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Sensing Devices and Their Implication for Medical Industry

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 4121

Healthcare Sensing and Monitoring | SpringerLink

Table of Contents


Introduction. 3

Aims and Objectives. 4

Research Questions. 4

Objectives. 4

Methods. 5

Project Plan. 6

Progress to Date. 6

Planned Work. 15

Appendices. 15




Technological Improvement is covering all major fields of life. Industries and developing business are adopting state of the art facilities to serve the business and to improve the working capacity besides the medical facilities are improving. In this project is to discuss the new project idea that will resolve the existing problems associated with technological development in the medical industry. The research aims to provide artificial intelligence-based sensory devices that will improve health care services. The research applications are in the Healthcare sector and the business sector. Ultimate improvement will be observed in Healthcare services with the implementation of new technology and related to the techniques


            Technology is growing day by day and many developments made to improve many areas. Technology has facilitated almost every field of life, especially many industries to enhance production and management quality. Therefore, many businesses have adopted a new state of the art technology to increase their production speed to obtain a competitive advantage in the existing market. Technology is not only providing its services to business organizations but also facilitating the medical industry. With the increased use of IT applications, scientists also introduced artificial intelligence and IoT devices which can be very helpful in the medical industry. The selected project is sensing devices and their implications for the medical industry. The reason for choosing a medical related project is to analyze how helpful technology for the medical industry is. Furthermore, medical organizations are also focusing to adopt a state of the art technology to improve work. By lookingat the applications of AI and IoT devices, it is decided to select this project because this technology can help the medical industry in the future as well as generate accurate result results. In this project, different courses are relevant to this project like programming subjects,Artificial Intelligence, robotics as well as electronics physics because the sensing devices project is a mixture of different courses. The project will be efficient in the medical industry because many healthcare organizations are facing difficulties in testing patients. Furthermore, patients have to face problems like spending more time in the clinic to wait for their medical tests from the laboratory including the checkup. The project can help the medical industry to increase the speed of diagnosis and checkup using sensors and it will have the ability to provide the most accurate results on the basis of the medical condition of patients. Thus, the satisfaction levels of patients and doctors will be enhanced (Burleson & Carrara, 2013).

Aims and Objectives

            In this project, there are different aims and objectives related to this project discussed and what the project idea is proposing to solve the existing problem. In this section, some most important objectives are discussed.

Research Questions

RQ1: how the state of the art technology can help the medical industry and how we can use sensory devices to diagnose or checking health conditions?

RQ2: how can we use AI-based sensory devices to collect accurate results to improve the provision of care to patients?

RQ3: can these devices and technology be helpful in the medical industry and how can this technology help the staff of healthcare to increase the efficiency of working and treatment?


O1: the primary objective of this research study is to work on the AI-based IoT system, which will help in monitoring the health conditions of patients.

O2: the work will be done to making many improvements in the checkup, diagnosis as well as treatment procedure of the patients. With the help of sensing devices used in the system, the doctors and healthcare professionals will be facilitated to check the patient’shealth.

O3: another objective of this project is to monitor the health status of patients using sensors, which will generate results that are more accurate and analyzed by the doctors.


In this research project, it is used different studies such as articles as well as many other sources related to this technology. It is determined that many people have worked on this idea and developed their valuable applications and systems to facilitate the medical industry. Reading the related studies and researches on the technology, it is determined that the medical industry facing many problems in its business operations because they have to use the typical methods to perform all treatment work which is difficult and time-consuming for medical staff. Furthermore, the researchers have provided a strong idea of problems faced by staff and patients in healthcare organizations. To achieve the aims and objectives of this project, the study of the programming languages, AI, and robotics-assisted and provided a direction to work on this project. On the other side, some related studies also helped that the use of technology and different technological applications in the healthcare industry can easily improve the efficiency of the medical staff and help them improvethe treatment of the patients. Although, the skills of programming and the knowledge of artificial intelligence have provided to achieve the objectives of the project because the skills of programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence are the core of the development of the system. The reasonforreading the related works and studies is to take the brief concept of problems faced by the medical industry and to determine other scientist's comments on resolving the problems and what technology they used to tackle. Programming approaches and other subjects' knowledge will help to develop the system.

Project Plan

Progress to Date

As stated by Bhatia & Sood (2017), the tremendous capacity of IoT has allowed the interpretation and examination of situations in real-time in an omnipresent way. In addition, IoT's inclusion in the medical field prompted researchers around the world to create intelligent technologies such as mobile medical treatment, health literacy, and intelligent health care networks. Driven by these factors, this research offers an intelligent IoT-based health system that provides all-around health treatment for the individual during workouts. The intelligence of the present system is focused on its ability to interpret health conditions in real-time and forecast the probabilistic vulnerability of health conditions during testing. The suggested structure permits the use of the Artificial Neural Network model (ANN) for predictive purposes, which involves three stages, including tracking, learning, and forecasting. The presented paradigm also supports a statistical basis for forecasting probabilistic vulnerability in terms of probabilistic vulnerability (PSoV). The validity and applicability of the proposed system were tested by the use of multiple smart sensors for 14 days by five people with various attributes. The findings indicate that the method proposed is superior in efficiency and highly successful in health care during testing compared to different state-of-the-art strategies (Bhatia & Sood, 2017).

Gandhi & Ghosal, 2018 also described that the internet of things (IoT) makes different artifacts and human beings smarter. IoT has numerous applications across various fields, such as a smart house, smart city, traffic management, wearable, smart car parking, etc. IoT has various applications. This article includes a comprehensive IoT survey of Smart Health System. Different new technologies are discussed in this paper along with their implementations. In the world of healthcare, IoT is a new trend.The use of the Internet to gather the patients' full records is particularly efficient, so that the use of the Internet to obtain information from patients accelerates drug speed and, as a result, continues to increase the level of care given to the patient. The Internet is used for the collection of patient information. Thus, IoT has proven itself as a basis to connect all tools to improve the quality of human life and medicine(Gandhi & Ghosal, 2018).

The results are showing the different aspects of using IoT devices in healthcare organizations. Furthermore, the results related to the technology are illustrated in the diagrams. Furthermore, the result is illustrating that different healthcare organizations used the IoT technology in which the sensing devices were also included, effectively generated the most accurate results. However, the working staff could able to perform their daily tasks easily. The most interesting result of using the AI-based IoT technologicalsystem is that the efficiency of dealing with the patients improved in which different types of datasets included. The results were also accurate and very near to the accurate results. In this case, it became easier for the medical staff to diagnose patients as well as to predict the health conditions of the patients in hospitals. The process of the prediction and health status checking did also increased the speed of the working operations. Asa result, the system can perform different activities in a time.

Figure: efficiency of the system increased and providing improved results (Bhatia & Sood, 2017)

In this project, I have analyzed different research articles to identify the actual problem as well as worked on the problem statement. I have read different studies of different scientists that worked on similar types of projects. One of the most important study I found during researching which was about using IoT technology in healthcare to determine the health status of infants, which is the most relevant study with my project. On the other side, I have improved the problem statement and worked to define my project’s research questions and project objectives telling what I am going to do. To work properly on this project, I have also gathered knowledge on robotics, artificial intelligence as well as improved my programming skills. All of the skills I have improved will be used in the proper development of the system. Currently, I have worked on the timeline, improved my skills, as well as gatheringmany of the data related to my project. Furthermore, a detailed report is also created on this project. I have also found different studies and which are provided in this section.

This paper examines mock tests in the field of visual sensory design. Visual sensors are a group of nerves that receive material data with real touch. Intentional attributes can be structural, for example, temperature, vibration, non-aggression, face, posture, fragment, and shaving with normal force. The visual sensor can measure at least one of these structures. Apart from the fact that pressing factor and force Detection are often excluded without the definition of acquisition, pressing force and power are important factors, usually acquired by touch itself, and can be included as material constraints (Rosen & Elman, 2012).

Improvements in the acquisition of new assets have been predicted for more than 30 years. Early scientists, for example, Harmon, saw great potential and the use of touch detection in high-tech equipment. It is interesting to refer to the findings of Harmon's theory of improper access to facilities, for example, treatment and farming due to special problems and low profitability. At the same time, various scientists, for example, Nevins and Whitney argued that inactive observations would take away the need for material acquisition. By the early 21st century, it was thought that these inventions could promote the development of intellectual property and thus improve the quality of human life. The first sight on this list of materials was advanced medical mechanics and modern computers. The creators believe that the magnitude of this expertise is enormous and lies among the many different controls, as examined later in Section 4.5 of this audit and summarized in Table 6.

This review will show, however, that, until the 1990s. The importance of the material framework is seen in applications where other acquisitions, for example, an idea may not be the best acquisition method; especially in cases of invalid or limited space, as recently tested. However, the value and effort placed on developing visual senses over the years, the sensory perception that can give criticism to link a person’s sense of touch is not yet accepted and thus hinders progress in fields, because, for example, repair technology and less obvious medical procedures. 1.3. Before the new Force research and instrumentation research, it is now a diverse task. All remote access to new metal sensor objects has been pre-made and available for recording. Quick lessons were passed(Bramhachari, 2019).

published by Harmon in 1980, 1982, and 1984. The acquisition of equipment for mechanical technology and mechatronics applications has also been explored and described in writing. In 2000, Lee distributed a short, but far-reaching study of the acquisition of new assets and examined the reasons for the postponement of the approval of this broadcast in the automotive and consumer markets. In 2003, Eltaib and Hewit analyzed the perceptions of unpopular medical practices and reaffirmed the importance of naming this particular field. Apart from the fact that a variety of books made by advanced mechanics and sensors cover the visual senses, there are very few books designed exclusively for the visual senses.

A few critical books have also been circulated on visual discoveries. Wittels in his book illustrated how a sensor can affect human skin. Perhaps the most comprehensive source of biological material was published in 2009 by Najarian and Dargahi. This book includes nuts and bolts for human acquisition, automatic birth discovery, and use in natural design regions. Contrary to previous forensic audits, this paper expands previous surveys by paying attention to the current state of the art series, patterns in visual sensory research, incredible complexity to survive, activity levels and focus points, and the lack of various sensory systems are also examined. We, therefore, propose additional use of these innovations, in the field of sports, aviation design, and automotive manufacturing and recovery drugs, in addition to the newly investigated sectors. We start with a diagram of some of the most common shipping procedures.

Other techniques that often investigate asset transfer techniques are based on capacitive, piezoresistive, thermo resistive, inductive, piezoelectric, attraction, and light techniques. The natural values ​​associated with these methods have their favorable conditions and weaknesses, underpinned. All in all, capacitive, piezoresistive, piezoelectric, inductive, and optical techniques reflecting the most common and interesting display and are often the preferred choice of neuroscientists. In this section, we provide a brief overview of these strategies and their focus points and specific barriers; this is also summarized in the report.

The capacitive sensor consists of two-conductor plates with dielectric objects wrapped between them. For capacitors of equal plates, the capacitance power can be expressed as, C = (Aε0εr) / d. Where C is strong, An is the cover of two plates, ε0 is the allowable space for free space, εr is the total allowance of the dielectric object and d is the distance between the plates. The most powerful material sensors show good repetitive responses, high spatial purpose, and have very powerful access. These sensors are less sensitive to noise, especially in lattice setups due to crosstalk noise, field interaction, and bordering power, and require more complex common gadgets to filter this noise.

These sensors are constantly exposed to stress-inducing changes in the energy supply. The voltage - normal flow of the primary resistive component can be expressed as, V = IR; when V is electric, I am flowing and R is the electrical resistance of that object. Usually, another voltage (or current) property is set and the blocking correction is reflected by the current (or voltage) adjustment. This opposing component looks like a flexible ink, elastomer, or pressure-driven drive ink. They usually require less hardware such asthe change in blockchain can undoubtedly be explored and in this way easy to create and install. They are less susceptible to noise and in this way work best on lattice setups as there is no spoken word or field communication. Contraindicated sensors experience the negative effects of hysteresis and as a result have a lower repetitive response compared to powerful visual nerves (Rosen & Elman, 2012).

A variety of materials, especially some gemstones and limited pottery production, create voltages when the gem grid is twisted. The impact of a gemstone depends on its cutting/construction, allowing it to detect crossing, longitudinal strength, and shear. The voltage, V, is produced directly to the applied power, compression factor, or type. These sensors show a very good double response, which is based on the appropriate decision to measure vibration; however possible, they are limited to measuring dynamic forces and are unable to measure static energy due to their large internal disturbances. The case has caused a temporary temporary decay that is indicated by the internal permeability and the dielectric constant of the piezoelectric film. During the sensor system, the visual hardware block chain information should be considered as it completely affects the gadget response (S. Rumsfeld, et al., 2016).

The key curl creates an attractive field obtained from the viewing loop of your choice. Controlling the reduced reduction between curls, for example by changing the length of the metal center due to a different converter, thus adjusting the adequacy and time of the measured energy at the conceptual loop. These sensors have great potential for access and development that is always difficult, but they are large, making the local goal much lower when displayed. Because of their mechanical condition, they have less repetition as loops rarely re-visit the same condition during readings. Since these sensors use rotating cycles on an important curl, as a result, they generate yield energy by the same frequency, they require more unexpected gadgets than sensors of opposing objects as the alternating signal mass must be removed.Select the electrical sensors using the light source and the transmission and image direction, which end up as a camera or photodiode. Normal transmission occurs when the change in medium tweak the transmission or reflectance power, or the light intensity of the source, as the applied power varies. They have a high local goal, and they cannot afford to be subjected to the usual recurring power restrictions imposed by power structures, which is their preferred position. Unless they have many advantages, their size and consistent nature are at a great disadvantage. Camera-based sensors require a lot of preparation power but provide a comprehensive repetitive response (Bryman & Bell, 2015).

In the late 1970s, various difficulties arose. Unless the need for innovation was acknowledged by many, and some success was achieved in showing that it was possible to take care of real issues, as explored in section 3.1.1, the acquisition of assets was often declared as a small test region within an important business. The main explanation is that mechanical and PC technologies were beginning to receive funding for testing and financial institutions, as testing in these fields was not yet in a state of underdevelopment but was clearly yielding unprofitable profits. In this way, it makes sense to point out that the acquisition of assets was not of little interest, it could be chosen from what could turn out to be of interest in building the modern, robust and fast-moving infrastructure of machines and PCs. A second unavoidable obstacle to moving forward was the field ministry, the same number of transfers. In conclusion, the research was insufficient in terms of topic and location, as no systemic steps were ever determined, taking into account modern or biomedical needs at the time. Finally, analysts suggest that this field of discovery can address a wide range of unresolved issues and therefore deserves to be considered a common area of ​​exploration (Ballard, et al., 2014).

Significant advances in demonstrating the importance of innovation and its possible use were adopted by Harmon in the 1980s in his survey. The potential for this invention was further emphasized by two additional papers that followed shortly thereafter. The lack of access to any of the program steps was still a major barrier to progress. Harmon has also tried to show models of sensory visual cues. He studied business through a series of surveys and met and compiled his own program standards regarding the sensory limits required by respondents at the time. Harmon recommends that a target of 1-2 mm, a recurring frequency of up to 100 Hz, a basic ging of 1 g, and an excellent connection between sensory production and applied energy, are popular signals for many visual senses.

The main purpose of the experiment was to develop sensors of solid materials for advanced mechanics. The rules of the proposed Harmon system were often used by experts to make it legal for them to carry out tests. Improving the visual sensitivity of clinical gadgets, as outlined in Section 3.2.2, was the next big thing to benefit region. Because of the combination of biological and material naming, an important result has been the stimulation of sensory and structural stimuli that can reflect mechanoreceptors' response to human skin. Rossi felt that analysts' tendency to create sensors that mimic the structure of human objects imposed unreasonable limitations on sensory requirements, as the human material framework may not be the standard response of objects. Rossi accepted that each plan issue has its complex and important planning, and it forced the need for various decisions and planning needs.Test patterns to this day are driven by a gadget instead of making or run by an app. It was hoped that these gadgets would find the app in the market in progress; although not many, if any, have arrived on the market or found to be important to the various structures. All this observation shows that the work over the past decade has progressed towards the programs that the program is running. Efforts are designed to address real-life problems, for example, overcoming birth defects, or cerebral palsy, advancing optimal signals for the visually impaired, and as a guide for neuromuscular control. Test results could not be routinely transmitted to actual clinical applications due to administrative limitations required before the use of new gadgets in clinical settings. Another impressive area of ​​testing was the development of a visual aid gadget for the visually impaired, to improve access to standardized data for visually impaired people. The gadget enabled weak vision to use data stored in PC memory. The framework consisted of a multi-sensor sensor, an information memory unit, and a voice synthesizer. By touching the point of visual perception, comparative details in the memory were entered. Apart from the fact that it was a very inspiring program with a real need, all things considered, the program was blocked by the lack of new advances in data storage and access gadgets.

The best exhibition in the material class, thanks to a very wide integration (VLSI) cluster, was created in the 1980s. The power transfer is performed using conductive and elastic metal anodes assembled outside of an intentionally integrated circuit. The use of new VLSI machines has promoted an integrated, low-cost check, sequential yield, and high-sensory display that can operate at an extremely high level. A major component of this experiment was the presentation of ideas for a proven, faster, and higher local goal in innovation. The significant cost of VLSI-based programs kept this approach within the limits of the lab, a small acceptance by the industry.

Planned Work

The project is still in progress and needs more research as well as more programming and technical skills to be completed. Currently, a brief problem statement has been created and different studies are also included in the research for further development. The hardware is also arranged and needs to be assembled. After assembling the hardware, the programming work will be performed and the whole system will be tested.




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Bhatia, M. & Sood, S. K., 2017. A comprehensive health assessment framework to facilitate IoT-assisted smart workouts: A predictive healthcare perspective. Computers in Industry, pp. 50-66.

Bramhachari, P. V. ed., 2019. Implication of Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation in Medicine, Agriculture and Food Industry. s.l.:Springer Nature.

Bryman, A. & Bell, E., 2015. Business Research Methods. s.l.:Oxford University Press.

Burleson, W. & Carrara, S. eds., 2013. Security and Privacy for Implantable Medical Devices. illustrated ed. s.l.:Springer Science & Business Media.

Gandhi, D. A. & Ghosal, P. M., 2018. Intelligent Healthcare Using IoT: A Extensive Survey. 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT).. IoT Technology .

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N.K, S. B. & Swamy, S., 2016. Prediction of Heart Disease at early stage using Data Mining and Big Data Analytics: A Survey. pp. 256-261.

Rosen, Y. & Elman, N. eds., 2012. Biomaterials Science: An Integrated Clinical and Engineering Approach. illustrated ed. s.l.:s.n.

Rynne, B. & Youngson, M., 2013. Linear Functional Analysis. s.l.:Springer Science & Business Media.

S. Rumsfeld, J., E. Joynt, K. & M. Maddox, T., 2016. Big data analytics to improve cardiovascular care: promise and challenges. NATURE REVIEWS, pp. 1-10.

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