uses a conventional access control model consisting of Discretionary access
control (DAC), role-based access control (RBAC), and mandatory access control
(MAC). The system uses interested permissions for the contextual privileges.
The focus of the access control model is on the first-order logic that
classifies activities, personal information, and photos (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016).
1. The
subject of an access control model is privacy settings interface. The
information is related to the largest number of users and their offers. Two-level
policies are defined in the access control policy one is abstract including
role, activity, and view while the second one is concrete one that considers the
object, action, and subject. The attributes are contextual rules that work
under the management policy.
2. The
objects are passive entities that satisfy common properties of the model. Access
to objects is actions and activities. The model depends on the permission to
perform the action and other privileges are prohibited. Facebook is defined as
a central organization that works with a number of users. The roles of each
hierarchy of model are defined for the central organization (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016).
3. The
users of Facebook own their resources such as videos and photos. The users are
permitted to have their own access and control on the access. The access
control of users is on the members, friends, pictures, and other actions. There
are different types of management process on Facebook and some finer ways are
designed to access the resources (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016).
4. It
is indisputable that all the features of Facebook are expanding in the same
direction under the access control model of Facebook. In the same way, management
of the access control is under the limited needs for the users. The users often
claim problems on the basis of models and simulations of the security policy
that is adopted by Facebook. The access control model is working under the
action of the OrBAC model and MotOrBAC software. Different aspects such as
subjects, objects, and resources are connected to each other in a formal way (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016).
5. The
social networks are working to keep the people close through the virtual
platform and they can share information about the community, profession, and personal.
Facebook is working on the same pattern (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016). The information
shared by the users can be controlled on the basis of their preferences. The
access control mechanism works to manage the access ad performance of users.
The mechanism of an access control model is linked with the control policy,
profound access, and organization of access control models. In the whole
process, appropriate simulators are used to develop coherence. The extracted conclusion
proves the need for development, access to the requirement, and subject to the
access control model (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016).
Task 2
cryptography versus DES cryptography
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and DES (Data Encryption Standard) are the
symmetric block ciphers. The introduction of AES was mainly to overcome the
drawbacks of DES (Daemen & Rijmen, 2013). DES is mainly used
for the smaller key size and it is relatively less secure. DES worked slowly,
AES was introduced by National Institute of Standard and Technology. The main
difference is that DES is a block of plain text that can be further divided
into two parts of algorithms while on the other hand, AES is the main block
that can be processed to obtain the complete ciphertext (Techdifferences. com, 2016).
of AES:
consists of 128-bit plaintext and secret keys that work together to form a 4 x
4 square matrix. This matrix undergoes
all the initial transformations. The whole process contains 10 rounds with the
9 round stages. The sub bytes of the S-box perform the byte by byte
substitution for the whole block of matrix. The rows of the matrix can be
shifted. The columns of the matrix are shuffled to from one side to the other
side. There are possibilities of Xor current blocks that can expand the key
performances (Blog. syncsort. com, 2018).
of DES:
expansion permutation consists of 32-bit right portion for the 48-bit right
portion that is expanded. The Xor feature contains a 48-bit right portion along
with the subkey. In the results, the 56-bit key is expanded from the 48-bit
output. The Xor step is used to obtain 48-bit output and it can be reduced to
32 bit again. P-Box is another feature of DES that can be resulted from the
S-box and it is permuted again. As a result, 32 bit permuted output is obtained
(Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016; Daemen &
Rijmen, 2013).
of AES and DES
DES and AES are the elegant cryptographic and efficient mathematical algorithms
that are used for the data encryption. The main strength of both is based on
the length of various keys. Initially, AES allowed selecting between 128 bit,
192 bit, and 256-bit key. The keys are exponentially strong as compared to the
56 bit key of DES. Different keys are used in AES encryption and AES
decryption. These keys are used in both operations including decryption and
encryption (Techdifferences. com, 2016). The whole algorithm
can be used for symmetric operations. While on the other hand, data encryption
standards are listed as an outdated symmetric system that uses a key method for
data encryption. The same key used by the DES for the decryption as well as an encryption
of any message. In the whole process, the receiver and the sender must have
accurate information about the same private key. In the usage, AES is highly secure
due to use of small key size as compared to the DES but AES is faster as
compared to the DES (Blog. syncsort. com, 2018; Belbergui, Elkamoun,
& Hilal, 2016).
versus Diffie-Hellman public key encryption algorithms
and Diffie Hellman are the types of public-key encryption algorithms. These two
are strongly related to each other and have commercial applications based on
intractable problems. The encryption algorithms are used to reduce the
difficulty of factoring the large numbers, modular arithmetic processes, and
exponentiation. The key length recorded at minimum length for the encryption
systems is 128 bits but in case of both types, it can be exceeded from 1024 bit
keys (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016). RSA and Diffie Hellman
public key encryption algorithms are subjected to eh scrutiny by many
cryptographers and mathematicians. After the implementation, both are highly
secure. According to the analysis, it can be concluded that the nature of Diffie
Hellman key exchange is different as compared to RSA in case of
man-in-the-middle attacks. The Diffie-hellman algorithm is used with a combination
of the authentication method that is digital signature (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016). While on the other
hand the RSA algorithm can be used for different processes such as digital
signatures and asymmetric key exchange. According to recent researches, RSA key
demonstrates 2048 bit long code that can be effectively downgraded. Both procedures
are based upon interoperability constraints. The performance of these
procedures ready matter for the security and robust of 1024-bit RSA key. In Asa
algorithms, there are four different steps including key generation, key
distribution, encryption and decryption (Thorsteinson & Ganesh, 2004). These algorithms
are used to generate public and private key algorithms alone with Complex
parts. RSA algorithm is used to ensure integrating, authenticity, non-reputability,
and confidentiality for data storage and Electronic Communication.
Diffie-Hellman key exchange is often known as exponential key exchange. This
method can be used for Digital encryption. The process is specific for the
powers to produce decryption key on the basis of several components that can be
used to directly transfer the mathematical code (Rouse & Peterson, 2019). This code can be
used to transfer a secret communication between two parties by using public
Network and exchange data by using the private encryption key. The Diffie-hellman
key exchange process is used for small and positive integers that transfer
information between two components. Diffie-Hellman to protect and to exchange
the information between keys that are connected by using symmetric encryption (Belbergui, Elkamoun, & Hilal, 2016). One of the biggest
limitations of the Diffie-Hellman exchange algorithm is lack of communication
between DH to exchange keys it also makes the user susceptible to safety for
man in the middle attack. RSA algorithm is the basic algorithm of a cryptosystem
which enables public-key encryption by securing the sensitive data (Arampatzis, 2018).
an essay of approximately 1000 words, with at least 5 references and at least 2
diagrams, describing how proper Public Key Infrastructure should be implemented
and operated
The digital trust hierarchy is established by public key
infrastructure (PKI) by which the identity of the object securely verified by
the central authority. The computers and users are commonly certified by public
key infrastructure. It can perform its functions by revoking, maintaining, validating
and distributing the SSL/TLS certificates that are built from the pairs of public
and private keys. The revocation, verification, and distribution of public keys
are supported by the public key infrastructure and it is also for the
encryption of public keys. The PKI allows the identities liking along with the
certificates of public keys. It also allows the systems and used for exchanging
data securely by using the internet. The legitimacy is also can be verified by
the entities of the certificates holding just like as authenticated individuals
and servers and web servers. The digital certificates holders are authenticated
by PKI and it performs the role of mediators for the process of revocation
certificates. It is used to securing the process by using cryptographic
algorithms (Choudhury, 2002).
The multiple CAs utilized complex PKIs along with the root
of CA. The CA root hold as self-signed certs as well as the certs issues to the
CAs subordinates by which the certs can be issues for (registration
authorities) RAs and local register Authority (LRA). During the operation, the
initial request is taken by LRA or RA to the certificates by requesting the
party. The authenticated request is passed towards its CA by which the certs
can issues. The CAs hierarchy resembles with the tree that’s is used for CA
roots. As given in the below picture (Younglove, 2001).
Figure 1: Complex PKI
with a root CA-0 and multiple subordinate CAs
Source: (Younglove,
this particular point, the chain of trust has been established among the entire
EEs according to the CAs subordinates. But the question is the EE-1 does and how it
works according to its path. The public
key infrastructure is commonly used as barcoding for differentiating the
specifications features and prices of the products. A PKIs needs numerous
various elements to using it’s effectively. The digitals identities of the
users can be authenticated by using the CA (certificate authority) that is
ranges among the individuals towards the computer system and then severs. The
falsified entities are prevented by the certificate authorities and it is also
used to managing the life cycles of the required numbers of the digital
certificates along with its systems.
component of the RA (Registration
Authority) comes on the second in command that is also authorized by
its certificate authority for providing the digital certificates for its users
according to the basis of case by case. All the certificates which are used in
this process are revoked, requested and received by both of these RA and CA
that are stored in the database of encrypted certificates.
certificates stores are used to keeping the information and certificates
history that is usually referred to as the particular computers as well as act
as storage space for its all certificates history and relevant memory. It also
includes private encryption keys and issued certificates such as the Google
Wallet that is the greater example of the PKI. The identities are protected by
the public key infrastructure by hosting all of these elements for the security
of the framework. The private information is also used in these various
situations where digital security is required. For example encrypted documents,
smart card logins and SSL signatures (Munivel, 2010). The PKI (public key infrastructures) is
implemented for the security purposes in the following ways as;
It is used for
securing the emails
The web communications
are secured by this such as retail transactions
It provides digital
signing software.
The digital signing
applications are also used in this process.
Encrypting files are
used in this process.
It is used for
decrypting the files.
The smart card can
authenticate by implementing the process of the public key infrastructure.
The public key
infrastructures can be implanted and operated according to the following
processes and there are various steps in the below-given diagram that can be
explanted the implementations of the KPI (Malan, 2008).
The implementations of
the PKI in the above figures explained as;
The privates and public
key pairs are generated by the entities.
The certificates are
crafted by the entities by signing the request as well as submit it to the
certification authority.
The certificates are issued by the certificate authorities as well
as than recording it in the database.
The certificates are presented by the entities to the clients.
The certification authority’s certificate has
presumably signed by the client and it gets it by using this.
It has been observed by
the clients that the certificates do not appear on the CRL.
After checking the 4, 5,
and 6 the certificate will be accepted by the client. The PKI identity can be wrapped
up by establishing its own identity and the encryption or discussion can be
continued by it.
The PKI is implemented in the various organization by using the two-tier
hierarchy design which is best fit to meet the requirements and needs majority
that is required to focus on these organization. Its setup can be entailed by;
The role of the root can be segmenting and issuing for providing a
secure configuration.
The root of CA can be offline which is required the private key to
root that can be more secure.
At the various geographical location, it allows the multiple
deployments for issuing the CAs
At various security levels, it provides greater control for issuing
the CAs.
to the analysis, it can be concluded that the nature of Daffier Hellman key
exchange is different as compared to RSA in case of man-in-the-middle attacks.
The performance
of these procedures ready matter for the security and rousting of 1024-bit RSA
key. The security infrastructure can be enabled by implementing the public key
infrastructure (Misra, 2016).
References of Security
and Cryptography (SECRYPT)
Arampatzis, A. (2018, 12 21). How is Diffie-Hellman Key
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Blog. Syncsort. com. (2018, 08 21). AES
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Daemen, J., & Rijmen, V. (2013). The
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Rouse, M., & Peterson, R. (2019). Diffie-Hellman
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Thorsteinson, P., & Ganesh, G. G.
(2004). NET Security and Cryptography. Prentice-Hall Professional.