guests can use these products to reduce water consumption for more than one day.

·         Use of recycled or recycled materials for floors or as building materials.

·         Use of indoor and outdoor paints that are not VOCs or low VOCs

3          Chapter 3 Review of Legal and Normative Requirementsto which an electrical installation should be subject.

It shows that for reviewing the legal and normative requirement there is need to referred the main codes used for an electrical installation. With use, each electrical installation degrades

Uh, and time. Therefore, if user protection is not in order to be at risk, it is necessary for a knowledgeable person to regularly monitor and evaluate each installation. Indeed, BS 7671: 2008, as amended, recommends that all electrical installations be subject to periodic testing and testing.

To determine what, if anything, needs to be done to keep the installation in a safe and functional condition, testing and testing should be done periodically. In the report, the findings of the tests and evaluations need to be clarified. Any damage, degradation, disability, hazardous conditions or non-compliance with the requirements of the existing BS 7671 type of hazardous hazard should be reported and properly planned for remedial action. It should be noted that, as explained in the introduction to BS 7671, existing installations that were installed in accordance with previous Standard standards, by all means, do not comply with the current version, but this does not mean that they are unsafe or need to be updated for continued use.

Any vaccinations that lead to a question about

Installation protection must also be enabled

The valid separating code is selected from the standard codes C1, C2 and C3. There is a meaning to each code:

·         C1 code 'Current Presentation'. Risk of injury. Immediate corrective action is required.

·         Code 'possibly unsafe' C2. Immediate corrective action is required

·         Code C3 'Recommended for change'

It can be one of the most common separation codes.

For each find, it is included. If the check can be applied to more than one partition code, only the most important ones should be used (Code C1 is very bad). Where a hazard or potential hazard is detected by testing and testing procedures, it should be identified in the test program or test results by assigning Classification Code C1 or C2, as applicable, in the 'result' column of the test schedule or, where provided, the 'comments' column of the test schedule.

 Where a non-hazardous or potentially hazardous substance is detected by the testing and evaluation process, but recommended for its improvement, it should be identified in the test report or schedule of test results by assigning code C3 to the 'test schedule column' Where a real and immediate hazard is detected during an inspection and test that puts the safety of those using the facility at risk, Classification Code C1 (current risk) must be provided.

Where Classification Code C1 is deemed necessary, the customer will be notified promptly and in writing that immediate (if any) remedial action is required to eliminate this risk. As mentioned earlier, this action is necessary to meet the requirements set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 to the inspector and other supervisors. If the C1, C2 or C3 classification code is assigned to an item in the test or test results schedule, there should be a corresponding reference in the 'viewing' section of the subject.

3.1         C1 Code (Risk exists)

This code should be used to indicate the presence of a threat, which needs to be fixed immediately. People using the facility are in immediate danger. The person ordering the report should be told to take immediate steps to correct the error found in the institution or to take other reasonable steps to eliminate the risk (such as closing and separating the affected parts of the facility). Prior to giving this advice, the inspector does not wait for the full report to be released. As mentioned earlier, some licensing, registration, and membership organizations are making ‘risk status’ forms available to allow inspectors to record and immediately disclose any risk status found to the person ordering the report.

3.2         C2 Code (Potential Harmful)

This code should be used to indicate that if a perceived error can be considered dangerous during periodic inspections, if a failure or other apparent incident occurs in the installation or related equipment, it could be a real and immediate danger. It should be noted to the person ordering the report that, although the safety of users of the facility may not be in immediate danger, remedial action should be taken as soon as possible to eliminate the source of the potential threat.

3.3         C3 Code (Recommended upgrade)

It is appropriate to use this code to indicate that, while i

Visual deficiencies are not considered a source of imminent or potential danger, and improvements will lead to significant improvements in electrical safety.

Amendment 1 to BS 7671: 2008 no longer allows for deviations from the specifications of the current BS 7671 system that do not pose a risk or require changes to the status reports. These departures include:

·         Lack of a stable ground connector in a loose metal back box, as there is no ‘ground-coil tail’ that connects the base end of the device to the box, and the box does not have a base bag attached to the base that meets the ground plate.

·         Lack of key position on the protected side where the operator is at least 6 mm2 and there is no evidence of heat damage.

·         In the event that the equipment is replaced by Class I equipment in the future, there is no additional Class II installation equipment where necessary (such as in a tub or shower enclosure).

·         Inspection, inspection and repair, or a link made before any branch pipeline, a key that protects the gas, water or other service pipeline is not available. (Note: The connection must be within 600 mm of the outgoing meter of the meter or, if the meter is out, at the entrance to the building.)

·         Security circuit breaker for uninterrupted (or improperly disconnected) circuit where the end circuit is connected to a phase II (or single) system, such as a button box or luminaire

·         Change lines where there are no unmarked intersections such as line operators (for example, a blue input driver is not brown with sleeves on switches or in lighting areas)

·         Defensive circuit operators or end-of-circuit circuit operators are not programmed or numbered on the consumer device to be detected for testing installation, testing or modification.

·         Installation is not divided into a sufficient number of circuits to reduce the insecurity of safe operation, error removal, testing and testing.

·         Incorrect number of socks-stores. (Code C3 or, if necessary, C2, if the extension enters through doors, walls or windows, or under pipes, or is used in an unsafe manner)

·         An uncooked flex of light beams is used

·         The main colors of the cable are compatible with the previous version of BS 7671.

4          Chapter 4 Characteristics of water turbines

4.1         Head

In the water turbine, for active heads up to 500 m, reaction turbines of various types can be used, and for applications with more than 500 meters heads, Pelton engine equipment is used.

4.2         Appropriate Velocity

It shows that, there is a need of appropriate velocity for run down the water from the hills.

4.3         Turbine Setup:

Pelton's wheel is usually set at a higher level than the tail level (usually 2 meters high), and Francis's turbine runner is set at almost the same level or below the low tail line level.

4.4         Runaway Velocity:

This is the maximum speed at which a turbine wheel with all open gates must operate in extreme operating conditions to allow for all water ingress under the upper head. The generator connected to the turbine must be able to withstand the maximum starting turbine speed under the allowable head.

4.5         Continuous speed curves:

Turbines operate at constant speeds in hydroelectric power plants, so the active head H and the Q output are flexible. The output of the Purb turbine is determined by the arrangement of the brakes as the output and head varies to keep the speed constant. The performance of the turbine⁇ is determined by the different values ​​of Q and H. Exhaust output (Pt-Q), output efficiency (a-Q), as shown in Fig, and high loading curves of selected selected performance as shown in Figs. 2-20, 2.21. From the designed curves, it can be assumed that Kaplan and Pelton's electric machines work well in certain loads, but Francis and Propeller's machines do not work.

Figure 1: Efficiency discharge curve of a turbine

Figure 2: Impulse turbine efficiency curve

Figure 3: Reaction turbine efficiency curve

4.6         Turbine Performance Features

Turbine Performance Product and efficiency factors are important parameters. These conditions are required in the feasibility phase of a project to set the number and size of units and to determine the economic feasibility. The efficiency and efficiency of the load component of the turbine head distance are required for this reason. These turbine signs are mentioned in the tender documents for the goods to be certified under penalty. Measurements of turbine efficiency variations for various bidders were made in the calculation of bids on accounts. To ensure that the guaranteed specifications provided will be achieved by the model, a test model is required. Finally, to determine the actual functionality of the parameters and the efficiency, field tests of output and efficiency are performed at various point / needle opening locations. Penalties for failure and performance restrictions and refusals are set out.

Figure 4: Performance curves of Kaplan and Francis

Figure 5: Performance curve of Propeller turbine

The narrow lines at the curve line represent the limits of satisfactory service within the general needs of the industry. In the rated volume, the upper boundary line indicates the recommended size. Without this opening of the gates, the turbine could operate; however, these points are rarely added with cavitation confirmation. The fixed performance limit is represented by the boundary line below. The limits below vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. With vibrations and / or force, reaction turbines do bad work anywhere between 20 to 40 percent of the estimated emissions. The breadth and width of the hard work is difficult to predict as the suspension of the power passage affects this situation. To reduce the magnitude of the disturbance, when performance is required at low pressures, reinforcement vanes can be placed in a draft tube under the runner’s release. Performance of heavy loads is reduced by this modification. From generator verification of 115% of rated power, the right-hand border is constructed. Head performance limitations are common; they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, however. It is shown that in the first probability test, these standard output curves were satisfactory. When the Qr percentage is outside the curve limit in a given selection, production is limited to a high percentage of hr pr. More water should be passed. No power can be made when the percentage is below the limits. If the hour is above or below the limits, no power can be generated. The use of these currents in annual power generation will determine a large number of turbines. If power is lost because the percentage is below or continues below the minimum limits, it is advisable to calculate the annual power supply provided by reducing the kW rate per unit and increasing the unit. If the general construction cost of a powerhouse is estimated to be equal to the cost of the turbine and generator, the costs mentioned above per kWh can be doubled and compared to the financial cost of the powerhouse. If the selection of multiple turbines from this rating seems reasonable, specific studies should be conducted with more details. The first option is the number of turbines that, on the other hand, are compared to a lower number of units and are compared to the cost-kWh basis, as mentioned above. The turbine rating point can be adjusted after the unit number has been specified. Usually, this is achieved after considering the total cost of the project. Annual power output of turbines with high and low ratings should be measured and compared with the annual power output of the selected turbine. The cost per kWh will be estimated at the designated annual calculator. The cost per kWh of the selected turbine can be estimated using the annual calculation. The accumulated costs of a low and overhead power project project can be calculated by adding the cost of wind / electricity from the cost chart and adjusting the remaining costs to the fixed cost per kW of energy. Economic performance is reflected in rising prices divided by rising energy production. The measured turbine head can also be refined in the same way for good performance. For upper and lower heads with the same amount of volume, annual power output is calculated. Graded head should be used, giving the highest annual product. At these turns, the set limits are common. If power generation capacity is limited, it is recommended that turbine suppliers be consulted, as these limits may be extended under certain conditions.

4.7         Turbine release curves for possible studies

Statistics point to common features of the work of Francis and Kaplan (a variable pitch blade propeller with wicket gates). Turbine-style wings (fixed blades with wicket gates) and semi-Kaplan (flexible blades outside wicket gates) These curves are based on the US Army Corps of Engineers' 1979 Feasibility Study for Small Scale Hydro Power Additions- Manual Guide. These curves were created from standard turbine output curves of a special speed measured at the head level considered in the guidelines. Comparison of curve performance between different runners was made and standard operating values ​​were used. At the lowest Pr, the highest error occurred and was almost 3 percent. When flow rates and heads are known, these curves can be used to calculate the turbine and generator power output. For all turbine operating heads ranges, curves indicate the percentage of turbine output, Qr percentage compared to generator percentage rate, percentage Pr. 133 Power discharge and flow above and below the measured head (hr) and flow (Qr) can be calculated from the curves after determining the selected turbine capacity as follows:

4.8         Quality features of the turbine-Model test

4.8.1        Test Model

As an important factor in the construction of hydro turbine manufacturers, model testing has grown. As part of the requirements, many details of the hydro project include performance appraisal tests. The cavitation model tests are also designed for plant determination.

Typically, requirements include turbines with model tests that have been tested to comply with the hydraulic structure of a given turbine by type, basic velocity, submergence rpm and unit size. In most cases, manufacturers have an existing concept and test model that complies with a unique application process. Current model test data reduces project costs and lead time.

For all smaller machines, making a detailed test model is not expensive because model testing will be more expensive as equipment is purchased. This is based on the manufacturer's experience in testing similar speed machines to determine the performance of equipment with a standard operating range.

4.8.2        Curves Hill Curves of Turbine

Often, a sample test report with a propeller performance points provided in the model hill chart is available to validate the efficiency, effectiveness and sigma statistics provided and constructed.

4.8.3        Index Checking

Index studies are performed on a functional type to assess the output characteristics if there are constraints imposed on the construction of power houses etc.

4.8.4        BELEL-Model study in India-

M / s (Bharat Heavy Eelctricals Limited) BHEL India has established a hydro turbine development (HMD) testing facility and the development of any type of hydro turbine model capable

Delivering various proprietary profiles that meet international requirements. Some equipment manufacturers have access to the model tests performed by the measurement table. The M / s BHEL Center is visible. The test loop scheme is shown in Lab 5.3 structure, and Figure  shows the different parts of the test stand. Test heads can handle a variety of model runners.

Figure 6: Test scheme for the turbine

4.9         Governing Water Turbines:

It is important to keep the alternator speed powered by the turbine regularly to provide a constant output of constant frequency. This is achieved by controlling the flow of water into the turbine by automatically switching the steering vanes in the event of reaction turbines and, in the case of air turbines, a microphone needle. Such a speed control system is called a supervisor, and is performed automatically by the governor. The auxiliary pipes or jet deflectors are also controlled by the controller in the event of a turbine injection.

Water control under the penstock link, the controller reduces the flow of water from the power pipe while reducing the load on the impulse turbines, and with the help of future auxiliary pipes, the excess water is diverted. The diversion plate discharges some water from the running buckets in the event of multi-nozzle turbines by swiping from any pipe to the water jet. With the removal of the deviation plate from the side of the water jet, the needles slightly reduce the flow of water to keep the turbine product stable at a new load speed.

In the case of Francis' turbine, during a load drop, there are presses that control the discharge of water from the case to the tail. As soon as the guide no longer opens and vice versa, the controllers close.

The ruler must be very careful of the changes in the speed of the shaft and must move quickly but not too fast that the penstock is fitted with a water hammer. The control systems have a control time of 3-5 seconds for modern turbine presses.

5           Chapter 5 The design of supplying the holiday resort with a water turbine together with the necessary calculations, diagrams and plans.

In this section, a complete design of holiday resort will be presented with the help of water turbine system. For this purpose, a computerized analysis of the new design of axial water turbine composite material usingComputational Fluid (CFD) Power. According to a three-dimensional study of numerical flow, the flow characteristics between a pipeline, wheel and water supply pump are expected. The output power and torque of the integrated water turbine were measured and tested for a certain flow speed at a different rotational speed. Imitation results indicate that the nozzle and diffuser will increase the pressure drop across the turbine and gain more energy from the available water. These findings provide a mixed water turbine for easy understanding, and this method of construction and analysis is used in the construction process.

Hydropower is one of the world's most renewable energy sources and is the world's largest hydropower potential, including high power, low voltage and seawater, at around 820 GW in 2005, accounting for about 20% of renewable energy. In 2003, Marine Current Turbines (MCT) Ltd and IT-Power successfully installed the world's first commercial marine turbine with a capacity of about 300 kW. In the flowing water hole, a horizontal marine turbine current of 0.4 m is tested and the electrical energy is calculated from the width of the flow veins and the results were compared with previous studies. The rotor bladed straight blade is set with a built-in power of 5 kW designed and tested by the Canadian National Research Council, Hydraulics, Electricity, Mines and Resources.

However, with its destructive salinity, polluted production and suspended debris, underwater structures have to endure the infamous marine environment. Steel has historically been used to combat harvesting, but it is very expensive Access a curved profile. Moreover, the bell. In addition, the metal is heavy, resistant to fatigue as well. It can be caught in rust caused by salt water. These, obstacles have decided to use compounds instead. Due to their high strength in weight ratio and high corrosion resistance, which is expected to be key to the use of water turbines, high-quality composite materials are often used in water turbine operating systems.

Working in a difficult marine environment to make these machines work. The novel enhancement technique such as cable shifting is able to create automatic integrated wheels in a variety of ways. Turbomachinery patterns produce marine rotors with the required strength.

The turbine's working state, the turbine was simulated in a free environment in this job. Stream velocity of 5 m/s, chosen according to the near future condition of the test. The turbine will be tested by placing it in a moving carriage and pushing it in still water at a steady speed. This is similar to mounting the turbine in moveable water under a fixed pontoon. It is possible to adjust the rotation speed of the turbine according to the various torques and powers extracted, and the optimum rotation speed will be chosen based on the maximum power generation. The flow path of the free-stream is from nozzle to diffuser.

On the other hand, the main parameters for the modelled water turbine for holiday resort is given below in the table

Parameters of a turbine

Values of the parameters

Nozzle inlet diameter


Turbine diameter


Nozzle outlet diameter in meters


Diffuser outlet diameter


Turbine blade thickness


Working fluid for turbine


Fluid density


5.1         Design of a water turbine

Limited boundaries of turbine wheel Size of pumping tank where water tank is located. In the near future, testing will be done ahead of time. The turbine parameters modelled in this analysis are shown in the table above.

5.1.1        The effect of the number of blades

During the performance analysis of a water turbine, one of the most important constraints on construction is the number of blades. The density effect on the turbine is very high if the blade number is too high, and an increase in the apparent connection between the free distribution and the blade will cause the hydraulic increase to increase, and if the blade number is too small, the diffuser loss will increase with increasing rate distribution and flow flow. Of the various different patterns produced by Eyler, one pattern is selected for the current marine turbine with high structural stability and strong liquid performance. To achieve the least impact on the underwater life, this wheel can be controlled from the magnetic field between the poles in the outer fabric and the coil poles in the stationary system without the use of an external shaft. Selected wheel pattern with eight axles is shown in Fig. 4 provides a uniform distribution of the free space of marine organisms through its central region. We want to consider not only power generation in our design phase, but also the environmental effect and a completely unique 8-point wheel pattern gives us a very promising solution.

5.1.2        Effect of metal angles

A variety of angles (from 25o to 60o as shown in Fig.) Were used to assess the effect of blade angles on the output power to determine the relationship between power generating angles and blade angles. We measured the tip of the tire tip to 5 m / s, taking into account safety features. For this reason, we have selected 20 rotating speed RPM as the fastest speed to this limit. Since we want to connect a generator to a power grid, which requires a constant rotation of the wheels, we rely on our study of the speed of the water river as 5 m / s, located in the test near the next water tank, and the rotation speed of the turbine wheel as 20 RPM (frequency 60 Hz power outlet available with gear between generator and turbine wheel)

Figure 7: Rotating speed RPM of a turbine

There is a lot of power in the production of hydroelectric power. It has not yet been established, largely due to financial costs as well environmental effects of the construction of large dams and power plants. In addition, much of the ground water has not yet been developed, which is important for the cost. The cost per kilowatt of small water tank (less than 5 meters) available for sale is currently high ($ 1200- $ 2500). To reduce the power supply, especially in remote areas, the inexpensive use of low-cost water resources can help. For several years, used for low-power power generation, a simple hydro-turbine reaction is considered ineffective and uncontrollable. To reduce the cost of low power systems, more research is needed. This paper outlines a new design that addresses the cost and control problems of a simple water-turning turbine. This paper discusses the characteristics of efficiency, including the effects of a liquid collision, of a simple hydro-turbine reaction in a real-world situation. Using the principles of weight loss, strength and power, control figures were obtained. For a simple reaction turbine, a large size is defined and the equation is available in a wide range. The processes are listed in the construction and construction of the Split reaction water turbine. It checks the maximum size of the head that always works at a different rotational speed.

5.2         Design of the Split reaction water turbine principle for the holiday resort

Recognizing the attractiveness of a low-cost hydroelectric low-head. A new simple reaction turbine concept has been developed for turbines. In order to generate electricity from water sources that are ultra-low-head (1-5 m). The new rotor design has a simple geometry, can be produced from locally available materials without specialised expertise (so low cost) and can be used to generate hydroelectric power from any head above 0.3 m and a minimum flow rate of 10 L/s at ultra-low-head hydrosites. In relation to the method of output, this simple reaction turbine is called a " Split reaction turbine ". The design drawing of the turbine rotor shows in the given figure

Figure 8: Concept drawing of Spilt reaction turbine for holiday resort

As shown in Fig., The separation pipe turbine reaction It is possible to make a plastic pipe by breaking it in half and setting it up.

To build an escape between the upper and lower plates, their centers

And microphones. This was conceived as a simple turbine construction simple reaction method. The "Savonius wind rotor" and James Whiteland's proposals contributed to the construction of the separate pipelines. Via the bottom cover, the water reaches the turbine and then exits the turbine tangentially from the exhaust pipes at high speed, as shown in Fig. The response to angular changes in angular pressure creates torque in the rotating rotor and the energy produced as a result.

5.3         3. Easy turbine design and review

There are simple well-known answer machines and the concepts they work with. As the basis for low-cost work under low water heads, current paper expands on those principles. The grass spray is shown here as a simple turbine with a reverse fax. Where water reaches around the rotor under high pressure or high head and through the rotor. A standing water-based head is used by this type of flexible turbine and is converted into a flexible head and flexible nozzles, which are an integral part of the Rotor.

The pressure at the crack produces a reaction force that causes the Rotor to rotate. The water under pressure from the drying stop tube reaches the turbine axially and leaves the rotor pipes radially at high velocity, as shown in Fig. Initially, the powerful losses associated with the flow of water through pipes, rotors, and pipes can be believed to be minor. Mechanical losses are often overlooked, including windage losses due to rotor rotation and inconsistent losses on the bearings. It is then possible to obtain the required statistics as follows; According to Fig. And we have to say that water is incomprehensible, and then we have it

According to this, the mass flow rate of the water passing through the nozzle is given by this

After this, momentum of the turbine my neglecting the angular momentum of a turbine it will become like this.

Now the output power of the turbine is given by this

Now just apply the principle of conversation of energy. Through this, it will become possible to find out the value of hydraulic energy present at the inlet. Now according to the energy conversation law, kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy and it is given by this,

Now, if we consider actual operating situations, there will be a real operating situation. Important loss of control correlated with the movement of power Water via a simple water turbine for reaction. In this section, a factor was introduced and specified that would reflect the fluid frictional power loss associated with the fluid flow through the turbine. In this article, this element will be called the k-factor. As a result, Eq. shall be changed as follows

And also

Now just combine these equations it will become like this

Moreover, from the above equation

Figure 9: the design of rotor with indicated velocities

Moreover, the k-factor can be calculated easily by this equation

5.4         A basic reaction water turbine's optimum diameter.

The " optimum diameter " for a given rotational diameter is defined here as the diameter equivalent to the maximum efficiency point. Speed at the steady head of activity. There is a specific rotor diameter for a specified rotational speed and constant operating head, for which the turbine has the highest efficiency, shown below. You can derive an expression for the optimum diameter as follows:

From the above equations it is given as

According to this, just differentiating both equations according to the radius R and it is given by this equation

Without Eq. You may see that the correct size is

Independent power and based on rotational speed, square

Head root and root k-factor. Use of Eq. The curves shown in Fig. And k-factor A basic turbine response is limited. Drawing. Drawing. Typical variations of the high-speed rotating turbine of four different heads are shown. It is found that the maximum size of the turbine in the same head is reduced by increasing the rotating velocity. The rate of decline of the turbine's maximum width is initially high, but decreases with increasing rotational speed and eventually shows a similar variation. It is important to note that at higher velocities, the influence of the head on the width of the large turbine decreases. For example, a k-factor of 0.05 is seen in Fig. Simple, easy.

Figure 10: Optimal diameter of the turbine vs. its rational speed

Turning engine, running 1 m continuous head and rotating 1 m continuous head, the maximum width is 0.29 m at 400 rpm, while simultaneously, the maximum rotation speed of the 2 m head is 0.4 m wide. This indicates that the maximum turbine size increases significantly with the development of the operating head with a fixed k-factor of 0.05 and a rotational speed of 400 rpm. When the rotational speed is increased to 1400 rpm, the maximum size decreases to 0.08 m per head 1 m and 0.12 m per head 2 m. This suggests that the effect of the active head on the diameter of a large turbine is less significant at higher rotation speeds than at lower rotation speeds. It also appears from Fig. The maximum size is reduced when the k-factor is increased to work regularly in the head.


Figure 11: Different variations in a split reaction turbine with at several loads

5.4.1        Proper arrangement of turbines reaction of Various heads

How the proper form of SRT differs in different functional heads can be seen in terms of modeling studies. Fig. The general variation in head-related turbine configuration is noticeable. Here h refers to the height of the turbine, which is an important factor affecting power output. In the case of a separate reaction turbine, the area of ​​the outlet pipe is the product of the diameter of the outlet pipe w (m) and the length of the turbine h (m). Visible from Fig. The maximum turbine size and turbine h height depend on the operating head with a rotational rotation speed of 1500 rpm, a constant power output of 5 kW, a continuous pipe diameter of 0.008 m and a fixed k-factor 0.05. If the operating head is raised, the maximum turbine size will increase with continuous power output at constant rotation speed, and with the constant flow rate (w), the turbine length (m) will decrease. The diameter of the exhaust pipe remains secure to prevent any event of jet interference. It is evident from Fig. 5 how the geometry of a turbine varies from a small tube of long length like a low head frame to a large wide disk at the top heads[5].

5.4.2        Construction and production of a water-powered engine with a high reaction

How to produce water pumping equipment for holiday resorts is discussed in more detail here, following the brief introduction of the wind turbine divided into Section 2 of this article. The turbine can be made using a simple production method of dividing the pipe into equal halves and connecting the halves to the end caps, and the halves centers are isolated, as shown in Fig. The center offset distance and piping wall thickness will determine the size of the outlet of the water-repellent coil. This production method is known as the simplest way to make a simple reaction turbine, leading to the term "Split reaction turbine". "SRT" is used as an adjective for "Split Reaction Turbine" in some of the areas in this article. The fig tree. Fig. Steps in the construction of a separate response token are shown, and part of the pipe is divided into sections. Equal to the screws that tighten the end caps, the separated parts are drilled and blown to the end surface. The top and bottom cover plates are made of the same plastic as the pipe, which means that the access holes are drilled in the end plates to connect the parts of the pipe. In addition, the upper plate requires a connection method with an electric generator, such as the provision of flange coupling attachment to the upper plate, and a central orifice for the water to flow into the turbine with an arrangement for accessing a hole in a rotating door connected to a standing stand. For the following purposes, it may be best to use plastic covers and plastic covers and use blending screens:

·         Plastic can withstand rust.

·         Due to the geometric measurement stored in the assembly, little or no balance is required.

·         The following key issues will be the use of steel pipe and wind turbine blades and welding parts,

·         To reduce corrosion, the steel turbine will rust, which may require some type of rust that includes proof of lubrication or stainless steel equipment.

·         Due to the welds, there may be a turbine measurement and this will allow the turbine to be measured before use.

Animal feed tanks, most of which are made of a separate plastic tube, which can be used to create a separate reaction turbine, are readily available in remote farming communities. Fig. It shows the full assembly of a separate reaction turbine tested in this article, with a turbine width of 122 mm and two exit pipes. The total area of ​​the outlet pipe of this turbine is A=1⁄4x1.27x10^3 meter square, with an outlet pipe length of 0.12 m and a diameter of an outlet pipe of 0.0053 m each. Fig. Fig. A flange link attached to the top cover and an entry hole attached to the bottom cover is also visible. The flange assembly transmits to the electric generator the power provided by the turbine. The harbor port serves as a reference for the rotating sign that directs the supply of water to the propeller.

5.4.3        Arrangement of V-ring lip seal inlet rotary seal for SRTT

The arrangement of the rotrot lip V-ring shown in Fig.  used to prevent water leaks in the port of the turbine model. A SKF V-ring seal (catalog number CR 401000) with a diameter of Ø88 mm was installed and a stop pipe was installed with a seal to secure the seal, which keeps the seal in place, as shown in Figure. The V-shaped mouth is a symbol that is held in place by the force of the incoming water against the rotating metal ring. A rotating stainless steel sign ring was attached to the port of entry, which was part of the rotating turbine as well.

The advantage of the V-ring tone is that it shows strong signaling properties at high pressures, but the loss of mixing power associated with the V-ring signal increases at high pressure. In rotating water pumps, V-ring seals are used to achieve a seamless circular connection where the half-impeller mounted access to the pump cable. A good rotation mark against water leaks is provided by this method of signal arrangement. Manufacturers have recommended that the contact area of ​​the V-ring seal of nitrile rubber be stainless steel polished. To achieve reduced friction and wear on the V-ring seal, the contact surface of the rotating metal ring is polished.

The valid operating conditions proposed by SKF for the use of V-ring signals are as follows. The maximum sealing temperature should be between 40 and 100 C. The peripheral speed does not exceed 20 m / s with a rotating surface. The pressure of the seal is at a very low closing speed and the recommended surface speed limit of up to 0.03 MPa (30 kPa)[5].

5.5         Turbine reaction model calculation

Fig. Displays the test area used for the performance measurement of the turbine water reaction model. To generate supply pressure and flow rate, a 7.5 kW water pump was used (head distribution capacity 26 m @ 48 m3 / h); and 2.2 kW D.C. A DC electric generator was used as an engine (Baldor Motor Type CDP3603). The instruments used for the output test are shown in Fig. To calculate the flow rate of the flow of water flowing in a turbine, using a flow meter (Omega Model BN65), the tachometer indicated the rotational speed of the turbine, the voltmeter indicated the DC. output voltage. The manufacturer calculates the current output from D.C. by ammeter. The pressure (feed head) on the turbine port was determined by the generator and pressure gauge (Floyds 0-10 PSI). To store water, a plastic tank with a capacity of 500 L. was used to control the water pump, using a frequency controller. The turbine is allowed to rotate freely without external load initially on a continuous head test, and the supply pressure, flow rate, and turbine speed are registered. Several power loading steps were then applied and the electric load on the turbine was applied to the corresponding figures, with the turbine speed varying up to 20 percent of the non-load speed. Measuring conflict loss in D.C. The engine and rotary lip liner have the same test turbine unit as shown in Fig. Used. DC Here, here. DC is powered by electricity. A car with a turbine attached to the motor shaft and a lip seal attached to the turbine entry port. Electric current and current are provided to make the turbine rotate at a different rotational speed and then be registered, and the output of this current and current is used as a basis for estimating the total amount of electrical loss as a rotational speed function.


Figure 12: Steps for building split reaction turbine

The power of the picohydro-scale plant is a holiday resort drainage water. Still, by comparison

The specific design of the turbine includes a small head and output conditions. One of the Savonius generators is drag wind turbines have a simple and inexpensive design that you can produce. For that reason, the construction of the Savonius turbine is the solution to the problem. The pressure of the water is higher than the wind and is the reason for the water use of the propulsion system in Savonius. Extreme power is generated by suction machines such as the Single Stage Savonius, which can be added to the water flow through a vertical pipe[2]

From the output. To maximize the output power provided by the Savonius turbine, several methods have been developed. The conversion of fluid velocity to increase torque is a single tool used to increase propeller power. To increase the efficiency of the turbine, the fluid flowing inside the pipe is controlled by a steering system. The idea of ​​a fluid flow system is to reduce negative torque in the surface of the turbine and increase the positive torque on the concave surface of the turbine. The flow of liquid will remove the concave blades completely from the case, as well as the flow rate that will burn the convex blades

The steering prevents the turbine blade. One of the key strategies in achieving a fluid flow profile is to increase the torque angled position of the steering position. For a profile picture of the fluid system that flips the turbine blades so that the shape and direction of the fluid flow is defined, a simulated analysis is performed. In addition, for more detailed information,

For a few decades, studies and experiments were conducted in the form of deflector shape. The result of 88.2 watts of electrical energy was obtained in the last generation, but this process led to a pressure drop of ± 5m[2].

Figure 13: Model of the water turbine implemented in the holiday resort

5.6         Results and discussion

The effect of each deflector of any output variance will be discussed and evaluated in this section. Turbine data without deflector is used as a guide to compare the performance of each deflector. This study measured deflector angles of 20o, 30o, 40o, and 50o. After that, with a wide variety of output, each deflector is tested. Various input output is performed by each deflector. The output value provided by each deflector is shown in the diagram below[2]

Figure 14: a graph between angle of deflector and discharge from a turbine

This figure shows a pattern that indicates that the discharge decreases as the deflector angle increases. This is due to variations in the shape of the reflector, which leads to a change in the direction of fluid flow. A turbine without deflector (0o) produces a very large output, which decreases as the deflector angle exceeds 50o. This will influence the input power that will be generated by each deflector angle. Capacity input of the amount of fluid that produces electricity. The input power graph for each deflector is shown in the figure[4].

Figure 15: A graph between deflector angle and the input power of the turbine

The amount of input power generated by each deflector is shown in the figure. The 20o deflector always produces the highest input power with each output variant. This is because the gravitational force of the various liquids is caused by the slope flight of each deviation. In this case, due to deviation, the water meets resistance. Alternatively, water can be placed with a deflector to cut the concave turbine blades and block the water pumps of the convex turbine blade. The effective torque on the turbine will be improved by this. Depending on the power output generated, the deflector output is checked. The multiplication of electrical and electrical energy is the perceived electrical energy. The electrical power generated by the deflector for each output variant is shown in the figure below[3].


Figure 16: A graph between deflector angle and electrical power

With each deflector angle, a pattern of electrical energy generated by the output variation is shown in the figure. Turbines without deflectors tend to produce very low power in all output variations. This is due to the fluid flow of the liquid of the concave and convex surface, which resulted in uneven turbine rotation. These conditions will affect the electricity generation. The maximum electrical power is produced by a 20o deflector angle with a value of 1.18 watts and a value of 4.13 watts at 3.05x10-3 m3 / s and 6.10x10-3m3 / s. Electricity decreases as the loss angle rises to an angle of 50o. This is due to the flow of water in the discharge which does not fill the pipe space so that the 20o deflector is directed. With a output of 9.05x10-3m3 / s and 12.2x10-3m3 / s, the maximum power is produced by a 30o deflector angle with a value of 12.65 Watts and a value of 18.04 Watts. This is because the water flow can be controlled by a 30o deflector right at the turbine poles that produce the highest torque. The actual turbine power that can be obtained from a working liquid is indicated by the proportion of electrical energy. While the Tip Speed ​​Ratio (TSR) is one of the most important parameters for defining turbine output, the amount of comparison between blade tip velocity and fluid velocity[2].

Figure 17: Graph showing the relationship between Tip speed ratio and Power coefficient

The relationship between the power coefficient and the velocity speed ratio is shown in Figure 6, where the power coefficient increases as the tip speed increases. At 2.2x10-3m 3 / s and 5.1x10-3m3 / s, the 20o deflector output works well, while the output at 8.5x10-3m 3 / s and 10.8x10-3 m 3 / s, The 30o deflector angle works very well. Compared to a turbine without a deflector, the Savonius turbine with a deflector has more power. This indicates that the efficiency of the turbine is enhanced by the installation of the deflector. This turbine will generate more electricity.

Power output with turbine without deflector installed[6]

6          Chapter 6Summary

A new development process such as filament winding and an integrated water turbine can be developed, with greater benefits than conventional design. In the CFD simulation using Fluent was made to use this completely unrealistic wheel to be effective in extracting the ocean current. Imitation results show that using a microphone and radio will increase the pressure drop and release more energy from the available water. The torque decreases with the rotational speed in a straight line with the given speed of the water flow, the output power increases with the rotational speed before acquiring maximum power, so the water turbine must operate at the proper rotational speed to generate maximum power. These findings provide a basic understanding of the integrated water turbine, as well as fuel efficiency testing, this method of design and analysis is used. The future task is to test the turbine by placing it in a moving cart and then placing it in stagnant water at a constant speed to repeat the free flow and verify the numerical results.

The correct diameter of the turbine reaction turbine is independent of the output power and is the function of the feed head, rotational speed and k-factor. With continuous rotation speed again the amount of continuous k-factor, which increases the corresponding size as the head increases. If the head and k-factor are kept constant, a small turbine width is required to achieve high rotational speed. The influence of the static head on a wide range decreases with a very high rotation speed. The smaller the width, the longer the turbine suspension can be associated with lower static power output heads given the speed of continuous rotation and the constant k-factor, while the turbine will have greater width under high static heads and be shorter in connection. The construction of the Split reaction water turbine has proven to be robust and easy to build. The V-ring lip seal seal fits snugly in the port to the turbine and gives medium to low power and explosive power. V-ring lip prints are cheap, easy to mount, and widely available. In conclusion, the "split reaction water turbine" is easier to produce from conventional materials and will be a less expensive alternative to traditional low-head oil. With an increase in rotational speed causing the flow rate to increase, the turbine shows a tendency to produce an important centrifugal pumping effect. The flow rate depends on the static head while the turbine is stationary, but the effect of the static head on the mass flow rate appears to decrease with respect to the centrifugal pumping effect as the turbine accelerates. The associated velocity increases as the weight flow rate increases. As the equilibrium rate increases, the amount of k-factor (fluid friction factor) increases and the turbine becomes less efficient at a higher rotational speed in the head. However, with the increase of the static head, the effect of increasing centrifugal pulse on the k-factor decreases slightly and, after that, the turbine shows the consistent function of different static heads in different types of rotation. The point of optimal performance and point of high power begins to shift to a greater rotational speed with a steady increase in head.

Finally, it is much easier to create a separate reaction turbine, making it more suitable for low-head applications. SRT also has a construction economy and will therefore be acceptable in developing countries with large untested power generation.

7          Chapter 7 References


J. S. Cook, “The Right Tool for the Job: Active and Passive Infrared Sensors,” pp. 21-27, 2019.


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